Daily review 26/06/2023

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, June 26th, 2023 - 12 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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12 comments on “Daily review 26/06/2023 ”

  1. adam 1

    If you have the time well worth a watch/listern.

    Investigative journalist charts how corporate greed has destroyed democracy | Matt Kennard interview

  2. pat 2

    "An Immigration Service set up by Health New Zealand in October still hasn't recruited any overseas-based GPs almost eight months later."

    And thats the 'good' news…..listen to the link and get a sense of the reality on the ground….accessing health care in NZ is not a given.


    And after six years we had (finally) this….


    • Belladonna 2.1

      Glad to finally see some movement on this from the Government – however 50 is nothing like enough.

      “While some may argue that 50 is not enough to cover the shortfall, it needs to be understood that cap increases are not just about putting more students into the classroom, it requires coordination with our stakeholders – health providers – to ensure there is adequate access to clinical training as well,” Wilkinson said.

      This statement is disingenuous – there is no clinical placement in the initial years of study. Students beginning in 2024 – will not need to have hospital/clinical placements until year 4 (2028). Surely, 4 years notice is sufficient time for the health providers to organize to enable student placements.

      Interestingly, most times I've been to my GP – over the last couple of years – there has been a student intern there (a different one each time) – gaining experience, under supervision, of diagnosing patients. [My GP has expertise in this area]
      In every case, when I've discussed their career goals- none have wanted to be a GP – looking instead at surgery, oncology and (in one case) pediatrics.

      So, raising the number of doctors is essential – but it's also necessary to make practice in less 'rewarding' (for whatever reason) specialities and areas more attractive to these new graduates. We don't want to be bemoaning the flight of trained doctors in the early 2030s – because 'there are no opportunities' in NZ!

      • pat 2.1.1

        No….50 is not enough …and why has it taken 6 years for this government to make even this announcement when the shortage has been known about for years?

      • SPC 2.1.2

        With GP's in general the issue is funding, but for those in smaller practices (often regions) there is a need for locums (to allow time off). The new health authority should have a national service providing such support.

      • Visubversa 2.1.3

        Interesting how General Practice has become a "specialist" area. My late father graduated from Dunedin Medical School in 1954. He had 2 years as a "House Surgeon" in a rural hospital, and went from there to do a couple of Locums for other GPs before he became a partner in the practice of the second Doctor he did a Locum for. No years of postgrad training being sent all over the country like it is today.

  3. weston 3

    Happiest " Coup " in history !!!!

    Note how " isolated " these Russians seem also how miserable and poor they appear and the brutal police you have to wonder how the people tolerate such horrific conditions .Obviously the soldiers are suffering terribly low moral and when you look around Rostov its plain to see what a shithole it is i bet they shoved all the homeless around the corner so they couldnt be seen those evil fucking Russians !!

    • UncookedSelachimorpha 3.1

      Lancaster's videos on the conflict have regularly been aired by Russian state owned media like Ruptly, Zvezda, and RT. Earlier in the conflict, his videos were featured on international media like the Associated Press, ITN, Skynews, Reuters, SPIEGEL TV. In 2022 Lancaster's sole 'international' outlet has been conspiracy theory website InfoWars.


      Real journalists get arrested when they go to Russia, or have had to flee – while Lancaster is free to roam in a country with zero free media in operation. It's almost like he only reports what the russians are happy to have reported – surely not.

      • weston 3.1.1

        Just goes to show how unreliable Wikipedia is then doesnt it ?! Patrick lancaster has a huge international following on Youtube especially and that one clip i provided has 156000 views with well over 5000 comments on that single video which seems fairly healthy to me .Your last paragraph is just compete bullshit not worthy of further comment imo .

        • UncookedSelachimorpha

          Youtube views and comment count as evidence of truth / reliability? That could lead you to believe some pretty odd things.