Daily review 27/02/2025

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, February 27th, 2025 - 10 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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10 comments on “Daily review 27/02/2025 ”

  1. tWig 2

    Rnz interviewed Amanda Luxon recently, now we can find out about Luxon's hobbies.

    Seems he watches tv series, likes going to films with his security detail, and pottered around checking out his ancestry.

    Wow. RNZ must have got the hard word to be more sympathetic to the government. I now respect Luxon for the breadth of his internal life.

    • weka 2.1

      pretty standard stuff about the spouse of the PM. It was on afternoons not Morning report.

    • thinker 2.2

      I laughed about the ancestry bit. Not that it's not an interesting hobby – I'm into it myself.

      But his description was that the wedding of William and Kate got him fired up into thinking he might have some links to the Royals, but instead he found a lot of crims.

      History tells us, however, that if not for a rushed trip from Germany, Victoria wouldn't have been Queen and her descendants would have been lost to history.

      I'm a monarchist, but pragmatic enough to know that we all brush our teeth the same way every morning. Luxons attempt to ferret out some link to William or Kate made me 😁.

  2. SPC 3

    Individuals claiming the law of the land does not apply to them.


    In the USA an individual, because of an election result and a ruling by SCOTUS, is now not just safe from legal action (election theft attempt in 2020) but poses as the sovereign above all law of the land.

    Here the Crown has sovereign immunity, enabling those of the C of C to act in the Crown name on behalf of foreign interests against the well being of the realm, all without legal liability.

    Meanwhile those who defend the realm are liable to prosecution for opposing such government plans.

    • tWig 3.1

      Some of these people in NZ find no cognitive dissonance in also being on the dole, or being sickness beneficiaries (as confirmed on FB debunking conspiracies aotearoa over the years). Not to slag beneficiaries, but the roots of the US Sov Cit movement at least philosophically, tried to stay away from any federal or state subsidies. As usual, co-opted by grifters and connners (buy my guide to freeing yourself of paying your rates, pay $100 to become a Sov Cit sheriff, among the scams reported on dca).

  3. SPC 4

    Bezos bans free speech in WAPO.

    The billionaire declared that only opinions that support “personal liberties” and “free markets” will be welcome in the opinion pages of the Post.

    “Viewpoints opposing those pillars will be left to be published by others,” he added.
