Daily review 29/07/2022

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, July 29th, 2022 - 31 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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31 comments on “Daily review 29/07/2022 ”

  1. DB Brown 1

    A friend got correspondence from Groundswell. They are clearly becoming dangerous lunatics.

    Here it is:

    Hi all, The massive Groundswell protest is being held in November – Join us on the 21st November 2021 If you want to help NZ and stop the tyranny of communism with – 3 waters – the SNA govt stealing of land including cancelling all Certificate of Titles on all land (that’s means your land) – the instigation of militia forcibly taking land and stopping any display/protest/rally/speaking out of disagreement with Ardern and this fascist government.

    Join us on the 21st November 2021 Support farmers, Support businesses, Support good Kiwi’s, Support Jobs for Kiwi’s. Right now your support is critical if you ever want NZ to stop the tyranny of misinformation from this govt and stop Ardern from instigating full on communism. DO NOTHING AND NZ WILL CONTINUE TO FAST BECOME A FASCIST STATE OF AUTHORITARIAN TYRANNY BY ARDERN: Here’s some intel you probably won’t be aware of…………… – Ardern has instigated further legislation to continue covid control and lockdowns through to 2024 (that’s another 3 years of this current bullshit and destruction of businesses for her end game) NZ is never coming out of lockdowns and Ardern and Bloomfield have made these statements (these are not our words) – Ardern is going to push the election out to 2024 meaning she will continue to destroy NZ, mandate anything she wants as she believes the population voted her and her alone in and she now controls the mandate for all of us and if you do nothing beware – you’re in for a world of hurt.

    If you’re currently sitting there thinking this won’t affect you, good luck with your self-entitled attitude. You’re in for a major shock and the people who support us will be the people we in turn support. Anyone late to the party will be welcomed with open arms. – She is looking to take NZ into a republic away from you ever getting a right to vote and this means no one will save you. Ardern gets to mandate anything she wants with her army of force. – Her govt departments (under OIA – official information act) have advised us that the Nuremburg code law does not apply in NZ, meaning that she can do anything to Kiwis at all and mandate you to do anything, give up your land, have an injection of whatever they want to inject and literally kill you if they see fit.

    The Nuremburg Law was instigated to stop another Hitler sending humans to gas chambers. It does apply in NZ and Ardern is hysterical with power. If you continue to let her go down this path, NZ will be a country with no structure and no society as Ardern has pitted family, friends and just good bastards against each other. HERE'S WHERE IT BECOMES VERY REAL FOR THOSE WHO CHOOSE TO THINK THROUGH WHAT HAS HAPPENED IN THE LAST YEAR IN NZ: – ARDERN IS ENDEAVOURING TO DIS-ESTABLISH ALL HUMAN RIGHTS IN NZ – if you think this won’t affect you, you’re delusional. Every Kiwi will be owned by Ardern and she can do anything whatsoever she wants with her militia – UN TROOPS ARE DUE INTO NZ ON THE 28TH NOVEMBER 2021 (confirmed by the National party) – ITALIAN TROOPS ARE ALREADY HERE – ARDERN IS CURRENTLY INSTIGATING THE REOPENING OF ARMY BASES UNDER THE DISGUISE OF MIQ. There will be no MIQ inhabitants from Covid. They will be the classified unjabbed that refuse to take multiple jabs and the unjabbed. Ardern will instigate for all these insurgents (whether you are jabbed or expired jabbed) be forcibly held.

    If you think we’re making this up you might like to research the compound that is now in Victoria to house classified jabbed now determined unjabbed and insurgents. It is massive and a prison and its coming to NZ Ardern style. If nothing else I hope I have given you a tad of an insight into the future of NZ. Its dire and it needs to be stopped now


    This particular lunatic echo chamber deserves some official sunlight.

    • Anne 1.1

      Does it ever DB Brown.

      This government appears to be making the same mistake that previous Labour governments have made. They delude themselves into believing that everybody is sane and doesn't fall for such crap.

      They are wrong. A good example was the Helen Clark government. For three years Helen Clark was bombarded by attacks around all manner of things involving light bulbs and shower roses… and god only knows what else. I can't remember them all now.

      The meme was aided and abetted by both the Nats and the MSM. Despite warnings by some of us at ground level, they would not respond and they paid a price. They lost their fourth term which was going to be when they could realise the turn-around of the many inequalities that beset the country.

      I suspect they believe that to respond to the above claims – and there will be lots more of them – is to give them oxygen. Once upon a time that was true, but in the age of the Internet where all kinds of insanity abounds that is no longer the case.

      These crackpot claims need to be publicly addressed.

      • DB Brown 1.1.1

        "The Nanny State." I recall the recoil the first time I heard the phrase. Such glib bullshit.

        Apparently – the world was gone mad because early attempts to stop the runaway clusterfuck that is weather these days included changing light bulbs…

        How many Freedom and Rights Coalition members does it take to change a light bulb?

        None. We're not using your stinkin' commie fascist bulbs. cheeky

        • In Vino

          Both Communist and Fascist at the same time – a sure sign of pig-ignorance.

          It would be funny if it weren't so tragic. And dangerous. Many of these dimwits probably believe God is on their side..

          • Anne

            Not entirely In Vino.

            I have long envisaged communism and fascism as starting from the same point of a circle. Each travels in the opposite direction to the other and eventually they meet again at which point they are not distinguishable from one another. smiley

            • Hunter Thompson II

              Good point – were people better off under Hitler or under Stalin?

              I think the answer is neither; each regime saw the individual sacrificed to ideology.

  2. bwaghorn 2


    So the climate commission says '"exotic forests as offsets wont limit pollution and puts nz at a disadvantage "

    Yet Shaw and this government arnt going to limit it,

    Maybe it is time shaw goes

    • Stuart Munro 2.1

      It rather depends what exotics are planted – sure, radiata cut every 23 years won't sequester much. But sequoias will.

      • bwaghorn 2.1.1

        They're talking non harvest pines , you do realise offsetting is not lowering carbon in the atmosphere it's only letting people believe they are doing good while kiking the can down the road,

        • Stuart Munro

          Yes, pines aren't a very good approach. Not good hydrology either. But not all trees are equal – longer lived exotics have a place. And, high rotation species, like the coppiced white poplar used in Europe for waste water treatment, may be a step forward.

          If poplar can treat human waste, it likely would be viable for intensive mitigation of the outputs of problematically large dairy enterprises.

          • Robert Guyton

            How old are "Old Man" pines?

            Very old, I'n my experience.

            Sequoia are a great option, but let's not dismiss radiata just because they have been mis-used here in NZ – that is, harvested in their youth.

            Pine forests can become biologically diverse very quickly, if there is seed abounding. How hard would it be to seed radiata forests with other tree seeds? Not hard at all!

            Sure, it's important to reduce our ghg – let's do that also!!!

            But plant, plant, plant – tweak the mix later!

            • Stuart Munro

              But plant, plant, plant – tweak the mix later!

              Agreed – what doesn't sequester will make splendid green manure.

            • Mac1

              Robert, I noted your exhortation "But plant, plant, plant – tweak the mix later!" earlier today. Just now, Mrs Mac1 showed me by unconnected chance, a clipping of the memorial to Burkes Pass, dated 1917. It reads in part:

              "O ye who enter the portals of the McKenzie to found homes, take the word of a child of the misty gorges, and plant forest trees for your lives: so shall your mountain facings and river flats be preserved to your children's children and for evermore."

              How prescient for 105 years ago!

        • weka

          If we dropped GHGs now, reforesting would become a sink for a while.

          The Greens didn't want the ETS. From their 2017 election plan,

          1.11 Climate Protection Plan

          The Green Party will:
          1. Pass a Zero Carbon Act, putting into law the goal of net zero
          emissions by 2050.
          2. Establish an independent Climate Commission to guide
          government decisions.
          3. Establish a Kiwi Climate Fund to replace the failed Emissions
          Trading Scheme. This will put a charge on climate pollution,
          including from agriculture; provide a guaranteed payment for
          people who plant trees, and recycle all surplus revenue back to
          New Zealanders via a dividend pay-out ($250 per person in
          4. Support the planting of1.2 billion trees over1.1 million hectares of
          erosion-prone land and provide $40 million for native forest regeneration.


          I've never gotten my head around carbon offsetting, because it always seemed a sop to climate action on behalf of the BAU crowd. The Greens have had to adapt to successive systems, out of pragmatics.

          From memory, the mass tree planting scheme was proposed in 2015, and got handed to NZF and Shane Jones in the 2017 post-election negotiations with Labour. Who of course changed the policy into something primarily economic rather than regenerative.

          Please stop blaming Shaw for things that he has little or no control over. He has to implement Labour climate policy. He's not implementing Green party policy as a whole (although obviously getting some gains).

          Here's the agreement between Labour and the Greens that enables him to be Climate Minister,

          Cabinet Manual
          28. Green Party Ministers agree to be bound by the Cabinet Manual in the exercise of Ministerial Responsibilities, and in particular, agree to be bound by the provisions in the Cabinet Manual on conduct, public duty, and personal interests of Ministers.

          Collective responsibility
          29. Ministers from the Green Party agree to be bound by collective responsibility in relation to their Ministerial portfolios. When speaking within portfolio responsibilities, they will speak for the
          Government representing the Government’s position in relation to those responsibilities.
          30. In accordance with the Cabinet Manual, Ministers from the Green Party must support and implement Cabinet decisions in their portfolio areas. However, Ministers from the Green Party will not be restricted from noting where that policy may deviate from the Green Party policy on an issue. If this is required, it may be noted in the Cabinet minute that on a key issue, the Green Party position differs from the Cabinet decision.

          my emphasis.


          • bwaghorn

            Surely though as it's his portfolio he guides cabinet on the direction of travel .

            • weka

              depends on what you mean by guide and direction of travel.

              Afaik he can't require Labour to adopt GP policy. So he has to work within the Labour framework. Within that he can make suggestions to cabinet and bring policies etc, but it's still the Labour cabinet that decides on what happens.

              I've seen the argument made by a climate activist (link below) that he could have brought a stronger target plan to cabinet, and that he could have not promoted the plan we have as good. It's not the I disagree with Cindy, it's that I haven't seen the evidence yet in a way that I could explain here for instance.

              Most people however just blame Shaw without any kind of rationale or understanding of how parliament works or how the Greens operate.

              • weka


                There are a couple of short branching threads there.

                There is a lot of activist criticism of Shaw and the Greens on climate, and again I don't necessarily think they are wrong, I've just not seen a clear explanation that I can get my head around.

                And, I think we're not doing nearly enough, I just think this is mostly on Labour. Where the Greens are dropping the ball is not speaking out enough on climate and the problems with NZ's approach. Shaw etc apparently believe that we're better off working through the process step by step. He knows this isn't enough and says as much.

                Activists etc believe that we should take radical action, including Shaw and the Greens (a justified position).

                I think both are necessary.

  3. Margaret 3

    No we don't think you are making this up, we understand how your mind has been stolen by a group of people who want to stamp out Socialism around the world.

    They want Neoliberal policies all around the world if they have to pervert your mind to achieve their objectives then they will.

    They don't give a shit about you anyway

  4. Bearded Git 4

    So a new private hospital opens in Hawke's Bay where 24% of its operations will be for the public sector and this is treated unreservedly and unquestioningly by the media as a triumph, including on RNZ Checkpoint tonight.

    In fact it is another money making scheme for private health and another dagger into the heart of the public heath system.


  5. Muttonbird 5

    Young Nats at it again.

    One pinged for redirecting Efeso Collins' and Craig Lord's websites to that of Leo Molloy.


    And probable links/involvement to NZME's KICK podcast which has been found to have defamed Clarke Gayford. NZME having to cough up an undisclosed sum.


    Question: When will the National Party ever learn that this behaviour does not go down well with voters?

    • pat 5.1

      "Question: When will the National Party ever learn that this behaviour does not go down well with voters?"

      When they stop recruiting dickheads….so perhaps never.

      • Kat 5.1.1

        Sadly you are correct pat and you would think the media would be asking how so many people don't know the difference between communism, socialism and fascism.

        Or maybe they do and its just more dirty politics. I suspect its both.

    • Anne 5.2

      Expect to see a suspect revelation concerning some Labour politician or official appear in the newspapers and on TV in the next day or two.

      Tristam Speedy. He has to be a Nat with a name like that!

    • Muttonbird 5.3

      You would not read about it. Tristram Speedy not only emulates his hero Chris Bishop's online espionage activities, he's also a tobacco lobbyist of sorts, the new tobacco lobbyist, a vape salesman!

      Young Nats Northern deputy chairman Tristram Speedy confirmed the listing of his name on Domain Name Commission registration documents for efesocollins.co.nz was correct.

      Instead of opening the website for Auckland councillor and wannabe mayor Efeso Collins the address redirects users to the website of rival candidate Leo Molloy, which has already sparked complaints to Auckland Council and the Electoral Commission.

      "It's not a mistake, and that's unfortunate", said Speedy, whose LinkedIn profile also lists him as a "retail sales representative" for Vapo along with the Young Nats role.

      Where do the Nats find these guys?


      • bwaghorn 5.3.1

        What do you mean where do they find these people??

        These people are the national party, they created it in their image.

  6. joe90 6

    Yay, necrobotic arachnids.


    We repurposed the cadaver of a spider to create a pneumatically actuated gripper that is fully functional following only one simple assembly step, allowing us to circumvent the usual tedious and constraining fabrication steps required for fluidically driven actuators and grippers.


    necrobotics, however, bypasses bulk of the fabrication process altogether by incorporating biotic materials as ready-to-use robotic components—in this case, we repurposed a dead spider as a necrobotic gripper
