Daily Review 29/02/2016

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 pm, February 29th, 2016 - 28 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

living wage

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28 comments on “Daily Review 29/02/2016 ”

  1. mickysavage 1

    Minimum wage hourly rate is up .50c to $15.25. Living wage is up .55c to $19.80. The gap is getting larger.

    • tc 1.1

      Our rock star leader will have another opinion on that inconvenient stat.

      • AmaKiwi 1.1.1

        Grant Robertson’s comment: “”I think that’s wholly inadequate, you know for families who are trying to bring up kids, who are trying to pay the bills, $15.25 an hour is just nowhere near enough, you know that doesn’t even cover the cost of increase in rent over the last year in places like Auckland, or even Wellington.”

        Poorly written. Rambling. Try this Grant:

        “National MPs, I dare you to have one of your kids support a family on that for a week.”

  2. joe90 2

    Early days and all that….

    In primary after primary this cycle, Democratic voters just aren’t showing up. Only 367,491 people cast a ballot for either Clinton or Sanders on Saturday. That’s down 16 percent from the 436,219 people who came out in 2008 for Clinton and Obama. Factor in the 93,522 people who voted for John Edwards back in the day, and you can see the scope of the problem. Democrats in 2016 are only getting about two-thirds of the primary votes that they received eight years ago.

    Republican turnout in the South Carolina primary, by contrast, was up more than 70 percent from 2008.


    • I guess the Clinton/Obama race was more exciting because nobody could be sure who would win. That’s not the case this time around. I really hope Hillary recognises the good Bernie Sanders has done the Democrat party and gives him a senior post after the Presidential election. Health, welfare, jobs?

      • joe90 2.1.1

        According to this bloke 2008 was an exception, turnout is up on other years and in South Carolina Clinton received around 20k fewer votes than the entire 2004 turnout.




      • Ad 2.1.2

        My fear is that she wraps the nomination fast and dawdles back to the centre.
        My hope is that Sanders continues to pull her left.

        • Tony Veitch (not the partner-bashing 3rd rate broadcaster)

          Explosive stuff on the Clintons – a newly published book, “Clinton’s War on Women”

          Featured on The Daily Blog today.


          Roger Stone: Well, Hillary Clinton’s running for president of the U.S., claiming to be an advocate for women and that’s true – unless you’re one of those women unlucky enough to have been sexually assaulted by her husband. Eileen Wellstone, Juanita Broaddrick, Carolyn Moffet, Liz Ward, Becky Brown, Helen Dowdy, Polly Jones, Cathy Ferguson, Christy Zercher, Kathy Willey – I could go on, because they are in the hundreds.

          RS: In my book, I establish the actual names and, in many cases, the reports by other journalists that Jack Palladino, private detective, Anthony Pellicano, private detective, now in prison for illegal wiretapping, Ivan Duda, private detective – these men all said the same thing, they were retained by Hillary Clinton to keep tabs on and conduct a terror campaign to silence Bill’s sexual assault victims.

          He loses some credibility because he supports Donald Trump.

          RS: Look, I am not still working for Donald Trump, but I am still supporting him. He has been a friend of mine for 40 years, he attended my wedding, I attended to of his, I went to the funerals of both of his parents, I helped his sister become a very respected federal judge. Donald Trump is the greatest entrepreneur and businessman in the U.S.

          He does redeam himself a little:

          RS: I have a general dislike of dynasties and families for whom the rule of law means nothing. Yes, when an American politician, regardless of the party, can break the law, can traffic drugs, can hide evidence from the American people, can tamper with witnesses, can threaten people, in some cases, maybe, even be involved with assassination – yes, I am most definitely opposed.

          Could this be the beginning of the end for Hillary?

          RS: Bernie Sanders isn’t taking special interest money, he’s not taking PAC money. God bless him! I don’t agree with him, he says he’s a Democratic Socialist, that’s like a “meat-eating vegetarian”; but, nonetheless, at least he has a courage in his convictions and he isn’t bought and paid for.

          • AmaKiwi

            “Could this be the beginning of the end for Hillary?”

            Doubtful. America has the best government money can buy.

            So does NZ.

  3. ianmac 3

    Making a point of watching”The Daily Blog” tonight. 7-7:30.
    Tonight “What has gone wrong in public broadcasting and are TVNZ and Radio NZ doing enough to live up to their 4th estate and treaty obligations.”
    Worth the trouble.
    At least they have 30 minutes of indepth discussion. No one from RNZ or Government of course.

  4. Anne 4

    Defence Force Cover Up – David Fisher


    I’m reminded of Nicky Hager’s book “Other People’s Wars”. The DF denied any of the claims were true and Nicky was discredited by the PM among others. The worst aspect was that it happened under Helen Clark’s watch and she never knew what was going on. A shocking indictment on the DF personnel in Afghanistan who were involved.

  5. Why are you deleting my comment voice? You say I don’t want to debate the issue and I agree I don’t, not with you. Does that mean my comments are going to continue to be banned and if so why? It seems that for some reason the voice wants to be the only one heard. And we both know why, don’t we – ego. So why don’t YOU grow up and allow the comments through or are they too much of a threat to you or your persona?.

    • Put together a rational argument and I’ll let it stay up. Make sure there’s no abuse and a few facts, cites and some adult reasoning and you’re good to go.

      • marty mars 5.1.1

        no abuse? what? does that mean using the word liar, that you so beloved yesterday or is that too much for your sensibilities voice

        • te reo putake

          Ok, you’re not up to it. That’s fine.

          • marty mars

            fuck it and fuck you, you brownwashedlyingbogusnamedwanker – I’m gone.

            • Pasupial

              marty mars

              I take it that this is related to subthread 9 on TRP’s post? http://thestandard.org.nz/the-butchers-apron-or-the-tea-towel/

              The Standard isn’t an entirely fair forum, and the moderators have the ability to quash debate. It’s still better than most of the alternative venues, though not as good as action in the offline world. I’d miss your contributions if you were to decide to permanently abandon the site like felix.

              Perhaps taking some time to craft your point into a guest post might be the way to go?

              • weka

                Pasupial, I think the point is that it’s not better than most venues for Māori (see Adele’s comment below). I can hear what marty is saying, his message is coherent and reasonable alongside his anger. The question isn’t how should marty behave better, but why can some people here not understand what he is saying as a Māori man?

                As for putting up guest posts, there are very good reasons why there are virtually no feminist and Māori authors on ts at the moment (as well as other people speaking from non-white male perspectives).

                I have other things to say on this matter and am waiting until I have enough time to do that justice.

            • vto

              Dang it marty mars …..

              for handy hints on how to push to the max banning limit, see previous …..

          • weka

            The only difference between your behaviour yesterday towards Penny and marty’s towards you is that you’re a moderator. I can see marty’s argument, why can’t you?

            • te reo putake

              Because he hasn’t made an argument. He’s welcome to articulate a reasoned position if he can, but as you can see from the above, that’s currently beyond his abilities. He’s getting frustrated because his faux outrage can’t be turned into something coherent.

              All he’s left with is abuse.

              • Adele

                Te Koretake

                Who the fuck are you to argue “reasoned debate”. That thuggish rant towards Penny Bright the other day was hardly reasonable.

                That other “debate” where you took on the mantle of white overlord to decide the relevant merits of an indigenous perspective was just stupid.

                Maori choose not to participate in pakeha forums because they would rather not deal with the cretinous behaviour of white people like yourself. Changing a worldview one stupid pakeha at a time is no longer an aspirational goal for indigenous communities.

                Marty has been a stalwart for Maori opinion in the mainstream and while I don’t always agree with him I absolutely admire his tenacity and perseverance. I am out with him.

              • weka

                “Because he hasn’t made an argument.”

                I’ve just told you I can see his argument. Are you saying I am lying?

  6. Pasupial 6
