Focused on what matters

Written By: - Date published: 11:56 am, July 2nd, 2013 - 35 comments
Categories: john key - Tags:

Good to see that Key is so keenly focused on what matters:

Weekly press conferences will show PM in new light

Prime Minister John Key is buffing up his television image with a not-so-subtle revamp of the ”look” of his weekly press conferences.

The number of New Zealand flags has grown from two to four, so one is always in shot.

After multiple sound tests his office insisted all microphones go to give him a ”clean lectern”.

Finally, a jet-black backdrop has replaced an old white one to help him stand out and look more presidential.

35 comments on “Focused on what matters ”

  1. Macro_adder 1

    Yeah! Good to see. Image is so important. Gotta make him LOOK the part…
    Pity he can’t ACT the part..

  2. vto 2

    Well you know, they are right to do this. Just like Helen Clark did.

    Anyone in high public office who doesn;t attend to this in as much details as every other important thing is a silly egg who is stupidly dipping out. Take note David Shearer.

    But this combined with the nats constant step-punch-step-kick-step-slap, such as the constant parade of big-spending projects last week in Chch and Auckland, is probably winning votes back at a great rate of knots at the moment. Especially on top of a jelly bubble of a property market.

    Gotta be quicker and jabbier lefties. You are slower than this lot at the political joust.

  3. felix 3

    “Finally, a jet-black backdrop has replaced an old white one to help him stand out and look more presidential.”

    And when does he start wearing the black hood?

    • Te Reo Putake 3.1

      Speaking of head coverings, how do you reckon the rug will look against a black background? Could make it look even more like road kill glued to his scalp than usual.

      • Hami Shearlie 3.1.1

        Don’t worry TRP, the “rug” will no doubt be covered with a golden laurel wreath before very long!

    • joe90 3.2

      The purple toga trabea at the very least.

  4. Te Reo Putake 4

    Vernon Small has a couple of interesting quotes from the Keyster; it’s finally dawned on him that he has no mates, hence the retooling of the backdrop, I’m guessing.

    “It’s not impossible we get 50 per cent [of the vote], it’s not impossible we get a couple of partners we work with, it’s not impossible political parties abstain. That is always possible to allow the largest party to run a minority government.” (it’s not impossible that pigs will fly, wibble, wibble)

    “There are lots and lots of options out there.” (er, no there aren’t)

    Key said the largest party had the “moral mandate” to govern. (that’s an interesting downgrade from the unqualified mandate they claimed at the last election)

    “If National was to go out there and poll 46 per cent or 47 per cent – very similar to the result in 2011 – and not form the Government I think there would be outrage in NZ,” he said. (nope, there’d be unalloyed joy)

    • Winston Smith 4.1

      “If National was to go out there and poll 46 per cent or 47 per cent – very similar to the result in 2011 – and not form the Government I think there would be outrage in NZ,” he said. (nope, there’d be unalloyed joy)

      – I think most people in NZ that arn’t political junkies would probably agree

      • Te Reo Putake 4.1.1

        I disagree, Winston. Most kiwis understand MMP pretty well and voting patterns in places like Ohariu and Epsom suggest we are sophisticated enough after 20 years of electing coalitions and minority governments under that system to not be that bothered if the biggest single party doesn’t get to rule the roost. Claiming that ‘moral’ authority is a sign of desperation from Key, who is now having to face the reality of being turfed out of power.

        Watch what happens on election night if the 2nd and 3rd place getters (LP and Greens) get a simple majority between them. Will Key still be claiming the ‘moral’ mandate? Can’t see it myself.

        • Winston Smith

          Why wouldn’t he? You lefties claim National have no mandate even though they formed the govt

          • Te Reo Putake

            So you believe he would have a mandate to govern, even if he had less MPs than LP/Greens combined? Goodo! Look forward to seeing how that works in practice.

          • North

            The National Party are always shitting on about how they’re a “broad church”.

            Typical of the entitled arrogance of the slimey gargoyle to thumbs up his say 46% broad church over a broad church of greater percentage, draping it all with some mock quasi-constitutional blanket.

            He’s only lived so long in this term on account of the outlandish crook Botox Banks and a couple of aging bought and paid for kupapa scabs. Sorry, forgot The Bouffant.

            People gonna mount the ramparts for an effete ponce like ShonKey Python ? Hardly.

  5. tracey 5

    Not necessarily outrage. However it wouldnt mean they had a mandate from 51% from the ballot box unless their partners ran on identical policy platform

  6. aerobubble 6

    For me the number one issue is the risk premium that sees our interest rates at 2% above international rates. This is due to the way the tax system is rigged, and why we should not be so confident just because we’re doing well in the global malaise. Essentially NZ under performs, and precisely since we are so disconnected and uncompetitive that we have been at a safe distance from the global collapse. Though we have a housing bubble in readiness to collapse, held up by the risk premium that is leaved on investment activity here, that could so easily slip and cause a fiscal earthquake.

    But hey is it any wonder we never discuss it. Take National Radio and the monday morning politics segment. A National and Labour leaning commentators butt heads over the QE issue. How baised! last time I looked Green have a significant mandate, and no talking head to dispute the PM rhetoric on QE. QE would be very relevant if we had had a much more stimulated neo-liberal economy geared in to the US and EU, and will become very relevant as an issue if the housing market collapses, so for these two commentators to suggest the Greens are wacky on the economy is laughable, when they are so out of touch that they think there is any resilience in depth or breath of the NZ economy.

    • Sable 6.1

      What twaddle. We DO have a neo liberal economy under corporate Keys. Heaven knows they have had dreary old Richard Epstein out here to “advise” them more times than anyone wishes to remember.

      As for doing well in the global malaise, we are NOT doing well. I gather you are using figures from the government who are to say the least “creative” in their use of statistical information. Employment is always a fun one with people who are married with, for example, a partner earning too much not considered unemployed.

      As to the media we have one of the most concentrated media agencies in the world just like Australia. They are corporate owned and not surprisingly right leaning. Why the hell do you think sites like this one have sprung up.

  7. tracey 7

    Past few days govt did a press release about car seats for 6vto 7 year olds. Something parents have been free to do because 6 and 7 year olds dont know there isnt a law. Anyway 154 kids get injured a year. Injured not killed. This is a bit, gasp, nanny state. Meanwhile the internal affairs unit for child porn etc could do with more staff. Priorities?

    • AmaKiwi 7.1

      Finding kiddy porn users requires collecting mega data about “tracey’s” internet usage. We found out “tracey” doesn’t access porn sites, but she reads all sorts of socialist, feminist, union, and environmental websites.

      “tracey” is a threat to “economic growth.” Put her on our watch list.

      Via our mega data searches we know who “tracey” really is, her IRD number, bank accounts, health, police record, passport, friends, etc. “Tracey” had better become personal friends with Judith Collins before Collins becomes PM.

      • tracey 7.1.1

        Interesting… do you think thats the next excuse for broad spying ? Interestingly most child porn/abuse captures start with the www and not personal interceptions… that comes later

  8. BrucetheMoose 8

    Looks like Key has been watching the history channel lately. Hitler sure knew how to put on a ripper of a good show for the public.

  9. Will there be a Praetorian Guard?!

  10. fender 10

    “……….and look more presidential.”

    What’s the point?….He’ll have to open his mouth sooner or later.

  11. Follow-the-money 11

    But, wearing a black suit against a black background, he’ll just look like a white collar and head, bobbing in space.

    A bit like the Wizard of Oz.

  12. Tom 12

    Why can’t you just go easy on that nice young man John Key .. ?

  13. futurama 13

    While the PM is enjoying stroking his ego with his coerced position of being the most popular PM ever maybe we should have him set in stone big enough, and dropped in Wellington harbour as a monument to NZ ‘s greatest marine disaster ,as a beacon to all who pass that this a true representation of any who feel they are greater than the majority.

    • Sable 13.1

      Actually Keys is not New Zealand’s most popular PM. That’s a fiction worked up by Tory tosser’s masquerading as journalists. I did the math and the reality is Keys party barely captured 30% of the voting public last election. A good percentage of the voters stayed away disillusioned with Labour handing this twit a slim win in the polls.

      Why do you think Keys endures smelly old ACT, the opportunists party, oops I mean the Maori party, not to mention his “bestest” buddy Pete from United Futures.

  14. Sable 14

    I think Keys really needs a crown and sceptre and a nice throne to sit on when he address the peasants oops I mean people of New Zealand.

    I think the flag needs a revamp too, maybe something with his face on it?