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notices and features - Date published:
12:17 pm, October 1st, 2015 - 24 comments
Categories: blogs, David Farrar, dpf, trade, you couldn't make this shit up -
Tags: TPPA
Isn’t it the other way around? Anti TPPA supports kiwiblog?
Because DPF is the one getting revenue from this
Exactly. Why are they supporting that fool.
They should be pulling all sponsorship and financial support for his hate blog.
Its one of the most popular political blogs in the country so its probably targeted advertising
Lols. I can agree with the targeted advertising.
Didn’t Key, in response to the last nationwide anti TPPA protests, shrug off any concern by stating something like “a third are probably labour green voters, and the other third are probably rent a crowd…………” without filling us in on who the other third were?
So the other third are kiwiblog readers?
The effects of the TPPA go beyond a left/right argument. It’s way bigger than that. It is quite possible that even some RWer’s have thought about the consequences. If “It’s our future” want to advertise on kiwiblog then so be it. I’d rather ALL people, irrespective of political leanings, and not just the left, took the threat of the TPPA to NZ’s sovereignty seriously.
That, or, DF doesn’t care about where his advertising dollar comes from and is happy to take the $$$ regardless of the message.
I doubt if it is targeted at all.
I can remember both the Labour Party and the Green party had advertising on Cameron Slater’s blog, the name of which must never be mentioned here.
They were just buying ad space and the ad’s were posted on that site.
And Helen Clark supports the TPPA:
I was very pleased to see Helen’s support.
Hopefully, with Helen’s support the TPP will become a reality.
Amazingly strong support on this from Helen Clark. In the language of international diplomacy she basically called all those opposing New Zealand being in the TPPA, Idiots!
Hate to point it out to you. That’s based on your browsing history and will pop up on all sorts of websites. He is not selling space to anti tpp sites, he gets generic revenue via (probably) google. Wasn’t there an mp who made the same mistake when talking about Russian wives advertising?
best one was a dude complaining about dildos, and posting a pic of the giant man o war….
Who here thinks its OK to sue governments for keeping power prices down?
Has Helen’s life membership of the Labour Party been rescinded yet?
I hope it will be.
People like her need to realise that TPPA will just burden New Zealanders will more costs.
Shocking. Too much time hanging out with bureaucrats and being out of the country. No wonder Labour is in so much trouble and their supporters feel betrayed.
If the agreement is so good for us, why is it secret?
Helen obviously does Milsy, with a bit more of an educated, worldly and reasoned view than yours
he just doesn’t ban ads.
Under TPPA we will:
Not get sick leave
Pay more for power
Pay more for medicines
Have to pay more for water
Pay more for creative content
Pay more for education
Have everything privatised
Not be able to swim in clean rivers or breathe clean air
So you have read the TPPA then millsy??
Well for a start it has been reported that the TPPA will have any environmental protections watered down to the lowest level, and that privatisation will be enforced.
The lawyers will be ready to start suing us at 9am Monday.
@ Millsy
Actually the tobacco industry lawyers work all night, 7 days a week to keep people smoking.
“Not get sick leave”
We will probably have to pay tolls on our roads too.
The real headline here probably should be “Kiwiblog prefers money over principles”