Last night at the beehive

Written By: - Date published: 11:05 am, August 14th, 2014 - 36 comments
Categories: john key - Tags: ,

I wonder what they were talking about on the 9th floor of the Beehive last night? That is John Keys office.

36 comments on “Last night at the beehive ”

  1. Charlieboy 1

    The still beating heart of the Keyremlin!

  2. minarch 2

    i can hear the whir of shredders from here !

    Im surprised there isnt any smoke coming out the window as well

  3. Tom Gould 3

    We should not forget the brutal character assassination of Len Brown, and also of Andrew Williams before that, all run through the same Tory dirty tricks process, by the looks. How many others have there been? And what have they planned for the next 5 weeks?

  4. Wensleydale 4

    It’s all the ministers who keep shrilly claiming Hager’s book is trash and they wouldn’t give it the time of day, frantically flipping through it in the desperate hope… “Shit, I hope there’s nothing in here about me!”

    • AmaKiwi 4.1

      It’s only 138 pages long and an easy read. For Key and Collins to say they don’t intend to read it anytime soon is a dereliction of duty.

      I wish some of the reporters will ask Key and Collins:

      “This book provides evidence of repeated criminal activity. Since you are sworn to uphold and enforce our laws, isn’t it a dereliction of duty for you to ignore its accusations?”

    • Lan 4.2

      Nicky Hager is a professionnal and proficient non-fiction writer. The book will be well indexed with relevant names and places for quick reference by nervous Natties.

      • lurgee 4.2.1

        In the case of Matthew Hooton, hopeful Nats. He’d HATE to be left out, and is probably annoyed there aren’t more entries about him in the index.

  5. grumpy 5

    It’s the “cleaners”……

    • ScottGN 5.1

      I bet those particular cleaners are on way more than the minimum wage.

    • tricledrown 5.2

      Grumpty you are so Right its funny like in Mafia cleaners who come in and clean up the crime scene after the crime team Key were Figuring how to clean up the dirty business they have been up to Mark Textor would be getting huge O/T payments.

    • Lan 5.3

      Cleaners and Grumpy Gleaners!

  6. toad 6

    As opposed to the “plumbers”

  7. Burning the midnight (whale) oil (files)…

  8. Michael who failed Civics 8

    Id’ say they were all hard at work producing new dirty tricks to use against their opponents. I wonder if the lights were on, too, over at the SIS and GCSB HQ’s?

  9. ianmac 9

    Are they mounting a serious campaign to destroy Nicky? They have the means don’t they?

    • AmaKiwi 9.1

      Key has launched his character assassination of Nicky Hager. Based on The Standard, it is working all too well. Too many are blogging about the author instead of the evidence he presented.

      The author is NOT the issue. The CONTENTS are.

      Were crimes committed at the highest levels of our government? That is the question. It does not matter who revealed the evidence. Is the evidence correct? If, as Key claims, it is not, demand Key prove in EMAILS and DOCUMENTS why it is not.

      “I have confidence in so-and-so’s assurances is b.s.” He said the same of John Banks.

    • Lan 9.2

      He had a good media lawyer alongside. Should not think it likely. Too many better and higher ranked targets first in line! Nicky is a classy investigative lawyer and should know where the minefields are..

  10. NZJester 10

    Oh come on they would have had no time to talk.
    The sound of the shredders running hot and keyboards tapping loudly as emails and files are deleted would drown out anyone trying to talk!

    • Lan 10.1

      Apart from shredders (?) and fire computer records are retrievable, especially given the low level of technological sophistication of the actors in this evening performance..way up there.

  11. ad 11

    This entire Hager book-event is not going to help the progressive cause in this election at all.

    The general emotion non-politicos will feel is loathing and disgust for the political process. This turns people off going to the polls, IMHO, which only favours the incumbent. As we saw last time.

    Unless it can be personalised into a more visceral emotion.
    In Ireland in the 1980s there used to be plenty who would sympathise with those going up to the border of a weekend to take out a few soldiers. One story was as gory as the other.
    Until one day on the Queens’ Passing Out Parade the IRA decided to bomb a mounted unit on parade.
    The television pictures of dead horses made even the Irish go nuts with loathing for the IRA’s actions. It was a massive mood-turn. Horses were beautiful, could not assent to the military order they were part of, and of course were quite defenceless. Horses. Big, shiny wonderful things.

    The second incident is the phone-tapping that occurred with the the British tabloid press. This was a story ambling along to a gentle conclusion, until it was discovered that the journalists had hacked a dead girl’s answerphone. And the parents then thought the girl – because the answerphone had been cleared – was still alive.
    Shit rained down, massive inquiry, whole newspapers eradicated, damaged even the PM on the stand.
    Mother and Father and Child.

    It’s not about the lawyers, the Ombudsman or any other authority. For God’s sake forget about running to them this far in from voting day.

    This can only be won with politics. Politics that is guided and goaded by emotion. Something more basal than a sneer. Identify the emotion that resonates with people, let them feel their way through this. Then and only then it will be electorally useful.

    • AmaKiwi 11.1

      Unfortunately there is much truth in what you say.

      We need the image that turns stomachs.

    • Clemgeopin 11.2

      You have a point and here is one that boils my blood. The following excerpt from the Hager’s Dirty Politics book is shocking and disgusting. Besides, this uncouth nasty bastard Slater is Key’s friend and confidant! I am so angry and disgusted.


      Writing to his friend Peter Smith (not his real name) after the February earthquake, Slater says: ‘‘The place is f****d, they should should just board it up and close it down.’’

      Smith: A real tragedy, but it will f***k labour for the election.

      Slater: Yep blessings.

      Slater: What i can’t believe…is how we have to bail out those useless pricks in the sth island, again.’

      Smith: I said to someone today National should let them rot, after all they are useless scum Labour voters especially in the areas where the earthquake hit..well hopefully more scum will labour voters will piss off to Australia (and) at least the uninsured get (f***ing) nothing.’

      Slater: Those suburbs are hard core Labour…the owners will be Nat voters though and the voters tenants, so the houses are gone and the scum are gone too, and they should get nothing."

    • lurgee 11.3

      This entire Hager book-event is not going to help the progressive cause in this election at all.

      The general emotion non-politicos will feel is loathing and disgust for the political process. This turns people off going to the polls, IMHO, which only favours the incumbent. As we saw last time.

      Disagree, simply because Labour are doing so badly they haven’t got any ‘soft’ vote to lose. National have, and that will make them vulnerable. They’re 10-15% above their core support and if those people vote Labour, or even just stay at home, it is going to b very difficult for National.

      • Ad 11.3.1

        Next full set of polls out shortly will tell you the overall truth.
        Betcha the overall effect is towards National.

  12. redfred 12

    Shredders? Microwaves and popping hard drives more like it.

    • adam 12.1

      I was thinking – cleaning all the blood off the floor. But, pretty much what you said redfred.

  13. finbar 13

    Slatters get out at night.Joyce,unusual sprung in the morning headlights,sprung why body lie,and unsure promise.

  14. politikiwi 14


  15. disturbed 15

    The book “Dirty Politics” a spectacle of National’s raw arrogance and hatred of anyone who has any opposition to their fanatical policies.

    National today for sure took the see no evil speak, no evil, ear no evil.

    They sure did aggressively ignore any dirty politics today to make it seem as if it was a sideshow.

    So they absolve themselves of any arrogance and plotting when it came to describing some as “scum” (East ChCh residents) and West Coast folk also.
    This showed how they actively think some of us are below life itself, truly a shock to anyone who thought our Politicians are “honourable” but NatZ think anything they do or say has no bounds of compassion or humanity.

    Where do these NatZ come from,— Mars?

    Surely the electorate will come out at election time and vote against this new low standard of horror of how far further down the ladder of humanity this government is prepared to go as they dehumanise us all.

    When the legal probing gets started there should be some very awkward questions asked that of course the MSM failed to ask such as how did those labour party files wind up on Slater’s in the first place?
    How did Slater ever get the SIS files?

    We understand that the PM declassified them so they could be sent to Slater?

    If slater’s attempt to get Nicky Hager to say who gave him Slater’s file a Possibly Nicky did not know who dropped them anonymously (Presumably)

    There are many legs to this case as was the Watergate which was so similar, but no one today even said that yet.

    This will gain middle voters as they usually think nothing actually smells in the Key camp until now. More to come every day which will wind up as a god given plank for David Cunliffe and others to announce now that when they take over next month they will again put the care back into the caring, and the honest back into honesty…..for a kinder, gentler caring government that will work with all for the good of all not against us all as is this sad Government.

  16. Treetop 16

    There is a saying “keep your friends close and your enimies closer.” Slater will not be isolated by Key and Collins. Collins probably has the goods on Key, this is why she has survived.