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4:54 pm, October 30th, 2018 - 50 comments
Categories: Dirty Politics, housing, Judith Collins, labour, national, phil twyford, same old national -
Tags: KiwiBuild
In its enthusiasm to try and embarrass Labour and divert attention from the personal difficulties of different MPs National has unfortunately reverted to type. Dirty politics type.
Yesterday there was this tweet from Judith Collins:
204 countries- maybe doesn’t need taxpayer support.. #JustSaying https://t.co/IgHA9TcXY5
— Judith Collins (@JudithCollinsMP) October 29, 2018
Then in true National Party mode she tried to blame Labour:
I agree. Good for them. It’s Phil’s Fail not theirs’. Not sure this is what people meant when they thought KiwIBuild would deliver homes for the homeless https://t.co/bKQoYvZVtW
— Judith Collins (@JudithCollinsMP) October 29, 2018
And she thought she would go on the offensive.
Just the sort of lie I’d expect from Phil Twyford. At no stage have I ‘gone on Facebook & trolled the personal pages’ of anyone. Good on the young couple for taking an opportunity afforded by an enthusiastic but incompetent minister who never worries about detail. https://t.co/MTnPdEYQPt
— Judith Collins (@JudithCollinsMP) October 29, 2018
She is right. She retweeted someone else who look like they might have trolled the victims’ instagram account.
There is no proof as far as I can tell that she went onto the facebook pages of the Kiwibuild home purchasing couple.
But she used her publicity power to identify and embarrass the couple involved and publish information I am sure they did not want to be put into the public arena. She ought to know that her supporters are the type to not hold back in criticising and attacking others, even the innocent.
And the couple concerned have taken down their social media profiles as a result of the attention. From the Herald:
[Phil] Twyford said this morning that Collins’ post was “essentially inciting victimisation of a young couple who have just bought their first home”.
“They didn’t sign up for that. They feel bullied because of Judith Collins’ actions. And I think her actions show the toxic culture in the National Party that Simon Bridges has failed to do anything about.”
He said the couple had felt so bullied that they had taken their social media profiles offline.
The Greens chose to use some of their Parliamentary questions today to express their disgust with her actions (at 7:12).
Simon Bridges is not handling the matter well. But I am sure that one of his main challengers has shown how unlikeable she is.
And there was this interesting tweet involving a subject well outside of her responsibilities. Judith clearly is happy to cultivate the vote of those less tolerant of ethnic diversity.
Words fail me.. Young woman caned in public under Sharia law for being close to her boyfriend in Indonesia https://t.co/cCM5G1Z5tH
— Judith Collins (@JudithCollinsMP) October 29, 2018
National used to be so good at this sort of thing. Long may their ill discipline last.
That Harmful Digital Communications Act is going to come back and bite people on the bum in a big way some day. It’s totally open to abuse, especially in its open ended wording. Some day a government (most likely of the right) is going to try to use it to shut down online free speech.
Judith clearly is happy to cultivate the vote of those less tolerant of ethnic diversity.
So this public caning Collins was referring to is OK ? Or is it a bad thing but we’re just not allowed to talk about it?
Yes in the name of tolerance and diversity.
Yes what? I’m genuinely unclear on how to read that.
The caning is not ok. I don’t however like that there are attacks on different ethnicities because of their practices. Slater does this all the time.
The left goes wobbly on this sort of thing all the time because we struggle to differentiate between an attack on the practise and an attack on the ethnicity as a whole.
I’ll say it plain; the medieval form of sharia law were seeing here is absolutely unacceptable in the modern world. Anywhere, anytime.
Perhaps we should also be critical of male genital mutilation as practised by those who subscribe to Judaic law.
No perhaps about it. Every culture has both it’s strengths and weaknesses; many come with ancient baggage that needs discarding. The trick is determining exactly what to keep and what to discard.
Of course the post-modernists will tell us there is an infinite possible number of solutions to this, and they throw their hands up in surrender. Hence we get the grey goo of cultural relativism, where everything and anything must be accepted in the name of ‘diversity and tolerance’.
The left is very prone to getting muddled on this. The right much less so, even when we excoriate them for their lack of sincerity.
Peter Wilson
30 October 2018 at 6:45 pm
‘Perhaps we should also be critical of male genital mutilation as practised by those who subscribe to Judaic law.’
Yes, it shouldn’t be necessary, but, surely, Peter, you are not suggesting that the practice of cutting a bit of flesh off a penis is the same as the following I have read:
Female genital mutilation involves the removal of the clitoris, inner-and-outer lips of the vagina, and the sewing or stapling together of the two sides of the vulva leaving only a small hole to pass urine and menstruate – depending on the type. Typically FGM is performed with a razor blade on girls between the ages of four and 12, traditionally without anaesthetic.
“Type one FGM would be like removing a male’s testes, type three is equivalent to removing both the testes and the penis. There is no way that would be deemed acceptable,” says Taina Bien Aime, director of the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women, who adds that comparisons between male and female circumcision are unhelpful.
FGM can lead to severe bleeding, pain, complete loss of sensitivity, complications during childbirth, infertility, severe pain during sex, recurring infections and urine retention. And in some cases it is lethal. Unlike male circumcision, female genital mutilation also inhibits sexual pleasure.
So you do not like the left playing identity politics locally but question being silent rather than actively criticising “cultural” practices in foreign nations.
Standing up for minority interest might cost votes in a democracy and standing up for human rights internationally might have an economic cost.
If we were consistent we would do the right thing regardless or focus on votes in the centre and the money.
If you are going to say anything truthful and important, you will inevitably offend someone.
It’s this white person superiority complex left-wingers seem to subconsciously have.
Which is why they always come across as so cringy and patronizing when talking about other races and culture.
Facts are, Sharia law is medieval bullshit which needs to be destroyed,
We cannot destroy what is in other people’s hearts. Sharia law will die away when the people who practise have no use for it. But here’s the thing; at this time they do not see a better alternative, indeed they look at the west and see much they don’t like.
Destroyed by education and showing there are far better fairer systems.
The way many left wingers not only give Muslim culture a free pass for their appalling treatment of women and gays but actively fight on their side does my head in.
It’s like what’s wrong with you? why are you sticking up for and encouraging this behaviour?
Which does not include the West especially in the ‘fair’ bit.
why are you sticking up for and encouraging this behaviour?
ummm … not me. At 2.2.1 I think I state my position clearly enough.
But at the same time this doesn’t mean we necessarily get to stand unchallenged on our own ethical soapbox either.
No way is that sort of shit acceptable.
Is sharia a ethnicity?
You are aware Judith Collins is not a champion of the well-being of women here in enzed? And her posing as concerned for women in other countries is just a con to humanise herself with women voters here.
And her post is part of no effort to help women in other countries or here. It’s a right winger womanwashing herself, in ways where she does not offend privileged interests her party represents.
Not just other countries …. You’ll Gag on this! Womanwashing herself;
“Now, this makes me happy. Good men focused on helping others in need.”
Absolute Hypocrisy!
It’s a bad thing, but to condemn it when we as individuals might have had a bit of a smile made a comment that the prison rape resulting from the policy we just announced might act as an additional extra-judicial sentence for criminals – that would be a bit hypocritical.
I’m loving this one because it shows the truth of the gnats and their nasty tactics. Go hard on this one labour and rub let collins dig even bigger holes.
‘And there was this interesting tweet involving a subject well outside of her responsibilities. Judith clearly is happy to cultivate the vote of those less tolerant of ethnic diversity.
Words fail me.. Young woman caned in public under Sharia law for being close to her boyfriend in Indonesia https://t.co/cCM5G1Z5tH
— Judith Collins (@JudithCollinsMP) October 29, 2018′
Are you forcing me to agree with Collins? I had to wash my hands at the thought. However, she would only deserve my agreement if I imagined she really meant it.
Sharia law, or any law, where it applies to cave-like treatment of women and girls, is a disgrace. So is anything, anywhere, where women are assaulted because of male misogyny. I hope they’re not getting away with it in NZ. We have enough Kiwi women-haters here already, using whatever excuses they can to make their women’s lives miserable.
Apart from that, Collins is simply trying to whip up female sympathy. She doesn’t care about that young woman. Women have only to watch the front bench female mps of the national caucus in parliamentary question time to cringe with embarrassment about what these numpties behave like. An insult to women’s credibility and integrity. Adams, Bennett, Collins _ABC for how not to earn the respect of the thinking people of NZ.
Collin’s hypocrisy about how women are being treated in NZ or anywhere is what she can certainly be held to account for.
I can’t really work out the National Party policy being foreshadowed by Collins. It possibly comes from the view that those that live outside New Zealand for a period should get less support from government as is being considered in the review of NZ Superannuation, but applying it to New Zealanders who have had a period of “Overseas Experience”, come back to New Zealand bringing the benefits of higher qualifications or better experience, but as is fairly common still having little capital even if they have higher earning potential, is a little unclear. We need such people to come back to New Zealand – I gather there are some really capital poor ex NZ students who are effectively unable to return due to student loan debts under control, but that does not apply here. So should someone that went overseas and returns after say 3 years have to wait for another 3 years before being eligible to be treated as a New Zealander again? Where is National going with this? If they come back with no money and no job would National rule them ineligible for any benefits? I can see parents worrying about children going off overseas if they think a future National government would make life very hard for them if they wanted to return to New Zealand . . .
I’d be more worried about Labours Twyford problem.
The guy is just such an unlikeable, arrogant fuckwit, he makes Cullen look humble and nice.
It must be tough living with the fact that Cullen was an infinitely better economic manager than Bill could ever dream of being. 🙂
Yeah, let’s not spend a cent on infrastructure or tax relief so he could cock off about the size of his surplus.
Dude was no different to Toll or any other of the companies who just took profits and didn’t invest a cent.
Cullen is the reason we’re still playing catchup.
Denial is the longest river in Africa.
First stage of grief. You’ll get through it eventually.
Cullen is the reason we have the the SuperFund a big pot of money able to invest in NZ infrastructure. Cullen is the reason we shrank debt by over 40 billion (until Nats ballooned it out again).
He does come across that way.
Bah. The Nats hate Twyford because of his good intentions. He’s the most loathsome creature in the Tory taxonomy, someone who wants to do good for others rather than himself.
Nothing does that BMmer.
Neither Bennet or Collins have shown any respect for innocent voters to propel their name forward as ruthless scourges of the undeserving. Their “born to rule” sense of entitlement is sickening.
If Bridges, Bennet and Collins are the best that national can produce as leaders it only goes to show that it is not only cream that floats to the top.
I’d say this is Judith making her run. She (or her minions) may have something to do with taking JLR off the table, now she needs attention on her to provide support. Should she get through, chances are she’ll have an ultra-reliable and very experienced supporter where Bridges once had one.
The snark will play well with those who read no deeper than her comment, and is frankly masterful compared to whatever it is that Bridges is doing at the moment.
She is a very nasty piece of work
On behalf of the Tax Payers
It is amazing how Hateful the females of National are. They use every opportunity to display their viciousness.
One of the most vile is Judith Collins who has been in Parliament for nearly forever. Since about 2002 I think. Earned a hell of a lot of easy money from the Tax Payers.
But achieved absolutely nothing. ! Nothing.
Just a grumpy old frumpy waste of time. The usual national aggressive female.
[Deleted, tone it down – MS]
Too far.
Speak for yourself …. As Usual
Impotent hate-rant; BM’s festering frustrations burbling up like a bubble of crude.
Ross and deBaclay are ex-National has-beens – here’s hoping for a BM trifecta.
Drinking again, aren’t you?.
I’ve looked at this and looked at it and I still can’t see where she says that they’ve been to 204 countries.
To me it reads: In all the people in all the world and I got to meet you – my soul-mate.
This evening I was thinking to myself that Judith Collins is doing a delightful job at demeaning the NZ National Party with her nasty personal vindictiveness.
She is the worse of the worse that a politician can be. She has allowed her personal hatred of a person and a government over-ride any sense of caring or consideration especially of the couple who experienced online bullying.
In fact due to Collins attitude I am sure she was, and quoting John Key’s pet word, ‘comfortable’ with the bullying of the young couple.
Quite often when a politician has been in politics for longer than is a healthy and worthy life-time then he/she becomes arrogant, deceitful, nasty and typically unsuitable for the role plus perks of the job of being a MP(a supposedly representative of the nation and everyone who is proud to be called a Kiwi).
She(Collins)give the all too awful aura of expecting respect and regard. But when she doesn’t give respect to others then she should hardly expect respect in return.
And if so then she is not worthy to be a representative of ANYONE albeit a person, a family, a couple in her electorate or any NZer elsewhere in the country. I DEMAND JUDITH COLLINS RESIGN.
It is fortunate we do not have a self-serving National MP in our electorate. Yes I live in a Labour strong-hold and thank-goodness for that. If anyone has a National MP as THEIR MP then perhaps it’s time you requested they show themselves as caring rather than self-serving, arrogant, intimidating, bullying, self-obsessed etc,etc,etc… Because National MPs possess the qualities one, as a taxpayer, would never want as a representative of NZers to the world.
Ross has signalled that he will vote with national so as not to upset the balance in parliament. Signalling he will be back when we’ll. I would say be afraid National be very afraid
jc lol
The Nats have lots of form for bullying people who don’t cringe before them. They seem to think it plays well for the fickle middle classes, who love nothing more than the sight of the state’s jackboots sinking into other people, especially those too vulnerable to stand up for themselves. The couple in Crusher’s crosshairs this time probably don’t fit the bill but, by scaring them, she can frighten other people away from Kiwibuild. Crusher and her stormtroopers rarely act impulsively – their viciousness is targeted and deliberate. We can expect to see much more of this after Crusher takes over.
actually on that income 180k joint they should have been able to save for a deposit
In this country where so many businesses have no loyalty to their employees and are happy to turf them out when it suits, I fail to understand how this couple should be penalised for being assumed to have a currently joint ‘highish’ income forever. It may be more; it may be less. Future events have a way of creating their own plans for New Zealanders. Pregnancy, ill health, financial recession and so on, ad nauseum.
Remember when anyone over 40 was being thrown on the scrapheap? The job position didn’t seem to matter. It was all about youth and probably cheaper labour.
Anyone watched the film, I Daniel Blake? A victim of bad health and a bad UK welfare system designed to destroy his courage and ability to continue. Sounds just like NZ a year ago. Hopefully on the road to recovering a humane stance towards all beneficiaries.
Greed spreading its vile tentacles through propaganda on blogs and media – just thought of Wayne and Collins then. Funny that.
Here is a question: As Judith Collins has quite easily and without an ounce of remorse on her part allowed cyber-bullying of the young couple who won a ballot for Kiwibuild does that mean she could well be the one who leaked Simon Bridges travel expenses to the NZ Media????!!!
Simon Bridges chose to make a scape-goat of Jami-Lee Ross because it does appear he is intimidated and frightened of Judith Collins. He(Bridges)would prefer to blame someone he deems weaker – or in his words ‘an embarrassment’ – than actually facing something he is more frightened of.
It makes me wonder as to whom is the true leader of the Opposition because it sure as Hell isn’t Simon Bridges. If he had guts or any sense of bravery on his part he would tell Collins to stop her petty vindictive behaviour as it’s putting National into a very dark area.
But no. Bridges’ lack of a voice of condemnation for what Collins has done comes across that he is fine with her behavioural problems.
I could now safely say that about the ONLY lot that would ever vote National after what we have seen to date by various National MPs is the following: the NZ National Party’s Chinese Masters, National Party supporters who would always vote National because they just cannot think outside of a square and of course mainstream NZ media journalists who are in the NZ National Party pocket.