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- Date published:
9:34 am, August 19th, 2014 - 112 comments
Categories: blogs, David Farrar, dpf -
Tags: #dirtypolitics, david farrar, dpf, kiwiblog, princess parties, sewer
David Farrar at Kiwiblog is trying to wash off some of the stench of Dirty Politics.
Best quote “I don’t believe that the book shows me having acted in any way inappropriately.” So “Princess Parties” are perfectly appropriate for David:
His action points for cleaning up his sewer (after the election of course) are populated by weasel words like “substantially”, “Generally”, ” more often” and “tougher”.
Expect business as usual at Kiwiblog.
[Update: For the record, I note that Farrar now denies the allegation in Dirty Politics that he organised the “Princess Party”, though he did attend. As to why writers sometimes choose to remain anonymous, such as me on this occasion, look no further than the climate of intimidation created by the Nats’ attack politics machine. Who needs that kind of filth, I don’t.] [Update: For the record, I note that Farrar’s denials are contradicted by material later released by Whaledump. “Pinko” is Slater’s nickname for Farrar:]
DPF has listed about half a dozen changes. With large explainations.
How did you miss them?
The post is only four sentences long. How come you didn’t read it?
Add in that Farrar uses the US embassy as a duty free grog shop for his ‘princess parties’ and he of course is a known source of intelligence operatives in the Embassy.
We do know that the US Embassy supplies duty free grog for the annual press gallery party, under what legal authority would be interesting. Duty free grog is only available for foreign missions for use on their premises. To supply others in large quantities seems a breach of liquor laws.
In Ecuador the US embassy had friendly units of the Ecuadorian police on the US Embassy payroll. So bending a few liquor laws is immaterial.
I’m not keen on blogs signing up to the “media” – ie like journalists. DPF says,
The law already covers things to keep blogs from doing very bad things. eg the laws of defamation.
Blogs are different from news media – though, DPF is way more into blogging as part of his paid activities eg aligned to his role in polling for the National Party.
It isn’t so much the WO blog itself that is the arena of dirty politics: it was the underhand behind the scenes stuff in which Slater et al + Nat staffers, were involved in. The nastiness of the WO blog is there in public, for all those who care to see. It’s why I rarely go there.
Farrar is still turning up on Newstalk ZB and other places as an ‘independent political commentator’ despite all the astonishing revelations, commenting and passing judgement on those very same revelations. I guess the nasty Tory show has to go on, a sort-of on-going ‘smear campaign 2.0’? Will they still use all the carefully prepared character assassinations arranged for this election, once the dust settles? Maybe someone could ask the smiling assassin what he knows about what is already in the pipeline, until Hager came along?
I see there are reports that the police are looking to follow up on the complaint from Slater that his website was hacked.
Will an investigation, and/or arrest mean that all talk about Hager’s book must cease in public?
And what happened about the complaints the Green Party submitted to the police about allegations of illegal activities, as revealed in the book?
Edit: Ah – misleading headline & front page promo on NZ Herald – headline is:
‘Teapot Tapes’ cop to look at Slater complaint
Front page promo:
Within the actual article is this:
Perhaps the police will help out the pizza businessman who had his emails stolen a few years back and selectively published by the Oily Orca.
His is a long road without any official assistance, his court actions against Slater are done without lawyers let alone police.
This spin is too absurd, its driven from the National party who desperately want to shut it all down with the mantra ‘ cant comment its under police investigation’
Farrar has never hidden or disguised the fact that he is a National Party supporter and centre right political blogger so cannot see the point you are endeavouring to make here.
That he isn’t correctly identified on shows as a right wing blogger and National Party stalwart.
Funny that Farrar took forever to sigh up to the Market Research Association for his company Curia.
It would have seemed that he didnt like the code of ethics ?
I find it hard to believe that never in his entire career that he hasnt had a list of questions asked by one of his MR competitors in his hot little hands.
Labours in house polling of questions and attitudes would be a goldmine if he had their lists of questions from time to time.
He focused all his attention to his application to the Online Media Standards Authority on Jim Mora’s panel today, trying to show that he really does have integrity, and probably to avoid awkward questions
That site is dying a slow and agonising death
Kiwiblog consistently ranks higher than The Standard so probably not going anywhere anytime soon
Ranks higher? By what measure? Each time I look particularly at the number of comments left on each of Farrar’s threads and there is little comment.
Perhaps your measure measures something else.
As per visits and page views:
But, but, it’s flawed cos they don’t ring cell phones!
The same old tired lefties screaming the death of their enemies repeatedly isn’t an indicator of the success of a blog.
People engaging with posts is a more accurate indicator of success.
Of course it is dear.
grumpy, people have different measures of success yes
I mean if success is truly measured by sheer numbers as posited here then the most successful people in NZ are the average people.
bit of a nonsense
I should have been clearer:
To me, engagement in a better indicator..
you mean like carrick graham having two ids at WO so he can mock maori and say fk and ct and defend the post he just sent to slater for slater to put up as slater’s own writing = success?
Frankly I think it’s extremely charitable to imagine he has only two (well, three counting “Cameron Slater” but that’s clearly a shared login).
The other question is how many of the commenters are just Cameron? There’s not really much variation in style or content over there.
Aw Tracey, you should go easy on poor Carrick. After all, he does have to live down a criminal father.
Yeah Right tight arse almighty you being on here makes you a hypocrite!
Since you and your Dirty Tricks brigade have been outed the numbers of posts have sky rocketed even with the mass desertion of paid shill and echelon usurpers!
your scraping the bottom of the barrel logic lead hedonistic misogynist!
yesterday you were praising the green party’s policy!
I been kicking some life into it lately, putting the boot in as it were to a select few worthy of it.
Don’t have a problem with DPF, he’s relatively up front about his shortcomings.But jeez some of those commenters are on a par with here.
…angry old white men living in the past 🙂
Yep, wouldn’t want to be an old white male, no sireee
Nothing wrong with being an old white male. My dad was one.
It’s the angry part and the sense of entitlement to vent your spleen in public as per the tradiotional right of old white men that lets them down.
It’s like the internet has given them a renewed soapbox to espouse their opinion without realising that if it’s uninformed and based on inherent bias and privilege, it’s essentially worthless.
chickety check yaself before ya wreck yaself!
Agreed. Goes for anyone who spouts off in some baseless manner – worthless
Bouncing around on blogs brings one into contact with countless other viewpoints and, if the blog is decent, evidence to back up those other viewpoints. Aint no hiding in those circumstances.
This is one of the better aspects of the wider communication that the internet brings. Hard to remain in your own little world where everybody agrees with you.
“chickety check yaself before ya wreck yaself!”
Cause shotgun bullets are bad for your health……..
lol that line, shotgun “bullets”. Not his best work.
Yah, but a fucking dope track anyway (ammunition fail notwithstanding)
Ya totes. No-one nails them all.
Raekwon gets pretty close though
True. You know what really gets me about the Cube one though?
It would’ve been such an easy edit to drop in “pellets”.
But apparently, from the time of the recording, right through all of the mixing, and then the mastering, hearing that line over and over and over again, of all of the people involved in the production process, and all of the friends and hangers-on and other artists dropping in, and all of the visiting label people who love to make suggestions…
…not one of them deemed it worth mentioning.
Wasn’t it “shotgun wounds” ??
vto one thing about Farrah’s blog is that it is consistently ranked higher than this one so does that mean the standard is dying a fast and agonising death or you are just an optimist.
Were those his words?
Yes – He is vile. Just look at all his sexist comments on his blog. Imagine what his emails are like
They’re somebody’s words, and know-one has been denying that, because they don’t want the emails released. Hager has chosen not to expose them for obvious reasons, he wants to change the system without destroying peoples lives, I believe. Unlike Slater who brags about three people he has personally destroyed.
read the book infused. Slater has used every legitimate reader as dupes. His, and his mates, attitude toward women, in their own words, is appalling.
If this kind of behaviour was going on with teenagers, we would be bloody worried. We would be using words like bully, violent, masochistic, psychopathic, dangerous and people would be screaming intervention. But these are adults, and in some cases parents.
A further couple of points, if say some of the people mentioned in the book decide to sue, then they are open to discovery and so that’s why the Nats are running with the lines they are, well at-least until they can get the skeletons buried.
The National party is about to start cannibalizing it-self my friends and like Slater said he will be still around afterwards, he knows were the skeleton are buried.
In my opinion he is a filthy person with filthy morals and if we can get hold of his emails it will show much the same as what we have seen in blubber boys.
The first thing we should do when we regain power is regulate those hate sites.
Up against the virtual wall eh comrade ?
Regulators..mount up!!!
“The first thing we should do when we regain power is regulate those hate sites.”
We live in a (sort of) democracy so he has the right to write what he wants, I choose not to read it. Simple really.
Was it Voltaire that said something along the lines of ” I don’t agree with what you have to say but will defend to my death your right to say it.”
That pretty much sums up my feelings on the man and btw, his life must be hell right now, you reap what you sow..
Farrar started out in the National party as part of their dirty tricks operations. Ostensibly it was ‘opposition research’ but as young , silly and full of grog they pushed it too far. He has admitted to getting arrested during some political stunt. Michael Laws was part of that clique in Wellington too
Read Laws’ book “The Demon Profession” for his insight on beating the system to get into office as a rank outsider.
“The first thing we should do when we regain power is regulate those hate sites.”
Like grumpystilskin sez.
Not at all. The main stream media is regulated and if any of them went on like Farrar’s hate blog they would be closed down or reprimanded.
Regulation does not mean silencing. It means setting standards which are expected in a decent society.
The right has got away with this hate campaign for too long.
The internet can’t and shouldn’t be regulated.
You’re not Chinese then, contrarian?
No I’m not but the Chinese have a lot of trouble regulating it and they shouldn’t try either
Not so, they are very very sucessful.
Lots of things they dont want to be common knowlege have dissapeared from the web in Chinese language. Recent western stories about huge wealth of princelings are an example
Yes but there are still ways around it – I don’t think country can truly regulate the internet and the ones that try, like China, are always fighting an ongoing battle against hackers et al.
Just to be clear, are you saying there should be no regulation of the media at all?
Or just online media?
It would be a bit weird if, for example, the Herald had standards to adhere to in print but could publish absolutely anything on herald.co.nz
I’m loving the right-wing trolls going all out after comments about the death of Kiwiblog while maintaining stony silence over the Dear Leader’s complicity in the corrupt and dirty practices of the likes of Slater and WhaleOil.
Come on, guys – aren’t you at least decent human beings who can see that the clearly orchestrated smear campaigns are an example of having absolutely no moral compass?
How can anyone still support FJK and his mates?
I saw Chris Bishop – whom I went to school with – hanging on to his Dear Leader’s every word yesterday while Key spun and deflected and did his best not to avoid any sort of accountability.
Chris, if you had any self-respect mate, you’d be distancing yourself from these people, not trying to suck up to them.
Plus 1
Hi, anonymous The Standard Commentator.
Amid all this talk of “dirty politics”… would you care to disclose which Labour Party member / Civil Servant you are?
LOL – just kidding – I know you won’t.
Please, tell us more about “dirty politics”.
[Stephanie: moderator late to the party, but per the Gosman ruling, take two weeks off.]
What nonsense are you on about? You far right wing conspiracy theorist.
as opposed to when carrick graham wrote a post attacking people and he was paid but Slater published it as written by cameron slater, you mean that kind of disclosure?
This is an anonymous thread attacking David Farrar, not Whale Oil.
It’s been special knowing you, RRM.
it is hard to follow your morality. Is it bad to be anonymous but good to name yourself but actually be posting for someone else for money and duping your readership about whose words they are?
Yuck. That’s all I can say…yuck….
‘Rape’ is an inflammatory word, but it’s a beacon that’s already been lit can’t be hidden.
I can see that Nicky Hager is being very careful not to name names, knowing the severity of the potential criminal charges that could arise. Unless I’m misreading this, Farrar’s use of alcohol to make young women (has he checked their ages?) sexually compliant by stupefying them makes Farrar himself a potential suspect in a conspiracy to commit rape.
A couple of questions for the Penguin: what are the ages of the young women at your “Princess Parties”? Since you know that sexual predators were conspiring to get these women drunk with the aim of having non-consensual sex, i.e., to rape them, why did you not shut down your sickeningly-euphemised “Princess Parties” and alert the police to their declared intentions?
Slater has been going around sniffing panties and Farrar has pretended to be Mr Clean and a victim of evil hackers, but it certainly looks like, based on the evidence which has not been disputed in content, that Farrar’s idea of “fomenting merry mischief” includes rape.
There is certainly no evidence that Farrar is a rapist himself, but based on this evidence, he has been knowingly facilitating intending rapists.
I think that the pretence that there’s any moral distance between Slater and Farrar or that Farrar is somehow a better grade of slime, perhaps with a less chunky consistency. They are the same in essence.
We can guarantee of course that the police will do absolutely nothing.
OK, I’ve been repeating that word a lot, but it’s one that can’t be ignored, euphemised or swept under the (sticky) carpet.
I read it as being about farrars party not that the conversation involved him.
If he can prove that, in a just world where connections don’t matter, that would be the one thing keeping him out of jail.
Now that he does know, what does he think of his guests and will he invite them to any more of these parties, knowing their intentions and will be ensure every one of these women is over the legal drinking age?
Even if of a legal age, his guests claim to intend deliberately getting them drunkto make them pliable for sex. Hosts have some responsibility, yes?
Is it true david farrar went to a party as jimmy saville, after he was re ealled as a child abuser? I read it somewherebut dont know if it is factual or not.
That rumour’s been circulating Wellington for a long time, but I can’t substantiate it. I can however imagine him pondering a costume for the next one… Rolf Harris or Cliff Richard?
Labeling Farrar as a sex abuser (or a facilitator of sex abusers) is pretty fucking low. Not much better than the way Slater likes to smear people.
which part of 8.1 didnt you understand TC
Sorry – it wasn’t directed at you but at rhinocrates
Cool. Was trying to say the opposite so was surprised
I wasn’t labelling Farrar as a sex abuser, I was commenting on his frequent “jokes” that suggest sexual abuse and child murder are funny. There was a thread devoted to some of his more disgusting tweets and choice of party costume on The Standard a while back. http://thestandard.org.nz/sick-3/
Whatever buddy. Comments like the below are fucking atrocious. They all came from you. You directly assert Farrar is not only complicit in rape but also underage child abuse. You are no better than Slater, shitbag.
“Unless I’m misreading this, Farrar’s use of alcohol to make young women (has he checked their ages?) sexually compliant by stupefying them makes Farrar himself a potential suspect in a conspiracy to commit rape.”
“what are the ages of the young women at your “Princess Parties”? Since you know that sexual predators were conspiring to get these women drunk with the aim of having non-consensual sex, i.e., to rape them, why did you not shut down your sickeningly-euphemised “Princess Parties” and alert the police to their declared intentions?”
“but it certainly looks like, based on the evidence which has not been disputed in content, that Farrar’s idea of “fomenting merry mischief” includes rape.”
“There is certainly no evidence that Farrar is a rapist himself, but based on this evidence, he has been knowingly facilitating intending rapists.”
“Now that he does know, what does he think of his guests and will he invite them to any more of these parties, knowing their intentions and will be ensure every one of these women is over the legal drinking age?”
Cliff Richard hasn’t been charged with any offence yet!
1 allegation has been reported police have behaved very badly so far in the investigation so lets be careful!
To add, I think that an alert needs to be sounded: at parties organised by Farrar, it is now known that there are sexual predators prowling with the declared intention of getting young women or girls drunk so that they can rape them. Farrar now knows this. What is he going to do about it? For the safety of his potential female guests, they would be well advised to stay away or to at least have escorts and rides home.
Fuck, I didn’t even think of that.
More crocodile tears from DPF. Some people will buy it but the sooner people realise that the guy’s actions are almost totally based on political posturing the better.
He’s gone from his self-admitted bullshit about “hacking and spying” that he was clutching his pearls over through to “quitting politics”, now this…completely insincere.
From the fact that his first response was to spin, it’s pretty clear that cleanup2k14™ is just another tack in that spin.
It funny how Farrar is claiming innocence, like rolling around in a vat of pig shit and going to a party and exclaiming loudly whats that smell!
To be fair, even Hager backed off Farrar to a certain extent when questioned, stating he was a ‘bit-part’ in the whole thing.
and he is not featured much at all in the book BUT he is referred to as in regular contact withSlater.
If mr farrar is feeling soiled or tainted, will he cut his ties with key et al who seem to be part of this or does his desire to get clean not extend that far?
Fair point, but he knew what was going on, he is complicit, you often see Kiwiblog and Whaleoil working hand in glove cooperation – all part of the same comms strategy.. one a reasonable sounding voice the other feral and shouting, but both pushing the same underlying message.
I can only comment as far as what Hager said given I haven’t read the book yet.
And that hand in glove situation is frequently referred to throughout the book, which I have read.
You have to suspect [Hager] has slung some shit that he knows he cannot substantiate but hopes like hell will stick long enough to sell some books. Interestingly under Labour’s proposed policy Farrar would be presumed guilty and have to prove his innocence. This is pretty low even for [Hager].
[Stephanie: edited for crimes against spelling “Hager” correctly.]
Kiaora Mark,
Hager doesn’t have to make up or sling any shit. The emails are a way better read.
The first half of Farrar’s ‘pearl-clutching’ post is practically satire. ‘I’m so deeply wounded that I’ve seriously decided to chuck it in. But I can’t, I’m too important.”
Love his last line about the parties. “It’s just a smear.” Farrar’s actions may be less reprehensible than Slater’s, but just because mud is less foul than shit it is by no means clean.
That excerpt reads like a deliberate smear, all innuendo and no facts or in other words a complete fabrication.
If you really believe what you say
” Who needs that kind of filth, I don’t.]”
then why on earth did you post this filth? Could it be that you love wallowing in your own pile of self produced crap? No wonder David Cunliffe is trying to distance himself from the bloggers on his side of politics.
Unlike john key
@ Alwyn
“Could it be that you love wallowing in your own pile of self produced crap? No wonder David Cunliffe is trying to distance himself from the bloggers on his side of politics.”
Yes, and I’d prefer to keep my distance from you too, Alwyn, but the nastier side of WO & Nact politicking rather concerns me at the moment. Political disillusionment is a consequence of the sort of besmirching that has occurred from the right, though disengagement is welcomed by grand Tory strategists like Lusk In their view the self-interested rw supporter isn’t disillusioned to the extent that the poor, dispossessed or disillusioned social democrat is, and 800 000 non-voters in the last election reflect that sad truth and suit National fine.
So yes, I’m happy to see that truth at last is out there, happy to see the msm finally wake up and starting to stick it to John Key, happy at last to enjoy a bit of schedenfreude. It’s been a long time coming..
Everyone knows why a toad would go to a Princess Party.
+100 Tom Jackson
I dont want to get personal …but…Farrar and Slater are very, very UGLY!
…the only way anyone…especially someone young and beautiful…. would do anything at ALL with them would be if they were very , very, very drunk….in fact comatose…and that is illegal because they are not conscious and can not give consent.
We should not criticise them for their vile, disgusting, and repulsive appearances. I have no idea how sexual attraction arises in a world with such hideous looking people, but Blubber Boy has managed to be unfaithful to his wife, although this is a personal matter and we will not think less of him for it. I doubt if Farrar has managed to be unfaithful to his hand without partaking in a commercial transaction, but again, that is not what he should be attacked for.
However, it is quite interesting that their interior and exterior aesthetics are so similar.
I see Farrar is on Jim Mora’s panel. I kid you not. What does a right winger have to do to get banned on that station?
a sad reflection on Jim Mora…i turned off the radio
Bet you Mora completely fails to challenge him on Dirty Politics.
Who on earth would listen to Jim Mora? Like the dullest dinner party you’vs ever had to endure! Boring! Back to the Dog Shows Jim….
i try to avoid him…but i dont like commercial stations…hate the ads and the raucous opinionated noise …also some hosts are worse than Mora eg Sean Plunket
Yesterday I sent an email to Jim to protest that he failed to get those who say that the Left blogs are nasty, should name the bloggers who transgress. (Not the commentators.).
Today he started to ask my question to Farrar but Farrar just rolled over him and just talked his spin till they ran out of time.
Tonight I sent another email to Jim again protesting that he had an obligation to challenge “them” to front up.
Not expecting much though.
With Farrar’s ‘Princess Parties’…it is not hard to see why John Key’s Nactional is losing the youth vote
Who would go to a Farrar Nact ‘Princess Party’ ?!…….. when you can go to a Dotcom Mana/Internet Party?!
…no contest…the first is kitsch and ugly ….the second is COOL!
Excuse my ignorance, but wtf is a “princess party”?
I read and comment on Kiwiblog almost daily. I enjoy reading what DPF says, even though I think the National party is vile. One thing I do find with him is he is open about his afilliations, beliefs and will criticize the National party if he doesn’t agree with them and will praise the labour or green) party when they do something he likes.
I also have noticed he always criticizes policies and rarely attacks the person, the only time I think he goes overboard is with regards to Kim Dot Com, but even then he doesn’t do it personally – he just seems to have an obsession with him as does nearly every National party supporter, and he just enthusiastically jumps at every opportunity he has to ridicule his stance.
This is what he had to say about David Cunliffe in one of his blogs after he was elected leader of the labour party: “I worked a bit with Cunliffe when he was ICT/Comms Minister and found him excellent to work with, and he achieved a lot of good stuff. ”
He also was quick to criticize Jonathan Coleman’s attitude against Darren Hughes before the hole mess around his resignation occurred: “I’m disappointed the Minister responded in the fashion in which he did. Frankly he should be able to handle what was a pretty gentle hassle.”. I even got demerit points making a tame joke regarding Hughes sexuality.
I think the hacking of his emails and infiltration of his business is horrible, and I think we would all be hard pressed to find a politician that has met him that wouldn’t feel that way.
I will say that I am losing no sleep around Whaleoil getting hacked though as his blog is pretty vengeful and nasty. In some ways it reminds me of this blog, vindictive, spiteful and lacking in well-thought arguments.
You know guys, your blog and comments are not just dirty, they are outright filthy. One really needs to wash one’s hands carefully after touching it.
Are you surprised your party(-ies) poll so low? One reason is this blog (a typical Leftie stuff too). Don’t you realise that people interested in politics can read both blogs, compare, shrug their shoulders and leave you to your own filth.
Enjoy your plummeting ratings. Clearly there’s more plummeting to come.
Fuck off back to the sewer shill.
‘Dear Toby Manhire. Bad call on backing Farrar’
By Martyn Bradbury / August 20, 2014
“I say this as someone who regards Toby Manhire as one of the smartest journalists/commentators/columnists this country has…