Written By:
- Date published:
6:32 am, May 8th, 2015 - 15 comments
Categories: Abuse of power, accountability, law, Spying, us politics -
Tags: bulk collection, illegal, mass surveillance, nsa, phone records, Snowden
A federal appeals court panel ruled on Thursday that the NSA’s bulk collection of metadata of phone calls to and from Americans is not authorized by Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act, throwing out the government’s legal justification for the surveillance program exposed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden nearly two years ago.
Judge Gerard E. Lynch, writing the opinion for the unanimous three-judge panel of the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York, described as “unprecedented and unwarranted” the government’s argument that the all-encompassing collection of phone records was allowed because it was “relevant” to an authorized investigation.
wow. huge: "such an expansive concept of 'relevance' is unprecedented and unwarranted.'' court tosses basic premise of NSA collection
— Devlin Barrett (@DevlinBarrett) May 7, 2015
After U.S. Appeals Court rules #NSA mass spying 'illegal' who's the 'traitor' now? Barack Obama or Edward Snowden?
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) May 7, 2015
The funniest thing about todays court ruling against #NSA illegal stealing of all your data – The US Government calls me a pirate! Hahahhaha
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) May 7, 2015
(Above tweets not embedding properly at time of writing)
Wow. Very happy to see this. Now, let’s throw those who oversaw it in prison..
+1 Yep, can’t have the NSA exempt from the law, can we? Show some guts USA and make someone accountable for the stuff up.
While at it, someone needs to be prosecuted for condoning torture on captives, against international law.
+100…there should be people held to account over violation of human rights…both in USA and New Zealand
where is the New Zealand Labour Party on the Spy bill….?….holding the Nacts to account?
where is the New Zealand Labour Party on the Spy bill….?….holding the Nacts to account?
Ummm umm can’t remember, what was it, something I am comfortable with, National Lite…. appeal to middle NZ cos that’s what Cosby Textor told us…. sit on the bench…. stand for nothing, warmongering by proxy, mumble mumble, third way New Labour..
I think middle NZ is ready for Old Labour, Free education, health and sovereignty… social welfare not corporate welfare, human rights, no spying on Kiwis or anyone else for that matter, no secret deals, no TPP etc .The Nats polling is more about the lack of spunk from Labour and their New Labour policies and lack of clear alternative vision for this country, than support for Planet Nat.
+100…NZ Labour Party is not worth voting for imo…i would prefer to vote for a real Left Party
Well yes – – – ruled illegal but the judge says can continue until Congress has another look at the legislation permitting it in the first place. Which probably means that Congress will consider the matter and then re-legislate in its’ favour.
But then American “politics” is a mystery to me !
Isn’t that what dictators do….. change the law to suit themselves?
This seems positive until the US government does what our dirty government did and simply change the law to let them do as they like with impunity.
@ Sable
Exactly !
Yup at the very least Hooton MUST now refer to him as
If he can’t bring himself to say Whistleblower.
Its easy, you just put your lips together and hoot…no thats not right…put your lips together and say ‘sorry’…’I was wrong’…and ‘shrill’…and ‘my credibility as a commentator is closer to shill’…
The Patriot Act is due for renewal on 1 June. Guess what. Change the Act and make the update retrospective.
Is it an odd concept in todays democracy (can we call it that?)
That the very people who elect OUR representatives are in turn spied on by those entrusted to serve ?
So these representatives are serving someone else ?
I cannot think of a better word for this situation ,TREASON ?
Where are all the National party stooges?
Where is Matthew Hooton?
Where is Wayne Mapp?
*tumbleweeds* *crickets*
So Snowden should be given the exoneration he deserves from the US government. Won’t hold my breath though.