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- Date published:
8:52 am, June 5th, 2013 - 36 comments
Categories: john banks, Parliament, sexism -
Tags: eric roy, john banks, metiria turei, sexism
This speech follows Metiria Turei’s (previous post). In which John Banks (facilitated by Eric Roy) indulges in some good old fashioned Parliamentary sexism.
“They get dressed up with their lipstick and make-up on t.v. …….”
Don’t forget to mention the botox favoured by the stupid old fool gifted a seat by our corrupt PM!
There is only one reason for the charter schools. To break the teachers’ union. Just wait and see where schools are closed and charter schools opened. Unions will be fragmented.
Also to create schools to brainwash kids in fundamentalist religion, just like in the UK.
And you, don’t need to send your children to any fundamentalist sponsored school. It’s your CHOICE.
Why should I pay for your dumb choices?
What like public health care? When did you turn Libertard, felix?
You’re forgetting the chance to make a private profit from public money. ACT’s raison d’etre.
It gives parent another option but yes an added bonus will be to break the union stranglehold. The teachers union is the main problem here.
Winston Smith, are you for real?
No. Just another whale-trool.
Your comments suggest you haven’t a particularly good grasp of Education Winston.
Soooo, let’s conflate questioning Bank’s integrity to the same level as childish name calling. Good one Roy…
Yes, Roy says the putting on lipstick and going on TV line is on “the same plane” as questioning Banks integrity over the Dotcom funding, and enabling private profiteering through Charter schools.
At the end of Banks’ speech he repeats the lipstick line:
Roche again objects to the sexism line. Roy then contradicts his earlier ruling, and asks Banks to withdraw the comment. Banks withdraws in an extremely half-hearted and unconvincing way – no apology.
Having seen Mr Banks swishing around Ponsonby in an effete leather jacket about a decade ago I suggest he may not want to resort to stereotypes…
There’s always been that hint about that bint !
That bent bint.
Wow I thought this wife-beater singlet level of sexism was long gone from parliament. Nope.
So if a woman questions a man’s integrity in the house that makes it ok for him to respond with sexist taunts? Really Eric Roy? What decade is this again?
There’s three things wrong with this. The sexism, the stupid ‘two wrongs make a right’ argument from the speaker, and the fact that Turei didn’t do anything ‘wrong’.
The botox pumped troughing fool Botox Archibald Banks ! Babs !
This is the man who said that he thought Doug Graham would show “leadership” and hand back his knighthood and who didn’t note any irony in that statement
Eric Roy seems almost as intellectually challenged as John Banks is ethically challenged. How can the blue rinse Tories of Epsom not hang their heads in shame?
This is unbelievable. I hope it is aired on prime time news.
Why would those women and those men even stay in the same room as Banks.
They should all walk out immediately holding their noses whenever he stands up.
He is the shame of NZ.
Question: Will the Johns give each other knighthoods?
This government has cheapened knighthoods.
All you need to do today is be a top sportsperson ha ha ha ha
I am incensed by Banks’ speech. How do I circulate this video clip to all my feminist friends, male and female.
Christ1 this ‘thing’ has been made New Zealand’s Associate Minister of Education by John Key.
Am I dreaming this? Even my Tory friends shudder.
[karol: I moved your repeat comments to trash. You’re the second person that’s done that tonight. Is there a technological issue?]
[lprent: http://www.youtube.com/embed/mt2WyqhbucY ]
You click on the clip above, you go to the youtube logo, click on that, and go to the video directly on the youtube site, which will have a URL that you can copy and paste into an email.
Karol NO It’s not a technological issue….I think we are just so blindly incensed by (and I don’t usually resort to expletives….by this fuckwit Banks) that we have lost technological self controll !!! My apologies!
Maybe put the whole thing together, and a transcript.
why would she bring up kim dot com in a speech about schools?
It’s not the schools part which is relevant, it’s the John Banks part.
Dont want to watch a nine minute video of a gren party member speaking, what did she about banks, I stoped after she started giggling talking about dot com.
Mostly she said he took big donations and wasn’t honest about them, pretended he couldn’t remember things that no-one really believes he couldn’t remember etc.
You know, stuff that everyone knows is true and is all a matter of public record.
Didn’t hear her giggling about Dotcom though, how far in did you get?
old mason’s club.
If a parent wants to send their kid to one of these charter schools that should be their choice.
And why should I pay for their dumb choices?
And again, what, you mean like health and welfare?
Not everything in a society is about freedom of choice. Sometimes such open choices to do as one wishes entirely and completely leads to the breakdown of society – so no, not everything should be a free choice.
You can’t even choose whatever you want for your childs name ffs.
I might choose not to pay taxes.
I might choose to burn someone’s house down.
I might choose to not educate my kids at all.
I might choose to waste my time on here.
I might choose to not choose anything.
dim bulbs