Kayte O'Neill, the chief operating officer at the Energy System Operator – the body overseeing the UK's electricity system – said: "There is a whole load of innovation required to help us ensure the stability of the grid. Keeping the lights on in a secure way."
A crucial technology providing that stability Kayte O'Neill spoke of is battery technology.
Dr Sylwia Walus, research programme manager at the Faraday Institution, said that there has been significant progress in the science of batteries.
"There is always scope for a new technology, but more focus these days is really how to make it more sustainable and cheaper in production," she said.
To achieve this the UK needs to become more independent of China in producing its own batteries and bringing in skilled workers for this purpose, she explained.
…..In 2010, some 25,000 New Zealanders marched down Queen Street to stop mining on our own conservation lands. Today, few would know that one unit of electricity in every ten they used early this year came from the destruction of someone else’s. According to Global Forest Watch, the Indonesian province of East Kalimantan, on the island of Borneo, has lost nearly 3.5 million hectares of forest cover to timber and mining operations since 2001—that’s three and a half Fiordland National Parks.
The Kalimantan rainforests are among the most biologically rich in the world. Surveys show that, floristically, there’s nowhere else like them. Borneo has, by one count, 14,423 plant species. There are 8500 in all of Aotearoa.
But the two biomes do have something in common: coal. More than half a million hectares of East Kalimantan is pockmarked with pits. In 2020, according to the International Energy Agency, Indonesia produced around 529 million tonnes of coal, including more than one million tonnes sold to New Zealand…..
Q: So why is NZ still burning coal for power? No change in recent decades.
A: Because burning coal keeps the spot prices up, increasing the profitability of the privately owned Gentailers.
…..Solving one of the country’s biggest climate challenges would also give us healthier homes and cheaper power—and fortify communities against natural disasters.
…..spilling all that hydro-dam water, companies that generate and sell energy—“gentailers”—are incentivised to keep supply “on the precipice of shortage” so spot prices stay high, as Major Electricity Users’ Group chair John Harbord put it recently. It doesn’t suit their purposes to have you generating excess power on your roof.
…… the market sets power prices to match the most expensive generation needed to meet that last fraction of demand. If that last one per cent is supplied by Huntly coal, then that high price is locked in across all other electricity sources. That means hydro generators are laughing all the way to the bank, because they can sell their much cheaper hydro power at much higher coal prices. (It also favours wind farms.)
The massive infrastructure projects of Think Big hold some other lessons for us, too. They were supposed to make us more resilient, insulating our economy from international shocks. But ironically, big hydro and coal plants leave us vulnerable:
…..New Zealand won’t meet its climate targets without the engagement of New Zealanders. Top-down, one-way power monopolies must be replaced with active, equitable power-sharing local networks, with energy conservation as their central remit, not profit from production.
The sector must be fairer, supporting people to be a part of an energy revolution, and make sure they can afford the electricity they need to stay healthy.
How to fix: Electricity emissions
Written by Dave Hansford
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
…..In 1996, ECNZ was split again, with a new separate generation business,Contace Energy being formed. The Fourth National Government privatised Contact Energy in 1999. The Electricity Industry Reform Act 1998 required the separation of ownership between lines and energy businesses (either generation or supply).
Sure the answer is healthy homes – and beyond insulation, this includes solar panels and battery.
That and wind power – battery on the grid, reduces use of hydro dam power. And so this can be used less and provide spare low cost capacity (instead of the C of C plans for more expensive imported gas).
Innovation…and thinking outside the box. NZ is good at it. The present NACT1 govt with its determinedly anti Science and innate Climate denial notwithstanding. They like Dinosaur fuel..matches their Dinosaur brains
From waste to power: How floating solar panels on wastewater ponds could help solve NZ’s electricity security crisis
Also this. Is still a factor..
New Zealand may be held back by a misconception that solar panels work best in hot and sunny climates. In fact, solar panels harness the sun's energy – not its temperature – making New Zealand's cooler climate an ideal environment for efficient solar energy generation.
Sure the answer is healthy homes – and beyond insulation, this includes solar panels and battery.
That and wind power – battery on the grid, reduces use of hydro dam power. And so this can be used less and provide spare low cost capacity…..
I think SPC that you are missing the point being made by Dave Hansford.
There is no shortage of innovative solutions to carbon emissions.
The roadblock is the profit driven gentailers.
What is really missing is the political will from our political leaders to regulate the profit driven polluters, who without regulation, will always prioritise their bottom line ahead of the public good or the protection of the environment.
"Top-down, one-way power monopolies must be replaced with active, equitable power-sharing local networks, with energy conservation as their central remit, not profit from production." Dave Hansford
Without government regulation of the privately owned gentailers, or the return to public ownership, none of the innovative solutions put up by you or PsyclingLeft, or even Dave Hansford himself, will ever be realised.
Or if they ever are, only after permanent irreversible damage to the climate is a reality, maybe not even then.
Simply taking back ownership might not be electorally popular – the alternative is incentivising solar panel take up (as per healthy homes) – even requiring it of state housing and landlords. People get the benefit and at a much lower cost to the taxpayer than buying out shareholders.
The other matter is a regulatory requirement for power companies and Transpower to ensure stability via batteries to store wind power to reduce use of hydro.
I think SPC that you are missing the point being made by Dave Hansford.
There is no shortage of innovative solutions to carbon emissions.
The roadblock is the profit driven gentailers.
What is really missing is the political will from our political leaders to regulate the profit driven polluters, who without regulation, will always prioritise their bottom line ahead of the public good or the protection of the environment…..
……incentivising solar panel take up (as per healthy homes) – even requiring it of state housing and landlords. People get the benefit and at a much lower cost to the taxpayer than buying out shareholders.
The other matter is a regulatory requirement for power companies and Transpower to ensure stability via batteries to store wind power to reduce use of hydro.
Yes of course. But still, the point is this, and always has been, is that despite all these affordable, practical solutions for cutting emissions being available, despite all these available solutions, almost off the shelf – What is really missing is the political will to implement them.
This is the real nub of the problem.
Now the question is: how do we get over it, this lack of political will to take up these measures?
It seems as though something has gone wrong with the house designs in Auckland, which meet all of the healthy homes insulation targets. They're too hot. And now require air-conditioning/cooling to run during more than half the year.
Yep. The immediate environment around our houses is very important and has a symbiotic relationship to design and planning. Trees provide natural shade and cooling which would not be apparent in new build.
Not that Bananadonna has the capacity to consider that.
Design and planning is something which the CoC are keen to dispense with for what it's worth.
One interesting thing about tenancies is that because the profit motive is strong with amateur landlords, it's very important to cut all the trees down and have bare properties which are cheaper to manage, and fuck the stupid, weak tenants.
Designing and planning has resulted in this issue.
If you think that extensive tree planting is a feature of intensive housing in Auckland, you need a serious reality check. The planning process has resulted in rows of houses, jammed in tightly together, with minimal landscaping (let alone trees).
Have a look at the Kainga Ora new builds – not seeing many trees – or even much grass.
The problem is that the insulation standards (with which I don't have an issue), were implemented without taking ventilation requirements (a much greater issue in Auckland and parts north), into consideration. A building standards fail.
Is there a difference in landscaping requirements for MDH or intensive housing? Seems to be much the same to me. Not that there is any space for trees or landscaping in any of the MDH around Auckland.
And, sadly for your argument, the highly regulated building standards, have resulted in less livable housing.
I'm sorry, but this is rubbish. The fact that upper floors get hotter is well known, and has been for hundreds of years. There's a reason why the servants were relegated to the top floors of houses in Victorian England.
What seems to have happened is rigorous insulation requirements were implemented, which were unaccompanied by planning for passive cooling. Creating upper-story rooms with windows which don't open (or only open a tiny amount, with no cross-flow) has resulted in heat-box bedrooms, which are unusable without air-conditioning. The cost of retro-fitting this into existing builds in significant; as is, of course, the ongoing electricity bill.
Also the Talbot Steel Works in Wales creased steel production.
The Talbot Steel Works was the last to remaining Steel Works in the UK and it did specialise in steel armour plating for the Army & the manufacturing of steel for the RN Sub's among other high end steel production like rail tracks for High speed rail etc.
"Often the people best able to make a positive change in the lives of someone who is vulnerable or has complex needs is not the government itself, but often someone a bit closer to the community – be that an iwi provider, a social service provider, a charitable organisation – and so one of the roles Social Investment Agency is to ensure that the government works better with those organisations."
A multi-contract system.
This includes a focus on new approaches and innovation, including co-investment and collation of contracts with non-government organisations (NGOs).
Healthy Homes is cited as an example of an approach which had multiple benefits.
(why Labour named social investment – by its purpose – Well Being, such as viaFood in Schools etc)
Arthur Grimes noted
English's approach had "looked at it in terms of reducing government fiscal outlays in the future, as opposed to what's beneficial for society as a whole, so it had a much narrower focus, it was looking at how you save money for the government in the future".
And thus of course Investment (for profit) partners are to be involved
In her speech to Victoria University, Willis said the fund would be targeted towards "social impact bonds, social outcome contracts and other innovative ways of investing".
"Social bonds are an investment tool where private organisations, including investors, partner to fund and deliver services to improve social outcomes," she said.
"The positive or negative return for investors depends on the extent the agreed results are achieved…
A reactive dismissal of critics as from those focused on their ideology, rather than the focus of English-Willis on getting results.
"I know some will question this mixing of the public and private domains. I'm not interested in that rigidity. I want results. If private capital can be better deployed to help change the lives of more New Zealanders then I will not be afraid to use it. We must not allow ideology to get in the way of what works."
This will be great for businesses operating as consultants to government ministry (maintaining capacity with less of their own staff) – hiring up experienced and specialist workers who want to retain work from home rights.
One might well suspect a Ministry might well refers on workers disappointed by the government policy. Meeting staff cutback targets, if not saving any money overall.
And as the government loves going to non government organisations, everyone wins.
Why on earth Key's opinion on the US election should be front page news is beyond me, but it is, and I held my nose and took the bait.
“I think he's better for the economy.”
“He's likely to embrace a bit more market. He's likely to have less red tape and he's certainly going to have lower taxes. So that bit is good.”
But Sir John still thinks overall Trump is still the better choice.
“Well he certainly wants lower taxes. He probably wants more market based solutions. He's probably got a freer energy policy. There's a whole lot of different things.”
So- tax cuts. Some things never change.
Sir John says Kamala Harris has economic views that are radically left-wing and that she’s more aligned with Senator Bernie Sanders than President Joe Biden.
"Radically left-wing"???
America- take him, keep him, let him vote there. And hopefully he'll revoke his NZ citizenship at the same time, and our media will stop the fawning.
Sirkey has first and foremost represented International Capital and Finance Capital all his adult life, even while NZ Prime Minister…anyone remember the offshore Trusts debacle set up by his personal Lawyer? 10, 000 members of the parasite class departed virtually overnight once IRD required more than an A4 sheet on who was who, and other details of their trusts.
The beneficiaries of the orange tax cuts are pretty obvious, hence the Key support.
Within days of the release of the Panama Papers in April, the major players behind New Zealand's embattled foreign trust sector began a lobbying campaign that has helped to minimise changes that would identify their secret clients.
What stood out for me was Keys endorsement of trumps energy/climate change policies, trump would wind back laws put in place by Biden. Does Key not understand climate change? Under his governent NZ did FA about reducing emissions so he might not particularly care. Here's the point though Mr Key, without a solution to climate change we will have little or no economic growth, and more and more climatic shocks.
On another matter seemingly Casey Costello received "independent advice" on tax cuts for heated tobacco products. I am wondering who provided her that "independent advice", Rothamans or Pall Mall?
So much of the story leaps out as giving a coherence to the otherwise inchoate coalition currently governing NZ. In particular it highlights the global problem of the paranoia and deep unseriousness representative of the collapse of modern conservatism. Modern conservatism regards any kind of expertise as by definition a sort of special interest capture, so a minister can characterise his department’s officials as "…Guardian-reading pinkos…" (a similar attitude seems to define this government's attitude to the civil service) despite also observing that "…whatever their views were, they acted in line with (the governments) antipathy to ‘regulatory madness’…" and signalling the complete acquiescence and colonisation of the senior civil service by neoliberal conservative acolytes "…thoroughly acclimated to (their) department’s culture…"
The collapse of the MSM is also canvassed: "…The kind of local journalism that might have uncovered and campaigned against the problems at Grenfell… …is long dead…" and "…At the BBC, Kate Lamble produced a detailed weekly podcast throughout the hearings, though its insights rarely seemed to make it across to the corporation’s main news programmes. In an act of managerial malfeasance typical of the BBC, Lamble was made redundant a day or two after the inquiry reported…"
The whole piece is a meta-condemnation of the utterly exhausted late capitalist neoliberal project, a tired and discredited ideology so ingrained in the political and media class that it is difficult to "…‘make the water visible’. The phrase comes from the old story of one fish asking another ‘What’s water?’, a way of talking about conditions so pervasive they can no longer be perceived…"
What Chris Hipkins thought he could learn from talking to Kier Starmer – "a technocrat without a plan" https://unherd.com/2024/09/keir-starmer-a-technocrat-without-a-plan/ who project seems to largely consist of a continuation of the Conservative with austerity somehow done better and who was elected largely by gaming the first past the post electoral system and is surrounded by radical centrist liberals and grifters, is anyone's guess.
Biden's inability to alter Israel's direction towards multi-front war looks now at least as bad as Obama's loss of Syria to Russia and Iran, or Trump's loss of Afghanistan to the Taleban.
Hey Biden, with that volume of both aid and arms you are sending to Israel, who is the dog and who is the tail?
So close to the election, no party / candidate can work (fight) against the interests of AIPAC – American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Actually, it doesn't really matter much, if the election is close or not. You won't make it far in US politics if you piss-off AIPAC.
When has Syria not been in the Russia/Iran camp (since the Shah at least)?
The loss of Afghanistan was bi-partisan (and a mistake).
The western regime changes – removing secular left governments in Iran 1950's Afghanistan 1980's, Iraq and Libya 2000's and the failed one in Syria, as much one by Gulf states were wrong (and resulted in crimes against humanity).
The current problem in the region is that Iran has created a coalition front to destroy the Israeli state***. This is exploited by Israel as a cover for its WB occupation. This is a reprise of the 5 army war on the "1948 state" that prevented "the two states" being established at the same time.
As it turns out, the story author is personally deeply embedded into the trans-Atlantic project and it's unquestioning support for Israel – which is why he can apparently discuss the inability of the United States to influence Israel anymore whilst casually mentioning the United States has provided over ten billion dollars of weapons to Israel is the October 7th attack with seemingly being able to connect any dots.
Even Reagan got so pissed off with Israeli entitled attitude that he yelled at PM Menachem Begin and told him to stop bombing Beirut. When the US president yells at you, as opposed to bear hugs at every opportunity, along with continuesd assurrance that "we" stand by you whatever, its likely the next step is cessation of aid and arms.
Israel ceased bombing Lebanon the next day.
Biden hasn't even tried, or more likely, is comfortable with the current escalation because it fits with maintaining US hegemony. The iron fist making a statement.
1.Off whom? As a LofN mandate to develop the area for self government?
2.The British empire was not the first, nor the last, to occupy territory.
3.The IDF of 1948 was made up of settlers in Palestine. There are 2 million Arab citizens in Israel within the recognised 1948-49 border Israel today. All Jews living in the WB and Gaza were driven out by the armies of Egyptian and Jordan.
4.Where was the 1950 base located?
5.How do these US Jews punish the opposition you refer to?
6.Yes the West opposes the attempt by one state Russia to take land off another Ukraine, as they did in Kuwait (by Iraq).
Only one western nation has supported the annexation of the Golan Heights by Israel. the USA. Who supports the seizure of Abkhazia and South Ossetia and Crimea by Russia?
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon responds to attention on Wellington apartment sale
Just to repeat..he's wealthy.
"Let's be clear, I'm wealthy," he told Newstalk ZB's Heather du Plessis Allan this morning.
I've chosen to come into politics because I want to add back to New Zealand.
"If we're going to criticise people for being successful, let's be clear – I'm wealthy."
And yet..
Luxon came under pressure for claiming an allowance to live in the apartment. MPs based outside of Wellington are able to claim up to $52,000 for their accommodation while they need to be at Parliament. But few Prime Ministers have claimed it, with Luxon being the first in at least 34 years.
He initially defended the move by calling it an "entitlement" and "within the rules", but then U-turned, calling it a "distraction".
Wealthy people coming into government of a nation – the only one without a CGT in the OECD and one of only 12 (of 36) with no estate or inheritance tax.
The Greeks had the rich bribe the city by promising to spend their own money to get elected.
I have zero problem with people who are rich, and that's coming from someone at the bottom of the food chain. Unless that money came at the expense of low paid workers, the environment, house hoarding or crime/dishonesty.
I take issue with rich people who don't even pretend to understand how it is for everyone who, for whatever reason, were not ever going to amass that sort of money, and take that 'well if I can do it..' attitude.
And who lose all concept of reality because they are immune to everyday financial struggles.
Two things to add, those who are wealthy and prepared to pay a fair share of tax – eg a CGT on currently untaxed income – and who do not try and hang onto or enhance their power/privilege with false arguments and divisive campaigns like we are seeing from the neoliberal act/brash types and proxies.
Luxon bragging about his wealth. Up thread there's a link to a stuff interview with Key also published today. Key is sitting in front of his helicopter, another demonstration of wealth.
To obtain a pilot's license there's quite a bit of science study involved; meteorology & gas flow etc etc. During his infamous BBC interview with Stephen Sackur in 2011 he claimed scientists were like lawyers, he could always pay someone else for a different opinion. I'm hoping his flying examiner only accepted answers based on conventional science.
He says that he wants to add back to the country, which is an interesting choice of words.
What he does tell us is that he’d like to ‘add back’ to the people who enabled him to become wealthy, such as frequent-flying landlords and shareholders. What he’s also saying is that wealth creates wealth and that this is ok and the natural way of how things ought to work. What he really means is that inequality and inequity are part of the natural order and that the wealthy have earned every penny through enablement, entitlement, and embellishment. In other words, he smokes his own dope, which is why he supports the smoke & mirrors by Costello, BTW.
what he really means is that inequality and inequity are part of the natural order
Yea, the more that I know of Luxon and the NACT1 creeps, the more I see some quite disturbing elements of Social Darwinism : "Bottom Feeders" , less social welfare and help services / more prisons and punishments , Race baiting as a distraction / diversion whilst also destroying equality , and more….
I hesitate to call them evil….and maybe Dystopian… but IMO there is an element of that banality in them..that has lead to terrible things.
As I have said though, I see a lot of people protesting, being counted upon, and standing together. This is how we beat them.
Ukrainians who live in the occupied part of Luhansk region but refuse to receive passports will be included in the register of foreigners from January 1, 2025. Being included in this list will result in restrictions on receiving almost all payments, social and administrative services, such as banking, property registration and enrollment of children in educational institutions. This is part of a campaign aimed at forcing passportization of citizens.
This is part of a campaign aimed at forcing passportization of Unrainian citizens.
The choice being, no longer being citizens in their own homes and towns and eventually, facing displacement and forced expulsion, as foreigners. (Just like Palestinians, except that Palestinians don’even get that choice). Blue Sky Sunflowers
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Two recent foreign challenges suggest that Australia needs urgently to increase its level of defence self-reliance and to ensure that the increased funding that this would require is available. First, the circumnavigation of our continent ...
Here’s my selection1 of scoops, breaking news, news, analyses, deep-dives, features, interviews, Op-Eds, editorials and cartoons from around Aotearoa’s political economy on housing, climate and poverty from RNZ, 1News, The Post-$2, The Press−$, Newsroom/$3, NZ Herald/$, Stuff, BusinessDesk/$, Politik-$, NBR-$, Reuters, FT/$, WSJ/$, Bloomberg/$, New York Times/$, The Atlantic-$, The ...
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Up until a few weeks ago, I had never heard of "Climate Fresk" and at a guess, this will also be the case for many of you. I stumbled upon it in the self-service training catalog for employees at the company I work at in Germany where it was announced ...
Japan and Australia talk of ‘collective deterrence,’ but they don’t seem to have specific objectives. The relationship needs a clearer direction. The two countries should identify how they complement each other. Each country has two ...
The NZCTU strongly supports the OPC’s decision to issue a code of practice for biometric processing. Our view is that the draft code currently being consulted on is stronger and will be more effective than the exposure code released in early 2024. We are pleased that some of the revisions ...
Australia’s export-oriented industries, particularly agriculture, need to diversify their markets, with a focus on Southeast Asia. This could strengthen economic security and resilience while deepening regional relationships. The Trump administration’s decision to impose tariffs on ...
Minister Shane Jones is introducing fastrack ‘reforms’ to the our fishing industry that will ensure the big players squeeze out the small fishers and entrench an already bankrupt quota system.Our fisheries are under severe stress: the recent decision by theHigh Court ruling that the ...
In what has become regular news, the quarterly ETS auction has failed, with nobody even bothering to bid. The immediate reason is that the carbon price has fallen to around $60, below the auction minimum of $68. And the cause of that is a government which has basically given up ...
US President Donald Trump’s tariff threats have dominated headlines in India in recent weeks. Earlier this month, Trump announced that his reciprocal tariffs—matching other countries’ tariffs on American goods—will go into effect on 2 April, ...
Hi,Back in June of 2021, James Gardner-Hopkins — a former partner at law firm Russell McVeagh — was found guilty of misconduct over sexually inappropriate behaviour with interns.The events all related to law students working as summer interns at Russell McVeagh:As well as intimate touching with a student at his ...
Climate sceptic MP Mark Cameron has slammed National for being ‘out of touch’ by sticking to our climate commitments. Photo: Lynn GrievesonMōrena. Long stories shortest:ACT’s renowned climate sceptic MP Mark Cameron has accused National of being 'out of touch' with farmers by sticking with New Zealand’s Paris accord pledges ...
Now I've heard there was a secret chordThat David played, and it pleased the LordBut you don't really care for music, do you?It goes like this, the fourth, the fifthThe minor falls, the major liftsThe baffled king composing HallelujahSongwriter: Leonard CohenI always thought the lyrics of that great song by ...
People are getting carried away with the virtues of small warship crews. We need to remember the great vice of having few people to run a ship: they’ll quickly tire. Yes, the navy is struggling ...
Mōrena. Here’s my selection1 of scoops, breaking news, news, analyses, deep-dives, features, interviews, Op-Eds, editorials and cartoons from around Aotearoa’s political economy on housing, climate and poverty from RNZ, 1News, The Post-$2, The Press−$, Newsroom/$3, NZ Herald/$, Stuff, BusinessDesk/$, Politik-$, NBR-$, Reuters, FT/$, WSJ/$, Bloomberg/$, New York Times/$, The Atlantic-$, ...
US President Donald Trump’s hostile regime has finally forced Europe to wake up. With US officials calling into question the transatlantic alliance, Germany’s incoming chancellor, Friedrich Merz, recently persuaded lawmakers to revise the country’s debt ...
We need to establish clearer political boundaries around national security to avoid politicising ongoing security issues and to better manage secondary effects. The Australian Federal Police (AFP) revealed on 10 March that the Dural caravan ...
The NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi have reiterated their call for Government to protect workers by banning engineered stone in a submission on MBIE’s silica dust consultation. “If Brooke van Velden is genuine when she calls for an evidence-based approach to this issue, then she must support a full ban on ...
The Labour Inspectorate could soon be knocking on the door of hundreds of businesses nation-wide, as it launches a major crackdown on those not abiding by the law. NorthTec staff are on edge as Northland’s leading polytechnic proposes to stop 11 programmes across primary industries, forestry, and construction. Union coverage ...
It’s one thing for military personnel to hone skills with first-person view (FPV) drones in racing competitions. It’s quite another for them to transition to the complexities of the battlefield. Drone racing has become a ...
Seymour says there will be no other exemptions granted to schools wanting to opt out of the Compass contract. Photo: Lynn GrievesonLong stories shortest:David Seymour has denied a request from a Christchurch school and any other schools to be exempted from the Compass school lunch programme, saying the contract ...
Russian President Boris Yeltsin, U.S. President Bill Clinton, Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma, and British Prime Minister John Major signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty in ...
Edit: The original story said “Palette Cleanser” in both the story, and the headline. I am never, ever going to live this down. Chain me up, throw me into the pit.Hi,With the world burning — literally and figuratively — I felt like Webworm needed a little palate cleanser at the ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Sarah Wesseler(Image credit: Antonio Huerta) Growing up in suburban Ohio, I was used to seeing farmland and woods disappear to make room for new subdivisions, strip malls, and big box stores. I didn’t usually welcome the changes, but I assumed others ...
Myanmar was a key global site for criminal activity well before the 2021 military coup. Today, illicit industry, especially heroin and methamphetamine production, still defines much of the economy. Nowhere, not even the leafiest districts ...
What've I gotta do to make you love me?What've I gotta do to make you care?What do I do when lightning strikes me?And I wake up and find that you're not thereWhat've I gotta do to make you want me?Mmm hmm, what've I gotta do to be heard?What do I ...
Here’s my selection1 of scoops, breaking news, news, analyses, deep-dives, features, interviews, Op-Eds, editorials and cartoons from around Aotearoa’s political economy on housing, climate and poverty from RNZ, 1News, The Post-$2, The Press−$, Newsroom3, NZ Herald, Stuff, BusinessDesk-$, NBR-$, Reuters, FT-$, WSJ-$, Bloomberg-$, New York Times-$, The Atlantic-$, The Economist-$ ...
Whenever Christopher Luxon drops a classically fatuous clanger or whenever the government has a bad poll – i.e. every week – the talk resumes that he is about to be rolled. This is unlikely for several reasons. For starters, there is no successor. Nicola Willis? Chris Bishop? Simeon Brown? Mark ...
Australia, Britain and European countries should loosen budget rules to allow borrowing to fund higher defence spending, a new study by the Kiel Institute suggests. Currently, budget debt rules are forcing governments to finance increases ...
The NZCTU remains strongly committed to banning engineered stone in New Zealand and implementing better occupational health protections for all workers working with silica-containing materials. In this submission to MBIE, the NZCTU outlines that we have an opportunity to learn from Australia’s experience by implementing a full ban of engineered ...
The Prime Minister has announced a big win in trade negotiations with India.It’s huge, he told reporters. We didn't get everything we came for but we were able to agree on free trade in clothing, fabrics, car components, software, IT consulting, spices, tea, rice, and leather goods.He said that for ...
I have been trying to figure out the logic of Trump’s tariff policies and apparent desire for a global trade war. Although he does not appear to comprehend that tariffs are a tax on consumers in the country doing the tariffing, I can (sort of) understand that he may think ...
As Syria and international partners negotiate the country’s future, France has sought to be a convening power. While France has a history of influence in the Middle East, it will have to balance competing Syrian ...
One of the eternal truths about Aotearoa's economy is that we are "capital poor": there's not enough money sloshing around here to fund the expansion of local businesses, or to build the things we want to. Which gets used as an excuse for all sorts of things, like setting up ...
National held its ground until late 2023 Verion, Talbot Mills & Curia Polls (Red = Labour, Blue = National)If we remove outlier results from Curia (National Party November 2023) National started trending down in October 2024.Verion Polls (Red = Labour, Blue = National)Verian alone shows a clearer deterioration in early ...
In a recent presentation, I recommended, quite unoriginally, that governments should have a greater focus on higher-impact, lower-probability climate risks. My reasoning was that current climate model projections have blind spots, meaning we are betting ...
Daddy, are you out there?Daddy, won't you come and play?Daddy, do you not care?Is there nothing that you want to say?Songwriters: Mark Batson / Beyonce Giselle Knowles.This morning, a look at the much-maligned NZ Herald. Despised by many on the left as little more than a mouthpiece for the National ...
Employers, unions and health and safety advocates are calling for engineered stone to be banned, a day before consultation on regulations closes. On Friday the PSA lodged a pay equity claim for library assistants with the Employment Relations Authority, after the stalling of a claim lodged with six councils in ...
Long stories shortest in Aotearoa’s political economy:Christopher Luxon surprises by announcing trade deal talks with India will start next month, and include beef and dairy. Napier is set to join Whakatane, Dunedin and Westport in staging a protest march against health spending restraints hitting their hospital services. Winston Peters ...
At a time of rising geopolitical tensions and deepening global fragmentation, the Ukraine war has proved particularly divisive. From the start, the battle lines were clearly drawn: Russia on one side, Ukraine and the West ...
Here’s my selection1 of scoops, breaking news, news, analyses, deep-dives, features, interviews, Op-Eds, editorials and cartoons from around Aotearoa’s political economy on housing, climate and poverty from RNZ, 1News, The Post-$2, The Press−$, Newsroom3, NZ Herald, Stuff, BusinessDesk-$, Newsroom-$, Politik-$, NBR-$, Reuters, FT-$, WSJ-$, Bloomberg-$, New York Times-$, The Atlantic-$, ...
A listing of 26 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, March 9, 2025 thru Sat, March 15, 2025. This week's roundup is again published by category and sorted by number of articles included in each. We are still interested ...
Hundreds more Palestinians have died in recent days as Israel’s assault on Gaza continues and humanitarian aid, including food and medicine, is blocked. ...
National is looking to cut hundreds of jobs at New Zealand’s Defence Force, while at the same time it talks up plans to increase focus and spending in Defence. ...
It’s been revealed that the Government is secretly trying to bring back a ‘one-size fits all’ standardised test – a decision that has shocked school principals. ...
The Green Party is calling for the compassionate release of Dean Wickliffe, a 77-year-old kaumātua on hunger strike at the Spring Hill Corrections Facility, after visiting him at the prison. ...
The Green Party is calling on Government MPs to support Chlöe Swarbrick’s Member’s Bill to sanction Israel for its unlawful presence and illegal actions in Palestine, following another day of appalling violence against civilians in Gaza. ...
The Green Party stands in support of volunteer firefighters petitioning the Government to step up and change legislation to provide volunteers the same ACC coverage and benefits as their paid counterparts. ...
At 2.30am local time, Israel launched a treacherous attack on Gaza killing more than 300 defenceless civilians while they slept. Many of them were children. This followed a more than 2 week-long blockade by Israel on the entry of all goods and aid into Gaza. Israel deliberately targeted densely populated ...
Living Strong, Aging Well There is much discussion around the health of our older New Zealanders and how we can age well. In reality, the delivery of health services accounts for only a relatively small percentage of health outcomes as we age. Significantly, dry warm housing, nutrition, exercise, social connection, ...
Shane Jones’ display on Q&A showed how out of touch he and this Government are with our communities and how in sync they are with companies with little concern for people and planet. ...
Labour does not support the private ownership of core infrastructure like schools, hospitals and prisons, which will only see worse outcomes for Kiwis. ...
The Green Party is disappointed the Government voted down Hūhana Lyndon’s member’s Bill, which would have prevented further alienation of Māori land through the Public Works Act. ...
The Labour Party will support Chloe Swarbrick’s member’s bill which would allow sanctions against Israel for its illegal occupation of the Palestinian Territories. ...
The Government’s new procurement rules are a blatant attack on workers and the environment, showing once again that National’s priorities are completely out of touch with everyday Kiwis. ...
With Labour and Te Pāti Māori’s official support, Opposition parties are officially aligned to progress Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick’s Member’s Bill to sanction Israel for its unlawful presence in Palestine. ...
Te Pāti Māori extends our deepest aroha to the 500 plus Whānau Ora workers who have been advised today that the govt will be dismantling their contracts. For twenty years , Whānau Ora has been helping families, delivering life-changing support through a kaupapa Māori approach. It has built trust where ...
Labour welcomes Simeon Brown’s move to reinstate a board at Health New Zealand, bringing the destructive and secretive tenure of commissioner Lester Levy to an end. ...
This morning’s announcement by the Health Minister regarding a major overhaul of the public health sector levels yet another blow to the country’s essential services. ...
New Zealand First has introduced a Member’s Bill that will ensure employment decisions in the public service are based on merit and not on forced woke ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ targets. “This Bill would put an end to the woke left-wing social engineering and diversity targets in the public sector. ...
Police have referred 20 offenders to Destiny Church-affiliated programmes Man Up and Legacy as ‘wellness providers’ in the last year, raising concerns that those seeking help are being recruited into a harmful organisation. ...
Te Pāti Māori welcomes the resignation of Richard Prebble from the Waitangi Tribunal. His appointment in October 2024 was a disgrace- another example of this government undermining Te Tiriti o Waitangi by appointing a former ACT leader who has spent his career attacking Māori rights. “Regardless of the reason for ...
Police Minister Mark Mitchell is avoiding accountability by refusing to answer key questions in the House as his Government faces criticism over their dangerous citizen’s arrest policy, firearm reform, and broken promises to recruit more police. ...
The number of building consents issued under this Government continues to spiral, taking a toll on the infrastructure sector, tradies, and future generations of Kiwi homeowners. ...
The Green Party is calling on the Prime Minister to rule out joining the AUKUS military pact in any capacity following the scenes in the White House over the weekend. ...
Asia Pacific Report Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick called on New Zealand government MPs today to support her Member’s Bill to sanction Israel over its “crazy slaughter” of Palestinians in Gaza. Speaking at a large pro-Palestinian solidarity rally in the heart of New Zealand’s largest city Auckland, she said Aotearoa ...
The draft bill was intended to stop any move away from the principle of equal suffrage, where each person gets an equal say in electing people, Uffindell said. ...
By Leah Lowonbu, Stefan Armbruster and Harlyne Joku of BenarNews The Pacific’s peak diplomatic bodies have signalled they are ready to engage with Papua New Guinea’s Autonomous Government of Bougainville as mediation begins on the delayed ratification of its successful 2019 independence referendum. PNG and Bougainville’s leaders met in the ...
MONDAYThe party of honoured New Zealanders were shown an old fort. “Awesome,” said Mr Luxon.He wore a gold turban, a white linen jacket, a peacock-illustrated waistcoat sewn with exquisite rubies, a white dhoti crafted from finest polyester with 1 1/2″ gold jari border, and a $625 pair of Christian Kimber ...
Christopher Luxon's trip to India included the restart of trade talks, the tightening of defence ties, and more than a spot of cricket - RNZ's deputy political editor takes us behind the scenes. ...
Six months after Vincent Dix and his son Nikau stumbled across remains of an ocean-voyaging waka while searching for driftwood on their property in Rēkohu/ Chatham Islands, the community is still buzzing over the discoveries.The big question locals want an answer to: where did the waka come, from and who ...
Leon Pritchard used to be absolutely ripped, back in the day. He exercised his muscles one by one at the gym, so that each formed its ultimate shape and could be easily seen by passing females, even at a glance. He worked hardest on his upper body and put the ...
Never heard of Acotar? Unsure what makes fairies sexy? Nervous of romantasy? Bemused by the term Medievalcore? Herewith is all you need to know about the hottest publishing trend of the age.What is fairy smut?Fairy smut is a genre of fantasy romance (romantasy) that includes both fairies and ...
The local star of Prime Video’s fantasy epic takes us through her life in television, including the trauma of 2000s drink driving ads and the Tribe spinoff that time forgot. Local actor Zoë Robins is one of the many, many New Zealanders who have infiltrated huge budget behemoth television shows ...
Court documents suggest Kim Dotcom spent $1,000,000 on Grammy winners, ad campaigns and the best studio in the country. So why was his much-derided album such a disaster? This story was first published in 2015 in Barkers’ 1972 magazine, and is republished here with permission.Read Chris Schulz’s interview with ...
Most people would look at our house and decide painting it was a job for professionals. My mum and dad decided it was a job for their kids.I grew up in a house that was always being renovated. That’s not hyperbole, it was literally always being renovated. Just one ...
Asia Pacific Report A joint operation between the Fiji Police Force, Republic of Fiji Military Force (RFMF), Territorial Force Brigade, Fiji Navy and National Fire Authority was staged this week to “modernise” responses to emergencies. Called “Exercise Genesis”, the joint operation is believed to be the first of its kind ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Rob Nicholls, Senior Research Associate in Media and Communications, University of Sydney As the United States recalibrates its trade policies to combat what the Trump administration sees as “unfair” treatment by other countries, two significant industries have complained to US regulators about ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Alan Renwick, Professor of Agricultural Economics, Lincoln University, New Zealand Since the return to power of US President Donald Trump, tariffs have barely left the front pages. While the on-off-on tariff sagas have dominated the headlines, a paper released this week ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Richard Baka, Honorary Professor, School of Kinesiology, Western University, London, Canada; Adjunct Fellow, Olympic Scholar and Co-Director of the Olympic and Paralympic Research Centre, Institute for Health and Sport, Victoria University In a surprisingly emphatic result, 41-year-old Kirsty Coventry, Zimbabwe’s Sport Minister, ...
More than 12,000 cubic metres of treated wastewater a day could be discharged directly into the Shotover River in the country’s premiere tourist resort, according to a whistle-blowing councillor. That’s almost enough liquid to fill five Olympic-sized swimming pools.The plan, prompted by Queenstown’s failing sewage treatment plant, would use emergency ...
Winston Peters has repeatedly failed to express any concern for the Palestinians killed by Israel since Israel ended the ceasefire and condemn Israel for this industrial-scale carnage, which the International Court of Justice found more than a year ago to be ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Gary Mortimer, Professor of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, Queensland University of Technology Daria Nipot/Shutterstock Australia’s supermarket sector has endured a long, uncomfortable moment in the spotlight. There have been six comprehensive inquiries into its conduct, pricing practices, and specifically claims of ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Gail Wilson, Adjunct Associate Professor, Office of the PVC (Academic Innovation), Southern Cross University Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock In 2023, an academic journal, the Annals of Operations Research, retracted an entire special isssue because the peer review process for it was compromised. The ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Lauren Breen, Professor of Psychology, Curtin University Photo by Daria Kruchkova/Pexels Grief can hit us in powerful and unanticipated ways. You might expect to grieve a person, a pet or even a former version of yourself – but many people are ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Stefan B. Williams, Professor of Marine Robotics, Australian Centre for Robotics, University of Sydney Armada 7805, similar to the 7806 vessel that will support the new MH370 search.Ocean Infinity More than 11 years after the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, ...
The only published and available best-selling indie book chart in New Zealand is the top 10 sales list recorded every week at Unity Books’ stores in High St, Auckland, and Willis St, Wellington.AUCKLAND1 Sunrise on the Reaping by Suzanne Collins (Scholastic, $30) A Hunger Games prequel starring young Haymitch, ...
Two poems from the new collection Clay Eaters by Gregory Kan, launched this week at Unity Books Wellington.(Editors note: The poems are untitled but can be found on pages 3 and 19 of Clay Eaters, published by Auckland University Press.)From Clay Eaters Satellite view of the ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Sam Egger, Senior Biostatistician at the Daffodil Centre, Cancer Council NSW, University of Sydney Getty Images E-cigarette companies, including giants such as British American Tobacco, have actively lobbied governments in New Zealand and Australia to weaken existing vape regulations while preventing ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By David Coleman, Post-doctoral Researcher in Plant Ecology, Macquarie University Jakub Maculewicz/Shutterstock More than 8,000 continental islands sit just off the coast of Australia, many of them uninhabited and unspoiled. For thousands of species, these patches of habitat offer refuge from the ...
By Alex Willemyns for Radio Free Asia The Trump administration might let hundreds of millions of dollars in aid pledged to Pacific island nations during former President Joe Biden’s time in office stand, says New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters. The Biden administration pledged about $1 billion in aid to the Pacific ...
Delhi Diary Day 1Christopher Luxon walks down the stairs of the Airforce Boeing 757 at Palam Airbase towards the tarmac and greets the waiting Professor Singh Baghel, minister of state of fisheries, animal husbandry and dairying. Luxon squints against the heat. Baghel keeps his aviators on; he’s done this before. The ...
Netflix’s new British crime drama asks the hard questions about growing up in a digital world. This is an excerpt from our weekly pop culture newsletter Rec Room. Sign up here.Even before a single episode of Adolescence went up on Netflix, the five star reviews started rolling in. The ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Anna Sergi, Professor in Criminology, University of Essex In June 1988, the Reagan administration launched the most important United States labour case of the past half century. The government alleged the Italian-American mafia – La Cosa Nostra – had effectively taken ...
The Pacific profiles series shines a light on Pacific people in Aotearoa doing interesting and important work in their communities, as nominated by members of the public. Today, Danielle Puiri-Tuia who founded a South Auckland-based running and walking club.All photos by Geoffery Matautia.Runners High 09 is a free ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Nathan Kilah, Senior Lecturer in Chemistry, University of Tasmania Karynf/Shutterstock There is something special about sharing baked goods with family, friends and colleagues. But I’ll never forget the disappointment of serving my colleagues rhubarb muffins that had failed to rise. They ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Rebecca Kaiser, PhD Candidate, School of Social Sciences, University of Tasmania The South African National Antarctic Expedition research base, SANAE IV, at Vesleskarvet, Queen Maud Land, Antarctica. Dr Ross Hofmeyr/Wikimedia, CC BY-SA Earlier this week, reports emerged that a scientist at ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Intifar Chowdhury, Lecturer in Government, Flinders University Every generation thinks they had it tough, but evidence suggests young Australians today might have a case for saying they’ve drawn the short straw. Compared with young adults two or three decades ago, today’s 18–35-year-olds ...
The UK is no longer burning coal for power.
A huge change in recent decades.
NZ Cross Border international climate criminals:
Q: So why is NZ still burning coal for power? No change in recent decades.
A: Because burning coal keeps the spot prices up, increasing the profitability of the privately owned Gentailers.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Sure the answer is healthy homes – and beyond insulation, this includes solar panels and battery.
That and wind power – battery on the grid, reduces use of hydro dam power. And so this can be used less and provide spare low cost capacity (instead of the C of C plans for more expensive imported gas).
Innovation…and thinking outside the box. NZ is good at it. The present NACT1 govt with its determinedly anti Science and innate Climate denial notwithstanding. They like Dinosaur fuel..matches their Dinosaur brains
Also this. Is still a factor..
I think SPC that you are missing the point being made by Dave Hansford.
There is no shortage of innovative solutions to carbon emissions.
The roadblock is the profit driven gentailers.
What is really missing is the political will from our political leaders to regulate the profit driven polluters, who without regulation, will always prioritise their bottom line ahead of the public good or the protection of the environment.
"Top-down, one-way power monopolies must be replaced with active, equitable power-sharing local networks, with energy conservation as their central remit, not profit from production." Dave Hansford
Without government regulation of the privately owned gentailers, or the return to public ownership, none of the innovative solutions put up by you or PsyclingLeft, or even Dave Hansford himself, will ever be realised.
Or if they ever are, only after permanent irreversible damage to the climate is a reality, maybe not even then.
Simply taking back ownership might not be electorally popular – the alternative is incentivising solar panel take up (as per healthy homes) – even requiring it of state housing and landlords. People get the benefit and at a much lower cost to the taxpayer than buying out shareholders.
The other matter is a regulatory requirement for power companies and Transpower to ensure stability via batteries to store wind power to reduce use of hydro.
Yes of course. But still, the point is this, and always has been, is that despite all these affordable, practical solutions for cutting emissions being available, despite all these available solutions, almost off the shelf – What is really missing is the political will to implement them.
This is the real nub of the problem.
Now the question is: how do we get over it, this lack of political will to take up these measures?
It seems as though something has gone wrong with the house designs in Auckland, which meet all of the healthy homes insulation targets. They're too hot. And now require air-conditioning/cooling to run during more than half the year.
Surely a massive own-goal for the planners.
For the developers and buyers perhaps but I doubt the onus is on planners to remind dopey pricks about how hot the sun is.
Not a building expert here, but surely it's the planners who set the rules for insulation and ventilation for new build houses.
Yup, lots of rules about insulation, heating, light penetration, ventilation, etc but afaik, not a sausage about how hot the sun is.
Planning for the current climate (let alone for increased warming), would seem to be a requirement.
Yep. The immediate environment around our houses is very important and has a symbiotic relationship to design and planning. Trees provide natural shade and cooling which would not be apparent in new build.
Not that Bananadonna has the capacity to consider that.
Design and planning is something which the CoC are keen to dispense with for what it's worth.
One interesting thing about tenancies is that because the profit motive is strong with amateur landlords, it's very important to cut all the trees down and have bare properties which are cheaper to manage, and fuck the stupid, weak tenants.
Western suburbs of Sydney.
Designing and planning has resulted in this issue.
If you think that extensive tree planting is a feature of intensive housing in Auckland, you need a serious reality check. The planning process has resulted in rows of houses, jammed in tightly together, with minimal landscaping (let alone trees).
Have a look at the Kainga Ora new builds – not seeing many trees – or even much grass.
Ok, so you've pivoted away from suggesting the problem is insulation standards which is a National Party line (no surprise there).
Now it's the (council, I presume) planners fault, but nothing to do with developers cutting corners to maximise profit.
The thing is, if you want no mistake, liveable housing, more regulation and requirements are necessary rather than less.
I haven't said tree planting is a feature of MDH (you falsely call it intensive housing), but it needs to be.
The problem is that the insulation standards (with which I don't have an issue), were implemented without taking ventilation requirements (a much greater issue in Auckland and parts north), into consideration. A building standards fail.
Is there a difference in landscaping requirements for MDH or intensive housing? Seems to be much the same to me. Not that there is any space for trees or landscaping in any of the MDH around Auckland.
And, sadly for your argument, the highly regulated building standards, have resulted in less livable housing.
There is an urban planning issue. It is one of density. And is related to stormwater (where an area is too built up and has poor drainage) capacity.
It can occur with both higher density development, including large houses on small sections.
Basically the answer is less of the land being built on. More grass and trees.
Sydney has more serious issues (more heat than us).
In Auckland it appears to be where the top level of duplexes get less shade and have to be designed and built with different features.
I'm sorry, but this is rubbish. The fact that upper floors get hotter is well known, and has been for hundreds of years. There's a reason why the servants were relegated to the top floors of houses in Victorian England.
What seems to have happened is rigorous insulation requirements were implemented, which were unaccompanied by planning for passive cooling. Creating upper-story rooms with windows which don't open (or only open a tiny amount, with no cross-flow) has resulted in heat-box bedrooms, which are unusable without air-conditioning. The cost of retro-fitting this into existing builds in significant; as is, of course, the ongoing electricity bill.
It's a planning failure.
What rubbish?
As I noted
That includes all sorts of issues. More grass and less housing on sections and the ability to plant trees. .
And this
Sure this has been a known since the 19th C.
One can guess the desire for more urban density is the reason, in this there is a building design issue/building criteria regulation factor.
And, my point. It's not an urban planning issue, it's a building planning one.
The link you gave – says it is both.
Also the Talbot Steel Works in Wales creased steel production.
The Talbot Steel Works was the last to remaining Steel Works in the UK and it did specialise in steel armour plating for the Army & the manufacturing of steel for the RN Sub's among other high end steel production like rail tracks for High speed rail etc.
Tata's Indian owners … a bit like the Malaysians with their own mill and cheaper power closing down here.
The social investment approach
First principles
It is a diversion away from state provision.
A multi-contract system.
Healthy Homes is cited as an example of an approach which had multiple benefits.
(why Labour named social investment – by its purpose – Well Being, such as via Food in Schools etc)
Arthur Grimes noted
And thus of course Investment (for profit) partners are to be involved
A reactive dismissal of critics as from those focused on their ideology, rather than the focus of English-Willis on getting results.
This will be great for businesses operating as consultants to government ministry (maintaining capacity with less of their own staff) – hiring up experienced and specialist workers who want to retain work from home rights.
One might well suspect a Ministry might well refers on workers disappointed by the government policy. Meeting staff cutback targets, if not saving any money overall.
And as the government loves going to non government organisations, everyone wins.
Why on earth Key's opinion on the US election should be front page news is beyond me, but it is, and I held my nose and took the bait.
“I think he's better for the economy.”
“He's likely to embrace a bit more market. He's likely to have less red tape and he's certainly going to have lower taxes. So that bit is good.”
But Sir John still thinks overall Trump is still the better choice.
“Well he certainly wants lower taxes. He probably wants more market based solutions. He's probably got a freer energy policy. There's a whole lot of different things.”
So- tax cuts. Some things never change.
Sir John says Kamala Harris has economic views that are radically left-wing and that she’s more aligned with Senator Bernie Sanders than President Joe Biden.
"Radically left-wing"???
America- take him, keep him, let him vote there. And hopefully he'll revoke his NZ citizenship at the same time, and our media will stop the fawning.
Sirkey has first and foremost represented International Capital and Finance Capital all his adult life, even while NZ Prime Minister…anyone remember the offshore Trusts debacle set up by his personal Lawyer? 10, 000 members of the parasite class departed virtually overnight once IRD required more than an A4 sheet on who was who, and other details of their trusts.
The beneficiaries of the orange tax cuts are pretty obvious, hence the Key support.
And sir Key …..
sir Key : money, is everything. That is all.
What stood out for me was Keys endorsement of trumps energy/climate change policies, trump would wind back laws put in place by Biden. Does Key not understand climate change? Under his governent NZ did FA about reducing emissions so he might not particularly care. Here's the point though Mr Key, without a solution to climate change we will have little or no economic growth, and more and more climatic shocks.
On another matter seemingly Casey Costello received "independent advice" on tax cuts for heated tobacco products. I am wondering who provided her that "independent advice", Rothamans or Pall Mall?
Only as something that prevents profit. IE money. His only reason to live.
Well, the flashing signs are pointing to Phillip Morris
The money only cares about more money and power.
Look at the outright crap musk is spreading on behalf of Trump, keys doing his bit as expected down here.
AKA red baiting. (surprised he didnt call her Marxist..or Commie!)
sir Key doing what he knows…and does best. Looking out for the money. Such a small character…..
Luxon's polling must be really bad if Key is being wheeled out to the media. He only comes out when Luxon needs a distraction.
No surprise nationals PR enablers (NZME) duly oblige with a soapbox.
Picture that locker room of herald opinionators Key, Joyce, Prebble Bennett…..need a shower ?
So he can put the boot into the reds under the bed if course, !!
This is Chris Luxon's favourite government and his model for governance.
James Butler's piece in the LRB on the Grenfell fire is a searing indictment of modern neoliberal Britain and well worth a close read.
So much of the story leaps out as giving a coherence to the otherwise inchoate coalition currently governing NZ. In particular it highlights the global problem of the paranoia and deep unseriousness representative of the collapse of modern conservatism. Modern conservatism regards any kind of expertise as by definition a sort of special interest capture, so a minister can characterise his department’s officials as "…Guardian-reading pinkos…" (a similar attitude seems to define this government's attitude to the civil service) despite also observing that "…whatever their views were, they acted in line with (the governments) antipathy to ‘regulatory madness’…" and signalling the complete acquiescence and colonisation of the senior civil service by neoliberal conservative acolytes "…thoroughly acclimated to (their) department’s culture…"
The collapse of the MSM is also canvassed: "…The kind of local journalism that might have uncovered and campaigned against the problems at Grenfell… …is long dead…" and "…At the BBC, Kate Lamble produced a detailed weekly podcast throughout the hearings, though its insights rarely seemed to make it across to the corporation’s main news programmes. In an act of managerial malfeasance typical of the BBC, Lamble was made redundant a day or two after the inquiry reported…"
The whole piece is a meta-condemnation of the utterly exhausted late capitalist neoliberal project, a tired and discredited ideology so ingrained in the political and media class that it is difficult to "…‘make the water visible’. The phrase comes from the old story of one fish asking another ‘What’s water?’, a way of talking about conditions so pervasive they can no longer be perceived…"
What Chris Hipkins thought he could learn from talking to Kier Starmer – "a technocrat without a plan" https://unherd.com/2024/09/keir-starmer-a-technocrat-without-a-plan/ who project seems to largely consist of a continuation of the Conservative with austerity somehow done better and who was elected largely by gaming the first past the post electoral system and is surrounded by radical centrist liberals and grifters, is anyone's guess.
It would have been worse without the inheritance tax receipts – now quickly rising – likely to be a good earner as the baby boomers die off.
Inheritance tax – 40% above £325,000.
John Keys' support of Trump is not surprising.
Nor Jacinda Adern's support for Kamala Harris.
I have a suspicion neither Key's nor Ardern's comments will decide the US Presidency
Biden's inability to alter Israel's direction towards multi-front war looks now at least as bad as Obama's loss of Syria to Russia and Iran, or Trump's loss of Afghanistan to the Taleban.
Hey Biden, with that volume of both aid and arms you are sending to Israel, who is the dog and who is the tail?
So close to the election, no party / candidate can work (fight) against the interests of AIPAC – American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Actually, it doesn't really matter much, if the election is close or not. You won't make it far in US politics if you piss-off AIPAC.
When has Syria not been in the Russia/Iran camp (since the Shah at least)?
The loss of Afghanistan was bi-partisan (and a mistake).
The western regime changes – removing secular left governments in Iran 1950's Afghanistan 1980's, Iraq and Libya 2000's and the failed one in Syria, as much one by Gulf states were wrong (and resulted in crimes against humanity).
The current problem in the region is that Iran has created a coalition front to destroy the Israeli state***. This is exploited by Israel as a cover for its WB occupation. This is a reprise of the 5 army war on the "1948 state" that prevented "the two states" being established at the same time.
A decision made earlier this year is pertinent.
https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/arab-league-ceases-labeling-hezbollah-terrorist-organization-/3261610 ***
For mine, the path forward is where the Arab League was to
1.persuade Iran to support a state of Israel within 1948-67 borders
2.get Hamas to do the same and join the PLO.
3.agree to work with the PA to control the Egypt-Gaza border and internal security within Gaza. This to facilitate future PA elections.
Otherwise the Israeli public will not divide from BN over the reaction to ***.
a.BN is moving to ops vs Hezbollah and Iran (away from Hamas) to legitimise the WB occupation.
b.He has Biden snookered, because of support in the US for Israel – thus his focus is containment and winning the election.
c.BN expects to be restrained by Biden once the election result is known.
This NY Times headline sums up the United State's myopia and tunnel vision in relation to Israel to Israel:
"…Why the World’s Biggest Powers Can’t Stop a Middle East War
The United States’ ability to influence events in the Mideast has waned, and other major nations have essentially been onlookers…."
As it turns out, the story author is personally deeply embedded into the trans-Atlantic project and it's unquestioning support for Israel – which is why he can apparently discuss the inability of the United States to influence Israel anymore whilst casually mentioning the United States has provided over ten billion dollars of weapons to Israel is the October 7th attack with seemingly being able to connect any dots.
Bit hard to stop what they've been defacto aiding and abetting for decades with military support.
So much support its on par with US forces capability as agreements mandate they get all the latest weapon's and missile defence systems.
Then theres the West Bank where even Ben and Jerrys have made a stand.
Even Reagan got so pissed off with Israeli entitled attitude that he yelled at PM Menachem Begin and told him to stop bombing Beirut. When the US president yells at you, as opposed to bear hugs at every opportunity, along with continuesd assurrance that "we" stand by you whatever, its likely the next step is cessation of aid and arms.
Israel ceased bombing Lebanon the next day.
Biden hasn't even tried, or more likely, is comfortable with the current escalation because it fits with maintaining US hegemony. The iron fist making a statement.
1919 Britain steals Palestine as France and Britain divi up the spoils after WW1.
Britain had been invading and stealing countries all around the world 300 years.
1948 Jews illegally invade and illegally occupy Palestine driving Palestinians out.
1950 USA establishes a huge military base in Israel to dominate 400 million Muslims.
All opposition to illegal Jew invadsion is brutally punished by USA backed Jews.
West supports Jewish genocide against Muslims but opposes Russian invasion.
Western political hypocrisy knows no bounds.
1.Off whom? As a LofN mandate to develop the area for self government?
2.The British empire was not the first, nor the last, to occupy territory.
3.The IDF of 1948 was made up of settlers in Palestine. There are 2 million Arab citizens in Israel within the recognised 1948-49 border Israel today. All Jews living in the WB and Gaza were driven out by the armies of Egyptian and Jordan.
4.Where was the 1950 base located?
5.How do these US Jews punish the opposition you refer to?
6.Yes the West opposes the attempt by one state Russia to take land off another Ukraine, as they did in Kuwait (by Iraq).
Only one western nation has supported the annexation of the Golan Heights by Israel. the USA. Who supports the seizure of Abkhazia and South Ossetia and Crimea by Russia?
7.Hypocrisy is everywhere.
Chris frickin wealthy Luxon….
Just to repeat..he's wealthy.
And yet..
Yep Chris..you are indeed a frickin example.
Wealthy people coming into government of a nation – the only one without a CGT in the OECD and one of only 12 (of 36) with no estate or inheritance tax.
The Greeks had the rich bribe the city by promising to spend their own money to get elected.
Do no harm medical practice as well.
I have zero problem with people who are rich, and that's coming from someone at the bottom of the food chain. Unless that money came at the expense of low paid workers, the environment, house hoarding or crime/dishonesty.
I take issue with rich people who don't even pretend to understand how it is for everyone who, for whatever reason, were not ever going to amass that sort of money, and take that 'well if I can do it..' attitude.
And who lose all concept of reality because they are immune to everyday financial struggles.
And who brag about it.
kind of my point….
Two things to add, those who are wealthy and prepared to pay a fair share of tax – eg a CGT on currently untaxed income – and who do not try and hang onto or enhance their power/privilege with false arguments and divisive campaigns like we are seeing from the neoliberal act/brash types and proxies.
That too
I like how he still sees himself as some kind of reincarnation of John Key, as if the comparision’s apt.
“Now I'm moving in, and I don't need the apartment, so I’m selling it. That’s what John Key did when he became prime minister.”
And, Luxon's such an unaware brown-noser, he probably doesnt realise sir Key really wishes he wasn't the heir apparent . Or even thinking same….
Luxon bragging about his wealth. Up thread there's a link to a stuff interview with Key also published today. Key is sitting in front of his helicopter, another demonstration of wealth.
To obtain a pilot's license there's quite a bit of science study involved; meteorology & gas flow etc etc. During his infamous BBC interview with Stephen Sackur in 2011 he claimed scientists were like lawyers, he could always pay someone else for a different opinion. I'm hoping his flying examiner only accepted answers based on conventional science.
That Key thinks Trump's the best person for the job "because of the economy" is a disgrace, too.
He says that he wants to add back to the country, which is an interesting choice of words.
What he does tell us is that he’d like to ‘add back’ to the people who enabled him to become wealthy, such as frequent-flying landlords and shareholders. What he’s also saying is that wealth creates wealth and that this is ok and the natural way of how things ought to work. What he really means is that inequality and inequity are part of the natural order and that the wealthy have earned every penny through enablement, entitlement, and embellishment. In other words, he smokes his own dope, which is why he supports the smoke & mirrors by Costello, BTW.
Yea, the more that I know of Luxon and the NACT1 creeps, the more I see some quite disturbing elements of Social Darwinism : "Bottom Feeders" , less social welfare and help services / more prisons and punishments , Race baiting as a distraction / diversion whilst also destroying equality , and more….
I hesitate to call them evil….and maybe Dystopian… but IMO there is an element of that banality in them..that has lead to terrible things.
As I have said though, I see a lot of people protesting, being counted upon, and standing together. This is how we beat them.
Banality, order, evil – it sounds you’re echoing Hannah Arendt.
When I went Social Darwinism..there it was. Elements anyway.
Anyway,unstable as they are, they might well have over-reached. Nice thought : )
NZ is not yet a banana republic and politicians get voted in by a mass of compliant supporters & voters. This is where the banality resides.
Tsar Poots' imperial war of conquest and colonisation.
Гюндуз Мамедов/Gyunduz Mamedov
Ukrainians who live in the occupied part of Luhansk region but refuse to receive
passports will be included in the register of foreigners from January 1, 2025. Being included in this list will result in restrictions on receiving almost all payments, social and administrative services, such as banking, property registration and enrollment of children in educational institutions. This is part of a campaign aimed at forcing passportization of
This is part of a campaign aimed at forcing passportization of Unrainian citizens.
The choice being, no longer being citizens in their own homes and towns and eventually, facing displacement and forced expulsion, as foreigners. (Just like Palestinians, except that Palestinians don’even get that choice).
Blue Sky Sunflowers