Open mike 04/08/2024

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, August 4th, 2024 - 3 comments
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3 comments on “Open mike 04/08/2024 ”

  1. Jenny 1

    Dead mall bounce.

    Once known as the cathedrals to consumerism, malls all around the world are in a terminal decline.

    Decades of despair for ‘desolate’ Wellington mall where ‘half the shops are now empty’

    Laura Frykberg

    Laura Frykberg

    Aug 03, 2024 • 10:00am

    Raising the dead:

    …..Ōhāriu MP Greg O’Connor said he was in “constant contact” with Stride, given how strongly locals felt about upgrading the mall.

    Its dilapidated condition was “the major issue” raised by Johnsonville locals, however there were wider market pressures Stride was dealing with, including sign off from investors in Australia.

    National deputy leader Nicola Willis, who ran against O’Connor in the Ōhāriu electorate, said the MP had pledged to fix the mall or step aside from the role.

    “That was a project I do recall Greg O’Connor promising he would solve, and if he didn’t solve it, he would retire from politics,” Willis said.

    However, she said the mall was still a place that people visited, and she planned to set up an office there……

  2. SPC 2

    Why there is no accredited body running Olympic boxing since Rio in 2020.

    To that, I would add

    On the Olympics opening day, early morning – an attack on fast rail.

    After the opening ceremony, people comparing a Greek scene to the Last Supper to take offence at transgender people being present – so kulturekampf (Putin head of the restored Russian Orthodox Church state proferring criticism of the liberal Weimar Republic West) .

    No Russian team travelling to the games, but … the IOC inclusion policy allows IBA banned athletes.

  3. SPC 3

    While the word waits for omicron to become a cold virus, an iceberg A23a that separated from Antarctica in 1986 is still with us. First it attached itself to the sea-floor to create a vortex and now spins like a top, all to avoid being moved by the usually dominant ACC (Antarctic Circumpolar Current) to places where it would melt.