Open mike 05/05/2013

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, May 5th, 2013 - 77 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:

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77 comments on “Open mike 05/05/2013 ”

  1. Jenny 1

    Could the next airline flight you catch be piloted by an All Black?

    You are not feeling well. And you need to see a medical professional about your health. Would you be happy to see a top flight netball player instead?

    You are in trouble with the law. Would you choose to be represented by a squash player, even one with a newly minted honorary doctorate?

    I didn’t think so.

    Nobody would be criminally stupid enough to use sporting prowess as a measure of competency for the above roles.
    But if, the airlines and health boards ditched their standard selection guidelines, for the revolutionary selection criteria used by Judith Collins, to select the Race Relations Commissioner……

    Abandoning the written guidelines, a former All Black, and a net ball player, were Judith Collins first choices for the position of race relations Commissioner, before she settled on a well known squash player.

    “He has vast experience in the law at a local and international level, years of community service and engagement with some of our more challenged communities, and a real desire to do the job.

    All factors that seemed in accord with the written guidelines that are meant to govern the appointment. But Mr Lovegrove was told, five months after he applied for the position and had heard nothing, that he didn’t make the shortlist because there wasn’t one. Two weeks later he was told there was a shortlist but he didn’t get on it and despite repeated requests for some guidance as to why not he has heard nothing more……”

    “…….All I wanted to know was what process was used to appoint Dame Susan Devoy who, by her own admission, was shoulder tapped for the job and never applied.

    We also understand she was third choice behind former All Black Michael Jones and netballer Irene Van Dyk”.

    Sean Plunket

    • Paul 1.1

      Good On Sean Plunket for tackling the refusal to be accountable.
      Maybe RNZ could learn from him.

    • LynWiper 1.2

      Very disturbing indeed!

      • Rogue Trooper 1.2.1

        talking of ‘disgusting’
        let the children eat grass signs off the New Zealand Ministry of Health.

    • QoT 1.3

      Could the next airline flight you catch be piloted by an All Black?

      It’s not impossible.

      Would you be happy to see a top flight netball player instead?

      Only if she had a medical qualification – but I’d definitely let Bernice Mene teach my kids. Heck, I’d even elect a double national player to Parliament.

      I’m highly critical of Devoy’s appointment, and I’m very suspicious of the fact that Michael Jones and Irene van Dyk were also offered it, but let’s not make this about “sports players are automatically idiots”, shall we?

      • felix 1.3.1

        Yeah, the correct question is: Why does the Govt think being a sports celebrity is a relevant qualification?

        And note it’s celebrity sportspeople they’re headhunting.

        • Chrissy

          Apparently Susan Devoy has “a spine” So,if you have a spine you can expect a phone call from a ghost offering you a really good job. Brilliant,everybody should be employed very shortly. Really annoyed with devoy on Campbell Live with her snide arrogance saying that she did not know who rang her and shoulder tapped her. Following the party line of not knowing anything about anything but everything is “above board” Silly simpering woman!

          • Alanz

            Campbell Live should run a poll asking – whose identity do you think Susan Devoy is hiding when she said she did not know who rang her?
            A. Her crony cabinet minister
            B. The Prime Minister
            C. Baldrick’s turnip
            D. Her creative truth-telling telephone which rang itself
            E. Her neighbour Tony who was had been talking to the responsible minister

            • Tigger

              Agreed Alanz. If someone called you to offer you a job and you did not know who, would you not find out who?

              This fact alone makes her too stupid for most jobs, let alone something this sensitive.

              • QoT

                God, I bet she’d fall for “I am calling from your computer support department, please turn on your computer so I can debug it” scams too.

    • prism 1.4

      Good skit on this on Down the List this morning.

  2. “Tosser” can now be added to the various words recently used to describe Aaron “Happy” Gilmore …

  3. Tim 3

    FYI….. Worth checking out RNZ Sunday this morning:

    0840 Sandra Gray Dissent and Democracy and

    10:06 Ideas: The Public Service – Past, Present and Future

    The former – the obvious democracy deficit we’re in the middle of.

    The latter – (In my view) the way in which corporatiation of the PS has simply meant PS Senior Managers and CEO’s operate with LESS accountability, and run their various depts as little feifdoms. The real Public Servants under those Snr Managers and CEOs do their work IN SPITE of their overlords rather than BECAUSE of their ‘leadership’ . We were promised the exact opposite.

  4. Adrian 4

    We should exhort John Key to please, please keep Aaron Gilmore on, at least for the next 18 months.

  5. Help Josie Pagani on Q&A just praised Peter Dunne and in particular his stance on paid parental leave and mondayising of Waitangi Day and Anzac Day.

    But she does not criticise him for supporting asset sales.

    Can’t we have a “Labour representative” who actually says what the party thinks?

    • Tim 5.1

      “Can’t we have a “Labour representative” who actually says what the party thinks?”

      Not sure I like our chances MS. It’ll probably come some time AFTER we get a “From the Left ….. and From the Right” on Nine to Noon, and a change to the FOX News approach on “The Panel”

    • burt 5.2

      What does “the party” think micky? IMHO this is the key problem, “the party” is dysfunctional serving itself to the detriment of its founding principles, it’s supporters and its members. What exactly do Labour stand for? How are its values expressed in its policies and how does being unthinking opposition constitute a political force worth supporting?

      • Jackal 5.2.1

        Saying that Labour doesn’t stand for anything burt just shows that you’re ignorant… However the issue here isn’t that Labour may or may not have an opinion, it’s that interested parties aren’t being giving the opportunity to express an opinion to counter the right wing theme that pervades programs like Q+A.

        I was pretty disappointed with today’s lopsided program as well… Not only in terms of yet another puff piece for Peter Dunne, but also in terms of the criticism of bitcoins that was largely based on an inaccurate account from Kirk Hope.

        The New Zealand Bankers’ Association CEO clearly has a vested interest in criticizing bitcoins, because the banks haven’t yet figured out how to take their pound of flesh. The panel didn’t question any of his claims, even though many of them were clearly false.

        There’s relevant legislation here that should have been adhered to… Under the Broadcasting Act 1989 (PDF) there’s a responsibility of broadcasters to be fair, accurate and give people the opportunity to hear both sides of the story:

        (d) the principle that when controversial issues of public importance are discussed, reasonable efforts are made, or reasonable opportunities are given, to present significant points of view either in the same programme or in other programmes within the period of current interest.

        In my opinion, Q+A is a long way away from adhering to those rules. That doesn’t just make for biased broadcasting, it makes for boring broadcasting as well. Only a truly ignorant person could enjoy the dross that Susan Wood seems determined to serve up each weekend on Q+A.

    • QoT 5.3

      But she does not criticise him for supporting asset sales.

      In fact, she went so far as to praise him for always being above-board in how he voted on things.

      I keep trying to get into watching Q&A regularly, as a politically-minded Kiwi, but inevitably I get 5 minutes in (or fast-forward to the panel and get 5 minutes into that) and have to bail out to save my brain from excess headdesking.

  6. Anne 6

    But mickysavage she’s photogenic, and has long black hair which looks good on the telly. That’s more important than what Labour Party members think!!! We’ve already seen what the TV media think of ordinary Labour Party members. In short, we don’t count.

    • Private Baldric 6.1

      Captain Adder says you do count and what we he do without cannon fodder to send over the top ?

      • Rogue Trooper 6.1.1

        well, the yanks might need more turnips to process into biofuel;

        The US War Machine over a Barrel

        • prism

          Oh dear war is so costly. The citizens will just have to cut down on what they think of as necessities which are in fact luxuries, so that the machinery that protects our wonderful country and each cherished person within it, can keep functioning.

          Better hide your turnips to ensure you last the winter folks.

  7. Te Reo Putake 7

    20 minutes to the Kentucky Derby, folks. Here’s an appropriate song:

    • Tiger Mountain 7.1

      Well it is Sunday TRP, someone gave me this DVD that was shot over 3 nights in Texas, and edited non chronologically. The other band members all have various costume changes but Keith Richards has the same satin shirt, jeans and boots on in every take.

      Kentucky Derby yee haa!

      • Te Reo Putake 7.1.1

        I’m a little concerned that Jagger appears to have a vegetable stuffed in his trousers. Very Spinal Tap!

    • Rogue Trooper 7.2

      Riding through dustlands and barren wastes

    • freedom 7.3

      great horse races often inspire great stories, this is one of them

      it only has a couple of Steadman’s illustrations, but that makes finding the others that much more enjoyable, look for ‘Gonzo, The Art’ for the full collection

  8. AsleepWhileWalking 8

    Housing New Zealand bids up price to purchase ahead of first home buyer. So, where’s ma house?

    • Draco T Bastard 8.1

      Housing New Zealand bids up price to purchase ahead of first home buyer.


      Labour Party spokesman on Housing Phil Twyford said, “It makes no sense for HNZ to be buying houses on the open market when they could be building new ones.

      Actually, it does. They buy the house, knock it down and build apartments on the site.

      Sean Bignell of Housing NZ said the housing agency was redeveloping sites around Auckland to build more houses on the land for state, social and private housing.

      Which seems to be HNZs plan.

      • just saying 8.1.1

        This makes me really angry.
        The freaking Labour Party objecting to Housing NZ buying property to provide homes for the homeless and those in dire straits because home buyers might be adversely affected.
        Not content with their policy of building 10,00 subsidised homes for the middle-class, Phil Twyford’s Labour Party is now actively oppsosing HNZ assistance for those whose housing needs are greatest. Fuck you Phil Twyford.

        • Jackal

          just saying

          Housing NZ buying property to provide homes for the homeless and those in dire straits

          Except the amount of state houses has dramatically declined under this National government. Between 2008 and 2011, the amount of vacant state houses increased by a whopping 471 and the overal state houses available declined by 171 in the same time period. 256 houses were demolished.

          That makes your claim that HNZ is providing homes for the homeless and those in dire straits by outbidding a few first-home buyers at auctions entirely incorrect.

          Labour Party is now actively oppsosing HNZ assistance for those whose housing needs are greatest. Fuck you Phil Twyford.

          Labour has actually said that they will reverse National’s anti-state housing regime by increasing the amount of state houses that are available for people in need. That makes your statement entirely inaccurate just saying.

          • just saying

            Except the amount of state houses has dramatically declined under this National government. Between 2008 and 2011, the amount of vacant state houses increased by a whopping 471 and the overal state houses available declined by 171 in the same time period. 256 houses were demolished.

            Yup, and yet right now Labour is complaining about the help HNZ is attempting to provide to those with the greatest housing needs….
            …….Which makes Labour’s so-called committment to increasing housing for those most in need pretty freaking dubious, in my humble opinion Jackal.

            The only commitment Twyford was talking about today was Labour’s commitment to provide 10,000 subsidised homes for those that can afford them, and he talked about this commitment in the context of complaining about HNZ buying property to house the poor.

            • Jackal

              You’re comparing a single property with the 171 that National got rid of and saying that; “HNZ is attempting to provide to those with the greatest housing needs.” C’mon just saying, they aren’t proving shit to people in need, hence the 171 less state houses between 2008 and 2011.

              The only commitment Twyford was talking about today was Labour’s commitment to provide 10,000 subsidised homes.

              The number of state houses increased under the last Labour government. If reelected, the’ve also said they will increase the number of state houses over and above the 10,000 subsidized homes… Despite those facts you somehow think that National is more committed to helping people in need of a state house?

              • just saying

                Jackal, when did I say that “National is more committed to helping people in need of a state house”?

                I didn’t mention National at all. A criticism of a Labour MP is not an endorsement of the government.

                • Jackal

                  What you actually said was:

                  Phil Twyford’s Labour Party is now actively oppsosing HNZ assistance for those whose housing needs are greatest.

                  Which is complete bullshit! It’s even a bigger pile of bullshit when you understand that National is dismantling the state housing sector piece by piece.

                  I didn’t mention National at all. A criticism of a Labour MP is not an endorsement of the government.

                  You said that HNZ was:

                  Buying property to provide homes for the homeless and those in dire straits.

                  HNZ isn’t providing for people in need, because there are at least 171 less state houses available since 2008. National has instructed HNZ to reduce costs by having less state houses… Or do you think that HNZ somehow operates autonomously from the government just saying?

                  • just saying

                    Don’t you get it Jackal?

                    It could have been a property developer outbidding buyers, or an investment group, or even just a rich person who liked the light and the soil and decided to buy up the whole neighbourhood to build a giant silver-framed geodesic dome. And no-one would have complained. It would have been accepted as just the way things are. You got the money – you buy what you want, as long as its legal, and often even if its not if you’re rich enough.

                    The reason for the complaints, for the outrage, and the reason Twyford chimed in, in my opinion, is that the poor and downtrodden aren’t believed to deserve anything that anyone else wants. That’s the society we are now. I wasn’t talking about anything outside of this instance, this example of what I believe to be a fact of our communities now. And Labour’s endorsement of it.

                    • Jackal

                      Twyford wasn’t saying that the “poor and downtrodden” don’t deserve to be housed just saying, he’s merely disagreeing with the way HNZ is currently acquiring new housing stock.

                      There’s no doubt that increasing competition will, to a degree, push up prices and make rents even less affordable. How exactly is that going to help the majority of poor people find affordable housing?

                      With the number of vacant state houses increasing by at least 471 since National gained power, competing on the open market isn’t going to increase the amount of people in need of housing assistance acquiring it through the HNZ. In contrast, fixing those dilapidated state houses and building more would help.

                      Therefore the basis of your argument is entirely flawed just saying… Not that I expect you to admit it.

      • prism 8.1.2

        Sounds like a cunning plan Baldrick.

      • QoT 8.1.3

        This just in, Twyford: land available to build on isn’t an infinite resource.

        • Jackal

          We’ve actually already had this debate QoT, and without getting into the nitty gritty may I just conclude that there’s lots of land available to build new houses on in New Zealand.

          In fact there are easily enough bare sections in residentially zoned areas that the government already owns for Labour’s housing policy to be realized. The only issue is that there are no longer enough sections available in Auckland for people to live the half-acre section dream… They might have to compromise and have smaller sections.

          Is that perhaps what you mean by available land not being infinite?

          • QoT

            No, Jackal, I meant that land isn’t an infinite resource. Try reading things people write and not imposing your own presumptions on them for once, would you?

            • Colonial Viper

              No, Jackal, I meant that land isn’t an infinite resource.

              lolz…sometimes it’s the simplicity which stumps them.

  9. underreported struggles is a monthly posting by ahni at Intercontinental Cry that details indigenous struggles around the world. It is essential reading for those interested in human rights and shows the continued battles that indigenous people are engaged in to save their lands and themselves.

    new barter currency
    “Esquimalt First Nation, in an effort to reform the monetary system, unveiled a new barter currency on their territory known as Tetlas. Similar to a gift certificate, the Tetla was developed by the organization Tetla Tsetsuwatil to assist economic development in the S’amuna’ Nation and other native nations, and to encourage trade with non-natives and among non-natives. So far, 35 businesses have signed on to the Tetla system, but wit the constant problems first Nations have with the Canadian economy, you can be sure there will be more.”

    opposing mining
    “In northern Chile, Environmental groups and indigenous Diaguita communities celebrated a court decision to suspend the controversial Pascua Lama mine owned by the world’s largest gold mining company, Barrick gold. The court suspension was in response to a legal action that was brought forth by the affected indigenous communities who warned that the mine threatens their water supply and several local glaciers. Lorenzo Soto, a lawyer representing the Diaguita, said the suspension will remain in effect until the company addresses the pollution issue and properly consults the indigenous peoples.”

    just two examples from many which show the interconnectedness of our struggles

    • prism 9.1

      barter currency
      No country will agree to ignore widespread bartering with or without cash exchange. Sooner or later there will have to be some declaration of revenue equivalence gained through bartering and something to be paid to the tax department.

      • marty mars 9.1.1

        Perhaps although I’m not totally convinced. I’m a member of HANDS (How about a no money system) which although small and humble is working and there is no tax issue there, but I’m sure if it got big enough they would send the men in black around.

        as they say from the link, “Simply by keeping track of who receives what from whom we can dispense with the ancient idea of exchange media and the apparatus required to manage them. This helps us focus on providing and requesting what is really needed instead of chasing after money. It creates an environment of openness and transparency; it promotes equality, fairness and balance; it builds community and helps us respect our environment and appreciate the limits of our finite world.”

        • prism

          Good luck with that marty mars. For success it requires commitment of all members to the system with provision and purchase following each other at regular intervals.

  10. Huginn 10

    Does anybody know anything about this and/or the effect that NZ Power or the MRP float might have on this on this market?

    from the Electricity Authority:

    In late 2011, new market-maker arrangements for New Zealand electricity futures trading were adopted by the ASX and the large generators. These arrangements sharply reduced the bid-ask spreads for futures contracts and substantially boosted trading volumes, providing the foundation for an increasingly active hedge market, which other parties, such as financial institutions, are expected to enter over time.

    • Colonial Viper 10.1

      it’ll probably depress activity in this hedge market as NZ Power will significantly improve price predictability and stability. However, although their use in financialised market games will reduce, hedges will still be used for protection against the results of unexpected climate or severe events (i.e what they are designed for).

  11. Ad 11

    Though it’s from Wednesday, a few quotes from Pope Francis at Mass 1 May – the Feast of St Joseph the Worker, prompted also by the Bangladesh killing of over 400 workers:

    A society that “does not pay a just wage”, that “does not give work” to people; a society that only looks to its balance books, that only seeks profit” is unjust and goes against God.

    “Not paying a just wage, not providing work, focussing exclusively on balancing the books, only looking at making personal profit. That goes against God! The headline that impacted me so much concerning the Bangladesh tragedy, ‘Living on 38 Euros a month’: this was the payment of these people who have died … And this is called slave labour. And today there is slavery that is made with the most beautiful gift that God has given to human-kind: the ability to create, to work, to be the makers of our own dignity. How many brothers and sisters throughout the world are in t his situation because of these, economic, social, political attitudes and so on…”

    “The human person is more important than the brick. If people are less important than the things that give profit to those who have political, social, economic power, what point have we come to? To the point that we are nota ware of the dignity of the person and the dignity of labour. May the figures of St Joseph and especially of Jesus, of ‘God who works” – be our model – for they teach us the way forward, through dignity.”

    Good to hear the Pope on Mayday.

    • Rogue Trooper 11.1

      Beautiful Ad : I humbly wager a Young Man leaps to conclude their second entry of influence in temporal affairs.

    • Ugly Truth 11.2

      “The human person is more important than the brick.”

      Not by much. The human person is considered to have rights, but the brick isn’t.

      A man considered according to the rank he holds in society, with all the rights to which the place he holds entitles him, and the duties which it imposes. 1 Bouv. Inst. no. 137. A human being considered as capable of having rights and or being charged with duties, while a “thing” is the object over which rights may be exercised. (Black’s 2nd (1910))

      • Colonial Viper 11.2.1

        man is subject to law, but not defined by law.

        • Ugly Truth

          Man is subject to the law of his creator/creators. Law is consistent with reason, opinions about law can be wrong, especially when they are based on faith in an assumed authority.

  12. Tim 12

    Kind thoughts and support to Georgina Beyer!
    A courageous woman, and one who knew when the careerist bullshitters were in ascendancy.

    Pushing shit uphill was never her style.

  13. Jenny 13

    John Key’s plan to prostrate the country before the oil industry causes disquiet, even in National’s true blue heartland.

    Even in a true blue country area, in what should have been the bosom of his support. Farmers tell Key that the oil companies have too much power.

    Just like a Mafia Capo addressing the ‘Made Men’ of the Gambino Family. Key demands that fealty must be paid towards the local Mafia Don. “it was in everyone’s interest” to be “respectful” to the oil companies, he said.

    Farm owner Graham Robinson said he had experience of oil wells on his own land, and exploration companies could drill wherever they wanted – pointing to the land near his house.

    “At the end of the day, they have got too much power,” Mr Robinson said.

    Mr Key said the value of the industry to the country meant it was in everyone’s interest to form a respectful partnership with the exploration companies.

    However, he promised to raise their concerns with Energy Minister Simon Bridges.

    Another farmer alleged some companies were pitting farmers against one another in a bidding war and taking the lowest deal.

    One company went so far as buying a farm because it was unable to get an agreement “so they have got the upper hand”.

    A woman told Mr Key the money paid to farmers was widely variable. She knew of farmers paid $4000 plus compensation for the loss of productive land while others were paid $200,000 plus compensation.

    Lyn Humphreys

    • Rogue Trooper 14.1

      hard case joe, i read that Hungary article this morning and left it ’til they rally the followers a bit more.

  14. Rogue Trooper 15

    To whom the memory remains,

    (some Godley, some Cremesome Art, some Noise)

    Wash your load promptly and return on-line with the programme
    (glanced at The Witches of Oz, yet Emeralds not fine stone)
    did have the money, apprenticeship afternoons, Ruby Tuesdays
    “please send me evenings and weekends, please send me evenings and weekends,
    your kiss so sweet, your sweat so sour” Gladys, “Little Miss S. in a mini-dress
    living it up to die (New Bohemians)
    in a blink of the Public Eye”.

    “We, we’re a part of your Circle of Friends
    and we notice you don’t come around
    We, we think it all depends
    on you
    Touching ground with us.


  15. andy (the other one) 16

    Auckland Mayor Len Brown has a serious challenger on his hands.

    Millionaire businessman John Palino has thrown his hat in the ring for the mayoralty and says the campaign could cost around a million dollars.

    He says Len Brown’s policies have driven him to enter politics.

    Who?? Going to cost more than a million buddy, your name recognition is non existent.

    And NBR thinks Williamson will be a challenger to Brown because..

    He says [Dick Quax] Mr Williamson doesn’t carry as much “baggage” as Mr Banks in the eyes of voters, particularly those in area outside the old Auckland City Council.

    Note to Mr Quax – you aint helping.

    Going to be interesting to see who actually steps up, I think Maurice will fold his tent. 26 years in Wellington and what’s your biggest achievement? Leaky buildings. Thanks Maurice

  16. Sometimes amongst the crap there are illustrations of kindness and good people. This compilation of positive russian dash cams bought a wee tear to my eye and reminded me that there are lots and lots of kind, good people out there everywhere.

    Would we stop our personal transportation device and help an elder across the road?

  17. FYI folks! 🙂

    The ‘Open Letter’ to Solicitor-General Michael Heron, requesting Crown Law to intervene and take over the prosecution of John Archibald Banks for alleged electoral fraud is available here:

    The evidence that John Banks has been summonsed to attend the Auckland District Court (first appearance) on Wednesday 8 May 2013 (at 9am) is available here:

    This has been a LONG time coming………..

    When is Prime Minister John Key going to stand down John Banks as Minister of Regulatory Reform, Minister of Small Business, Associate Minister of Education and Associate Minister of Commerce?

    If National MP Aaron Gilmore is regarded as not being ‘fit for duty’ – what about Minister John Banks who is facing COURT proceedings, and will exit stage left (errr right?) immediately from the House if convicted?


    Where’s the FUSS about John Banks?

    Penny Bright
    ‘Anti-corruption / anti-privatisation’ campaigner

    2013 Auckland Mayoral candidate

    (Further background on attempts to get ‘one law for all’ to apply to ACT Leader, MP for Epsom John Banks is available here:

    • Alanz 18.1

      Banks attending court, away from work, on Ministerial salary and still getting paid during his absence. Thanks, taxpayers!