"We were told it was important that New Zealanders understand what social cohesion means for democracy and what everyone can do to embrace ethnic and religious communities and promote social cohesion"
Aw… can't I tell the bible bashers arriving unvited at my doorstep to p### off anymore?
On the diversity issue not sure what use increasing ethnic operatives would achieve when the issue is redneck white boys.
DPMC and Andrew Little avoided criticism given they didn't seem to know what they wanted of their agencies.
Perhaps those pesky bloody doorstep bible bashers won't be able to, as some of their publications I would consider hate speech. Good riddance to them. I notice the "Witnesses" have gone to ground in the Far North lately, busy trying to hide their International Pedo Enquires maybe?
Multiple deaths, undermines Mayor, opposes Americas Cup raceways, opposes any ports shift, fails at automation, retailers fucked off, ships turned away, no staff to do work.
Ports of Auckland is 100% owned by Auckland Council. The Ports reps appeared before Council yesterday.
So far Goff in his governance role has managed to force out the CE of Watercare, and merged ATEED and Facilities, and has formed two large partnerships with central government in the big commercial alliances.
So he can actually make the moves.
But he really needs to show some muscle with Ports. They are running game against him.
Len Brown and now Phil Goff tossers both of them and there's no one of any merit looking likely to run in the next elections, not that anyone seems to bother voting.
I hope the ghost of dear old Penny Bright haunts the crap out of the lot of them.
The 12hr night shifts are the killer. I'm familiar with them from my own working life, there is nothing good about them for any number of reasons; physical and mental health, the high cost to family and social life, plus of course the obvious safety issues with people working in a high risk environment while fatigued.
A big review and updated regulation around working hours and shift conditions is something well within the reach of this government.
fails at automation
It's entirely normal for large and complex new automation installations to experience 6 – 18 months of commissioning issues of varying significance. Need more information before calling it out as a 'fail'.
I managed shift workers for many years: 6hr, 8hr, 12hr, fixed & rotating, 4d, 5d, 6d. 95% of shift workers prefer fixed shift hours whether day or night to suit their personal body rhythm. It's always the shift change that really knocks their health.
One plant moved to a 3day/37.5 hour shift structure (12.5hr shifts including 30min handover overlap for 24hr continuous operations) for wage paid staff which proved very popular, as staff then had 3d on/4d off. This factory went well over a decade without a LTA.
I was also responsible for major capital investment works for many years, including automation projects. 6-18 months of "commissioning issues" would have seen many people sacked, including myself & the factory closed down. That was the private sector where failure to meet customer demand simply means your competitors get the business. PoA & other quasi taxpayer/ratepayer funded monopoly organisations just sting their customers & stakeholders more for their incompetence.
It's always the shift change that really knocks their health.
Absolutely. And perhaps this preference should be more clearly expressed in the legislation. Even so, if someone is going to do a 12hr night shift, unless they totally give up all daylight activity socially, they're still going to get their body clocks knocked about.
6-18 months of "commissioning issues" would have seen many people sacked, including myself & the factory closed down.
As I said, of varying significance … most 'issues' will have virtually no real impact on production, and are effectively small upgrades as operating experience kicks in. (It depends also a bit on the industry, mining plant for instance is especially rough to get going well.)
But it's real easy for outsiders with an agenda to misrepresent them as more serious than they really are. I can only think of one large scale project that I knew of which could be described as a 'fail', and that was 20yrs ago now.
For this reason I'd like to know more about this story before calling it.
This AustralianSuperFund proposed takeover of Infratil is close-to as bad as the entire Key government asset sale programme.
If it is successful – and at a 28% share price premium it is exceedingly attractive – the Australians will own all of Vodafone, all of TrustPower's assets, a majority of Wellington Airport, some major data hubs, in fact a serious list of our public assets remaining in public hands.
A simple test of this government is whether it can put some muscle into ACC who own a chunk of Infratil.
My expectation will be that this Government and in particular Robertson will find sound reasons to say that intervention was too hard.
That's a serious list of assets – basic services and the telco and power assets in oligopoly type situations. Both power and telco assets in this country could do with some serious rationalisation – rather than the going to the aussies can some of this stuff be sold to say the super fund? To kick start the process – although we run the risk of paying the monopoly premium.
Robertson looks like a flabby, fat, self-satisfied pussy. And just watch him live up to that. I saw Bryan Gould giving him a bit of praise the other day but that is giving him the Dale Carnegie treatment, and Gould is so supportive of conservative systems that he would be hard put to openly find fault. He did tentatively suggest an Investment Bank for NZ though. If Robertson did something eventually everything would be sold and we wouldn't be able to afford to buy them back. Bottled inertia for sale here, cheap hot air, good for blowing up balloons for Christmas parties.
We've also just sold 20% of the fibre rollout to an Ozzie fund who already own our natural gas network which had Rockgas added to as sold from contact energy approved late 2018.
Kiwi infrastructure, going once, twice sold to the next banksta.
One should also be questioning Aus Super as they invest in top 300 ASX listed entities on behalf of the super fund so wtf are they taking it over as this isn't their business model.
The fibre rollout – didn't us taxpayers fund that? And no wonder my gas is so expensive. Time for a serious regulator for these infrastructure assets plus declaring them as strategic assets and subject to the TOW.
BTW do you think the Aussie super fund has disposal agreements for some of the infratil assets already. But we need to get the stuff out of overseas hands, The lines company in Wgtn has been owned overseas for years now.
The action taken by a governor to silence a data scientist exposing the truth and how the police responded, I find this to be a misuse of power by the governor and the police.
In comparison to other studies estimating future final energy demand, our DLE estimates are remarkably low, with global final energy consumption at 149 EJ in 2050 or 15.3 GJ/cap/yr). This is over 60% lower than current consumption (despite the 2050 population being ~30% larger than the present day);
This implies that their DLE (Decent Living Energy) is set at a very modest level indeed. What exactly would be the global appetite for this, forever into our future?
2. On the supply side they make this very simple assumption:
Currently, only 17% of global final energy consumption is from non-fossil fuel sources
And only roughly two thirds of that is coming from SWB renewables. Worse still this is only the aggregate for the whole year, but currently their intermittency means this is nowhere near enough to provide 100% of all energy at all times for a whole year.
Combined these three simple (and fundamental considerations) mean that the gap between where we are at present, and need to be by 2050 is much larger than the authors imply.
This doesn't negate the value and interest in the paper, I found it well worth the time to read, but on close reading, even the authors are implicitly acknowledging the very real difficulties involved in achieving their vision.
Being a cynic to me Global warming was not all caused by us humans and 80% could be put down to natural causes.
I have recently seen a programme on Australian ABC Network about the aftermath of those devastating bush fires in Australia. The programme is called “Wild Australia After the Fires”
I am now a convert and we have got to start like last week ways and means to save this only spaceship we live on called Earth. One of the things that came out in this docu was the devasting effects introduced species has on the local Fauna. One commentator said because of the introduced domestic cat that has gone feral and the Fox a lot of the small animals that used to keep the forest floor clean of debris are now extinct through the introduction. This is one of the causes of the bushfires, a massive build-up of forest debris on the ground that is very volatile and liable to burst into flames at the next lightning strike or some snot who thinks it is “fun” to start fires.
The saddest part in this doco was a lot of good people were doing their utmost for the survivors and monitoring to see how species had faired. One commented, (my words cannot remember exactly what he said) “Whatever they do because of Global Warming and introduced species they cannot stop it from happening again, that is the big catastrophic bush fires like the ones this last OZ summer, not the normal bush fires the OZ bush needs to germinate seeds and clear some debris.
Too many of these massive bush fires and I can see the Oz bush completely wiped out. I feel sad over that having travelled the outback with great photographic areas like Halls Gap.
I feel with any future global warming legislation etc, there must look at the devastating effects introduced species have caused to the local fauna of any country. and rules will have to be introduced to control any introduced species
I won’t hold my breath though for anything to be done, action will only start when it hurts the pockets of some fat cat. Then it will be too late, if not now.
That’s my rant for the year, but I would like to add as a thicky I enjoy the high standard of intelligent debate on here even if I don’t agree with it at times, far superior to the MSM which I now class as pathetic juvenile drivel which I avoid reading and watching and come here for keeping myself informed, a decent review and views on a lot of subjects.
So, to all you contributors to this site Compliments of the season.
In a café this morning (I never buy the Herald) I read what I thought was a good piece by Aliya Danzeisen critiquing the Mosque attack report. No link, sorry – I cannot find it on the Herald website.
Main points included: Terms of Reference of the Inquiry were unduly limited; much information was withheld on grounds of it being 'sensitive' in one way or another, and all this secret info is to remain secret for another 30 years. Consequently, the report fails to answer many of the questions it should.
If she is right, surely this makes the report yet another whitewash, unworthy of a civilised country?
If she is right, surely this makes the report yet another whitewash, unworthy of a civilised country?
We have to face it I think, that the machinations of the very people that used to warn against us being a banana republic because they couldn't get something that was available in some bigger fully developed country, have brought that very result to us.
If I wasn't neck deep in bids I'd do something on the implied failings of the collective intelligence community on this.
Our spy team were fine going hard out with their Five Eyes partners putting out a media release that pissed off China two weeks ago, but when it comes to institutional reform in their own back yard after a genuine terrorist massacre they all clam up and there's no recommendations for reforming them anywhere.
Instead as Bomber notes it's a whole lot of feelgood Woke claptrap about encouraging and loving and training and forming a little micro-Ministry etc etc.
It’s begging for a Nicky Hagar book on the Commission’s absences all by itself.
It is like most reports or Commissions of Enquiry, either the terms of reference are too narrow or the recommendations are not acted on. Complete waste of money. The latest Welfare Enquiry is so disheartening that it may as well not been commissioned. Waste of Space all of them. The Mosque Attack Report is a classic example In Vino and I agree with you.
What gets me is ignoring that some people in our community knew the attack was about to happen. There is no mention of this in the report. An individual well known for his views in the Canterbury area had sporadic contact with an individual I know of but frequent phone calls on the day of the attacks and this individual was waiting in front of the TV for the event to unfold, information that was forwarded to police.
The one thing I want the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care to answer is:
Why does Sonja Cooper have 1400 clients still waiting for final settlement?
Cooper Law only takes clients who were in state care. Some cases take years to settle and claimants are aging. Cooper is doing a remarkable job to get compensation for her clients through the sick ACC system for mental injury.
I got a list of 22 lawyers recently from Way Finders (they assist on navigating ACC, they are not lawyers) only 2 on the list of 22 accept legal aid. Maybe my above question is partly answered, the cost to settle and covering claimants properly is another reason for the stale mate.
If we don't want to be surveilled and run by AI and other tech from the air, at ground level too, do we have a chance of deciding against these inventions, these machines which destroy our planet and our way of life? Or are our addicted government and business controllers presenting us with the end of our chance to be self-determining beings whether or no? Could we have to go underground for freedom from the dominant?
In a world-first, the New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has granted Dawn Aerospace an Unmanned Aircraft Operator Certificate to fly a suborbital spaceplane from a conventional airport.
Authorised under Civil Aviation Rule Part 102, Dawn is setting a new precedent for how we access space. Presently, flights will operate without the need for restricted airspace, proving the worlds of spaceflight and civil aviation can fly in harmony.
I mention John Christopher’s imaginings in his books – especially the trilogy called Sword of the Spirits.
Can get on Trademe – John Christopher books –
Listing #: 289532996
Two of McKinnon's sisters were in court to give victim impact statements and other family members were on video link from Australia.
What is the object of having victim impact statements? Is the perpetrator supposed to have a change of heart and his/her callousness and self-centredness be washed away? It is bad enough to read about the crime and hear all about it, and whether the person was loved or not, was good or not, the crime against them has been committed. The grief that is felt being trotted out to everyone just makes a spectacle, a drama of the tragedy.
And how repetitive the statements are. People listening can understand the private grief but not share it, and it is often said that the person will eventually be out of prison to live the rest of their lives, but the dead person has been cruelly robbed of his or hers for ever. It is true and awful but becomes a cliche'. I think we should stop this practice, it serves no useful purpose.
As noted, early March has been about moving house, and I have had little chance to partake in all things internet. But now that everything is more or less sorted, I can finally give a belated report on my visit to the annual Regent Booksale (28th February and 1st March). ...
Information operations Australia has banned cybersecurity software Kaspersky from government use because of risks of espionage, foreign interference and sabotage. The Department of Home Affairs said use of Kaspersky products posed an unacceptable security ...
The StrategistBy Linus Cohen, Astrid Young and Alice Wai
One of the best understood tropes of screen drama is the scene where the beloved family dog is barking incessantly and cannot be calmed. Finally, somebody asks: What is it, girl? Has someone fallen down a well? Is there trouble at the old John Key place?One is reminded of this ...
The ’ndrangheta, the Calabrian mafia, plays a significant role in the global cocaine trade and is deeply entrenched in Australia, influencing the cocaine trade and engaging in a variety of illicit activities. A range of ...
In the US, the Trump regime is busy imposing tariffs on its neighbours and allies, then revoking them, then reimposing them, permanently poisoning relations with Canada and Mexico. Trump has also threatened to impose tariffs on agricultural goods, which will affect Aotearoa's exports. National's response? To grovel for an exemption, ...
Troy Bowker’s Caniwi Capital’s Desmond Gittings, former TradeMe and Warehouse executive Simon West, former anonymous right wing blogger / Labour attacker & now NZ On Air Board member / Waitangi Tribunal member Philip Crump, Canadian billionaire Jim Grenon who used to run vaccine critical, Treaty of Waitangi critical, and trans-rights ...
The free school lunch program was one of Labour's few actual achievements in government. Decent food, made locally, providing local employment. So naturally, National had to get rid of it. Their replacement - run by Compass, a multinational which had already been thrown out of our hospitals for producing inedible ...
New draft government procurement guidelines will remove living wage protections for thousands of low-paid workers in Aotearoa New Zealand, said NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi President Richard Wagstaff. “The Minister of Finance Nicola Willis has proposed a new rule saying that the Living Wage no longer needs to be paid in ...
The Trump administration’s effort to divide Russia from China is doomed to fail. This means that the United States is destroying security relationships based on a delusion. To succeed, Russia would need to overcome more ...
Māori workers now hold more high-skilled jobs than low-skilled jobs with 46 percent in high-skilled jobs, 14 percent in skilled jobs, and 40 percent in low-skilled jobs. Resource teachers of literacy and Te Reo Māori are “devastated” by a proposal from the Education Minister to stop funding 174 roles from ...
Knowing what is going on in orbit is getting harder—yet hardly less necessary. But new technologies are emerging to cope with the challenge, including some that have come from Australian civilian research. One example is ...
This is a guest post by Malcolm McCracken. It previously appeared on his blog Better Things Are Possible and is shared by kind permission. New Zealand’s largest infrastructure project, the City Rail Link (CRL), is expected to open in 2026. This will be an exciting step forward for Auckland, delivering better ...
“The reality is I'm just saying to you I'm proud of the work we're doing. We're doing a great job”, said Luxon, pushing back at Auckland Council’s reports of rising homelessness and pleas for help. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories shortest:Christopher Luxon denies his Government caused a ...
Should I stay, or should I go now?Should I stay, or should I go now?If I go, there will be troubleAnd if I stay, it will be doubleSo come on and let me knowSongwriters: Topper Headon, Mick Jones, Paul Simonon, Joe Strummer.Christopher,Tomorrow marks seventeen months since the last election. We’re ...
Homelessness in Auckland has risen by 53% in 4 months - that’s 653 peopleliving in cars, on streets and in parks.The city’s emergency housing numbers have fallen by about 650 under National too - now at record lows.Housing First Auckland is on the frontlines: There is “more and more ...
A growing consensus holds that the future of airpower, and of defense technology in general, involves the interplay of crewed and uncrewed vehicles. Such teaming means that more-numerous, less-costly, even expendable uncrewed vehicles can bring ...
Only two more sleeps to the Government’s Jamboree Investor Extravaganza! As a proud New Zealander I’m very much hoping for the best: Off-shore wind farms! Solar power! Sustainable industry powered by the abundant energy we could be producing!I wonder, will they have a deal already lined up, something to announce ...
After decades of gradual decline, Australia’s manufacturing capability is no longer mission-fit to meet national security needs. Any whole-of-nation effort to arrest this trend needs to start by making the industrial operating environment more conducive ...
Back in October 2022, Restore Passenger Rail hung banners across roads in Wellington to protest against the then-Labour government's weak climate change policy. The police responded by charging them not with the usual public order offences, but with "endangering transport", a crime with a maximum sentence of 14 years in ...
Luxon’s popularity continues to fall, and a new survey shows voters rank fixing the health system as the top priority. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / Getty ImagesLong stories shortest in Aotearoa’s political economy this morning: National’s pollster finds Christopher Luxon has fallen behind Chris Hipkins as preferred PM for the first ...
The CTU is calling for an apology from Nicola Willis after her office made a false characterisation of CTU statements, which ultimately saw him blocked from future Treasury briefings. New data shows that Māori make up 83% of those charged under new gang laws. Financial incentives are being offered to ...
Australia’s cyber capabilities have evolved rapidly, but they are still largely reactive, not preventative. Rather than responding to cyber incidents, Australian law enforcement agencies should focus on dismantling underlying criminal networks. On 11 December, Europol ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Jeff Masters Finally, there’s some good news to report from NOAA, the parent organization of the National Hurricane Center, or NHC: During the highly active 2o24 Atlantic hurricane season, the NHC made record-accurate track forecasts at every time interval (12-, ...
The Australian government has prioritised enhancing Australia’s national resilience for many years now, whether against natural disasters, economic coercion or hostile armed forces. However, the public and media response to the presence of Chinese naval ...
It appears that Auckland Transport is finally set to improve Auckland’s busiest non-frequent bus route, the 120. As highlighted in my post a month ago on Auckland’s busiest bus routes, the 120 is the busiest route that doesn’t already run frequently all day/week and carries more passengers than many other ...
Economists have earned their reputation for jargon and tunnel vision, but sometimes, it takes an someone as perceptive as Simplicity economist Shamubeel Eaqub to identify something simple and devastating. As he pointed out recently, the coalition government is trying to attract foreign investment here to generate economic growth, while – ...
Opinion & AnalysisSimeon Brown, left, and Deloitte partner David LovattIn September 2024, Deloitte Partner David Lovatt, was contracted by the National Government to help National ostensibly understand “the drivers behind HNZ’s worsening financial performance”.1 i.e. deficit.The report shows the last version was dated December 2024.It was formally released this week ...
This cobbled-together government was altogether more the beneficiary of Labour getting turfed out than anything it managed to do itself. Even the worthless cheques they were writing didn't buy all that much favour.How’s it all looking now?Shall we take a look at a Horizon poll?The Government’s performance is making only ...
There's horrible news from the US today, with the Trump regime disappearing Mahmoud Khalil, a former Columbia University student, for protesting against genocide in Gaza. Its another significant decline in US human rights, and puts them in the same class as the authoritarian dictatorships they used to sponsor in South ...
Yesterday National announced plans to amend the Public Works Act to "speed up" land acquisition for public works. Which sounds boring and bureaucratic - except its not. Because what "land acquisition" means is people's homes being compulsorily acquired by the state - which is inherently controversial, and fairly high up ...
Contenders: The next question after “Will Luxon really go?” is, of course, “Will that work?” The answer to that question lies not so much in the efficacy of Luxon’s successor as it does in the perceived strength of the Centre-Left alternative.AT LEAST TWO prominent political commentators are alluding publicly to the ...
Ice will melt, water will boilYou and I can shake off this mortal coilIt's bigger than usYou don't have to worry about itIt's circumstantialIt's nothing written in the skyAnd we don't even have to trySongwriters: Neil Finn / Tim Finn.Preparing for the future.Many of you will be familiar with the ...
In my post last Thursday I offered some thoughts on changes that should be initiated by the government in the wake of the Governor’s surprise resignation. (Days on we still have no real explanation as to why he just resigned with no notice, disappearing out the door and (eg) leaving ...
In late February a Chinese navy flotilla including a cruiser, a frigate and a replenishment ship began to circle Australia, conducting a live fire exercise in the Tasman Sea along the way. The Strategist featured ...
China’s deployment of a potent surface action group around Australia over the past two weeks is unprecedented but not unique. Over the past few years, China’s navy has deployed a range of vessels in Australia’s ...
Long stories shortest in Aotearoa’s political economy this morning: Within months and before Parliamentary approval is obtained, the Government plans to strip non-Maori landowners of the right to use the Environment Court to stop compulsory acquisition for fast-track projects and big new motorways.The Government also wants to buy off landowners ...
Hi,When I was 16 (pimples, braces, painfully awkward) — I applied for a job at Video Ezy.It’s difficult to describe how much I wanted this job. Video Ezy was my local video shop in Tauranga, and I’d spend hours of my teenage life stalking through those aisles, looking at the ...
A listing of 32 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, March 2, 2025 thru Sat, March 8, 2025. This week's roundup is again published by category and sorted by number of articles included in each. We are still interested ...
The title of this post comes from Albert Wohlstetter’s 1976 seminal essay Moving Towards Life in a Nuclear Armed Crowd. In that essay he contemplated a world in which several nations had nuclear weapons, and also the strategic logics governing their proliferation, deployment and use (mainly as a deterrent). For ...
Adrian Orr resigned unexpectedly and immediately on Wednesday, giving no explanation for departing three years before the end of his second term. File Photo: Lynn GrievesonLong stories shortest in our political economy this week: David Seymour’s lunch programme came under increasing scrutiny;Adrian Orr resigned unexpectedly after clashing with Nicola Willis ...
You've got to live, lady liveDo the tongue rollGive me joyBut don't kiss me too fastSong: Th’ Dudes.Good morning, all. After another heavy week of less-than-positive news, it’s time for something silly: the old standby of memories and questions.I can’t face writing about any more terrible people this week. I usually ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Is Greenland losing land ice? Data from satellites and expeditions confirm Greenland has been losing land ice at an accelerating rate for decades. ...
After the Reserve Bank’s appearance on 20 February at the Finance and Expenditure Committee (the Governor, his macro deputy Karen Silk, and his chief economist Paul Conway) on the previous day’s Monetary Policy Statement, I wrote a post here about it, focused on a number of areas in which Orr, ...
Beijing deployed a naval task group to the waters around Australia for three related reasons. First, to demonstrate the reach and potency of Chinese sea power and to put Australia on notice that it is ...
That's the price that we all payAnd the value of destiny comes to nothingI can't tell you where we're goingI guess there was just no way of knowingSongwriters: Bernard Sumner / Gillian Lesley Gilbert / Peter Hook / Stephen Eric Hague / Stephen Paul David Morris.What an eventful week it’s ...
In what might have been the longest presidential address to Congress in American history—an hour and forty minutes without intermission—President Donald Trump delivered a performance on Tuesday night that was simultaneously grandiose, confrontational, optimistic and ...
Peter Frankopan’s The Earth Transformed: An Untold History is a compelling account of the interaction between humans and the environment. We would be unwise to ignore it. The Silk Roads: A New History of the World by Oxford professor of history Peter Frankopan was initially widely admired. But critics point ...
The United States shocked the world last week with President Donald Trump’s very public rift with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. This was followed by a US pause on military aid and some intelligence sharing with ...
International Women’s Day (IWD) serves as both a celebration of progress and a reminder of the ongoing challenges women face worldwide. Across national security, diplomacy, human rights and digital spaces, women continue to break barriers. ...
Domestic violence is an under-recognised early indicator of terrorism. It is not a reliable solitary indicator, but when observed alongside risk factors, it can prompt authorities to take a closer look at a potential terrorist. ...
1. The Government is bringing back what to Health New Zealand?a. Buckb. Sexyc. The arrangement they dumped nine months ago2. Patient advocate and health campaigner Malcolm Mulholland said Commissioner Levy's time would be remembered as what?a. The Good Placeb. The Bad Placec. Absolute havoc and mayhem3. The government also announced ...
The current National government is one of the worst in Aotearoa's history. And because of this, its also one of the most unpopular. A war on Māori, corrupt fast-track legislation, undermining the fight against climate change, the ferry fiasco, the school lunch disaster... none of these policies are making friends. ...
Australia should enlist partners in the Quad to help address China’s increasingly assertive naval behaviour in the Indo-Pacific. The Quad may be slow in moving into security roles, but one militarily useful function that it ...
Women’s rights and protections are regressing on the international stage, from the Taliban’s erasure of women from public life to US President Donald Trump’s misogynistic rhetoric and decision to suspend USAID. Against this backdrop, Australia’s ...
E tū, representing many of NZME’s journalists, says it is “deeply worried” by a billionaire’s plans to take over its board. They are also concerned that NZ Post call centre jobs are gradually shifting to the Philippines as a cost-cutting measure. APEX have announced that more than 850 lab staff ...
US President Donald Trump, his powerful offsider Elon Musk and his Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) are slashing public spending in an effort to save US taxpayers anywhere between US$500 billion and US$2 trillion. Caught ...
Miles and miles on my ownWarm with shame, I follow onA language to find hard to hearNot to understand, just disappearCould you take my place and stand here?I do not think you'd take this painYou'll be on your knees and struggle under the weightOh, the truth would be a beautiful ...
“I made him the Prime Minister”, said Winston Peters, leaning into his “kingmaker” role. File Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories shortest in Aotearoa’s political economy this morning: Winston Peters believes he made Christopher Luxon PM and therefore didn’t have to tell him about sacking Phil Goff, which Luxon ...
Yesterday, after kids got “steam burns” from hot school lunches, came the news of a kid in Gisborne who suffered “second degree burns” after opening one of the school lunches and accidentally splashing some on their leg.The student had to be rushed to A&E at the hospital, but it’s horrific ...
The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-hosts & talking about the week’s news with regular and special guests, including: and Elaine Monaghan on the week in geopolitics, including Donald Trump’s wrecking of the post-WW II political landscape; and, on ...
Of all the headline-making, world-reshaping actions of the second Trump administration thus far, perhaps the most defining is the United States’ vote against the resolution condemning Moscow’s invasion and supporting Ukraine’s territorial authority. The US has used its security council veto and superpower heft in questionable ways before, but this ...
Open access notables Snow Mass Recharge of the Greenland Ice Sheet Fueled by Intense Atmospheric River, Bailey & Hubbard, Geophysical Research Letters:Atmospheric rivers (ARs) have been linked with extreme rainfall and melt events across the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS), accelerating its mass loss. However, the impact of AR-fueled snowfall has ...
Donald Trump’s description of himself during last week’s excruciating Oval Office meeting as a ‘mediator’ between Russia and Ukraine was revealing even by the standards of the past six weeks. It showed an indifference to ...
In April 1941, Charles Lindbergh, the America First Committee’s most prominent leader, outlined his position that Nazi Germany’s victory was inevitable, that the United States should stay neutral and that Britain was ‘a belligerent nation’ ...
National Business Review has this scoop todayLet’s not belabour it.He wants all NZME directors to be replaced by himself, three new nominees, and one existing NZME Director.Grenon’s link to publications such as Centrist and News Essentials are note worthy.Those publications for all intensive purposes present a very alt-right view of ...
Anyone involved in Australia’s critical minerals industry would be rolling their eyes at the transaction still reported to be under consideration between Ukraine and the United States. US President Donald Trump was initially asking for ...
Collins Unveils Very Special FrigateJudith Collins today announced a bold plan to address the navy’s billion dollar headaches.We’re so short of sailors that we’ve had to tie up half the fleet, and as if that wasn’t enough, our allies have been heavying us to upgrade the boats. Well, that would ...
ANALYSIS / OPINION -Why Central Bankers MatterI remember the day that Lehman Brothers fell. LB was a global financial services behemoth. Fourth largest investment bank in the world. Founded in 1850. The brand smelt of prestige and calibre.But their demise in 2018 - caused by shoddy risk management practices and ...
Australia has no room for complacency as it watches the second Trump Administration upend the US Intelligence Community (USIC). The evident mutual advantages of the US-Australian intelligence partnership and of the Five Eyes alliance more ...
Port workers in Lyttleton are warning that a proposal to cut jobs at the port will lead to more workplace deaths. The Government is doubling the number of nurse practitioners able to train in GP clinics, to 120 every year. They have also announced plans to lower the age for ...
The Labour Party will support Chloe Swarbrick’s member’s bill which would allow sanctions against Israel for its illegal occupation of the Palestinian Territories. ...
The Government’s new procurement rules are a blatant attack on workers and the environment, showing once again that National’s priorities are completely out of touch with everyday Kiwis. ...
With Labour and Te Pāti Māori’s official support, Opposition parties are officially aligned to progress Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick’s Member’s Bill to sanction Israel for its unlawful presence in Palestine. ...
Te Pāti Māori extends our deepest aroha to the 500 plus Whānau Ora workers who have been advised today that the govt will be dismantling their contracts. For twenty years , Whānau Ora has been helping families, delivering life-changing support through a kaupapa Māori approach. It has built trust where ...
Labour welcomes Simeon Brown’s move to reinstate a board at Health New Zealand, bringing the destructive and secretive tenure of commissioner Lester Levy to an end. ...
This morning’s announcement by the Health Minister regarding a major overhaul of the public health sector levels yet another blow to the country’s essential services. ...
New Zealand First has introduced a Member’s Bill that will ensure employment decisions in the public service are based on merit and not on forced woke ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ targets. “This Bill would put an end to the woke left-wing social engineering and diversity targets in the public sector. ...
Police have referred 20 offenders to Destiny Church-affiliated programmes Man Up and Legacy as ‘wellness providers’ in the last year, raising concerns that those seeking help are being recruited into a harmful organisation. ...
Te Pāti Māori welcomes the resignation of Richard Prebble from the Waitangi Tribunal. His appointment in October 2024 was a disgrace- another example of this government undermining Te Tiriti o Waitangi by appointing a former ACT leader who has spent his career attacking Māori rights. “Regardless of the reason for ...
Police Minister Mark Mitchell is avoiding accountability by refusing to answer key questions in the House as his Government faces criticism over their dangerous citizen’s arrest policy, firearm reform, and broken promises to recruit more police. ...
The number of building consents issued under this Government continues to spiral, taking a toll on the infrastructure sector, tradies, and future generations of Kiwi homeowners. ...
The Green Party is calling on the Prime Minister to rule out joining the AUKUS military pact in any capacity following the scenes in the White House over the weekend. ...
The Green Party is appalled by the Government’s plan to disestablish Resource Teachers of Māori (RTM) roles, a move that takes another swing at kaupapa Māori education. ...
The Government’s levies announcement is a step in the right direction, but they must be upfront about who will pay its new infrastructure levies and ensure that first-home buyers are protected from hidden costs. ...
The Government’s levies announcement is a step in the right direction, but they must be upfront about who will pay its new infrastructure levies and ensure that first-home buyers are protected from hidden costs. ...
After months of mana whenua protecting their wāhi tapu, the Green Party welcomes the pause of works at Lake Rotokākahi and calls for the Rotorua Lakes Council to work constructively with Tūhourangi and Ngāti Tumatawera on the pathway forward. ...
New Zealand First continues to bring balance, experience, and commonsense to Government. This week we've made progress on many of our promises to New Zealand.Winston representing New ZealandWinston Peters is overseas this week, with stops across the Middle East and North Asia. Winston's stops include Saudi Arabia, the ...
Green Party Co-Leaders Marama Davidson and Chlöe Swarbrick have announced the party’s plans to deliver a Green Budget this year to offer an alternative vision to the Government’s trickle-down economics and austerity politics. ...
At this year's State of the Planet address, Green Party co-leaders Marama Davidson and Chlöe Swarbrick announced the party’s plans to deliver a Green Budget this year to offer an alternative vision to the Government’s trickle-down economics and austerity politics. ...
The Government has spent $3.6 million dollars on a retail crime advisory group, including paying its chair $920 a day, to come up with ideas already dismissed as dangerous by police. ...
The Green Party supports the peaceful occupation at Lake Rotokākahi and are calling for the controversial sewerage project on the lake to be stopped until the Environment Court has made a decision. ...
ActionStation’s Oral Healthcare report, released today, paints a dire picture of unmet need and inequality across the country, highlighting the urgency of free dental care for all New Zealanders. ...
The Golden Age There has been long-standing recognition that New Zealand First has an unrivalled reputation for delivering for our older New Zealanders. This remains true, and is reflected in our coalition agreement. While we know there is much that we can and will do in this space, it is ...
Labour Te Atatū MP Phil Twyford has written to the charities regulator asking that Destiny Church charities be struck off in the wake of last weekend’s violence by Destiny followers in his electorate. ...
As the world marks three years since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Foreign Minister Winston Peters has announced additional sanctions on Russian entities and support for Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction. “Russia’s illegal invasion has brought three years of devastation to Ukraine’s people, environment, and infrastructure,” Mr Peters says. “These additional sanctions target 52 ...
Associate Finance Minister David Seymour has today announced the Government’s plan to reform the Overseas Investment Act and make it easier for New Zealand businesses to receive new investment, grow and pay higher wages. “New Zealand is one of the hardest countries in the developed world for overseas people to ...
Associate Health Minister Hon Casey Costello is traveling to Australia for meetings with the aged care sector in Melbourne, Canberra, and Sydney next week. “Australia is our closest partner, so as we consider the changes necessary to make our system more effective and sustainable it makes sense to learn from ...
The Government is boosting investment in the QEII National Trust to reinforce the protection of Aotearoa New Zealand's biodiversity on private land, Conservation Minister Tama Potaka says. The Government today announced an additional $4.5 million for conservation body QEII National Trust over three years. QEII Trust works with farmers and ...
The closure of the Ava Bridge walkway will be delayed so Hutt City Council have more time to develop options for a new footbridge, says Transport Minister Chris Bishop and Mayor of Lower Hutt, Campbell Barry. “The Hutt River paths are one of the Hutt’s most beloved features. Hutt locals ...
Good afternoon. Can I acknowledge Ngāti Whātua for their warm welcome, Simpson Grierson for hosting us here today, and of course the Committee for Auckland for putting on today’s event. I suspect some of you are sitting there wondering what a boy from the Hutt would know about Auckland, our ...
The Government will invest funding to remove the level crossings in Takanini and Glen Innes and replace them with grade-separated crossings, to maximise the City Rail Link’s ability to speed up journey times by rail and road and boost Auckland’s productivity, Transport Minister Chris Bishop and Auckland Minister Simeon Brown ...
The Government has made key decisions on a Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS) framework to enable businesses to benefit from storing carbon underground, which will support New Zealand’s businesses to continue operating while reducing net carbon emissions, Energy and Climate Change Minister Simon Watts says. “Economic growth is a ...
Minister for Regulation David Seymour says that outdated and burdensome regulations surrounding industrial hemp (iHemp) production are set to be reviewed by the Ministry for Regulation. Industrial hemp is currently classified as a Class C controlled drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act, despite containing minimal THC and posing little ...
The Ministerial Advisory Group on transnational and serious organised crime was appointed by Cabinet on Monday and met for the first time today, Associate Police Minister Casey Costello announced. “The group will provide independent advice to ensure we have a better cross-government response to fighting the increasing threat posed to ...
Peeni Henare apologises for leaving his seat, but not for performing a haka in Parliament.The Privileges Committee pressed Henare on a few key issues: whether the haka was meant to intimidate, whether it was planned, and whether or not he saw the Speaker Gerry Brownlee rise to his feet during ...
Peeni Henare apologises for leaving his seat, but not for performing a haka in Parliament.The Privileges Committee pressed Henare on a few key issues: whether the haka was meant to intimidate, whether it was planned, and whether or not he saw the Speaker Gerry Brownlee rise to his feet during ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Denis Muller, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Advancing Journalism, The University of Melbourne The publication by the Newcastle Herald of a political advertisement by Clive Palmer’s Trumpet of Patriots party stating “there are only two genders – male and female” has provoked ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Denis Muller, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Advancing Journalism, The University of Melbourne The publication by the Newcastle Herald of a political advertisement by Clive Palmer’s Trumpet of Patriots party stating “there are only two genders – male and female” has provoked ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Michelle Grattan, Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra The 2022 election catapulted a new movement into Australian federal politics, with the election of six “teals”. The teals are part of a broader wave of “community independents” who are challenging the major parties, especially ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Michelle Grattan, Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra The 2022 election catapulted a new movement into Australian federal politics, with the election of six “teals”. The teals are part of a broader wave of “community independents” who are challenging the major parties, especially ...
It’s time that MFAT got back to their core activity – foreign affairs and trade, security in the region (including especially the Cook Islands), free trade deals – rather than ramming down DEI and Wokeism 101 down the throat of every other country. ...
Asia Pacific Report A New Zealand-based Filipino solidarity network has welcomed the arrest of former Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte by Interpol on charges of crimes against humanity on a warrant by the International Criminal Court (ICC). “We congratulate the human rights activists — both from the Philippines and around the ...
Asia Pacific Report A New Zealand-based Filipino solidarity network has welcomed the arrest of former Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte by Interpol on charges of crimes against humanity on a warrant by the International Criminal Court (ICC). “We congratulate the human rights activists — both from the Philippines and around the ...
Government spending should deliver public value and economic benefits to New Zealand and prefer New Zealand businesses — big, small and Māori and Pasifika-owned. It is good to see this proposed. ...
In September 2024, New Zealand voted alongside 123 UN member states in support of sanctions against those responsible for illegal settlements and settler violence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Despite this, the Government has yet to ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Lisa Toohey, Professor of Law, UNSW Sydney “Unjustified” and “not the way that friends and allies should be treated”. That’s how Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Foreign Minister Penny Wong have described the latest shot in United States President Trump’s trade war. ...
We look forward to hosting him in a few weeks time to talk about how everyone has the right to housing, and what we can do to work together to ensure that housing and peoples well-being, and the well-being of our children are human rights. ...
Asia Pacific Report The Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa (PSNA) has launched an open letter calling on the Aotearoa New Zealand government to take action on the future of the besieged enclave of Gaza. The network is asking Foreign Minister Winston Peters to speak up for the people of New Zealand ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Peter Whiteford, Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University Over the past two years, there has been some progress in improving the JobSeeker payment. But payment levels remain below the poverty line. That’s according to Australia’s Economic Inclusion Advisory ...
“We want Mr Peters to remind the US administration that the rules apply to Gaza as well” says PSNA Co-chair John Minto. “Mr Peters should be suggesting to the US that it should stand up to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu” ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Hunter Bennett, Lecturer in Exercise Science, University of South Australia Michele Ursi/Shutterstock Ice baths have become increasingly popular over the past few years. Fitness enthusiasts and casual exercisers around the world are embracing this trend that was once reserved for elite ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Sarah Austin, Senior Lecturer in Theatre, The University of Melbourne Tiffany Garvie/MTC Set in 2042, new play The Robot Dog revolves around Janelle (Kristie Nguy), of Cantonese heritage, and her partner Harry (Ari Maza Long), a First Nations man. Janelle’s ...
Amid the horror stories of school lunches too hot to handle and inedible School Lunch Collective meals, some schools are going it alone. Dannevirke High School in the lower North ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Dylan Hicks, Lecturer Active Communities & Social Impact / PhD Sports Biomechanics, Flinders University For decades, sport coaching has been built on the idea that there is one correct way to perform a skill. This has often been referred to as a ...
Winston Peters says the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade advertising a job for a 'tikanga lead' is a case of a bad idea getting "dug in deeper than ticks on a hound". ...
New Zealanders want high environmental standards to be met. Despite the Government’s efforts to derail good environmental outcomes with the shameful Fast-track Approvals Act. ...
Erica Stanford and David Seymour have met to talk about the school lunches programme. The Education Minister and her associate were set for one of their regular meetings last Tuesday ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Hayley Stannard, Senior Lecturer in Animal Anatomy and Physiology, Charles Sturt University A kultarr.ptrybyrnes/iNaturalist, CC BY-SA In Australia’s arid and semi-arid zones lives a highly elusive predator. It’s small but fierce and feisty, with big eyes, long hind legs and a ...
With the sudden departure of New Zealand’s Reserve Bank Governor, one has to ask whether there is a pattern here — of a succession of public sector leaders leaving their posts in uncertain circumstances and a series of decisions being made without much regard for due process. It brings to ...
The Indian community in New Zealand is anticipating deepening ties between the two countries as Prime Minister Christopher Luxon takes one of the largest ever delegations to India next week. ...
Currently, contractors who deliver cleaning, security, and catering services for government agencies are required to pay at least the Living Wage ($27.80 at present time) to all their workers. In a media release today, Nicola Willis has announced ...
By Reza Azam of Greenpeace Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior has arrived back in the Marshall Islands yesterday for a six-week mission around the Pacific nation to support independent scientific research into the impact of decades-long nuclear weapons testing by the US government. Forty years ago in May 1985, its namesake, ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Raquel Peel, Research Supervisor, University of Technology Sydney, Adjunct Senior Lecturer, University of Southern Queensland and Senior Lecturer, University of Notre Dame Australia Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock Some friendships outlast romantic connections and can prove to be more meaningful. Friends help us get through ...
Welcome to The Spinoff Books Confessional, in which we get to know the reading habits of Aotearoa writers, and guests. This week: Nafanoa Purcell Kersel, author of new collection of poetry Black Sugarcane.The book I wish I’d writtenI’ve had the feeling of wishing I had written something before, ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Michelle Grattan, Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra Australia has failed to win an exemption from Donald Trump’s 25% tariffs on aluminium and steel, but the government has vowed to fight on for a carve out. The White House spokeswoman, Karoline Leavitt, ...
Ploughing through the report.
"We were told it was important that New Zealanders understand what social cohesion means for democracy and what everyone can do to embrace ethnic and religious communities and promote social cohesion"
Aw… can't I tell the bible bashers arriving unvited at my doorstep to p### off anymore?
On the diversity issue not sure what use increasing ethnic operatives would achieve when the issue is redneck white boys.
DPMC and Andrew Little avoided criticism given they didn't seem to know what they wanted of their agencies.
Until meaningful change occurs with broken down systems those caught up in the broken system are being harmed by it.
For someone who doesn't like Christians, you have one of the most Christian names there is.
Ad Hominem.
Ad sapentium ad astra
Perhaps those pesky bloody doorstep bible bashers won't be able to, as some of their publications I would consider hate speech. Good riddance to them. I notice the "Witnesses" have gone to ground in the Far North lately, busy trying to hide their International Pedo Enquires maybe?
Someone fire the Ports of Auckland board and CE.
Multiple deaths, undermines Mayor, opposes Americas Cup raceways, opposes any ports shift, fails at automation, retailers fucked off, ships turned away, no staff to do work.
Fire their asses Mayor.
I don't think he can ….can he? (f u Rodney Hide)
Ports of Auckland is 100% owned by Auckland Council. The Ports reps appeared before Council yesterday.
So far Goff in his governance role has managed to force out the CE of Watercare, and merged ATEED and Facilities, and has formed two large partnerships with central government in the big commercial alliances.
So he can actually make the moves.
But he really needs to show some muscle with Ports. They are running game against him.
Pity the poor Auckland ratepayers..
Len Brown and now Phil Goff tossers both of them and there's no one of any merit looking likely to run in the next elections, not that anyone seems to bother voting.
I hope the ghost of dear old Penny Bright haunts the crap out of the lot of them.
Multiple deaths
The 12hr night shifts are the killer. I'm familiar with them from my own working life, there is nothing good about them for any number of reasons; physical and mental health, the high cost to family and social life, plus of course the obvious safety issues with people working in a high risk environment while fatigued.
A big review and updated regulation around working hours and shift conditions is something well within the reach of this government.
fails at automation
It's entirely normal for large and complex new automation installations to experience 6 – 18 months of commissioning issues of varying significance. Need more information before calling it out as a 'fail'.
I managed shift workers for many years: 6hr, 8hr, 12hr, fixed & rotating, 4d, 5d, 6d. 95% of shift workers prefer fixed shift hours whether day or night to suit their personal body rhythm. It's always the shift change that really knocks their health.
One plant moved to a 3day/37.5 hour shift structure (12.5hr shifts including 30min handover overlap for 24hr continuous operations) for wage paid staff which proved very popular, as staff then had 3d on/4d off. This factory went well over a decade without a LTA.
I was also responsible for major capital investment works for many years, including automation projects. 6-18 months of "commissioning issues" would have seen many people sacked, including myself & the factory closed down. That was the private sector where failure to meet customer demand simply means your competitors get the business. PoA & other quasi taxpayer/ratepayer funded monopoly organisations just sting their customers & stakeholders more for their incompetence.
It's always the shift change that really knocks their health.
Absolutely. And perhaps this preference should be more clearly expressed in the legislation. Even so, if someone is going to do a 12hr night shift, unless they totally give up all daylight activity socially, they're still going to get their body clocks knocked about.
6-18 months of "commissioning issues" would have seen many people sacked, including myself & the factory closed down.
As I said, of varying significance … most 'issues' will have virtually no real impact on production, and are effectively small upgrades as operating experience kicks in. (It depends also a bit on the industry, mining plant for instance is especially rough to get going well.)
But it's real easy for outsiders with an agenda to misrepresent them as more serious than they really are. I can only think of one large scale project that I knew of which could be described as a 'fail', and that was 20yrs ago now.
For this reason I'd like to know more about this story before calling it.
This AustralianSuperFund proposed takeover of Infratil is close-to as bad as the entire Key government asset sale programme.
If it is successful – and at a 28% share price premium it is exceedingly attractive – the Australians will own all of Vodafone, all of TrustPower's assets, a majority of Wellington Airport, some major data hubs, in fact a serious list of our public assets remaining in public hands.
A simple test of this government is whether it can put some muscle into ACC who own a chunk of Infratil.
My expectation will be that this Government and in particular Robertson will find sound reasons to say that intervention was too hard.
That's a serious list of assets – basic services and the telco and power assets in oligopoly type situations. Both power and telco assets in this country could do with some serious rationalisation – rather than the going to the aussies can some of this stuff be sold to say the super fund? To kick start the process – although we run the risk of paying the monopoly premium.
Robertson looks like a flabby, fat, self-satisfied pussy. And just watch him live up to that. I saw Bryan Gould giving him a bit of praise the other day but that is giving him the Dale Carnegie treatment, and Gould is so supportive of conservative systems that he would be hard put to openly find fault. He did tentatively suggest an Investment Bank for NZ though. If Robertson did something eventually everything would be sold and we wouldn't be able to afford to buy them back. Bottled inertia for sale here, cheap hot air, good for blowing up balloons for Christmas parties.
We've also just sold 20% of the fibre rollout to an Ozzie fund who already own our natural gas network which had Rockgas added to as sold from contact energy approved late 2018.
Kiwi infrastructure, going once, twice sold to the next banksta.
One should also be questioning Aus Super as they invest in top 300 ASX listed entities on behalf of the super fund so wtf are they taking it over as this isn't their business model.
It has a whiff to it IMO.
The fibre rollout – didn't us taxpayers fund that? And no wonder my gas is so expensive. Time for a serious regulator for these infrastructure assets plus declaring them as strategic assets and subject to the TOW.
BTW do you think the Aussie super fund has disposal agreements for some of the infratil assets already. But we need to get the stuff out of overseas hands, The lines company in Wgtn has been owned overseas for years now.
How many tonnes of Karma have landed in Trump's legal team actually collapsing due to being infected with Covid19?
The 15 million US infected and damaged and bereaved of the 290,000 dead I am sure can see it.
A terrible time to be a health worker or a medic in the US. Without a vaccine treating people with Covid is relentless.
Shutting down scientists who point out their crooked ways is all part of their ridiculous covid response.
Yes, I commented on last night's D.R.
An example just how close to becoming a fascist country America was becoming under Trump.
The action taken by a governor to silence a data scientist exposing the truth and how the police responded, I find this to be a misuse of power by the governor and the police.
trump is a fucken peacetime war-criminal..
he should be in the dock..for what he has done to the american people..
..all those innocents..dead..
..and so many more to come..
..and this directly down to this evil bastard..
Something to read as per Weka's powerdown/degrowth posts.
Ta … at first scan it looks interesting and highly pertinent to our discussion earlier.
This implies that their DLE (Decent Living Energy) is set at a very modest level indeed. What exactly would be the global appetite for this, forever into our future?
2. On the supply side they make this very simple assumption:
And only roughly two thirds of that is coming from SWB renewables. Worse still this is only the aggregate for the whole year, but currently their intermittency means this is nowhere near enough to provide 100% of all energy at all times for a whole year.
3. On top of this time problem, SWB's have a geography problem. The best places to generate SWB energy are not where most people live.
Combined these three simple (and fundamental considerations) mean that the gap between where we are at present, and need to be by 2050 is much larger than the authors imply.
This doesn't negate the value and interest in the paper, I found it well worth the time to read, but on close reading, even the authors are implicitly acknowledging the very real difficulties involved in achieving their vision.
Red whatever happened to ceramic cables with zero heat loss for high voltage transmission?
I thought that was going to be like, a thing, for distributed energy for fat solar and wind farms?
Yup that would go a long way to helping. Realistically however I can't see the politics of this working for at least another 3 – 6 decades.
Transpower sure has a lot to answer for.
There was an inquiry back in 2017 into modernising Australia's electricity grid, but we are so well overdue the same here.
This is hilarious.
Being a cynic to me Global warming was not all caused by us humans and 80% could be put down to natural causes.
I have recently seen a programme on Australian ABC Network about the aftermath of those devastating bush fires in Australia. The programme is called “Wild Australia After the Fires”
I am now a convert and we have got to start like last week ways and means to save this only spaceship we live on called Earth. One of the things that came out in this docu was the devasting effects introduced species has on the local Fauna. One commentator said because of the introduced domestic cat that has gone feral and the Fox a lot of the small animals that used to keep the forest floor clean of debris are now extinct through the introduction. This is one of the causes of the bushfires, a massive build-up of forest debris on the ground that is very volatile and liable to burst into flames at the next lightning strike or some snot who thinks it is “fun” to start fires.
The saddest part in this doco was a lot of good people were doing their utmost for the survivors and monitoring to see how species had faired. One commented, (my words cannot remember exactly what he said) “Whatever they do because of Global Warming and introduced species they cannot stop it from happening again, that is the big catastrophic bush fires like the ones this last OZ summer, not the normal bush fires the OZ bush needs to germinate seeds and clear some debris.
Too many of these massive bush fires and I can see the Oz bush completely wiped out. I feel sad over that having travelled the outback with great photographic areas like Halls Gap.
I feel with any future global warming legislation etc, there must look at the devastating effects introduced species have caused to the local fauna of any country. and rules will have to be introduced to control any introduced species
I won’t hold my breath though for anything to be done, action will only start when it hurts the pockets of some fat cat. Then it will be too late, if not now.
That’s my rant for the year, but I would like to add as a thicky I enjoy the high standard of intelligent debate on here even if I don’t agree with it at times, far superior to the MSM which I now class as pathetic juvenile drivel which I avoid reading and watching and come here for keeping myself informed, a decent review and views on a lot of subjects.
So, to all you contributors to this site Compliments of the season.
In a café this morning (I never buy the Herald) I read what I thought was a good piece by Aliya Danzeisen critiquing the Mosque attack report. No link, sorry – I cannot find it on the Herald website.
Main points included: Terms of Reference of the Inquiry were unduly limited; much information was withheld on grounds of it being 'sensitive' in one way or another, and all this secret info is to remain secret for another 30 years. Consequently, the report fails to answer many of the questions it should.
If she is right, surely this makes the report yet another whitewash, unworthy of a civilised country?
We have to face it I think, that the machinations of the very people that used to warn against us being a banana republic because they couldn't get something that was available in some bigger fully developed country, have brought that very result to us.
Thanks, Pat – that is not the Herald article I read, but it is equally good to my mind.
If I wasn't neck deep in bids I'd do something on the implied failings of the collective intelligence community on this.
Our spy team were fine going hard out with their Five Eyes partners putting out a media release that pissed off China two weeks ago, but when it comes to institutional reform in their own back yard after a genuine terrorist massacre they all clam up and there's no recommendations for reforming them anywhere.
Instead as Bomber notes it's a whole lot of feelgood Woke claptrap about encouraging and loving and training and forming a little micro-Ministry etc etc.
It’s begging for a Nicky Hagar book on the Commission’s absences all by itself.
It is like most reports or Commissions of Enquiry, either the terms of reference are too narrow or the recommendations are not acted on. Complete waste of money. The latest Welfare Enquiry is so disheartening that it may as well not been commissioned. Waste of Space all of them. The Mosque Attack Report is a classic example In Vino and I agree with you.
What gets me is ignoring that some people in our community knew the attack was about to happen. There is no mention of this in the report. An individual well known for his views in the Canterbury area had sporadic contact with an individual I know of but frequent phone calls on the day of the attacks and this individual was waiting in front of the TV for the event to unfold, information that was forwarded to police.
The one thing I want the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care to answer is:
Why does Sonja Cooper have 1400 clients still waiting for final settlement?
Cooper Law only takes clients who were in state care. Some cases take years to settle and claimants are aging. Cooper is doing a remarkable job to get compensation for her clients through the sick ACC system for mental injury.
I got a list of 22 lawyers recently from Way Finders (they assist on navigating ACC, they are not lawyers) only 2 on the list of 22 accept legal aid. Maybe my above question is partly answered, the cost to settle and covering claimants properly is another reason for the stale mate.
If we don't want to be surveilled and run by AI and other tech from the air, at ground level too, do we have a chance of deciding against these inventions, these machines which destroy our planet and our way of life? Or are our addicted government and business controllers presenting us with the end of our chance to be self-determining beings whether or no? Could we have to go underground for freedom from the dominant?
In a world-first, the New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has granted Dawn Aerospace an Unmanned Aircraft Operator Certificate to fly a suborbital spaceplane from a conventional airport.
Authorised under Civil Aviation Rule Part 102, Dawn is setting a new precedent for how we access space. Presently, flights will operate without the need for restricted airspace, proving the worlds of spaceflight and civil aviation can fly in harmony.
I mention John Christopher’s imaginings in his books – especially the trilogy called Sword of the Spirits.
Can get on Trademe – John Christopher books –
Listing #: 289532996
Two of McKinnon's sisters were in court to give victim impact statements and other family members were on video link from Australia.
What is the object of having victim impact statements? Is the perpetrator supposed to have a change of heart and his/her callousness and self-centredness be washed away? It is bad enough to read about the crime and hear all about it, and whether the person was loved or not, was good or not, the crime against them has been committed. The grief that is felt being trotted out to everyone just makes a spectacle, a drama of the tragedy.
And how repetitive the statements are. People listening can understand the private grief but not share it, and it is often said that the person will eventually be out of prison to live the rest of their lives, but the dead person has been cruelly robbed of his or hers for ever. It is true and awful but becomes a cliche'. I think we should stop this practice, it serves no useful purpose.
..don't think they are for you grey..
..they are for the victims of crime..
..to give them their voice..
..and if it helps them..
..how can you possibly have a beef about that..?
..as i said..it isn't all about you..