Open mike 10/11/2024

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, November 10th, 2024 - 7 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:

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7 comments on “Open mike 10/11/2024 ”

  1. SPC 2

    The government is introducing anti-stalking legislation (initially it was not a priority).

    They will have to be careful in how they cover the wording of damaging someone reputation to protect the work of those covering parliament (where there is tobacco smoke and Beehive matches, there is reason for suspicion).

    … victims advocate Ruth Money

    hopes the law is future-proofed to cover any new ways people may find to stalk others.

    “We are wasting our time if it doesn't future-proof,” she said.

    Quite, the Mosquito ultrasonic anti-loitering device has been been used in neighbourhoods, not just shops and parks. It is the most well known type. There is audio device hacking.

    They should seek out how other jurisdictions handle this side of it, European and some US cities and states.

    • Incognito 2.1

      Excellent, so shops won’t be able to track customers using facial recognition devices & software or other means?

      • SPC 2.1.1

        More likely only very good, if they do not future proof.

        They generally do not legislate against business, landlords or state actors, but who knows? Algores internet data gathering for recommendations and ads will probably continue.

  2. joe90 3

    An American youtuber who travels the world committing culturally offensive pranks has bitten off more than he can chew.

    The idiot was playing up in Korea where he was arrested after being seen dancing provocatively and kissing a bronze memorial to comfort women, the Korean woman kidnapped by Imperial Japan and used as sex slaves.

    Police have taken his passport, he's not allowed to leave Seoul. Korean streamers have crowdfunded to offer a bounty, a legal fund, and 5 star accommodation for anyone who knocks him out. At last count he's been knocked over three times.

  3. joe90 4

    Next up, evolution isn't real, the flat Earth at the center of the universe was knocked up in six days flat and gravity is just a theory.



    A curriculum framework that calls on teachers to promote Alberta’s oil and gas industry to schoolchildren was quietly published months ago, to the surprise of education experts and the opposition.

    The document was published online in April (opens in a new tab)and includes a directive from Minister of Education Demetrios Nicolaides to teach K-12 students about "Alberta’s reputation as the most ethical producer of oil in the world," and "the importance of natural resources in enabling and sustaining Alberta’s society and Albertans’ quality of life."

    Despite the framework being on the government website for six months, University of Alberta education professor Kent den Heyer told the IJF the development process was opaque, and few of his colleagues in the curriculum research community even knew about the minister’s directive

  4. thinker 5

    Stalking legislation to bring in restraining orders: Justice Minister reveals new details

    New details have been revealed about planned changes to make stalking illegal, with offenders facing up to five years in prison.

    "The law change would include behaviours like recording someone, tracking them, following them, or loitering nearby, Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith said in a statement."

    Thats one way to get rid of the media out of politicians way…