Open mike 10/10/2010

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, October 10th, 2010 - 41 comments
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41 comments on “Open mike 10/10/2010 ”

  1. Blue Boy 1

    Good old Jimbo was as gracious as ever on the telly last night.

  2. Logie97 3

    Two years into a centre right government in New Zealand and the under-belly is being exposed.

    Notably Henry and now Laws – what do they have in common? Well for one they are both former National Party MPs or candidates. Then there was the Haden moment.

    Listeners to Afternoons on National Radio will hear the utterances of that carefully measured Stephen Franks (National Party candidate) sounding “very reasoned” on issues of freedom of speech.

    And how quickly has our Prime Minister responded to or condemned the musings of these individuals. Well he has waited to see how public opinion has driven the issues.


    Sadly Pandora’s box appears to be well and truly opening.

    Would that our media and churches remind us that with every freedom comes responsibility.

    Perhaps there is a glimmer of hope given that Len Brown managed to silence one outlet yesterday.

    captcha : associations

    • Tigger 4.1

      Tamihere is notoriously anti-gay. So while he considers me a NZer – I’m a lesser one than him.

      He often slams gays on his nasty little show. The irony of him wrting something inclusive like this is blinding.

  3. Tamihere thinks its not okay to trash Indians, but its okay to trash gay people, hes the worst type of bigot there is.

  4. prism 6

    Something real and practical to get hold of in contrast with slimy commentators and slippery pollies.
    This morning on Chris Laidlaw RadioNz:
    9:40 Ian Montanjees – White Roofs Project –
    Marking the 350 Global Climate Working Bee on 10/10/10, Auckland engineer Ian Montanjees is launching the White Roofs project to reduce global warming. Ian says the idea is to mimic the way that polar icecaps reflect sunlight back into space and cool the planet, by painting a significant number of roofs white. And he’s not alone – the idea is being seriously considered by the Obama administration and pushed by the US Secretary of Energy Dr Steven Chu.

  5. come get some 7

    Prime Minister John Key has challenged new mayor Len Brown and his super city council to sort out Auckland’s problems, which he says have been holding back New Zealand’s economic growth.

    “We do have to see some answers to the transport issues in Auckland, we have to sort out the waterfront, we’ve got a plethora of stadiums and structures around the place that often are duplicated. I want them to get on the with the job and be ambitious. If New Zealand is going to be a country that’s successful, Auckland has to rival Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane – it’s as simple as that,” Key said.


    If we have problems on transport issues, and need to see some answers, why in gods name do you and your stupid government continue to fund white elephant motorway projects that do nothing in the way of reducing our congestion. Why is your minister of transport more foccused on being our minister of roads. Len cant fix shit without Key and his cronies on board

    • Zaphod Beeblebrox 7.1

      So he’s abdicating all responsibility for the incompetence of his government? Now its all Len Brown’s job. If Key wants to shuffle off to retirement maybe we should give him to official go ahead at next year’s elections.

      • Treetop 7.1.1

        Zap abdicating all responsibility was my first thought for the incompetent government we have at present. I would like to add that Hide is the minister for Auckland and Hide should be first in the queue to be criticised by the PM. The PM needs to ask Hide what he has been doing in the last two years as the appointed minister for Auckland?

        • Treetop

          Perhaps I needed to state that Hide is the Minister of Local Government and not just the minister of Auckland. What has Hide been doing for those affected by the Christchurch earthquake as the Minister of Local Government? Maybe like the PM, he is lumping it onto someone else e.g. Brownlee.

  6. ianmac 8

    CGS: “Len cant fix shit without Key and his cronies on board”
    So the strategy for the NACT will to be to block Auckland progress on those issues named by Key.

    • come get some 8.1

      And thus be able to say Len was a failure of a mayor, pinning the blame else wheres as aways

      Captcha: Understands

      • Lazy Susan 8.1.1

        But the upside to this is that Key has already framed the solution of Auckland’s problems as crucial for the whole of New Zealand.

        If New Zealand is going to be a country that’s successful, Auckland has to rival Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane – it’s as simple as that

        So if Key and his cronies attempt to block Len’s intitiatives, financially or otherwise, he can throw that straight back at them. Forget what Steven Joyce says, his boss has said otherwise, central Government will need to put it’s hand in it’s pocket, it’s in the national interest.

  7. nilats 9

    Watching Bathurst to celebrate 10:10, I can smell the carbon from here coming from Mt Panorama.
    Will be a 250km round trip in my V8 to go to my brothers place in Hamilton to watch.

    Go Holden.

    No pressure.

  8. rosy 10

    “Last night Key said he would not give advice to TVNZ on whether to sack Henry. “In the end TVNZ has statutory regulations and it would be wrong of me to step in and tell TVNZ how to run their business. If we broke that link it would be dangerous for democracy in New Zealand,” Key said”

    I nearly choked on my cup of tea!! Ecan? earthquake legislation? Auckland? I rather think he enjoyed coming up with that line in support of his muppet.

  9. Anne 11

    There was a sliver of hope that the Labour Council might just suspend Chris Carter for a certain length of time, but after his performance on Q&A this morning I’d say he’s gone for good. The man is determined to commit political suicide.

    • Olwyn 11.1

      I just watched the Chris Carter interview, and I did not hear him say anything much that he has not said before. The one addition was a clarification about his book – that it is not intended to cast aspersions on anyone, as the media had implied it would be. The fact that he has fallen out with the leader and is no longer in caucus is well known, but I honestly do not see anything that on the face of it warrants expelling him from the party.

      • Anne 11.1.1

        @ Olwyn
        My comment was based on Chris Carter’s attempt this morning to compare his public utterances with a few previous incidents. In particular the incident involving Phil Goff and Annette King early in Helen Clark’s career as Labour leader. My recollection is: they approached Helen expressing their concern over her (then) very low poll ratings. Someone inside Labour leaked the story to the media. In my view, there is no comparison to be made with that incident or the others he referred to. I maybe wrong, but I don’t think such a tactic will go down well with the Labour Council.

  10. gingercrush 12

    Well after yesterdays Local Body elections hopefully the left will shut up for once and stop moaning about how they have so many obstacles to get elected etc. Though no doubt the left will still harp on about it.

    The Auckland result was never that surprising. Though the right campaigning as stupid as they did was somewhat surprising. I’ve been saying for months the left had a great chance in Auckland. I was proven right.

  11. prism 13

    Good line from Stephen Colbert after his discussion of a mythical self-help book he hasn’t written for US Americans. “I hold my truths to be self evident. That’s why I don’t have to do any research.”

  12. outofbed 14

    So with a pretty leftish feel to the local election results
    The only thing that stands between a leftie win in 2011 appears to be Phil Goff 🙂
    Will no one rid me ?

    • Lazy Susan 14.1

      Agreed OOB. The poor Brits swung to the left but Gordon Brown and New Labour meant the only place they had left to go was the Lib Dems and look where that’s got them.

      Wake up Labour it’s time to get organised and ditch the neo-lib stuff and vere to the economic left ’cause that’s where the votes will be after another year of these NAct clowns

      • gingercrush 14.1.1

        What is very Neo-Lib about Labour’s current policies? Other than Free Trade that is barely Neo-lib these days anyway, there isn’t a lot of it.

        And ditch Goff for who?

        • just saying


          • gingercrush

            Parker was a good cabinet minister and could be a successful Deputy Leader. But I really don’t see him as leader and am not sure he’d be a great communicator and relate to people as a leader needs. And while liked by his colleagues I’m not sure he has that much political support to propel him as leader. Holding no Electorate seat could also work against him.

            Shearer’s way too new and hasn’t had nearly enough time for that much responsibility. He too could be a future deputy leader or play a senior role in the Labour Party. But for now he just needs experience and have the ability to ask questions to ministers etc.

        • outofbed

          anyone else FFS
          The trouble the contenders are not all about “for the greater good” , its all about positioning for 2014
          The Tories must be praying that Goff stays, says it all really

      • Jim Nald 14.1.2

        Hoping Goff will clearly articulate his left values and principles before Christmas 2010 to prepare the way for a progressive left-leaning Government to govern the country after the 2011 election.

  13. belladonna 15

    David Cunliffe still looks good to me. I think he would appeal to many voters, he is smart, sharp and personnable. Cant think of anyone else in Labour who would fit the bill as well as DC.

    • Lazy Susan 15.1

      Agreed BD. He’s got a great grasp of facts and can present a coherent, concise arguement. The perfect counter to “Smile and Wave” – he works with information and policy. His greatest strength is economic policy and that is very likely to take centre stage at the next election.

  14. Pascal's bookie 16

    What should be good chat about the media is kicking off on natrad right now…

  15. The Voice of Reason 17

    I think, just this one time, I might watch One News tonight …

  16. Draco T Bastard 18

    More interesting is this. It seems that Jonkey isn’t happy for Auckland to have decent public transport.

  17. nzfp 19

    Kia ora ano tatou,
    For those of you who like “Michael C. Ruppert”, the focus of the documentary “Collapse” and author of “Confronting Collapse: The Crisis of Energy and Money in a Post Peak Oil World”, you may be interested to learn that he is hosting a regular radio show, “The Lifeboat Hour”, on one of my favourite alternative news radio networks, “The Progressive Radio News Network”.

    While I personally don’t agree with everything he says – I know that many of the readers and contributers of this forum do.

    While you are checking out the “The Progressive Radio News Network”, take a few minutes to trial two of my favourite bloggers/radio show hosts:

    1.) “Stephen Lendman”, the host of the “The Progressive Radio News Hour”. Lendman regularly interviews many of my favourite economists and political activists. You can read all of Stephen Lendmans work on his blog:

    2.) “Carol Brouillet”, the host of the “Community Currency”. Brouillet also interviews many of my favourite economists and political activists.

    You can subscibe to the podcasts for Brouillet, Lendman, Ruppert and many others here:

    Captcha: presents 😀

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