"Aotearoa New Zealand's legal aid system is collapsing," Law Society president Tiana Epati said. "Legal aid lawyers are unable to cope with demand, are too poorly paid to deal with the complex cases they have, so they quit the legal aid system." Epati said vulnerable people were missing out on justice because they couldn't get legal aid and couldn't afford lawyers.
The research comes after the most senior member of the judiciary, Chief Justice Dame Helen Winklemann, last month told RNZ the legal aid system was"broken and may collapse if nothing is done about it".
Released today, the research, which surveyed 3000 lawyers, was conducted by Colmar Brunton on behalf of the Law Society.
Hourly rates for legal aid work haven't changed since 2008 and are around half what a Crown Prosecutor or independent counsel receives.
Well, that's due to them being higher in the pecking order. When a QC gets around a thousand dollars per hour, approx six times the rate for legal aid lawyers, it reminds us how justice retains its ancient structure as a privilege system.
Nobody expects Labour to reform the system. That would be sacrilege. Consequently the minister in charge presents a just-so story:
The 2021 review was cancelled by Justice Minister Kris Faafoi as he said it would not add any new information.
He met with the Law Society last week to discuss the report and had asked officials to look for ways to reduce the legal aid administration.
"The remuneration for legal aid lawyers was identified as an issue in a review of legal aid settings in 2018, but significant additional funding is required to address this. That work would be subject to budget processes and in the context of other spending demands facing the government in relation to New Zealand's response to the Covid pandemic."
My teina (younger sibling of same sex) is a Crown Prosecutor. I think he’s paid pretty well (we never discuss it, of course, he’s a lawyer) although the funding for Crown Lawyers is capped too.
They weren’t able to get govt funding for a protective perspex screen in Court, after one of his pregnant junior lawyers was hit in the head by a mobile phone thrown at her by a furious female defendant upon conviction. Perhaps Covid has remedied that problem.
The problem is probably partly that , like some with some other professionals, lawyers in private practice in most areas of specialist expertise are just too well paid.
I would like to know if stats are kept for the 20,000 people who cannot get legal aid what they require legal aid for.
Sometimes a person just needs a lawyer to explain something to them so they can do a review. Some cases are complex which generate a lot of paper work. I do not know if lawyers would be interested in the small jobs, I have noticed that tradies do not like the small jobs.
I do not know if a legal advocate would be the way to go a bit like a benefit rights advocate.
Civil and criminal cases probably the criminal cases get the legal aid. Some ACC cases have a criminal element to them such as not investigating to the level required (Lake Alice) and an un expected death at a DHB. When it comes to statements to officials from clinicians these can be flawed.
I do not understand why a Crown Prosecutor is necessarily paid more per hour than a lawyer providing legal aid, and I do not understand why firms are employed to provide prosecution services but individual lawyers for defence legal services. A better structure would be to have two new separate services provided by the Courts department – a Crown Prosecution Service and a Public legal defence service. Both would contract with individual lawyers in special circumstances, and defendants would be free to employ private lawyers should they wish, but it would clarify the difficulties with pay. Equal treatment under the law . . .
We have a PDS. If someone's charged with an offence that has a maximum sentence of less than 10 years and applies for legal aid they're assigned a lawyer from the list of legal aid lawyers, including those working for the PDS which provides about a third of legal aid lawyers.
It appears that the current pds system largely works through independent contractors who are invited to take each case. There is a "duty Solicitor" system to ensure that there is someone to talk to a defendant – I do not know how that is arranged, it may involve some assistance from law firms giving your lawyers experience. I do not see why more money per hour is spent on prosecutions, where I understand specific firms have had contracts for years – they are able to balance which cases get more senior staff, but it is still on a contract system.
For the amount of money spent, it may be more efficient and provide a better balanced service if the pds and prosecution teams were formed from a core of employed staff working full time; only calling in other contractors when needs exceed core demand. Such teams could build expertise while still allowing some flexibility for specialisation and career development. It would ensure that there is a reasonable balance between the expertise advising both prosecution and defence. As it is we appear to be heading towards a lot of defendants not getting competent legal advice . . . while we argue about whether pay rates should have increased since 2008.
The system is broken for access to legal aid and the cost of legal advice; immediate restructuring is required.
Were a comparison to be done with doctors, specialists and surgeons would the health system be more cost effective than lawyers, solicitors and barristers when it comes to wages?
I think the PDS employs its lawyers. There'd be no point contracting independent legal aid lawyers because they just do the work themselves anyway, whether as solicitors employed by a law firm or self-employed barristers. Lawyers put their hat in the ring for the legal aid lottery which includes lawyers employed by PDS.
I was under the impression that they are paid essentially on a 'piece work' basis, which I regard as not the same as full or part time employment. That will certainly work for some, but if we are running out of people willing to work the pay rate may be wrong – or they are colluding to get the rate up. I suspect there is some need for that sort of employment in small centres, but the same may also be true for prosecution lawyers.
So since there will shortly be several thousand wilfully unvaccinated people (coming from all professions high and low), how will the state cope with their continued responsibility to them?
This is the consequence of the laws and regulations that the government has put in place.
New Zealand cannot afford a rapid further expansion of its underclass into a well-led and hyper-informed grey economy and grey society. Gangs are already rapidly accelerating under this government, and their periphery will expand massively.
They are still citizens, they are still New Zealanders.
And they are going to be massive state liabilities as their needs grow rapidly in health, accommodation, schooling, policing, welfare, access to travel and public spaces, employment.
Before you build a wall to keep those safe within, check who you're walling out.
Yes. The system for granting exemptions has been reviewed and a new official process put in place. The number who will be able to gain such an exemption is likely to be small, but is not zero, and may change as we get new variants of covid or more clinical experience of the effect of vaccines on particular conditions. I presume this is being included in the development of a vaccine passport; it is possible that having an exemption will get some treated with the same attitude as those that have chosen not to be vaccinated; and that would be regretable.
since there will shortly be several thousand wilfully unvaccinated people (coming from all professions high and low), how will the state cope with their continued responsibility to them?
They have been unvaccinated since day one of the pandemic. One would expect the State to show respect and kindness to anyone taking up the option of being unvaccinated. Of course some of them will be unable to be vaccinated or perhaps will be waiting for an alternative vaccine.
But if someone chooses to not get vaccinated without an authentic medically-approved contraindication, they don't get to infect as many people as possible. If that means they can't deal with hundreds of people a day, or just the same 30 kids all day, that's their choice.
Teachers not getting vaccinated to protect themselves, colleagues and kids is pathetic. Teachers, just like all other workers, are forced to obey myriad other 'mandates' in order to keep their jobs, e.g. turn up to work on time, prepare lessons adequately, assess kids, provide extra curriculars, wear appropriate clothes etc. etc. One of the most irritating 'mandates' I ever expereinced was having to wear a tie in a Whangarei High school. Wearing a bloody tie every day was far more annoying than having to present an arm every 6 months for a Covid jab. Repeat ad finitum for thousands of other jobs.
And I'm impressed at how many on the left – that once upon a time stood to defend working people – are now cheering on and often actively demanding that people should loose those jobs for their convictions.
Agreed, but who would have known in 2019 that a pandemic was about to change everyone's lives and precipitate a lot of hard decisions. As for the vast majority of teachers I've met most have their students' welfare at heart, not their personal idiosyncratic opinions or ideas. Potentially bringing a nasty virus into the classroom, or staffroom doesn't seem to be sensible whatever your convictions.
“Gangs are already rapidly accelerating under this government, and their periphery will expand massively.”
Why has there been no in-depth investigative tv journalism done into this problem?
And also into whether the much-fanfared reduction in the prison muster is allied to the reported increase in violent crime that has been reported as now a thing in NZ?
Wellington Central is reported by police stats as at December 2020 as having suffered a significant rise in violent & anti-social incidents & actual crimes of violence, which is likely to be the product of policies putting more & more people with gang affiliations & problem behaviours into inner city motels & hotels
It’s rather disconcerting that there seems little in the way of Ministers & party spokespeople coming up with concrete answers to these problems beyond the usual hit ’em hard “lawn order” noises from the loikes of Soimon Bridges.
Or, maybe, when it comes to gangs – that IS the answer? The only major downside to that is there won’t be a single Māori whanau in the country that hasn’t got whanau members in gangs & even if some of those whanau are lowlife thugs, they’re still whanau & whanaungatanga applies. If the state trashes their mana; they trash the mana of the whanau & hapu too.
Outlaw motorcycle gangs in WA will be banned from wearing their club patches in public and forced to cover gang tattoos under new laws combating outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMCG) in the state.
Laws unveiled on Wednesday will enable WA Police to disrupt illegal activities and eliminate bikie networks across the state.
Under the legislation expected to pass Parliament by late next month, WA Police will have the power to arrest anyone displaying bikie logos in public.
Displaying insignia including patched vests, flags and tattoos will result in a 12 month jail term and fines of up to $12,000 for individuals and $60,000 for corporations.
Bikies with gang tattoos that cannot be hidden with clothing will either need to be removed or covered up with make-up.
The laws will also prevent the “unlawful consorting between offenders” and disperse gang members who gather together in public places.
It applies to 46 organisations specifically named in the legislation, from outlaw motorcycle gangs to smaller street gangs.
“These people aren’t a social club, they are criminals, the peddle misery, pain and harm on the Western Australian community and we are aiming to disrupt them,” Mr Papalia said.
“This law will be the first in a series of laws and measures aimed at making it very uncomfortable, impossible we hope to be a bikie in Western Australia.”
Certainly a weird calculation of public health harm when patched gangs who decade upon decade deal meth and intimidation get sustained growth and increasing acceptance by the state, but failing two injections in one month gets you excluded near-fully from society with no end in sight or current limit to it.
If the state is prepared to force that degree of sanction on the unvaccinated, they should be consistent and apply even greater sanction to gang members.
It's not sitting well with me ,this segregation road we are traveling .
It's not the kiwi way , keep trying to get them vaccinated, but they need to be able to work , and as for this meme that they should pay their own medical expense, fuck right !!!
With you touching on gangs made me think of the recent protest at Parliament.
I don't think 4 gangs have ever ridden together before. Add to that the mix of trades, professionals, ethnicities and cultures. To write the crowd off as Trumpist rent a crowd is totally burying your head in the sand.
It's been common knowledge for a long time that these meth traders are happy to ride together in order to get rich. Could it be that Brian Tamaki is also involved
James Shaw live from Glasgow, asked by John Campbell about climate change getting worse. "There are two ways to answer that", "We have strengthened our targets" "We have increased our ambitions"
Asked by Campbell if Greta Thunberg is right in saying that this is just Blah, Blah, Blah.
James Shaw seemed stuck, before replying, "I don't think she is totally wrong".
Thunberg is either right or wrong.
Much like the Curates Egg, I might like to ask James Shaw, which part of Greta Thunberg's Blah, Blah, Blah does he consider is wrong.
Brilliant answer from the archetypal centrist politician! Mind you, he could have done the `glass half empty' framing better by observing that she ain't totally right.
That's where I differ from James, who is forever trying to signal his managerial consensus style of politics just like Jacinda.
Where I differ from you, Jenny, is in not defaulting to right/wrong temptation as if the world is really black and white.
Sure, all we ever get from these international conferences is a fudging of the issues. I'm with you on that. I bet most sideline commentators would agree nowadays. But notice how none of the others onsite here have joined me in diagnosing the process of democracy as root of the problem!
James keeps using that process to secure consensus, and we get incremental progress as output. Is it sufficient to solve the global problem? Of course not. He's part of the system now, so he's unwilling to admit that. Incrementalists will always hope for the best. Sometimes reality even validates their stance. However the scientist talking head on the tv news last night said the latest research indicates a global warming of 2.4 degrees by the end of this century. That's dire.
Nope, you must've been thinking of someone else. Closest I ever got was conducting the official proceedings of a Green Party Annual Conference, in my capacity as Convenor of the Standing Orders Committee and Constitution Working Group. It did involve addressing over a hundred delegates (& organising their decision-making).
It's certainly true that the legend `getting the Greens to agree on anything is like herding cats' was one of the first things I encountered at my first annual conference in '91. Just the type of challenge I like!
So it took several years hard word-smithing to reach the smooth consensus-producing output stage that I was referring to…
Dunno if I'd go that far. Yes, one can learn the relevant techniques, and apply them in other contexts, but only a fool would expect success.
Stuff like this is extremely context-dependent. There's an old saying about the right place & the right time, eh? I just happened to be the right person there & then. I was new to the scene, the competing primadonnas had all cancelled each other out into a mutual stalemate, I volunteered to solve the problem.
Technique was only part word-smithing. It also involved playing the role Alexander the Great played when confronted by the Gordian Knot: lateral-thinker, decisively so.
"…..none of the others onsite here have joined me in diagnosing the process of democracy as root of the problem!" Dennis Frank
I would be one of them. Democracy is not the problem.
Not if you accept that democracy is not limited to voting every three years.
That is a limited and highly proscribed form of democracy.
Democracy in its fullest form embraces the right to protest and demonstrate and apply pressure to demand change.
All politics is pressure. History shows that elected representatives of all parties, no matter what stripe, are not imune to political pressure. This pressure can take several forms and come from different places, from the streets, from the trade unions, from the corporate lobbyists with access cards to the Beehive.
Currently the overwhelming political pressure coming on our elected leaders, is coming from the powerful, well connected, well resourced BAU lobby.
I have been saying for a long time now that we live in an age where polticians need to become activists and activists need to become politicians.
I often think of the Labour MPs who took to the water in small boats to join with protesters against nuclear ships as a model.
This form of street activism allied with activism in parliament proved to be enormously powerful, swaying two National MPs Mike Minogue and Marylyn Waring to vote for the Labour opposition Private Members Bill to ban nuclear ship visits. If this bill had been voted on, New Zealand would have been nuclear free in 1984. Prime Minister Muldoon, under political pressure from the militarists called a snap election to prevent the vote being taken.
The calcuation was that pressure could be put on the incoming Labour administration to water down any proposed anti-nuclear legislation. And so it was.
The plan was to put political pressure on the Lange Government to accept a US warship under the niether confirm nor deny arrangement. The USS Buchanon was dispatched from the US to Auckland, half way here, David Lange accepted a delegation in his Beehive office from the peace movement who told him that if the Buchanon was allowed to dock, the same protests that had brought down the Muldoon administration would be organised against his government. Lange phoned Washington and told them to turn the ship around. The next day David Lange was reported in the listener as saying that his most feared lobby was the anti-nuclear movement.
Rod Donald was a masterclass example of a skilled proponent of joining parliamentary and street activism. Originally in the Values Party, Donald joined Labour and turned the LECs into organising centres of anti-nuclear protests.
Using the same model of street activism joined with parlamentary activism, Donald spearheaded the movement to achieve MMP against a reluctant Bolger administration.
All politics is pressure.
Is James Shaw the sort of politician who would climb into a small boat to protest nuclear ships, or join a protest march for MMP, to put pressure on parliament to change direction?
Or more to the point, organise and lead protests to pressure pariament to take climate change seriously?
If we are to turn around our growing emissions we need more politicians like Rod Donald and less politicians like James Shaw.
Originally in the Values Party, Donald joined Labour and turned the LECs into organising centres of anti-nuclear protests.
Interesting, I didn't know that. Anyway, I see no evidence that protestors change govt policy nowadays like they did in bygone days. The duopoly are both addicted to the status quo.
The real evidence that you're wrong lies in the lack of consensus around the imagined positive alternative to neoliberalism. All the protestors seem capable of is sheeplike evasion of the topic. Sue Bradford's think-tank continues to produce no visible output. Have you even joined it?? If not, you're living proof that I'm right. Admit it!
…..I see no evidence that protestors change govt policy nowadays like they did in bygone days. The duopoly are both addicted to the status quo….
You have not been paying attention.
This is what democracy looks like
The Prime Minister was on her way to a scheduled appointment with the Indonesian ambassador. She saw a protest by Greenpeace on the steps of parliament, The Prime Minister ordered her driver to pull over, so she could check out what the Greenpeace protest was all about. (The Indonesian ambassador could wait).
Standing on the steps of parliament Jacinda Ardern, handed a megaphone, told the assembled protesters that in her role as Prime Minister she would see that her government would ban deep sea oil drilling.
Following this protest and the Prime Minister's statement on the steps of parliament, the Prime Minister followed up on her assurance to the protesters.
A later photo would catch Shane Jones making the infamous slap to his forehead gesture, as the Prime Minister went before the cameras to officialy announce a ban on deep sea oil drilling to the nation.
Shane Jones, a known schill for the fossil fuel lobby, was expressing their collective shock and horror that the Prime Minister of New Zealand had the temerity to defy them.
Shane slapped his forehead because he knew this decision would be doubly injurious – first to the Taranaki economy & secondly to NZ emissions, as Huntly would inevitably burn less gas & more brown Indonesian coal.
You say "I often think of the Labour MPs who took to the water in small boats to join with protesters against nuclear ships as a model.".
For the life of me I cannot think of a single Labour Party MP who did that. Fraser Colman was sent up the Mururoa by Norman Kirk but that was on a frigate. That ship, with a crew of about 250 could hardly be described as small. Rumour at the time also said that it wasn't a voluntary trip as Kirk was supposed to have had Colman's name on every slip of paper that went into the hat to pick the happy wanderer.
Richard Prebble did not get his nickname "Mad Dog" from his later Right Wing politics, but from his stunt at the wheel of small yacht with other MPs that he steered under the bow of a US nuclear war ship entering Wellington Harbour, almost snagging the yacht’s mast on the warships anchor.
After the protest when they reached shore they were met with police but no charges were laid.
I had never known the Prebble had done that. I guess it must have been the USS Texas in 1983. He really must have been mad at the time. I used to sail dinghies in Wellington Harbour many years ago and I would never have gone anywhere near a ship that size, even if it had been anchored.
The things one discovers about people you thought you knew. Thank you for the story.
James Shaw is exactly the wrong sort of leader the Green party needs at this moment…the last thing the world needs to fight climate change right now is another centrist pragmatist (even a Green one)…no what a party like the Green party needs right now and going forward, to be seen as being the serious climate change political party, is someone with real and deeply rooted progressive principles and who is not afraid to make enemies (and lots of them) defending them at every opportunity…someone brave and fearless, unlike James Shaw….so probably cut from the same cloth of someone like Sue Bradford or Helen Kelly would be a good starting point.
We can forget about Ardern and NZ Labour at this point,they have proven beyond doubt that they will never be the leaders desperately needed in the battle against climate change right now…which given their unwavering fundamentalist adherence to Free Market Liberalism in the face of an approaching tsunami should surprise no one except the stupid.
You're wrong inasmuch as Sue & Helen were both partisans. Democracy requires a leader to be able to compromise with opponents to get results because it is a numbers game. Consequently centrist winners are inevitable.
I do agree that James & Marama ought, in theory, to be able to walk & chew gum at the same time. Leadership of the Green movement is indeed missing in politics here.
It is well past time to stop pussyfooting around .If the Greens want to survive they need to disavow Labour and get back into activism for the environment and social justice. Atm they are becoming a laughing stock with their wokism and ineffective policy concessions from Labour.
Haven't had much time lately to trawl through print or even on-line media, so may have missed a great deal. All the same, it seems to me that Marama has been all but invisible since the 2020 election. Isn't the Green Party meant to have joint leaders? What is she (and Chloe, and all the other un-Shaws) up to?
@Dennis Frank, no you are wrong, this moment needs a leader (or leaders) who will stop with all the bullshit, and start dealing with this impending disaster with the urgency and preparing out citizens for radical changes it is going to require from each and every of us, we need leaders who can cut through the political divide in this moment of crisis (like the best Left wing politicians used to be so good at before these fucking death cult neo-liberal centrists infected Left wing politics with their terminal cancer)..the time for incrementalism has long long past, it is plainly obvious that things are going to start getting very messy in the not to distant future….the Progressive Left need to some how dislodge the extreme centrists from either Labour (won't happen) or The Greens, and to start offering a legitimate positive radical way forward that can mobilize a large part of the population…or The real Right will fill that space, of that you can be absolutely sure.
In times of crisis, the people always turn to the leader with the most resolute vision of the future..that can either be a good thing through the progressive Left or a Bad thing in the Right…forget about the neo- liberal centrists, they are going to be relegated to the dustbin of history pretty soon, because as everyone knows they never had a vision of the future, their ideology is and has always been short term, which was what made them such a negative and destructive force on the planet.
I don't get why you continue to evade the point about how democracy works. I agree about all that crisis psychology stuff, in principle, but don't see any relevance to how people do their politics in practice.
It's as if you share my belief that democracy is more problem than solution, while being unwilling to actually say so.
forget about the neoliberal centrists, they are going to be relegated to the dustbin of history pretty soon
Exactly what I assumed 30+ years ago when James Hansen first blew his climate whistle. Never underestimate the inertia of the sheeple!
Dennis, Perhaps Pro Bono work should be added to their Brief? Public Service work which is an expectation of the role? $159 per hour for Criminal Justice service. 7x the minimum wage. They were given the new schedule in March 2020 How many hours would they perform for the State each year? So a week at that rate for 30 hours $4770 plus expenses.
Currently many would consider that "not too shabby" But to keep up with costs…
Given the CPI for my teacher's pension has increased by aprox 25% in the same period (since 2008) the new rate should be aprox $198 per hour at least.
My reply button doesn’t work most times as well. But on another note for all the complainers and whingers …Germany is doing well, eh! 40,000 cases a day mostly all unvaxxed and a further 100,000 deaths projected. Thank you Labour, thank you Jacinda et al.
some numbers to your hysteria, to make it more palatable
Total doses given113M
People fully vaccinated55.9M
% fully vaccinated67.1%
some 30 million are due for a booster shot.
popultion Germany 83.24 million 2020
in the meantime in a our wee nation of 5 million we got us a totally preventable outbreak of Delta, started Vaccinating like our life depended on ( it does) after July 28th, don't ever mention those that have run out of their 6 month full coverage – everyone jabbed Jan to May, had to be bailed out with vaccines by the Spaniards and the Danes because of course we did not have enough to continue vaccinating realizing that the delivery of October 28th was a bit late, and are here now pretending we have beat Delta.
Next you tell us that the Danes with its 80% mark of vaccination and rising cases is also losing it.
Maybe you can just breathe for a moment, stop comparing a transit nation such as Germany to some lost islands at the bottom of the earth – next stop Antarctica – and understand that literally no one a. knows really what they do, and b. all hope and pray that what ever they do is working, and c. that the population will get the jabs when offered, and for what its worth, we are seeing the limitations of Jacinda and her Government – see protests. And it don't matter one bit that you are a supporter of this government, or I don't care about this government, or that they might not have voted at all cause why they fuck would they it won't matter much anyways to them, unless Jacinda forces people to get the jabs we too will look like England, – rising cases, Germany – rising cases, France – rising cases, Italy – raising cases, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland etc all ditto, and last but least, we go into summer they go into winter, all nicely locked up at home, sniffling noses and all.
Yes, orange and apples are fruit, and then all comparison stops.
"Totally preventable Delta" You lost me there as Delta is not the pushover you think it is. Or does that just fit in with your story? Every country has struggled with Delta, and most still are.
Yes, however most people in Auckland feel the virus can't be worse than the 12 week lockdown, especially as it has lowered cases not eliminated them. People have worked up anger, which is replacing caution. That will lead to even more cases with any easing. Jacinda Ardern says she has been kept awake at night…. no doubt torn, as not all the advice is good advice.
The media trying to pre-empt the PM's messages with their "guesses" and then their choice of "experts" often leads to muddled messaging.
Also, I think The Director General of Health has messaged in a very anglicised communication style. Sharing the podium with other ethnicities may have strengthened the message. It was very ethnocentristic.
The Herald gives Barry Soper's bile and sheer nastiness plenty of exposure today. I have personally witnessed that man having an apoplectic temper tantrum at a Parliamentary security officer who was simply doing his job, some years ago. It was the worst display I have ever seen in public. He oozes venom. He and his wife are a perfect pair. Their child will grow up having those two as parents!
Hospitality is always going to be a causualty of a pandemic due to the business not having the space to make a maximum turnover due to social distancing and taking off a mask to eat and drink, less foot traffic and people having less to spend in a pandemic.
No one wants to be the business who cannot open. Perhaps extra targeted assistance is warranted or the really hard decision needs to be made for the right reasons to close. A restart package might also help.
help with leases would be the biggest thing and people have been asking for it for a while now, but so far, nothing other then the wage subsidy, a bit of resurgence payment that either pay the lease or the rest but not both, and a wee bit of extra help for some affected businesses in Auckland.
In the meantime getting a part for an air conditioner from akl to rotorua takes two weeks and that is not taking any guarantees, and voila, no working if the environment needs to be cool for working. Don't ask me how i know that.
My daughter started back at work at St Lukes food court yesterday. But my son, who is a qualified, senior chef, is making takeaways for one of Auckland’s top restaurants and being paid the wage subsidy.
You beat me to the topic. He's a pathetic prick with the emotional maturity of a five year old. His beef today:
Jacinda Ardern travelled to and from Auckland on an Air Force jet. The fact that prime ministers get to travel regularly on RNZAF aircraft is something of which he, apparently, has never been aware? (sarc)
Having a little bit of knowledge of military matters, there will have been serious death threats and her security has been upgraded to the highest level. It is unlikely the public will be informed of the nature of the threats. I also noted she was driven around Auckland in a bullet proof SUV yesterday.
Of course, Soper knows as much but chooses to spread unsubstantiated muck instead.
Ardern's safety and welfare is not considered as being a priority for Soper. There was also a time restraint as I think Ardern was chairing an APEC meeting later in the day.
My wires are crossed Ardern will chair a virtual APEC meeting on 13 November 2021. In saying this she would need time to prepare herself for this. So a time restraint in visiting Auckland.
I thought it was a pretty good article. Being an Aucklander myself, I think the Jacinda's trip to Auckland to visit one company that has been able to trade through, and a vaccination centre was a complete waste of time. She should have visited some actual businesses effected by the lockdown.
so, you are saying that one out of date right wing hack is more balanced than another out of date right wing hack? given sopers alcohol consumption, young must have a very bad case of the d.t.
I think you will find Audrey very much wears rose tinted glasses…..she even rated Twyford (yes Twyford …the man that has cock ups named after him) a 7/10!!!!!
We still sometimes hear the expression "Oh shit, I've made a Twyford" here at work when someone fucks up.
I’m not ordinarily one to complain but Seamus works his damp oily little butt feathers off there, & after being up here for several hours still not one post in support of his efforts n prowess? 😳
Is it becos of the white flashes he’s got? Becos he’s not an All Black little shag? 😠
You brute you! Cheering Seamus along as he murders a poor little defenseless fish? I'll bet you would have been in the stands cheering along the gladiators as the slaughtered to Christians in the Colosseum.
Why don't you train Seamus properly. Teach him a vegan diet and make him stick to it. Yah boo sucks.
"Healthcare workers and medical aid workers have even reported receiving death threats from rural communities who associate the vaccine with "witchcraft".
2 Sounds like what some were prepared to tolerate in New Zealand
"PNG's overwhelmed health system and lack of vaccine protection is proving deadly.
With the nation's Covid death toll now at 413, even their morgues and funeral services are struggling.
The country's pandemic response controller, David Manning, recently authorised the mass burial of 200 bodies after the morgue in the capital of Port Moresby was filled beyond capacity. RNZ also reported the mortuary at Port Moresby General Hospital had reached full capacity and was filled with over 300 bodies, despite the limit being 60."
The become the best because they work, practice, train harder and longer than anyone else
"A lot of people ask me how do I get to the next level? Well…. you get to the next level by being the first one on the range and the last one to leave." – Jerry Miculek?
The clips are of the best in the world demonstrating why hes the best in the world (and just being generally awesome) along with a quote of his to back up my earlier assertion
And an excuse to watch someone hit a 1000 yard target with a pistol with iron sights and watch the same person fire six aimed shots reload and fire six more aimed shots (with a revolver) all within 2.99 seconds
The smarter you work the luckier you become. Smarter practice makes a better player.
Looking at golf DeChambeau would be taking Tigers mantel.But all his practice hasn't made him any better.My son in law a former professional rugby player now a coach.Knows that to much practice leads to more injuries and burnout.
In France rugby players were training like like football players a non contact sport.The result a very high injury rate and lacklustre performances. The next season he reduced training ,worked on skills and tactics his team went to the top of the league earning promotion until Covid struck.
The same can be said of many sports .NZ cricket NZ provincial teams don't get any where near the amount of Cricket compared to Australia, India,England or South Africa.Yet NZ punches well above its weight.
Fantastic match, just finished watching the replay.
Highlights include the see-saw nature of the final 6 overs, England crumpling under pressure, Mitchell/Nesham batting and the Indian chappy standing in front of The Mitchells in the crowd, jumping up excitedly every time the camera went on the former AB coach.
Whether it is Pakistan or Aussie, this squad has what it takes to beat either of 'em.
This squad is easily the best squad NZ has ever assembled, top and middle order strength in batting, a decent lower order (our number 10 and 11,Boult and Wagner, average 15 and 14 with the bat including a 50 each)
We've never had three bowlers average under 30 let alone 4, we've even got some decent spinners as well when required
But what excites we more is the depth in the team.
Will Young averages 42 in FC with 12 100s and thats not counting Ravindra, Phillips or Mitchell all of whom can bat middle order or replace De Grandhomme
BJ Watling is the best wicket-keeper batsman bar none yet Blundell and Seifert means the loss won't be as great as first feared
We've got variety in our pace attack with whatever combinations of swing, seam, speed, height, aggression and left-right bowling you want
The best part of the game as reported (I have yet to watch my recording) was the turning down of a run by Mitchell because he felt he had interfered with the bowler's attempt to field the ball.
The action of a true champion, respecting the rules, the opposition and the character of the game.
Thanks for your care and concern, Puckish, but the result is known to me, as the headline I quoted may have hinted at it…..
It’s not always the end or result that is worth the while but rather how they get there, ball by ball, run by run, action by action. I’m looking forward now to settle down after a day’s activity and watch it all unfold.
oh I'm sure people are taking notice. But most of us don't have access to internal polling that tells us why the drop. Is it just a normal post-emergency resetting of the swing vote? (I'm assuming the Greens didn't take a big jump). Or is there serious dissatisfaction from a chunk of 2020 Labour voters?
We will hash all that out (or not), but imagine if we had some actual research to be basing discussions on.
The fact that the Greens are 9 in both puzzles me. They haven't done anything for quite a while. Perhaps it's just a tactical shift away from Labour, by left-Labour voters. Fair-weather friends!
ok, nine is good. Might be the return from those that went Labour because of Ardern, and are disappointed by her centrism. Now that Labour aren't all huggy in the covid response, it's probably easier to want better action on housing and climate.
Being in power and trying to deal with Covid is a 'no-win' situation, and a juggle with the health of people and the economy. Slide the scale too much in one direction and you take a hit, and unfortunately this can drive poor decision making.
There is no equivalence Ad. Covid goes on and on, every day presenting sickness and causing decisions which keep a level of cortisol in the body much higher than usual, which leads to anxiety. The highest stress is losing a loved one or having to move. Both these events are happening with regularity along with "waiting for results".
"You don't make things worse" 1. Christchurch was controlled and had little input to major decisions which has led to poor outcomes for the water table. 2. Many are waiting for resolution more than 10 years later. The earthquake did not effect most areas of NZ. The GFC was made worse by austerity and failure to meet infrastructure needs on a number of levels. The press did not always press for answers, and those who did were removed.
I recall some polls had National (under Bridges even) and Act edging ahead of Labour/Greens until Covid hit
So its not a not a 'no-win' situation because it led directly to an election win, imho
However it could be (depending on how accurate the polls are and I have my doubts) the electorate telling Jacinda and the Labour party what they're thinking
Will Jacinda listen…don't know but its starting to get interesting again
In February 2020 Simon Bridges was a good bet for winning the election. His personal popularity was crap but Labour was on course to be one term government.
Rubbish, thus the quote "never let a good crisis go to waste".
The govt will gain in popularity even only if they handle it in a mediocre way. Take the last election, often called the Covid election by opposition, Labour had all the 1pm air times etc. and gained hugely to win a majority.
Didn't National do well after Christchurch earthquakes even though they may not have handled them well?
I have been surprised heading into out spring of discontent that such hadn't occurred earlier. Troubling and factious times for people. Labour got a sizeable lift with their successful handling of the first half of the covid pandemic (helped by an inept National Party admittedly). The realities of covid being driven home now we should expect some swing the other way. In 12 months time if things have settled down and life has returned to some normality for the population and we are steering our way through the covid endemic, accepting some things may not be that pretty along the way, I would pick a fair degree of the rancour and frustration will dissipate.
Local government is a very, very soft target to go beat down on.
If Labour were going to spend their political capital on something, it may as well be something worthwhile and on a target everyone hates and ignores anyway.
My FIL is quite up to date and knowledgable about this but hes actually going to a protest over this as well
Hes retired and its a bit of a drive and I don't think hes ever protested anything before so for him to do this shows the feelings some people have over it
I think Labour is going to be a bit surprised about this
Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest! The clash between dreams & reality will always throw up a few surprises.
However I haven't seen any valid point emerge from opponents as yet. Just being conservative & clinging onto stuff won't work. That makes it seem as if conservatives still haven't figured out how to transcend kindergarten politics. Doesn't get them anywhere on an issue where most folk know the system is fucked and await suitable improvements.
So those who matter (pragmatic centrists) will expect National to describe system improvements that seem likely to work.
One positive thing to say about Jacinda Ardern is that her political antenna is/was always spot on, she knew which way the wind was blowing or at least which way to minimise bad news (no bad thing in a leader)
But this just seems…all wrong, like 3 waters is what you want to die on a hill on?
Its a hill to die on when you try to ram it through when everythings already tense and protest groups are active. Groundswell + Covid protesters + three waters could really make for large and disruptive protests that gain momentum.
Talking with an old friend yesterday – more than a friend really – who I know has has voted left all his life. We're talking an educated, experienced professional with a lot of street smarts. Way more than me. He still speaks well of Helen Clarks government for instance.
But he's not voting Labour this time.
It's not one single issue – it's an accumulation of political actions from this govt that he sees forming a disturbing pattern. He used the word 'betrayal'.
They’ve gone too far down the Jacinda cult of personality track, trading more or less completely on her carefully manufactured (& heavily choreographed) celebrity status.
When you look beyond the Jacinda front person, there’s not a lot of competence & confidence on show among the rest of the Ministerial front benches, imo.
Most Ministers we see ANYTHING of at all come across to me as low interest or defensive, as often quite ill-informed, & as generally underwhelming.
And some stuff being worked on almost furtively in the background (like He Puapua & Three Waters) is going to become hugely controversial.
Robertson, Hipkins and Little are the heavy lifters. The rest of Labour as you say, gave rise to the oppositions saying "Labour talent pool shallower than a car park puddle on a summers day"
I agree with your pick of Labour’s hard workers there, Jimmy.
Mahuta puts in solid effort too, but I’m a wee bit wary of her Māori Caucus agenda, & of her judgement when it comes to diplomacy. There’ve been times when I think her saying a helluva lot less would have been a lot more more diplomatic. Peters mastered this art.
“Staunch as, bro ” works well here in NZ sometimes, in some situations, but in some parts of the world mild & flowery phrases are the way to go, while the officials do the hard arguing & the grunt work with “the opposition””s minions – imo.
Labour needs to change tac urgently on the stupid idea of 3 waters.Given no mayor is in favour of this mandate.
It could loose labour the next election mandating after offering an opt out option.Once the Covid hysteria dies down people will not be happy having another govt bearaucracy taxing everyone including those councils who have invested heavily in upgrading their water services.They will be subsidising those who have let their infrastructure rundown.A massive Vote looser.
It is still pretty much the same as the last Roy Morgan poll with the Labour Green combination comfortably in front.
In my dreams I would like to see what would happen if National changed the leadership to a Luxon leader, Bridges deputy combination. I would pick an immediate swing of around 10% from Labour to National with only a minor hit, if any, on the ACT vote.
Just a dream mind but I would love to see how accurate my prediction would turn out. I don't know what Luxon would be like as PM, mind, but the intellectual fun would be in seeing what the polls did. Still a Luxon PM with a Bridges backup would probably be OK and anything would be better than the shambles that is the current Government.
Wouldn't surprise me, but it would be a honeymoon effect only. Reality would slim the margin down readily. Policies would kill the Nats. Unless Luxon has more of a brain than was evident in his corporate phase. He presents well but that just reduces the Ardern x-factor somewhat. They're still a bunch of useless losers no matter which angle you view them from.
Get a new leader thats not as divisive and they wont need to do a helluva lot about policy. I'm sure one of the drivers of the big vote split along gender lines is Judith.
There's alot of dissatisfaction around now wont take much to harness some of that.
Well how about the prediction that Luxon would be rejected by a large majority. A fundamentalist Chritstian as a Prime Minister is not a viable option.
We have already accepted an unmarried mother. I don't think we would have any problem with a homosexual male were she to give up and Grant become the Labour leader.
Why should anyone who says they hold Christian beliefs be a problem? You talk about being a fundamentalist Christian but I wouldn't think that there are very many people in the country who even know what that is supposed to mean. I certainly don't and I can't even be bothered trying to work it out.
If Luxon got anywhere near the top of his party, everyone would soon learn what a fundamentalist Christian of Luxon's ilk thinks – and as Garibaldi hints, it'd sink him and his party.
The World was built in 7 days and is only 4000 years old and males are the head of the household. Stuff like that Alwyn. Oh and Christ is coming again then we really get divided. Apologies to any true believers, I envy your certainty.
I take this to mean that the basic thing uniting them is a belief that the bible is literally true and if it is in the bible then it really happened.
As long as they just believe it and don't demand that I do so I guess I couldn't care less. I have a very simple set of beliefs. Primarily there isn't any such thing as a god and anyone who believes in such a thing is nuts. Then there are just different degrees of nuttiness, and as long as you don't make me behave according to your beliefs you can proclaim anything at all.
That doesn't mean that there isn't anything valuable in the beliefs of some religious groups. About half the commandments make sense as a way of living. The first 4 are simply silly, The rest aren't too bad as a guide to how we should treat other people.
As long as Luxon doesn't try and impose his way of living on me I think he is harmless. He certainly is likely to cause less damage that followers of some of the other main religions who believe that if they say something is true I have to also do so.
Early days, but the polls are going to get much more interesting over the next few months. The shine has gone off Ardern. Things Covid seem very muddled to my current occasionally-sleep-deprived-thus-addled brain but I’m picking up confusion & dissatisfaction more generally where before there was more clarity & support for Jacinda among my personal contacts.
The msm journos are hungry for a change of diet, imo. Some might also be getting a bit resentful & tired of the ‘grace & favour’ favourites style media conferences Ardern has been directing with more firmness than we are used to seeing from PMs.
Ardern down just 4 points in UMR to a still impressive 47% PPM … but plunges a massive (I'm guessing unprecedented) 13 points in the Curia poll to 34% (albeit most of those swinging into non-committal territory rather than across the aisle).
Lab/Green Govt still rating a little higher in the UMR a year into their 2nd term than Nat/ACT at the same point in their 2nd term – late 2012 (& hence, unsurprisingly, current Oppo doing a little worse than Lab/Green in late 2012) … putting aside the intricacies of other minor parties.
However much the left continues to extol the virtues of the working class, there is a growing divide between the views of the largely liberal and metropolitan make-up of the Labour hierarchy and the so-called Labour ‘core vote’.
Here it is worth noting the work of David Goodhart, much disparaged by the left but probably onto something. The liberal left, he says, is today dominated by people whose worldview is “universalistic, suspicious of most kinds of group or national attachment, and individualistic…they don’t “get” what most other people also get – loyalty, authority and the sacred’.
An electric backing gate, which pushes cows into the shed, came off its rollers. Fogo went to help put it back on but “it fell on me”.
He was wearing a motorcycle helmet when it happened, but his health quickly deteriorated, and he went home.
He went to Maniototo Hospital in Ranfurly and the sole person on that Saturday – a duty nurse – gave him a codeine tablet for his headache and sent him home.
“By Monday I was a mess.”
Fogo returned to work but could manage only a few hours at a time.
“That was when the fun started,” he said.
Scans revealed he had suffered injuries to his head and neck, and he was advised not to return to work.
He was recuperating at home when a fellow dairy farmworker dropped off a letter advising him that he and his wife had 10 days to vacate their home on the farm.
The letter, sent by Graeme Martin of Otago Rural Management, said Fogo’s absence from work was causing “operational and management issues” for the company, and his occupation of the home was “placing constraints on both staff requirements and the allocation of accommodation”.
Not really. I read an article about the trial on Newshub’s website earlier today but haven’t been following the case & don’t even know how many days in it is.
Defendant’s moved for a mistrial. Judge has taken it under advisement, I read.
Quite a contrast with the days n days of tv coverage given to George Floyd’s murder.
Personally speaking I don't think he should have been there in the first place however that he was is not illegal
2. The kid is not guilty and in fact it shouldn't have even gone to trial, surely there is no clearer case of self-defence than this
3. The kid had the wrong political affiliation, purely and simply this is about politics. He was even booted off gofundme to try to raise funds for his defence
4. One of the dead was a pedo so not going to cry over that
5. The witness's for the prosecutors ending up proving Kyles claim of self-defence
6. The kid looks absolutely shattered
7. I really hope the kid sues every damn media company he can
Prosecutors in the criminal trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager who shot and killed two protesters last year in Kenosha, Wis., will not be able to refer to the people he shot as "victims," a judge has ruled, while defense attorneys may be able to call them "arsonists" or "looters."
In a proceeding about the ground rules for the upcoming trial, prosecutors and defense lawyers debated whether certain language, witnesses or evidence would be allowed. The trial begins next week.
"The word 'victim' is a loaded, loaded word. And I think 'alleged victim' is a cousin to it," Judge Bruce Schroeder said on Monday, asking prosecutors to instead use the terms "complaining witness" or "decedent" to refer to those shot by Rittenhouse.
Haven't bothered to watch it, because nothing you've said seems to indicate that it's actually relevant to whether the judge is "blinded by ideology".
You want to talk about pedos and whatnot, fine. Heck, maybe shapiro's telling the truth for once in his life. But how is it relevant to the administration of the trial?
Rittenhouse travelled across state lines with an assault rifle while underage to clip his hero ticket, and shot three people. Maybe he gets away with it, maybe not. But both sides have laid their grounds for appeal, so regardless of what happens next week it probably won't be the end of it.
"Haven't bothered to watch it," well of course not, wouldn't want any pesky new information to change your view now would you
This is where you lied:
"Rittenhouse travelled across state lines with an assault rifle"
He did not have an assault rifle, he had an AR-15-type rifle.
May not mean much to you but an assault rifle can be operated in semi and fully automatic mode whereas an AR-15 is only capable of semi-automatic fire plus there are laws in Wisconsin around assault rifles
This what the media do though and thats to try to make things sound more dangerous than they are in an effort to smear and make people like you think what they want you to think and you've swallowed the medias line hook, line and sinker, well done.
Also Kyle Rittenhouse broke no laws so it doesn't matter if he 'travelled across state lines' or not
I'm not asking you to watch the whole thing because heaven forbid your delicate little mind becomes sullied by a different view point
I am asking you to watch these parts at 1.42, 2.38 and 3.27 also watch the prosecutions witnesses at 4.22 and 6.32 in their own words because its video and drone footage and the prosecutions own witnesses
'You think the difference in lower receiver counts as a substantive element in the description of his actions?'
Yes and heres why.
The phrase 'assault rifle' conjures up images and emotions in people and make them think negatively
So instead of saying Kyle was carrying a semi-auto (which he was) you say he was carrying am assault rifle (which he wasn't)
Also don't you think its important to be accurate, especially when the information is very easily found
''You want to talk about pedos and whatnot, fine. Heck, maybe shapiro's telling the truth for once in his life. But how is it relevant to the administration of the trial?
Maybe hes telling the truth?
You jump into the conversation and you don't even know the basic facts about the case?
Were you bored or just trying to hijack the thread?
The men shot by Kyle were bad men, child molesters, domestic abusers, druggies
So yes when those type of people jump into riots and threaten and chase and produce firearms and aim them then yes their backgrounds are relevant
Dude, I just wanted to know what your link had to do with the comment that preceded it.
I guess the answer is "nothing".
As for gun types, the kid had a similar gun to what the chch prick used, so I'm not sure calling it an "assault rifle" conjures up emotions more negative than that.
The men shot by Kyle were bad men, child molesters, domestic abusers, druggies
what are you, three? Are you trying to rustle up a legal defense, or just an excuse to not give a shit if Rittenhouse did actually do something legally wrong?
So innocent until proven guilty doesn’t count or do you know every single fire arm law in Wisconsin?
That’s why I used the term “That seems to be contrary”…
As opposed to your unqualified claims of innocence.
'what are you, three? Are you trying to rustle up a legal defense, or just an excuse to not give a shit if Rittenhouse did actually do something legally wrong?'
Heres what I said about that:
So yes when those type of people jump into riots and threaten and chase and produce firearms and aim them then yes their backgrounds are relevant
They have shown themselves in the past to be violent, to be dangerous so their backgrounds are very relevant especially given that lawsuits are floating about (a guilty conviction means money)
Also interesting CNN whitewashing the convictions:
They're the same thing. Prosecution tried to introduce his prior behaviour, judge said no. There's probably a youtube vid somewhere to expain it to you.
But if shapiro is showing a bias in what evidence he presents similar to the bias the links in 4.3 imply the judge is showing, maybe your clip was tangentially relevant after all.
But if you cast your net a bit wider, you might find the information you seek.
I know what the judge said couldn't be admitted, so I know more than you, obviously. I just don't give a shit about semantic differences between the types of gun people use to kill each other.
Today's 2 polls have interesting detail on individual National MPs. There is no public appetite for Bridges at all, they might as well pick Bishop (but won't, because he's not conservative enough for caucus).
Reti doesn't register so that only leaves Luxon as the new leader, when he's done nothing to show he's ready. Which explains why Collins hangs on.
A few months ago I'd have put good money on her being rolled by Xmas. No more than 50-50 now.
Southern DHB board member resigns over vaccine mandate conflict
"RNZ reported it saw emails in which Beekhuis wrote: “I'm writing, as a publicly elected official of the Southern DHB, to say that it's abhorrent that you would enforce a vaccine mandate on your staff. It's completely amoral, unethical, and medically unnecessary.”
It seems the woman would have been happy for the Southern Health Board district to have a 0% Covid vaccination rate.
Anyone who ignores the advantages of covid vaccination in minimising the effects of the virus who is in a position of power, is endangering public health.
Well who would have thought! Natural selection in action. 🙂
People are now dying from COVID-19 at a rate 3 times higher in counties where former President Donald Trump won at least 60% of the vote than in counties where President Joe Biden won a similar percentage, according to a New York Times analysis of the data.
And that partisan gap – which didn’t emerge until the widespread availability of vaccines in the spring of 2021 – has consistently widened over the last 5 months.
The gap, according to the Times, accelerated at its fastest rate yet in October, coming out to 25 COVID deaths per 100,000 residents in counties where Trump won more than 60% of the vote, versus 7.8 deaths per 100k in counties where Biden did the same.
I guess that's one way of improving the intellect levels in the population. But the Repugnants had better watch out! Their base is crumbling. Mind you with dopes like Cruz at the helm and telling them what to think what more can you expect.
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This morning’s six standouts for me at 6.30am include:Rachel Helyer Donaldson’s scoop via RNZ last night of cuts to maternity jobs in the health system;Maddy Croad’s scoop via The Press-$ this morning on funding cuts for Christchurch’s biggest food rescue charity;Benedict Collins’ scoop last night via 1News on a last-minute ...
A listing of 25 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, December 15, 2024 thru Sat, December 21, 2024. Based on feedback we received, this week's roundup is the first one published soleley by category. We are still interested in ...
Well, I've been there, sitting in that same chairWhispering that same prayer half a million timesIt's a lie, though buried in disciplesOne page of the Bible isn't worth a lifeThere's nothing wrong with youIt's true, it's trueThere's something wrong with the villageWith the villageSomething wrong with the villageSongwriters: Andrew Jackson ...
ACT would like to dictate what universities can and can’t say. We knew it was coming. It was outlined in the coalition agreement and has become part of Seymour’s strategy of “emphasising public funding” to prevent people from opposing him and his views—something he also uses to try and de-platform ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park from the Gigafact team in collaboration with members from our team. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Are we heading ...
So the Solstice has arrived – Summer in this part of the world, Winter for the Northern Hemisphere. And with it, the publication my new Norse dark-fantasy piece, As Our Power Lessens at Eternal Haunted Summer: https://eternalhauntedsummer.com/issues/winter-solstice-2024/as-our-power-lessens/ As previously noted, this one is very ‘wyrd’, and Northern Theory of Courage. ...
The Natural Choice: As a starter for ten percent of the Party Vote, “saving the planet” is a very respectable objective. Young voters, in particular, raised on the dire (if unheeded) warnings of climate scientists, and the irrefutable evidence of devastating weather events linked to global warming, vote Green. After ...
The Government cancelled 60% of Kāinga Ora’s new builds next year, even though the land for them was already bought, the consents were consented and there are builders unemployed all over the place. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāMōrena. Long stories short, the six things that mattered in Aotearoa’s political ...
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on UnsplashEvery morning I get up at 3am to go around the traps of news sites in Aotearoa and globally. I pick out the top ones from my point of view and have been putting them into my Dawn Chorus email, which goes out with a podcast. ...
Over on Kikorangi Newsroom's Marc Daalder has published his annual OIA stats. So I thought I'd do mine: 82 OIA requests sent in 2024 7 posts based on those requests 20 average working days to receive a response Ministry of Justice was my most-requested entity, ...
Welcome to the December 2024 Economic Bulletin. We have two monthly features in this edition. In the first, we discuss what the Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update from Treasury and the Budget Policy Statement from the Minister of Finance tell us about the fiscal position and what to ...
The NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi have submitted against the controversial Treaty Principles Bill, slamming the Bill as a breach of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and an attack on tino rangatiratanga and the collective rights of Tangata Whenua. “This Bill seeks to legislate for Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles that are ...
I don't knowHow to say what's got to be saidI don't know if it's black or whiteThere's others see it redI don't get the answers rightI'll leave that to youIs this love out of fashionOr is it the time of yearAre these words distraction?To the words you want to hearSongwriters: ...
Our economy has experienced its worst recession since 1991. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāMōrena. Long stories short, the six things that matter in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Friday, December 20 in The Kākā’s Dawn Chorus podcast above and the daily Pick ‘n’ Mix below ...
Twas the Friday before Christmas and all through the week we’ve been collecting stories for our final roundup of the year. As we start to wind down for the year we hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas and new year. If you’re travelling please be safe on ...
The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-hosts & talking about the year’s news with: on climate. Her book of the year was Tim Winton’s cli-fi novel Juice and she also mentioned Mike Joy’s memoir The Fight for Fresh Water. ...
The Government can head off to the holidays, entitled to assure itself that it has done more or less what it said it would do. The campaign last year promised to “get New Zealand back on track.” When you look at the basic promises—to trim back Government expenditure, toughen up ...
Open access notables An intensification of surface Earth’s energy imbalance since the late 20th century, Li et al., Communications Earth & Environment:Tracking the energy balance of the Earth system is a key method for studying the contribution of human activities to climate change. However, accurately estimating the surface energy balance ...
Photo by Mauricio Fanfa on UnsplashKia oraCome and join us for our weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar with paying subscribers to The Kākā for an hour at 5 pm today.Jump on this link on YouTube Livestream for our chat about the week’s news with myself , plus regular guests and , ...
“Like you said, I’m an unreconstructed socialist. Everybody deserves to get something for Christmas.”“ONE OF THOSE had better be for me!” Hannah grinned, fascinated, as Laurie made his way, gingerly, to the bar, his arms full of gift-wrapped packages.“Of course!”, beamed Laurie. Depositing his armful on the bar-top and selecting ...
Data released by Statistics New Zealand today showed a significant slowdown in the economy over the past six months, with GDP falling by 1% in September, and 1.1% in June said CTU Economist Craig Renney. “The data shows that the size of the economy in GDP terms is now smaller ...
One last thing before I quitI never wanted any moreThan I could fit into my headI still remember every single word you saidAnd all the shit that somehow came along with itStill, there's one thing that comforts meSince I was always caged and now I'm freeSongwriters: David Grohl / Georg ...
Sparse offerings outside a Te Kauwhata church. Meanwhile, the Government is cutting spending in ways that make thousands of hungry children even hungrier, while also cutting funding for the charities that help them. It’s also doing that while winding back new building of affordable housing that would allow parents to ...
It is difficult to make sense of the Luxon Coalition Government’s economic management.This end-of-year review about the state of economic management – the state of the economy was last week – is not going to cover the National Party contribution. Frankly, like every other careful observer, I cannot make up ...
This morning I awoke to the lovely news that we are firmly back on track, that is if the scale was reversed.NZ ranks low in global economic comparisonsNew Zealand's economy has been ranked 33rd out of 37 in an international comparison of which have done best in 2024.Economies were ranked ...
Remember those silent movies where the heroine is tied to the railway tracks or going over the waterfall in a barrel? Finance Minister Nicola Willis seems intent on portraying herself as that damsel in distress. According to Willis, this country’s current economic problems have all been caused by the spending ...
Similar to the cuts and the austerity drive imposed by Ruth Richardson in the 1990’s, an era which to all intents and purposes we’ve largely fiddled around the edges with fixing in the time since – over, to be fair, several administrations – whilst trying our best it seems to ...
String-Pulling in the Dark: For the democratic process to be meaningful it must also be public. WITH TRUST AND CONFIDENCE in New Zealand’s politicians and journalists steadily declining, restoring those virtues poses a daunting challenge. Just how daunting is made clear by comparing the way politicians and journalists treated New Zealanders ...
Dear Nicola Willis, thank you for letting us know in so many words that the swingeing austerity hasn't worked.By in so many words I mean the bit where you said, Here is a sea of red ink in which we are drowning after twelve months of savage cost cutting and ...
The Open Government Partnership is a multilateral organisation committed to advancing open government. Countries which join are supposed to co-create regular action plans with civil society, committing to making verifiable improvements in transparency, accountability, participation, or technology and innovation for the above. And they're held to account through an Independent ...
Today I tuned into something strange: a press conference that didn’t make my stomach churn or the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Which was strange, because it was about the torture of children. It was the announcement by Erica Stanford — on her own, unusually ...
This is a must watch, and puts on brilliant and practical display the implications and mechanics of fast-track law corruption and weakness.CLICK HERE: LINK TO WATCH VIDEOOur news media as it is set up is simply not equipped to deal with the brazen disinformation and corruption under this right wing ...
NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi Acting Secretary Erin Polaczuk is welcoming the announcement from Minister of Workplace Relations and Safety Brooke van Velden that she is opening consultation on engineered stone and is calling on her to listen to the evidence and implement a total ban of the product. “We need ...
The Government has announced a 1.5% increase in the minimum wage from 1 April 2025, well below forecast inflation of 2.5%. Unions have reacted strongly and denounced it as a real terms cut. PSA and the CTU are opposing a new round of staff cuts at WorkSafe, which they say ...
National has only been in power for a year, but everywhere you look, its choices are taking New Zealand a long way backwards. In no particular order, here are the National Government's Top 50 Greatest Misses of its first year in power. ...
The Government is quietly undertaking consultation on the dangerous Regulatory Standards Bill over the Christmas period to avoid too much attention. ...
The Government’s planned changes to the freedom of speech obligations of universities is little more than a front for stoking the political fires of disinformation and fear, placing teachers and students in the crosshairs. ...
The Ministry of Regulation’s report into Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Aotearoa raises serious concerns about the possibility of lowering qualification requirements, undermining quality and risking worse outcomes for tamariki, whānau, and kaiako. ...
A Bill to modernise the role of Justices of the Peace (JP), ensuring they remain active in their communities and connected with other JPs, has been put into the ballot. ...
Labour will continue to fight unsustainable and destructive projects that are able to leap-frog environment protection under National’s Fast-track Approvals Bill. ...
The Green Party has warned that a Green Government will revoke the consents of companies who override environmental protections as part of Fast-Track legislation being passed today. ...
The Green Party says the Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update shows how the Government is failing to address the massive social and infrastructure deficits our country faces. ...
The Government’s latest move to reduce the earnings of migrant workers will not only hurt migrants but it will drive down the wages of Kiwi workers. ...
Te Pāti Māori has this morning issued a stern warning to Fast-Track applicants with interests in mining, pledging to hold them accountable through retrospective liability and to immediately revoke Fast-Track consents under a future Te Pāti Māori government. This warning comes ahead of today’s third reading of the Fast-Track Approvals ...
The Government’s announcement today of a 1.5 per cent increase to minimum wage is another blow for workers, with inflation projected to exceed the increase, meaning it’s a real terms pay reduction for many. ...
All the Government has achieved from its announcement today is to continue to push responsibility back on councils for its own lack of action to help bring down skyrocketing rates. ...
The Government has used its final post-Cabinet press conference of the year to punch down on local government without offering any credible solutions to the issues our councils are facing. ...
The Government has failed to keep its promise to ‘super charge’ the EV network, delivering just 292 chargers - less than half of the 670 chargers needed to meet its target. ...
The Green Party is calling for the Government to stop subsidising the largest user of the country’s gas supplies, Methanex, following a report highlighting the multi-national’s disproportionate influence on energy prices in Aotearoa. ...
Associate Health Minister with responsibility for Pharmac David Seymour is pleased to see Pharmac continue to increase availability of medicines for Kiwis with the government’s largest ever investment in Pharmac. “Pharmac operates independently, but it must work within the budget constraints set by the government,” says Mr Seymour. “When this government assumed ...
Mā mua ka kite a muri, mā muri ka ora e mua - Those who lead give sight to those who follow, those who follow give life to those who lead. Māori recipients in the New Year 2025 Honours list show comprehensive dedication to improving communities across the motu that ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is wishing all New Zealanders a great holiday season as Kiwis prepare for gatherings with friends and families to see in the New Year. It is a great time of year to remind everyone to stay fire safe over the summer. “I know ...
From 1 January 2025, first-time tertiary learners will have access to a new Fees Free entitlement of up to $12,000 for their final year of provider-based study or final two years of work-based learning, Tertiary Education and Skills Minister Penny Simmonds says. “Targeting funding to the final year of study ...
“As we head into one of the busiest times of the year for Police, and family violence and sexual violence response services, it’s a good time to remind everyone what to do if they experience violence or are worried about others,” Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence ...
Kiwis planning a swim or heading out on a boat this summer should remember to stop and think about water safety, Sport & Recreation Minister Chris Bishop and ACC and Associate Transport Minister Matt Doocey say. “New Zealand’s beaches, lakes and rivers are some of the most beautiful in the ...
The Government is urging Kiwis to drive safely this summer and reminding motorists that Police will be out in force to enforce the road rules, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“This time of year can be stressful and result in poor decision-making on our roads. Whether you are travelling to see ...
Health Minister Dr Shane Reti says Health New Zealand will move swiftly to support dozens of internationally-trained doctors already in New Zealand on their journey to employment here, after a tripling of sought-after examination places. “The Medical Council has delivered great news for hardworking overseas doctors who want to contribute ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has appointed Sarah Ottrey to the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC). “At my first APEC Summit in Lima, I experienced firsthand the role that ABAC plays in guaranteeing political leaders hear the voice of business,” Mr Luxon says. “New Zealand’s ABAC representatives are very well respected and ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has announced four appointments to New Zealand’s intelligence oversight functions. The Honourable Robert Dobson KC has been appointed Chief Commissioner of Intelligence Warrants, and the Honourable Brendan Brown KC has been appointed as a Commissioner of Intelligence Warrants. The appointments of Hon Robert Dobson and Hon ...
Improvements in the average time it takes to process survey and title applications means housing developments can progress more quickly, Minister for Land Information Chris Penk says. “The government is resolutely focused on improving the building and construction pipeline,” Mr Penk says. “Applications to issue titles and subdivide land are ...
The Government’s measures to reduce airport wait times, and better transparency around flight disruptions is delivering encouraging early results for passengers ahead of the busy summer period, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says. “Improving the efficiency of air travel is a priority for the Government to give passengers a smoother, more reliable ...
The Government today announced the intended closure of the Apollo Hotel as Contracted Emergency Housing (CEH) in Rotorua, Associate Housing Minister Tama Potaka says. This follows a 30 per cent reduction in the number of households in CEH in Rotorua since National came into Government. “Our focus is on ending CEH in the Whakarewarewa area starting ...
The Government will reshape vocational education and training to return decision making to regions and enable greater industry input into work-based learning Tertiary Education and Skills Minister, Penny Simmonds says. “The redesigned system will better meet the needs of learners, industry, and the economy. It includes re-establishing regional polytechnics that ...
The Government is taking action to better manage synthetic refrigerants and reduce emissions caused by greenhouse gases found in heating and cooling products, Environment Minister Penny Simmonds says. “Regulations will be drafted to support a product stewardship scheme for synthetic refrigerants, Ms. Simmonds says. “Synthetic refrigerants are found in a ...
People travelling on State Highway 1 north of Hamilton will be relieved that remedial works and safety improvements on the Ngāruawāhia section of the Waikato Expressway were finished today, with all lanes now open to traffic, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“I would like to acknowledge the patience of road users ...
Tertiary Education and Skills Minister, Penny Simmonds, has announced a new appointment to the board of Education New Zealand (ENZ). Dr Erik Lithander has been appointed as a new member of the ENZ board for a three-year term until 30 January 2028. “I would like to welcome Dr Erik Lithander to the ...
The Government will have senior representatives at Waitangi Day events around the country, including at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds, but next year Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has chosen to take part in celebrations elsewhere. “It has always been my intention to celebrate Waitangi Day around the country with different ...
Two more criminal gangs will be subject to the raft of laws passed by the Coalition Government that give Police more powers to disrupt gang activity, and the intimidation they impose in our communities, Police Minister Mark Mitchell says. Following an Order passed by Cabinet, from 3 February 2025 the ...
Attorney-General Judith Collins today announced the appointment of Justice Christian Whata as a Judge of the Court of Appeal. Justice Whata’s appointment as a Judge of the Court of Appeal will take effect on 1 August 2025 and fill a vacancy created by the retirement of Hon Justice David Goddard on ...
The latest economic figures highlight the importance of the steps the Government has taken to restore respect for taxpayers’ money and drive economic growth, Finance Minister Nicola Willis says. Data released today by Stats NZ shows Gross Domestic Product fell 1 per cent in the September quarter. “Treasury and most ...
Tertiary Education and Skills Minister Penny Simmonds and Associate Minister of Education David Seymour today announced legislation changes to strengthen freedom of speech obligations on universities. “Freedom of speech is fundamental to the concept of academic freedom and there is concern that universities seem to be taking a more risk-averse ...
Police Minister, Mark Mitchell, and Internal Affairs Minister, Brooke van Velden, today launched a further Public Safety Network cellular service that alongside last year’s Cellular Roaming roll-out, puts globally-leading cellular communications capability into the hands of our emergency responders. The Public Safety Network’s new Cellular Priority service means Police, Wellington ...
State Highway 1 through the Mangamuka Gorge has officially reopened today, providing a critical link for Northlanders and offering much-needed relief ahead of the busy summer period, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“The Mangamuka Gorge is a vital route for Northland, carrying around 1,300 vehicles per day and connecting the Far ...
The Government has welcomed decisions by the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) and Ashburton District Council confirming funding to boost resilience in the Canterbury region, with construction on a second Ashburton Bridge expected to begin in 2026, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says. “Delivering a second Ashburton Bridge to improve resilience and ...
The Government is backing the response into high pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in Otago, Biosecurity Minister Andrew Hoggard says. “Cabinet has approved new funding of $20 million to enable MPI to meet unbudgeted ongoing expenses associated with the H7N6 response including rigorous scientific testing of samples at the enhanced PC3 ...
Legislation that will repeal all advertising restrictions for broadcasters on Sundays and public holidays has passed through first reading in Parliament today, Media Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “As a growing share of audiences get their news and entertainment from streaming services, these restrictions have become increasingly redundant. New Zealand on ...
Today the House agreed to Brendan Horsley being appointed Inspector-General of Defence, Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “Mr Horsley’s experience will be invaluable in overseeing the establishment of the new office and its support networks. “He is currently Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security, having held that role since June 2020. ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden says the Government has agreed to the final regulations for the levy on insurance contracts that will fund Fire and Emergency New Zealand from July 2026. “Earlier this year the Government agreed to a 2.2 percent increase to the rate of levy. Fire ...
The Government is delivering regulatory relief for New Zealand businesses through changes to the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act. “The Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Amendment Bill, which was introduced today, is the second Bill – the other being the Statutes Amendment Bill - that ...
Transport Minister Simeon Brown has welcomed further progress on the Hawke’s Bay Expressway Road of National Significance (RoNS), with the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) Board approving funding for the detailed design of Stage 1, paving the way for main works construction to begin in late 2025.“The Government is moving at ...
The Government today released a request for information (RFI) to seeking interest in partnerships to plant trees on Crown-owned land with low farming and conservation value (excluding National Parks) Forestry Minister Todd McClay announced. “Planting trees on Crown-owned land will drive economic growth by creating more forestry jobs in our regions, providing more wood ...
Court timeliness, access to justice, and improving the quality of existing regulation are the focus of a series of law changes introduced to Parliament today by Associate Minister of Justice Nicole McKee. The three Bills in the Regulatory Systems (Justice) Amendment Bill package each improve a different part of the ...
A total of 41 appointments and reappointments have been made to the 12 community trusts around New Zealand that serve their regions, Associate Finance Minister Shane Jones says. “These trusts, and the communities they serve from the Far North to the deep south, will benefit from the rich experience, knowledge, ...
The Government has confirmed how it will provide redress to survivors who were tortured at the Lake Alice Psychiatric Hospital Child and Adolescent Unit (the Lake Alice Unit). “The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care found that many of the 362 children who went through the Lake Alice Unit between 1972 and ...
It has been a busy, productive year in the House as the coalition Government works hard to get New Zealand back on track, Leader of the House Chris Bishop says. “This Government promised to rebuild the economy, restore law and order and reduce the cost of living. Our record this ...
“Accelerated silicosis is an emerging occupational disease caused by unsafe work such as engineered stone benchtops. I am running a standalone consultation on engineered stone to understand what the industry is currently doing to manage the risks, and whether further regulatory intervention is needed,” says Workplace Relations and Safety Minister ...
Mehemea he pai mō te tangata, mahia – if it’s good for the people, get on with it. Enhanced reporting on the public sector’s delivery of Treaty settlement commitments will help improve outcomes for Māori and all New Zealanders, Māori Crown Relations Minister Tama Potaka says. Compiled together for the ...
Mr Roger Holmes Miller and Ms Tarita Hutchinson have been appointed to the Charities Registration Board, Community and Voluntary Sector Minister Louise Upston says. “I would like to welcome the new members joining the Charities Registration Board. “The appointment of Ms Hutchinson and Mr Miller will strengthen the Board’s capacity ...
More building consent and code compliance applications are being processed within the statutory timeframe since the Government required councils to submit quarterly data, Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk says. “In the midst of a housing shortage we need to look at every step of the build process for efficiencies ...
An $80 million subantarctic pest eradication project is being backed by a high-profile conservation charity targeting wealthy individuals.Since it was established in 2000, NZ Nature Fund has raised $5 million for project-specific conservation work, including $1.2 million over the past year. Projects, often managed by the Department of Conservation (DoC), ...
Opinion: When it was first published in 2016, JD Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy was hailed by Britain’s Sunday Times as “the political book of the year”. The Independent described it as “an insight into Trump and Brexit”.Hillbilly Elegy is an autobiographical account of Vance’s life, growing up in a poor, white ...
Sport is a place where ‘real’ fans are often assumed to be men. Global research tells us that female fans of live men’s sport often face misogynistic and homophobic environments that include swearing, drunkenness and yelling negative comments and abuse at opponents and referees. In men’s sport, a quick skim through ...
Summer reissue: Books editor Claire Mabey reviews poet Louise Wallace’s debut novel. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be a member today.A famous poet once said to ...
Summer reissue: Alex Casey talks a stroll through headlines detailing hundreds of beached kiwifruit, dozens of mailbox sausages and one giant mystery ham. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up ...
Summer reissue: Hera Lindsay Bird on her Bildungsroman.The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be a member today.I would never have gone to Germany if it wasn’t ...
Summer reissue: When we insert ourselves into the lives of animals, we become complicit in their fates.The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be a member today.Before ...
Summer reissue: With specialist mental health services in ‘chaos’, people who need help end up in destructive cycles and prison. Experts say there are solutions, but is political will and leadership lacking? The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of ...
By Cheerieann Wilson in Suva Fiji’s Office of the President has confirmed that the Tribunal’s report on allegations of misconduct against suspended Director of Public Prosecutions Christopher Pryde does not need to be made public at this stage. The tribunal, chaired by Justice Anare Tuilevuka with Justices Chaitanya Lakshman and ...
By Anish Chand in Suva Virgin Australia has confirmed a “serious security incident” with its flight crew members who were in Fiji on New Year’s Day. Virgin Australia’s chief operating officer Stuart Aggs said the incident took place on Tuesday night – New Year’s Eve The crew members were in ...
Pacific Media Watch The New York-based global media watchdog Committee to Protect Journalists has condemned a decision by the Palestinian Authority to suspend Al Jazeera’s operations in the West Bank and called for it to be reversed “immediately”. “Governments resort to censoring news outlets when they have something to hide,” ...
By Patrick Decloitre, RNZ Pacific correspondent French Pacific desk An emergency 231 million euro (NZ$428 million) French aid package for New Caledonia has been reduced by one third because of the French Pacific territory’s current political crisis. The initial French package was endorsed in early December 2024, in an 11th-hour ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Darius von Guttner Sporzynski, Researcher, Historian, Australian Catholic University Stone statue of Saint Isidore of Seville at the National Library of Spain.WH_Pics/Shutterstock In a world where information flows freely, it’s easy to forget that, for centuries, knowledge was much harder to ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Swee-Hoon Chuah, Professor of Behavioural Economics, Tasmanian Behavioural Lab, University of Tasmania Shutterstock Chances are that the end of the year has made you assess some of your 2024 New Year’s resolutions. Perhaps you, like us, bought a home spin bike ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Nick Fuller, Clinical Trials Director, Department of Endocrinology, RPA Hospital, University of Sydney Allgo/Unsplash As we enter a new year armed with resolutions to improve our lives, there’s a good chance we’ll also be carrying something less helpful: extra kilos. At ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Euan Ritchie, Professor in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, School of Life & Environmental Sciences, Deakin University ijimino, Shutterstock Parasite, zombie, leech – these words are often used to describe people in unkind ways. Many of us recoil when ticks, tapeworms, fleas, ...
Summer reissue: As tens of thousands showed their support for the hīkoi to parliament, the organisers were busy behind the scenes ensuring things run smoothly. For many, this was their first time leading a kaupapa of this scale – and it wasn’t all easy.The Spinoff needs to double the ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Rod McNaughton, Professor of Entrepreneurship, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau Startups have always been at the forefront of innovation. But factors such as artificial intelligence (AI), sustainability and decentralisation are set to reshape industries in 2025. Businesses are defined as startups ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Susan Hazel, Associate Professor, School of Animal and Veterinary Science, University of Adelaide Shutterstock According to Britannica, “art” can be described as something “consciously created through an expression of skill or imagination” – whereas Wikipedia defines it more narrowly as a ...
Summer reissue: Married at First Sight superfan Tara Ward charges down the aisle to meet this season’s brightest star.It is a Thursday afternoon, and I am staring deep into Lucinda Light’s eyes. It feels like my own personal version of the eye gazing task on Married At First Sight ...
Comment: Some people make long lists of things they want to do. When my partner Solly and I decided we wanted to get married, just five days before I flew out on tour with the Black Ferns and he flew out to play for Biarritz, I said, ‘well, how many ...
Opinion: I recently had a wonderful meal with Bariz Shah and his wife Saba, together with their two pre-school children. I had to admit that I hadn’t read Bariz’s book Beyond Hope yet, but after talking about their life over dinner, I knew I had to read it.Imagine arriving in Auckland ...
Summer reissue: It’s a quarter of a century since the nation was stopped in its tracks by a dog saying the word ‘bugger’. This is the complete history of Buggermania – the ad, the controversy, and the enduring legacy. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we ...
Summer reissue: David Hill is in his ninth decade. In a touching tribute to his late friend, he challenges some myths about ‘old farts’. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign ...
Summer reissue: Narrative Muse was awarded $500,000 to boost sales of New Zealand books. Three years later, industry insiders report that it has had little, if any, impact. What went wrong? The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. ...
Loading…(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){var ql=document.querySelectorAll('A[data-quiz],DIV[data-quiz]'); if(ql){if(ql.length){for(var k=0;k<ql.length;k++){ql[k].id='quiz-embed-'+k;ql[k].href="javascript:var i=document.getElementById('quiz-embed-"+k+"');try{qz.startQuiz(i)}catch(e){i.start=1;i.style.cursor='wait';i.style.opacity='0.5'};void(0);"}}};i['QP']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)})(window,document,'script','https://take.quiz-maker.com/3012/CDN/quiz-embed-v1.js','qp');Got a good quiz question?Send Newsroom your questions.The post Newsroom daily quiz, Thursday 2 January appeared first on Newsroom. ...
Brought to this country by his German Jewish refugee parents in 1938, Hirsh said his membership of a minority gave him special sensitivity to race issues. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Nick Lomb, Honorary Professor, Centre for Astrophysics, University of Southern Queensland The totally eclipsed Moon on 26 May 2021.Geoffrey Wyatt, Powerhouse Museum, CC BY In addition to the annual parade of star pictures or constellations passing above our heads each night, ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Amy Peden, NHMRC Research Fellow, School of Population Health & co-founder UNSW Beach Safety Research Group, UNSW Sydney Wanderlust Media/Shutterstock It’s the morning after a big night and you’re feeling the effects of too much alcohol. So it can be ...
Summer reissue: If you thought jigsaw puzzles were meant to be relaxing, think again. Tara Ward lifts the lid on one of the Masters Games’ most intense and demanding events.The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please ...
Summer reissue: The rankers become the ranked: Hera Lindsay Bird tackles the most meta ranking of them all. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be a member today. ...
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Well, that's due to them being higher in the pecking order. When a QC gets around a thousand dollars per hour, approx six times the rate for legal aid lawyers, it reminds us how justice retains its ancient structure as a privilege system.
Nobody expects Labour to reform the system. That would be sacrilege. Consequently the minister in charge presents a just-so story:
So there! Messy little detail nicely tidied up… https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/455427/legal-aid-thousands-turned-away-by-lawyers-in-collapsing-system
My teina (younger sibling of same sex) is a Crown Prosecutor. I think he’s paid pretty well (we never discuss it, of course, he’s a lawyer) although the funding for Crown Lawyers is capped too.
They weren’t able to get govt funding for a protective perspex screen in Court, after one of his pregnant junior lawyers was hit in the head by a mobile phone thrown at her by a furious female defendant upon conviction. Perhaps Covid has remedied that problem.
The problem is probably partly that , like some with some other professionals, lawyers in private practice in most areas of specialist expertise are just too well paid.
I would like to know if stats are kept for the 20,000 people who cannot get legal aid what they require legal aid for.
Sometimes a person just needs a lawyer to explain something to them so they can do a review. Some cases are complex which generate a lot of paper work. I do not know if lawyers would be interested in the small jobs, I have noticed that tradies do not like the small jobs.
I do not know if a legal advocate would be the way to go a bit like a benefit rights advocate.
Civil and criminal cases probably the criminal cases get the legal aid. Some ACC cases have a criminal element to them such as not investigating to the level required (Lake Alice) and an un expected death at a DHB. When it comes to statements to officials from clinicians these can be flawed.
I do not understand why a Crown Prosecutor is necessarily paid more per hour than a lawyer providing legal aid, and I do not understand why firms are employed to provide prosecution services but individual lawyers for defence legal services. A better structure would be to have two new separate services provided by the Courts department – a Crown Prosecution Service and a Public legal defence service. Both would contract with individual lawyers in special circumstances, and defendants would be free to employ private lawyers should they wish, but it would clarify the difficulties with pay. Equal treatment under the law . . .
Are the roles of a lawyer, a solicitor, a barrister and a QC different when it comes to the district court, the high Court and the supreme court?
I know that there are prosecutors and defence lawyers, solicitors and barristers as well as QCs. Once a case goes to a court the cost would go up.
We have a PDS. If someone's charged with an offence that has a maximum sentence of less than 10 years and applies for legal aid they're assigned a lawyer from the list of legal aid lawyers, including those working for the PDS which provides about a third of legal aid lawyers.
So the PDS would be a bill of rights issue??
It appears that the current pds system largely works through independent contractors who are invited to take each case. There is a "duty Solicitor" system to ensure that there is someone to talk to a defendant – I do not know how that is arranged, it may involve some assistance from law firms giving your lawyers experience. I do not see why more money per hour is spent on prosecutions, where I understand specific firms have had contracts for years – they are able to balance which cases get more senior staff, but it is still on a contract system.
For the amount of money spent, it may be more efficient and provide a better balanced service if the pds and prosecution teams were formed from a core of employed staff working full time; only calling in other contractors when needs exceed core demand. Such teams could build expertise while still allowing some flexibility for specialisation and career development. It would ensure that there is a reasonable balance between the expertise advising both prosecution and defence. As it is we appear to be heading towards a lot of defendants not getting competent legal advice . . . while we argue about whether pay rates should have increased since 2008.
The system is broken for access to legal aid and the cost of legal advice; immediate restructuring is required.
Were a comparison to be done with doctors, specialists and surgeons would the health system be more cost effective than lawyers, solicitors and barristers when it comes to wages?
I think the PDS employs its lawyers. There'd be no point contracting independent legal aid lawyers because they just do the work themselves anyway, whether as solicitors employed by a law firm or self-employed barristers. Lawyers put their hat in the ring for the legal aid lottery which includes lawyers employed by PDS.
I was under the impression that they are paid essentially on a 'piece work' basis, which I regard as not the same as full or part time employment. That will certainly work for some, but if we are running out of people willing to work the pay rate may be wrong – or they are colluding to get the rate up. I suspect there is some need for that sort of employment in small centres, but the same may also be true for prosecution lawyers.
If that's your impression then I guess you're right.
So since there will shortly be several thousand wilfully unvaccinated people (coming from all professions high and low), how will the state cope with their continued responsibility to them?
This is the consequence of the laws and regulations that the government has put in place.
New Zealand cannot afford a rapid further expansion of its underclass into a well-led and hyper-informed grey economy and grey society. Gangs are already rapidly accelerating under this government, and their periphery will expand massively.
They are still citizens, they are still New Zealanders.
And they are going to be massive state liabilities as their needs grow rapidly in health, accommodation, schooling, policing, welfare, access to travel and public spaces, employment.
Before you build a wall to keep those safe within, check who you're walling out.
+100 Also those who have health issues reluctant to take the risks with a vax in education/health etc losing or already lost their job.
If they have genuine health issues can they not get an exemption?
Most won't. That's when the "Team of 5 Million" nonsense gets its first test.
As it was for this individual… valid reasons/concerns with existing medication. See ya
Yes. The system for granting exemptions has been reviewed and a new official process put in place. The number who will be able to gain such an exemption is likely to be small, but is not zero, and may change as we get new variants of covid or more clinical experience of the effect of vaccines on particular conditions. I presume this is being included in the development of a vaccine passport; it is possible that having an exemption will get some treated with the same attitude as those that have chosen not to be vaccinated; and that would be regretable.
since there will shortly be several thousand wilfully unvaccinated people (coming from all professions high and low), how will the state cope with their continued responsibility to them?
They have been unvaccinated since day one of the pandemic. One would expect the State to show respect and kindness to anyone taking up the option of being unvaccinated. Of course some of them will be unable to be vaccinated or perhaps will be waiting for an alternative vaccine.
No doubt those who have health reasons for not being vaccinated will be making their case to whomever.
The teachers who lose their jobs because they simply don't like people being made to do things they don't want to do?
I wonder how they handled working in schools where kids are made to wear uniforms.
If you get to find them guilty of hypocrisy, what will you further strip them of?
I guess they'll be content with their hypocrisy in their new employment not in schools.
There's no doubt that servicing rent and generating food will focus anyone's mind.
Ought we now ought to go the Singapore route and extend the social contract of basic welfare and public entitlements only to the vaccinated?
No. I don't agree with Singapore's policy.
But if someone chooses to not get vaccinated without an authentic medically-approved contraindication, they don't get to infect as many people as possible. If that means they can't deal with hundreds of people a day, or just the same 30 kids all day, that's their choice.
Teachers not getting vaccinated to protect themselves, colleagues and kids is pathetic. Teachers, just like all other workers, are forced to obey myriad other 'mandates' in order to keep their jobs, e.g. turn up to work on time, prepare lessons adequately, assess kids, provide extra curriculars, wear appropriate clothes etc. etc. One of the most irritating 'mandates' I ever expereinced was having to wear a tie in a Whangarei High school. Wearing a bloody tie every day was far more annoying than having to present an arm every 6 months for a Covid jab. Repeat ad finitum for thousands of other jobs.
Somehow I doubt teachers took up the profession knowing their continued employment would be based on taking a medical treatment…
And I'm impressed at how many on the left – that once upon a time stood to defend working people – are now cheering on and often actively demanding that people should loose those jobs for their convictions.
Agreed, but who would have known in 2019 that a pandemic was about to change everyone's lives and precipitate a lot of hard decisions. As for the vast majority of teachers I've met most have their students' welfare at heart, not their personal idiosyncratic opinions or ideas. Potentially bringing a nasty virus into the classroom, or staffroom doesn't seem to be sensible whatever your convictions.
“Gangs are already rapidly accelerating under this government, and their periphery will expand massively.”
Why has there been no in-depth investigative tv journalism done into this problem?
And also into whether the much-fanfared reduction in the prison muster is allied to the reported increase in violent crime that has been reported as now a thing in NZ?
Wellington Central is reported by police stats as at December 2020 as having suffered a significant rise in violent & anti-social incidents & actual crimes of violence, which is likely to be the product of policies putting more & more people with gang affiliations & problem behaviours into inner city motels & hotels
It’s rather disconcerting that there seems little in the way of Ministers & party spokespeople coming up with concrete answers to these problems beyond the usual hit ’em hard “lawn order” noises from the loikes of Soimon Bridges.
Or, maybe, when it comes to gangs – that IS the answer? The only major downside to that is there won’t be a single Māori whanau in the country that hasn’t got whanau members in gangs & even if some of those whanau are lowlife thugs, they’re still whanau & whanaungatanga applies. If the state trashes their mana; they trash the mana of the whanau & hapu too.
Gangs are already rapidly accelerating under this government, and their periphery will expand massively.
Given the NZ gangs might well out-gun our police and military combined – it’s not hard to imagine that ‘periphery’ becoming a lot more visible.
By contrast in WA the massively popular Labour State govt will be legislating to make gang membership pretty much intolerable.
Want my vote Labour? This is how you get my vote.
Our society is seen as fascist by some because people are forced to wear masks.
I wonder how those of that view would see the banning of wearing of certain clothes.
Certainly a weird calculation of public health harm when patched gangs who decade upon decade deal meth and intimidation get sustained growth and increasing acceptance by the state, but failing two injections in one month gets you excluded near-fully from society with no end in sight or current limit to it.
If the state is prepared to force that degree of sanction on the unvaccinated, they should be consistent and apply even greater sanction to gang members.
Its certainly got the karen I know very excited
Reminds me; I’ve got an unopened letter a few days old from Nicola Willis. Spose I should open it see what she wants me & me neighbours to know… 😐
It's not sitting well with me ,this segregation road we are traveling .
It's not the kiwi way , keep trying to get them vaccinated, but they need to be able to work , and as for this meme that they should pay their own medical expense, fuck right !!!
(Not you personally Ad)
With you touching on gangs made me think of the recent protest at Parliament.
I don't think 4 gangs have ever ridden together before. Add to that the mix of trades, professionals, ethnicities and cultures. To write the crowd off as Trumpist rent a crowd is totally burying your head in the sand.
It's been common knowledge for a long time that these meth traders are happy to ride together in order to get rich. Could it be that Brian Tamaki is also involved
Yes agree. I posted on the veracity of this protest yesterday.
Several is an understatement at 90 percent nationwide thats a few hundred thousand.
The Minister of Blah, Blah,Blah.
TVNZ Breakfast this morning
James Shaw live from Glasgow, asked by John Campbell about climate change getting worse. "There are two ways to answer that", "We have strengthened our targets" "We have increased our ambitions"
Asked by Campbell if Greta Thunberg is right in saying that this is just Blah, Blah, Blah.
James Shaw seemed stuck, before replying, "I don't think she is totally wrong".
Thunberg is either right or wrong.
Much like the Curates Egg, I might like to ask James Shaw, which part of Greta Thunberg's Blah, Blah, Blah does he consider is wrong.
"I don't think she is totally wrong"
Brilliant answer from the archetypal centrist politician! Mind you, he could have done the `glass half empty' framing better by observing that she ain't totally right.
That's where I differ from James, who is forever trying to signal his managerial consensus style of politics just like Jacinda.
Where I differ from you, Jenny, is in not defaulting to right/wrong temptation as if the world is really black and white.
Sure, all we ever get from these international conferences is a fudging of the issues. I'm with you on that. I bet most sideline commentators would agree nowadays. But notice how none of the others onsite here have joined me in diagnosing the process of democracy as root of the problem!
James keeps using that process to secure consensus, and we get incremental progress as output. Is it sufficient to solve the global problem? Of course not. He's part of the system now, so he's unwilling to admit that. Incrementalists will always hope for the best. Sometimes reality even validates their stance. However the scientist talking head on the tv news last night said the latest research indicates a global warming of 2.4 degrees by the end of this century. That's dire.
That's dire….
no its deadly.
🤔 Did you say you were once a lecturer, Dennis, out of interest?
Nope, you must've been thinking of someone else. Closest I ever got was conducting the official proceedings of a Green Party Annual Conference, in my capacity as Convenor of the Standing Orders Committee and Constitution Working Group. It did involve addressing over a hundred delegates (& organising their decision-making).
There was I believing what you said Dennis.
Then I came to this " organising their decision-making". That really is too much. Organising 100 Green Party members is simply impossible to believe.
It's certainly true that the legend `getting the Greens to agree on anything is like herding cats' was one of the first things I encountered at my first annual conference in '91. Just the type of challenge I like!
So it took several years hard word-smithing to reach the smooth consensus-producing output stage that I was referring to…
"the smooth consensus-producing output stage". You really managed that?
Dennis for Speaker of the House of Representatives. You would be a miracle worker.
Dunno if I'd go that far. Yes, one can learn the relevant techniques, and apply them in other contexts, but only a fool would expect success.
Stuff like this is extremely context-dependent. There's an old saying about the right place & the right time, eh? I just happened to be the right person there & then. I was new to the scene, the competing primadonnas had all cancelled each other out into a mutual stalemate, I volunteered to solve the problem.
Technique was only part word-smithing. It also involved playing the role Alexander the Great played when confronted by the Gordian Knot: lateral-thinker, decisively so.
Dennis did say that his friend, a lecturer (engineering?) was anti-vax in spite of his education.
Yep, that would've been what Gezza was thinking of.
That’s correct, Dennis. Thanks ianmac. 👍🏼
"…..none of the others onsite here have joined me in diagnosing the process of democracy as root of the problem!" Dennis Frank
I would be one of them. Democracy is not the problem.
Not if you accept that democracy is not limited to voting every three years.
That is a limited and highly proscribed form of democracy.
Democracy in its fullest form embraces the right to protest and demonstrate and apply pressure to demand change.
All politics is pressure. History shows that elected representatives of all parties, no matter what stripe, are not imune to political pressure. This pressure can take several forms and come from different places, from the streets, from the trade unions, from the corporate lobbyists with access cards to the Beehive.
Currently the overwhelming political pressure coming on our elected leaders, is coming from the powerful, well connected, well resourced BAU lobby.
I have been saying for a long time now that we live in an age where polticians need to become activists and activists need to become politicians.
I often think of the Labour MPs who took to the water in small boats to join with protesters against nuclear ships as a model.
This form of street activism allied with activism in parliament proved to be enormously powerful, swaying two National MPs Mike Minogue and Marylyn Waring to vote for the Labour opposition Private Members Bill to ban nuclear ship visits. If this bill had been voted on, New Zealand would have been nuclear free in 1984. Prime Minister Muldoon, under political pressure from the militarists called a snap election to prevent the vote being taken.
The calcuation was that pressure could be put on the incoming Labour administration to water down any proposed anti-nuclear legislation. And so it was.
The plan was to put political pressure on the Lange Government to accept a US warship under the niether confirm nor deny arrangement. The USS Buchanon was dispatched from the US to Auckland, half way here, David Lange accepted a delegation in his Beehive office from the peace movement who told him that if the Buchanon was allowed to dock, the same protests that had brought down the Muldoon administration would be organised against his government. Lange phoned Washington and told them to turn the ship around. The next day David Lange was reported in the listener as saying that his most feared lobby was the anti-nuclear movement.
Rod Donald was a masterclass example of a skilled proponent of joining parliamentary and street activism. Originally in the Values Party, Donald joined Labour and turned the LECs into organising centres of anti-nuclear protests.
Using the same model of street activism joined with parlamentary activism, Donald spearheaded the movement to achieve MMP against a reluctant Bolger administration.
All politics is pressure.
Is James Shaw the sort of politician who would climb into a small boat to protest nuclear ships, or join a protest march for MMP, to put pressure on parliament to change direction?
Or more to the point, organise and lead protests to pressure pariament to take climate change seriously?
If we are to turn around our growing emissions we need more politicians like Rod Donald and less politicians like James Shaw.
The Greens are steady between 8-9% and no-one including their members is requiring anything more from them.
Originally in the Values Party, Donald joined Labour and turned the LECs into organising centres of anti-nuclear protests.
Interesting, I didn't know that. Anyway, I see no evidence that protestors change govt policy nowadays like they did in bygone days. The duopoly are both addicted to the status quo.
The real evidence that you're wrong lies in the lack of consensus around the imagined positive alternative to neoliberalism. All the protestors seem capable of is sheeplike evasion of the topic. Sue Bradford's think-tank continues to produce no visible output. Have you even joined it?? If not, you're living proof that I'm right. Admit it!
You have not been paying attention.
This is what democracy looks like
The Prime Minister was on her way to a scheduled appointment with the Indonesian ambassador. She saw a protest by Greenpeace on the steps of parliament, The Prime Minister ordered her driver to pull over, so she could check out what the Greenpeace protest was all about. (The Indonesian ambassador could wait).
Standing on the steps of parliament Jacinda Ardern, handed a megaphone, told the assembled protesters that in her role as Prime Minister she would see that her government would ban deep sea oil drilling.
Following this protest and the Prime Minister's statement on the steps of parliament, the Prime Minister followed up on her assurance to the protesters.
A later photo would catch Shane Jones making the infamous slap to his forehead gesture, as the Prime Minister went before the cameras to officialy announce a ban on deep sea oil drilling to the nation.
Shane Jones, a known schill for the fossil fuel lobby, was expressing their collective shock and horror that the Prime Minister of New Zealand had the temerity to defy them.
We need more of this sort of leadership.
Shane slapped his forehead because he knew this decision would be doubly injurious – first to the Taranaki economy & secondly to NZ emissions, as Huntly would inevitably burn less gas & more brown Indonesian coal.
( see genesis-carbon-dioxide-levels-up-82-per-cent-compared-to-previous-years )
I doubt the PM made an impromptu decision after spotting Greenpeace abseilers.
& I wouldn't be surprised if the "appointment with the Indonesian ambassador" touched on securing coal imports.
You say "I often think of the Labour MPs who took to the water in small boats to join with protesters against nuclear ships as a model.".
For the life of me I cannot think of a single Labour Party MP who did that. Fraser Colman was sent up the Mururoa by Norman Kirk but that was on a frigate. That ship, with a crew of about 250 could hardly be described as small. Rumour at the time also said that it wasn't a voluntary trip as Kirk was supposed to have had Colman's name on every slip of paper that went into the hat to pick the happy wanderer.
Who were the Labour MPs you had in mind?
Richard Prebble did not get his nickname "Mad Dog" from his later Right Wing politics, but from his stunt at the wheel of small yacht with other MPs that he steered under the bow of a US nuclear war ship entering Wellington Harbour, almost snagging the yacht’s mast on the warships anchor.
After the protest when they reached shore they were met with police but no charges were laid.
I had never known the Prebble had done that. I guess it must have been the USS Texas in 1983. He really must have been mad at the time. I used to sail dinghies in Wellington Harbour many years ago and I would never have gone anywhere near a ship that size, even if it had been anchored.
The things one discovers about people you thought you knew. Thank you for the story.
James Shaw is exactly the wrong sort of leader the Green party needs at this moment…the last thing the world needs to fight climate change right now is another centrist pragmatist (even a Green one)…no what a party like the Green party needs right now and going forward, to be seen as being the serious climate change political party, is someone with real and deeply rooted progressive principles and who is not afraid to make enemies (and lots of them) defending them at every opportunity…someone brave and fearless, unlike James Shaw….so probably cut from the same cloth of someone like Sue Bradford or Helen Kelly would be a good starting point.
We can forget about Ardern and NZ Labour at this point,they have proven beyond doubt that they will never be the leaders desperately needed in the battle against climate change right now…which given their unwavering fundamentalist adherence to Free Market Liberalism in the face of an approaching tsunami should surprise no one except the stupid.
You're wrong inasmuch as Sue & Helen were both partisans. Democracy requires a leader to be able to compromise with opponents to get results because it is a numbers game. Consequently centrist winners are inevitable.
I do agree that James & Marama ought, in theory, to be able to walk & chew gum at the same time. Leadership of the Green movement is indeed missing in politics here.
If they stay 6-8% James and Marama don't need to do more.
And Chloe's electorate means they can do even less than 5%.
I don't see any groundswell of Green members wanting any more from them.
Well said Adrian.
It is well past time to stop pussyfooting around .If the Greens want to survive they need to disavow Labour and get back into activism for the environment and social justice. Atm they are becoming a laughing stock with their wokism and ineffective policy concessions from Labour.
Haven't had much time lately to trawl through print or even on-line media, so may have missed a great deal. All the same, it seems to me that Marama has been all but invisible since the 2020 election. Isn't the Green Party meant to have joint leaders? What is she (and Chloe, and all the other un-Shaws) up to?
@Dennis Frank, no you are wrong, this moment needs a leader (or leaders) who will stop with all the bullshit, and start dealing with this impending disaster with the urgency and preparing out citizens for radical changes it is going to require from each and every of us, we need leaders who can cut through the political divide in this moment of crisis (like the best Left wing politicians used to be so good at before these fucking death cult neo-liberal centrists infected Left wing politics with their terminal cancer)..the time for incrementalism has long long past, it is plainly obvious that things are going to start getting very messy in the not to distant future….the Progressive Left need to some how dislodge the extreme centrists from either Labour (won't happen) or The Greens, and to start offering a legitimate positive radical way forward that can mobilize a large part of the population…or The real Right will fill that space, of that you can be absolutely sure.
In times of crisis, the people always turn to the leader with the most resolute vision of the future..that can either be a good thing through the progressive Left or a Bad thing in the Right…forget about the neo- liberal centrists, they are going to be relegated to the dustbin of history pretty soon, because as everyone knows they never had a vision of the future, their ideology is and has always been short term, which was what made them such a negative and destructive force on the planet.
I don't get why you continue to evade the point about how democracy works. I agree about all that crisis psychology stuff, in principle, but don't see any relevance to how people do their politics in practice.
It's as if you share my belief that democracy is more problem than solution, while being unwilling to actually say so.
forget about the neoliberal centrists, they are going to be relegated to the dustbin of history pretty soon
Exactly what I assumed 30+ years ago when James Hansen first blew his climate whistle. Never underestimate the inertia of the sheeple!
Maybe James Shaw should just STFU until the results of COP 26 are out.
There's useful stuff in the final text he could actually discuss instead of his bullshit eyeroll denaibility of 'I was here but never really here'.
Thunberg's "cocky little sprite" act will wear fast unless she leads a movement that can truly test the power of a government.
Still, she's got group singing.
One day Thuneberg will try something really televisual like try to levitate the Pentagon 300 feet in the air through group chanting.
The plan to levitate the Pentagon was the perfect absurdly inspiring protest for the time | by Stephanie Buck | Timeline
Then again COP26 might not be the main game.
Indeed it's a key part of the game.
It's just the inability to hold such bilateral arrangements to international scrutiny that makes such discussions so much weaker.
Dennis, Perhaps Pro Bono work should be added to their Brief? Public Service work which is an expectation of the role? $159 per hour for Criminal Justice service. 7x the minimum wage. They were given the new schedule in March 2020 How many hours would they perform for the State each year? So a week at that rate for 30 hours $4770 plus expenses.
Currently many would consider that "not too shabby" But to keep up with costs…
Given the CPI for my teacher's pension has increased by aprox 25% in the same period (since 2008) the new rate should be aprox $198 per hour at least.
Good income lessens the chance of bribes.
Sorry, this did not attach for some reason..my bad?
Maybe you forgot to hit the reply button, but no worries – happened to me sometimes so I now always check the posting.
Yeah, that type of innovative thinking is helpful & you could send Kris your suggestion & ask him to get officials to assess the merit & report back.
It is also a sterling example for having a maximum wage.
My reply button doesn’t work most times as well. But on another note for all the complainers and whingers …Germany is doing well, eh! 40,000 cases a day mostly all unvaxxed and a further 100,000 deaths projected. Thank you Labour, thank you Jacinda et al.
some numbers to your hysteria, to make it more palatable
Total doses given113M
People fully vaccinated55.9M
% fully vaccinated67.1%
some 30 million are due for a booster shot.
popultion Germany 83.24 million 2020
in the meantime in a our wee nation of 5 million we got us a totally preventable outbreak of Delta, started Vaccinating like our life depended on ( it does) after July 28th, don't ever mention those that have run out of their 6 month full coverage – everyone jabbed Jan to May, had to be bailed out with vaccines by the Spaniards and the Danes because of course we did not have enough to continue vaccinating realizing that the delivery of October 28th was a bit late, and are here now pretending we have beat Delta.
Next you tell us that the Danes with its 80% mark of vaccination and rising cases is also losing it.
Maybe you can just breathe for a moment, stop comparing a transit nation such as Germany to some lost islands at the bottom of the earth – next stop Antarctica – and understand that literally no one a. knows really what they do, and b. all hope and pray that what ever they do is working, and c. that the population will get the jabs when offered, and for what its worth, we are seeing the limitations of Jacinda and her Government – see protests. And it don't matter one bit that you are a supporter of this government, or I don't care about this government, or that they might not have voted at all cause why they fuck would they it won't matter much anyways to them, unless Jacinda forces people to get the jabs we too will look like England, – rising cases, Germany – rising cases, France – rising cases, Italy – raising cases, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland etc all ditto, and last but least, we go into summer they go into winter, all nicely locked up at home, sniffling noses and all.
Yes, orange and apples are fruit, and then all comparison stops.
"Totally preventable Delta" You lost me there as Delta is not the pushover you think it is. Or does that just fit in with your story? Every country has struggled with Delta, and most still are.
Yes, however most people in Auckland feel the virus can't be worse than the 12 week lockdown, especially as it has lowered cases not eliminated them. People have worked up anger, which is replacing caution. That will lead to even more cases with any easing. Jacinda Ardern says she has been kept awake at night…. no doubt torn, as not all the advice is good advice.
The media trying to pre-empt the PM's messages with their "guesses" and then their choice of "experts" often leads to muddled messaging.
Also, I think The Director General of Health has messaged in a very anglicised communication style. Sharing the podium with other ethnicities may have strengthened the message. It was very ethnocentristic.
The Herald gives Barry Soper's bile and sheer nastiness plenty of exposure today. I have personally witnessed that man having an apoplectic temper tantrum at a Parliamentary security officer who was simply doing his job, some years ago. It was the worst display I have ever seen in public. He oozes venom. He and his wife are a perfect pair. Their child will grow up having those two as parents!
Does the hospitality trade have a point, are they being shat on, is the PM seeing for herself?
Hospitality is always going to be a causualty of a pandemic due to the business not having the space to make a maximum turnover due to social distancing and taking off a mask to eat and drink, less foot traffic and people having less to spend in a pandemic.
Bollix, been into a mall food court lately?
The government, again, is picking winners and losers
What is your point about mall food courts?
Mall food courts offer variety, cost is usually fairly priced and they are crowded.
Yeah some can open, some can't.
Government picking winners, again
No one wants to be the business who cannot open. Perhaps extra targeted assistance is warranted or the really hard decision needs to be made for the right reasons to close. A restart package might also help.
help with leases would be the biggest thing and people have been asking for it for a while now, but so far, nothing other then the wage subsidy, a bit of resurgence payment that either pay the lease or the rest but not both, and a wee bit of extra help for some affected businesses in Auckland.
In the meantime getting a part for an air conditioner from akl to rotorua takes two weeks and that is not taking any guarantees, and voila, no working if the environment needs to be cool for working. Don't ask me how i know that.
I will not ask.
So what are the rules around which can open or not?
You are no longer allowed to sit down in an Auckland food court. Takeaway only so far less busy.
My daughter started back at work at St Lukes food court yesterday. But my son, who is a qualified, senior chef, is making takeaways for one of Auckland’s top restaurants and being paid the wage subsidy.
"The Health advice" There.. fixed it for you
You beat me to the topic. He's a pathetic prick with the emotional maturity of a five year old. His beef today:
Jacinda Ardern travelled to and from Auckland on an Air Force jet. The fact that prime ministers get to travel regularly on RNZAF aircraft is something of which he, apparently, has never been aware? (sarc)
Having a little bit of knowledge of military matters, there will have been serious death threats and her security has been upgraded to the highest level. It is unlikely the public will be informed of the nature of the threats. I also noted she was driven around Auckland in a bullet proof SUV yesterday.
Of course, Soper knows as much but chooses to spread unsubstantiated muck instead.
Ardern's safety and welfare is not considered as being a priority for Soper. There was also a time restraint as I think Ardern was chairing an APEC meeting later in the day.
My wires are crossed Ardern will chair a virtual APEC meeting on 13 November 2021. In saying this she would need time to prepare herself for this. So a time restraint in visiting Auckland.
I thought it was a pretty good article. Being an Aucklander myself, I think the Jacinda's trip to Auckland to visit one company that has been able to trade through, and a vaccination centre was a complete waste of time. She should have visited some actual businesses effected by the lockdown.
I was about to say this myself and this will really start to bite Labour in the butt
That says more about you than the article. Soper is incapable of writing anything balanced.
At least Soper is more balanced than the Audrey Young rating system.
so, you are saying that one out of date right wing hack is more balanced than another out of date right wing hack? given sopers alcohol consumption, young must have a very bad case of the d.t.
I think you will find Audrey very much wears rose tinted glasses…..she even rated Twyford (yes Twyford …the man that has cock ups named after him) a 7/10!!!!!
We still sometimes hear the expression "Oh shit, I've made a Twyford" here at work when someone fucks up.
nice try at deflection. yes young does wear BLUE rose tinted glasses. having venn as a dad would do that.
So you want her to mingle with heaps of pe6then go back to Wellington??
Maybe you think it would be good for to catch and transport covid ,but the grownups obviously think differently.
'clerical error'
Initially Kāinga Ora included a paragraph disclosing her candidacy, but then pulled the mention – saying "it keeps Kāinga Ora's powder dry too!"
Takes away scrutiny from housing issues I suppose
Very dodgy at best. Blatant corruption at worst.
Now now I'm sure its all above board
Huh? So at a time when homelessness and state house waiting lists are ballooning, KO go out and spend 500k on 'sponsored content'?
Seamus Shag catches a fish – possibly a baby eel.
Aww … c’mon folks. ☹️
I’m not ordinarily one to complain but Seamus works his damp oily little butt feathers off there, & after being up here for several hours still not one post in support of his efforts n prowess? 😳
Is it becos of the white flashes he’s got? Becos he’s not an All Black little shag? 😠
You brute you! Cheering Seamus along as he murders a poor little defenseless fish? I'll bet you would have been in the stands cheering along the gladiators as the slaughtered to Christians in the Colosseum.
Why don't you train Seamus properly. Teach him a vegan diet and make him stick to it. Yah boo sucks.
Cripes❗️ 😮
Have you had a recent head injury, alwyn, by any chance? 🤔
Papua New Guinea
1 Sounds like New Zealand
"Healthcare workers and medical aid workers have even reported receiving death threats from rural communities who associate the vaccine with "witchcraft".
2 Sounds like what some were prepared to tolerate in New Zealand
"PNG's overwhelmed health system and lack of vaccine protection is proving deadly.
With the nation's Covid death toll now at 413, even their morgues and funeral services are struggling.
The country's pandemic response controller, David Manning, recently authorised the mass burial of 200 bodies after the morgue in the capital of Port Moresby was filled beyond capacity. RNZ also reported the mortuary at Port Moresby General Hospital had reached full capacity and was filled with over 300 bodies, despite the limit being 60."
The witch doctor influence is ingrained in PNG society. This is an extra hurdle to over come to save lives.
How good were the Black Caps, they've definitely exceeded expectations.
The thing I'm liking about this team is they're not just relying on one or two players to win games but everyones contributing
'A champion team will always beat a team of champions'
What about that missed catch!!!
The harder you work the luckier you become
The smarter you work the luckier you become. These days overwork means burnout. Calvinistic morals have past there used by date.
The become the best because they work, practice, train harder and longer than anyone else
"A lot of people ask me how do I get to the next level? Well…. you get to the next level by being the first one on the range and the last one to leave." – Jerry Miculek?
it's not FB PR, if you want to post youtubes, please give some explanation of what is in them (and probably not so many).
The clips are of the best in the world demonstrating why hes the best in the world (and just being generally awesome) along with a quote of his to back up my earlier assertion
And an excuse to watch someone hit a 1000 yard target with a pistol with iron sights and watch the same person fire six aimed shots reload and fire six more aimed shots (with a revolver) all within 2.99 seconds
Which is just so damned cool
that would have been a great intro 👍
The smarter you work the luckier you become. Smarter practice makes a better player.
Looking at golf DeChambeau would be taking Tigers mantel.But all his practice hasn't made him any better.My son in law a former professional rugby player now a coach.Knows that to much practice leads to more injuries and burnout.
In France rugby players were training like like football players a non contact sport.The result a very high injury rate and lacklustre performances. The next season he reduced training ,worked on skills and tactics his team went to the top of the league earning promotion until Covid struck.
The same can be said of many sports .NZ cricket NZ provincial teams don't get any where near the amount of Cricket compared to Australia, India,England or South Africa.Yet NZ punches well above its weight.
Outstanding performance Black Caps.
20/20 is just hit and giggle. Give me the 5-day game.
Yeah but we already won that so might as well add another… best generation of cricketers we've ever had.
Yes Sir.
Fantastic match, just finished watching the replay.
Highlights include the see-saw nature of the final 6 overs, England crumpling under pressure, Mitchell/Nesham batting and the Indian chappy standing in front of The Mitchells in the crowd, jumping up excitedly every time the camera went on the former AB coach.
Whether it is Pakistan or Aussie, this squad has what it takes to beat either of 'em.
This squad is easily the best squad NZ has ever assembled, top and middle order strength in batting, a decent lower order (our number 10 and 11,Boult and Wagner, average 15 and 14 with the bat including a 50 each)
We've never had three bowlers average under 30 let alone 4, we've even got some decent spinners as well when required
But what excites we more is the depth in the team.
Will Young averages 42 in FC with 12 100s and thats not counting Ravindra, Phillips or Mitchell all of whom can bat middle order or replace De Grandhomme
BJ Watling is the best wicket-keeper batsman bar none yet Blundell and Seifert means the loss won't be as great as first feared
We've got variety in our pace attack with whatever combinations of swing, seam, speed, height, aggression and left-right bowling you want
Halcyon days indeed
…and the best captain and batsman ( sorry, batter goes on hotdogs) in the modern era.
Yeah its fair to say Kane has eclipsed Crowe as NZs finest
"A champion team will always beat a team of champions".
True. Oh well the New Zealand team will get second then when they play the final.
The best part of the game as reported (I have yet to watch my recording) was the turning down of a run by Mitchell because he felt he had interfered with the bowler's attempt to field the ball.
The action of a true champion, respecting the rules, the opposition and the character of the game.
Since you haven't watched the game I won't ruin it for you by telling you result
Thanks for your care and concern, Puckish, but the result is known to me, as the headline I quoted may have hinted at it…..
It’s not always the end or result that is worth the while but rather how they get there, ball by ball, run by run, action by action. I’m looking forward now to settle down after a day’s activity and watch it all unfold.
Yes Leadership and sporting players doing it by by example. Great bunch.
Two new polls out; Labour taking a hiding into the low '40s.
Covid 19 Delta outbreak: Labour down in two polls, as support crumbles – NZ Herald
kind of useless beyond the very broad strokes unless they also poll on why.
Two polls saying the same thing in big jumps is good enough for any Cabinet.
oh I'm sure people are taking notice. But most of us don't have access to internal polling that tells us why the drop. Is it just a normal post-emergency resetting of the swing vote? (I'm assuming the Greens didn't take a big jump). Or is there serious dissatisfaction from a chunk of 2020 Labour voters?
We will hash all that out (or not), but imagine if we had some actual research to be basing discussions on.
The fact that the Greens are 9 in both puzzles me. They haven't done anything for quite a while. Perhaps it's just a tactical shift away from Labour, by left-Labour voters. Fair-weather friends!
ok, nine is good. Might be the return from those that went Labour because of Ardern, and are disappointed by her centrism. Now that Labour aren't all huggy in the covid response, it's probably easier to want better action on housing and climate.
Being in power and trying to deal with Covid is a 'no-win' situation, and a juggle with the health of people and the economy. Slide the scale too much in one direction and you take a hit, and unfortunately this can drive poor decision making.
not to mention the unrelenting stress.
You're too kind. National did fine in polling coming out of the GFC and the Christchurch earthquakes (at least for the first year).
The minimum expectation is that in government you don't make things worse.
There is no equivalence Ad. Covid goes on and on, every day presenting sickness and causing decisions which keep a level of cortisol in the body much higher than usual, which leads to anxiety. The highest stress is losing a loved one or having to move. Both these events are happening with regularity along with "waiting for results".
"You don't make things worse" 1. Christchurch was controlled and had little input to major decisions which has led to poor outcomes for the water table. 2. Many are waiting for resolution more than 10 years later. The earthquake did not effect most areas of NZ. The GFC was made worse by austerity and failure to meet infrastructure needs on a number of levels. The press did not always press for answers, and those who did were removed.
I recall some polls had National (under Bridges even) and Act edging ahead of Labour/Greens until Covid hit
So its not a not a 'no-win' situation because it led directly to an election win, imho
However it could be (depending on how accurate the polls are and I have my doubts) the electorate telling Jacinda and the Labour party what they're thinking
Will Jacinda listen…don't know but its starting to get interesting again
In February 2020 Simon Bridges was a good bet for winning the election. His personal popularity was crap but Labour was on course to be one term government.
Then COVID hit.
There are only 24 hours in a day.
Crikey. True?
My watch dial says there’s there’s only 12❗️ 😳
If I ever catch the shyster who sold me this dud I’ll shove it up him where the sun never shines! 😡
Rubbish, thus the quote "never let a good crisis go to waste".
The govt will gain in popularity even only if they handle it in a mediocre way. Take the last election, often called the Covid election by opposition, Labour had all the 1pm air times etc. and gained hugely to win a majority.
Didn't National do well after Christchurch earthquakes even though they may not have handled them well?
I have been surprised heading into out spring of discontent that such hadn't occurred earlier. Troubling and factious times for people. Labour got a sizeable lift with their successful handling of the first half of the covid pandemic (helped by an inept National Party admittedly). The realities of covid being driven home now we should expect some swing the other way. In 12 months time if things have settled down and life has returned to some normality for the population and we are steering our way through the covid endemic, accepting some things may not be that pretty along the way, I would pick a fair degree of the rancour and frustration will dissipate.
3 waters is a nail in coffin
they were well warned
Local government is a very, very soft target to go beat down on.
If Labour were going to spend their political capital on something, it may as well be something worthwhile and on a target everyone hates and ignores anyway.
I'm not so sure that the average punter fully understands the 3 Waters fiasco. Not enough to shift the dial on a poll more than a point or 2.
Yeah I agree with your logic while not seeing any evidence of a fiasco as yet…
My FIL is quite up to date and knowledgable about this but hes actually going to a protest over this as well
Hes retired and its a bit of a drive and I don't think hes ever protested anything before so for him to do this shows the feelings some people have over it
I think Labour is going to be a bit surprised about this
Labour is going to be a bit surprised
Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest! The clash between dreams & reality will always throw up a few surprises.
However I haven't seen any valid point emerge from opponents as yet. Just being conservative & clinging onto stuff won't work. That makes it seem as if conservatives still haven't figured out how to transcend kindergarten politics. Doesn't get them anywhere on an issue where most folk know the system is fucked and await suitable improvements.
So those who matter (pragmatic centrists) will expect National to describe system improvements that seem likely to work.
3 Waters is not a fiasco. It will prove a successful strategy.
One positive thing to say about Jacinda Ardern is that her political antenna is/was always spot on, she knew which way the wind was blowing or at least which way to minimise bad news (no bad thing in a leader)
But this just seems…all wrong, like 3 waters is what you want to die on a hill on?
Gotta wait for the select committee process to produce an output before we see if it really is a dog's breakfast. So far just fear-mongering.
Its a hill to die on when you try to ram it through when everythings already tense and protest groups are active. Groundswell + Covid protesters + three waters could really make for large and disruptive protests that gain momentum.
Talking with an old friend yesterday – more than a friend really – who I know has has voted left all his life. We're talking an educated, experienced professional with a lot of street smarts. Way more than me. He still speaks well of Helen Clarks government for instance.
But he's not voting Labour this time.
It's not one single issue – it's an accumulation of political actions from this govt that he sees forming a disturbing pattern. He used the word 'betrayal'.
The next government under David Seymour will no doubt resurrect his faith in politicians. The Act/National/Tamaki parties will make a great coalition.
They’ve gone too far down the Jacinda cult of personality track, trading more or less completely on her carefully manufactured (& heavily choreographed) celebrity status.
When you look beyond the Jacinda front person, there’s not a lot of competence & confidence on show among the rest of the Ministerial front benches, imo.
Most Ministers we see ANYTHING of at all come across to me as low interest or defensive, as often quite ill-informed, & as generally underwhelming.
And some stuff being worked on almost furtively in the background (like He Puapua & Three Waters) is going to become hugely controversial.
Robertson, Hipkins and Little are the heavy lifters. The rest of Labour as you say, gave rise to the oppositions saying "Labour talent pool shallower than a car park puddle on a summers day"
I agree with your pick of Labour’s hard workers there, Jimmy.
Mahuta puts in solid effort too, but I’m a wee bit wary of her Māori Caucus agenda, & of her judgement when it comes to diplomacy. There’ve been times when I think her saying a helluva lot less would have been a lot more more diplomatic. Peters mastered this art.
“Staunch as, bro ” works well here in NZ sometimes, in some situations, but in some parts of the world mild & flowery phrases are the way to go, while the officials do the hard arguing & the grunt work with “the opposition””s minions – imo.
Sorry Mod.
My reply to Jimmy’s gone into the ether. Suspect an email addy screwup has it parked in Moderation. 😰
Where are the competent National Bods? Talk about that little problem of “shallow puddles”
So presumably he will vote Green.
Labour needs to change tac urgently on the stupid idea of 3 waters.Given no mayor is in favour of this mandate.
It could loose labour the next election mandating after offering an opt out option.Once the Covid hysteria dies down people will not be happy having another govt bearaucracy taxing everyone including those councils who have invested heavily in upgrading their water services.They will be subsidising those who have let their infrastructure rundown.A massive Vote looser.
It is still pretty much the same as the last Roy Morgan poll with the Labour Green combination comfortably in front.
In my dreams I would like to see what would happen if National changed the leadership to a Luxon leader, Bridges deputy combination. I would pick an immediate swing of around 10% from Labour to National with only a minor hit, if any, on the ACT vote.
Just a dream mind but I would love to see how accurate my prediction would turn out. I don't know what Luxon would be like as PM, mind, but the intellectual fun would be in seeing what the polls did. Still a Luxon PM with a Bridges backup would probably be OK and anything would be better than the shambles that is the current Government.
Wouldn't surprise me, but it would be a honeymoon effect only. Reality would slim the margin down readily. Policies would kill the Nats. Unless Luxon has more of a brain than was evident in his corporate phase. He presents well but that just reduces the Ardern x-factor somewhat. They're still a bunch of useless losers no matter which angle you view them from.
Get a new leader thats not as divisive and they wont need to do a helluva lot about policy. I'm sure one of the drivers of the big vote split along gender lines is Judith.
There's alot of dissatisfaction around now wont take much to harness some of that.
Well how about the prediction that Luxon would be rejected by a large majority. A fundamentalist Chritstian as a Prime Minister is not a viable option.
"not a viable option". Why on earth not?
We have already accepted an unmarried mother. I don't think we would have any problem with a homosexual male were she to give up and Grant become the Labour leader.
Why should anyone who says they hold Christian beliefs be a problem? You talk about being a fundamentalist Christian but I wouldn't think that there are very many people in the country who even know what that is supposed to mean. I certainly don't and I can't even be bothered trying to work it out.
If Luxon got anywhere near the top of his party, everyone would soon learn what a fundamentalist Christian of Luxon's ilk thinks – and as Garibaldi hints, it'd sink him and his party.
The World was built in 7 days and is only 4000 years old and males are the head of the household. Stuff like that Alwyn. Oh and Christ is coming again then we really get divided. Apologies to any true believers, I envy your certainty.
I take this to mean that the basic thing uniting them is a belief that the bible is literally true and if it is in the bible then it really happened.
As long as they just believe it and don't demand that I do so I guess I couldn't care less. I have a very simple set of beliefs. Primarily there isn't any such thing as a god and anyone who believes in such a thing is nuts. Then there are just different degrees of nuttiness, and as long as you don't make me behave according to your beliefs you can proclaim anything at all.
That doesn't mean that there isn't anything valuable in the beliefs of some religious groups. About half the commandments make sense as a way of living. The first 4 are simply silly, The rest aren't too bad as a guide to how we should treat other people.
As long as Luxon doesn't try and impose his way of living on me I think he is harmless. He certainly is likely to cause less damage that followers of some of the other main religions who believe that if they say something is true I have to also do so.
Early days, but the polls are going to get much more interesting over the next few months. The shine has gone off Ardern. Things Covid seem very muddled to my current occasionally-sleep-deprived-thus-addled brain but I’m picking up confusion & dissatisfaction more generally where before there was more clarity & support for Jacinda among my personal contacts.
The msm journos are hungry for a change of diet, imo. Some might also be getting a bit resentful & tired of the ‘grace & favour’ favourites style media conferences Ardern has been directing with more firmness than we are used to seeing from PMs.
They could go looking to make mischief now.
Ardern down just 4 points in UMR to a still impressive 47% PPM … but plunges a massive (I'm guessing unprecedented) 13 points in the Curia poll to 34% (albeit most of those swinging into non-committal territory rather than across the aisle).
Two different countries, huh?
Lab/Green Govt still rating a little higher in the UMR a year into their 2nd term than Nat/ACT at the same point in their 2nd term – late 2012 (& hence, unsurprisingly, current Oppo doing a little worse than Lab/Green in late 2012) … putting aside the intricacies of other minor parties.
Interesting breakdowns / crosstabs from Curia poll:
Hamish Rutherford on Twitter: "A few grabs from the full TPU poll. First, preferred PM. Luxon not far behind Collins, Ardern well ahead, but down 13 points. Chris Bishop ahead of Bridges and John Key https://t.co/DVsPbu2k8V" / Twitter
Although some of the geographic stats look a little dodgy (for Wellington & Rural).
Socio-economic breakdown:
[Least deprived to Most deprived]
That is revealing. Maybe this speaks to it:
Labour is going to need that 9 per cent Green vote to form a coalition.
To be fair, a coalition government is the norm – a one-party majority under MMP is unique so far.
A reminder of how generations of abuse affect us today.
Thanks. Yes, that is very sad. We could prevent so much suffering by being nicer to people earlier.
Enjoy the golden telephone Mr Martin. Fucking dog of a man.
An electric backing gate, which pushes cows into the shed, came off its rollers. Fogo went to help put it back on but “it fell on me”.
He was wearing a motorcycle helmet when it happened, but his health quickly deteriorated, and he went home.
He went to Maniototo Hospital in Ranfurly and the sole person on that Saturday – a duty nurse – gave him a codeine tablet for his headache and sent him home.
“By Monday I was a mess.”
Fogo returned to work but could manage only a few hours at a time.
“That was when the fun started,” he said.
Scans revealed he had suffered injuries to his head and neck, and he was advised not to return to work.
He was recuperating at home when a fellow dairy farmworker dropped off a letter advising him that he and his wife had 10 days to vacate their home on the farm.
The letter, sent by Graeme Martin of Otago Rural Management, said Fogo’s absence from work was causing “operational and management issues” for the company, and his occupation of the home was “placing constraints on both staff requirements and the allocation of accommodation”.
Anyone following the Kyle Rittenhouse case?
Shows just how screwed up the American legal system, social media, legacy media, tech overloads really are
And how screwed up America is when a kid thinks there might be trouble in town so gets a gun and goes there to sort it out.
Not really. I read an article about the trial on Newshub’s website earlier today but haven’t been following the case & don’t even know how many days in it is.
Defendant’s moved for a mistrial. Judge has taken it under advisement, I read.
Quite a contrast with the days n days of tv coverage given to George Floyd’s murder.
What are your main “takeaways”?
2. The kid is not guilty and in fact it shouldn't have even gone to trial, surely there is no clearer case of self-defence than this
3. The kid had the wrong political affiliation, purely and simply this is about politics. He was even booted off gofundme to try to raise funds for his defence
4. One of the dead was a pedo so not going to cry over that
5. The witness's for the prosecutors ending up proving Kyles claim of self-defence
6. The kid looks absolutely shattered
7. I really hope the kid sues every damn media company he can
Fits with my reading of the Newshub article & my watching of many Al Jazeera news reports & their video footage at the time.
I reckon you’ve got all of those points bang on correct.
I watched the kid break down today and it'll take a long time for him, if ever, to get over this and I doubt he ever will
It's fixed. Every time the prosecution makes headway or catches the murderous thug lying, the judge wades in to get him off the hook.
Prosecutors in the criminal trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager who shot and killed two protesters last year in Kenosha, Wis., will not be able to refer to the people he shot as "victims," a judge has ruled, while defense attorneys may be able to call them "arsonists" or "looters."
In a proceeding about the ground rules for the upcoming trial, prosecutors and defense lawyers debated whether certain language, witnesses or evidence would be allowed. The trial begins next week.
"The word 'victim' is a loaded, loaded word. And I think 'alleged victim' is a cousin to it," Judge Bruce Schroeder said on Monday, asking prosecutors to instead use the terms "complaining witness" or "decedent" to refer to those shot by Rittenhouse.
You're wrong.
Watch this (with your blinks off)
Pay special attention to the footage at 1.42, 2.38 and 3.27 also watch the prosecutions witnesses at 4.22 and 6.32 in their own words
How does that relate to not being allowed to use the word "victim" but to call them "arsonists"?
I'm sure a lawyer can jump in here but in this instance calling them victims might be unfairly prejudicial or something?
And calling them an arsonist isn't?
See I was more referring to the testimony where prosecutors own witness said that the guy who was shot said if he caught them alone he'd kill them
Then the footage showing Kyle being chased and assulted
Then the testimony, again from the prosecutors own witness, stating that the guy shot was lunging towards the rifle
Hey, I'm sure shapiro edited it really well.
I still don't see how that video relates to the suggestion that the judge is biasing the trial while breaking silences with his trump-rally ringtones.
Edited it? Thats what you've got, edited?
You think the footage where Kyles being chased was edited or where he was surrounded was edited
Are you really that blinded by ideology?
Haven't bothered to watch it, because nothing you've said seems to indicate that it's actually relevant to whether the judge is "blinded by ideology".
You want to talk about pedos and whatnot, fine. Heck, maybe shapiro's telling the truth for once in his life. But how is it relevant to the administration of the trial?
Rittenhouse travelled across state lines with an assault rifle while underage to clip his hero ticket, and shot three people. Maybe he gets away with it, maybe not. But both sides have laid their grounds for appeal, so regardless of what happens next week it probably won't be the end of it.
I haven't always agreed with you McFlock but I never took you for a liar
Are you that desperate to score a 'point'?
I haven't watched it.
He took his rifle across state lines, no? Shot three people?
Both sides have grounds for an appeal – one on prejudicial language, the other suggesting bad faith by the prosecution?
Where am I wrong?
"Haven't bothered to watch it," well of course not, wouldn't want any pesky new information to change your view now would you
This is where you lied:
"Rittenhouse travelled across state lines with an assault rifle"
He did not have an assault rifle, he had an AR-15-type rifle.
May not mean much to you but an assault rifle can be operated in semi and fully automatic mode whereas an AR-15 is only capable of semi-automatic fire plus there are laws in Wisconsin around assault rifles
This what the media do though and thats to try to make things sound more dangerous than they are in an effort to smear and make people like you think what they want you to think and you've swallowed the medias line hook, line and sinker, well done.
Also Kyle Rittenhouse broke no laws so it doesn't matter if he 'travelled across state lines' or not
Really? You think the difference in lower receiver counts as a substantive element in the description of his actions?
Well, then, I stand corrected, for whatever it's worth.
As for new info to change my view, fuck ben shapiro. If you need him to argue your point, good luck with that.
Dude had rifle while under the age of 18. That seems to be contrary to at least one wisconsin law.
I'm not asking you to watch the whole thing because heaven forbid your delicate little mind becomes sullied by a different view point
I am asking you to watch these parts at 1.42, 2.38 and 3.27 also watch the prosecutions witnesses at 4.22 and 6.32 in their own words because its video and drone footage and the prosecutions own witnesses
'You think the difference in lower receiver counts as a substantive element in the description of his actions?'
Yes and heres why.
The phrase 'assault rifle' conjures up images and emotions in people and make them think negatively
So instead of saying Kyle was carrying a semi-auto (which he was) you say he was carrying am assault rifle (which he wasn't)
Also don't you think its important to be accurate, especially when the information is very easily found
''You want to talk about pedos and whatnot, fine. Heck, maybe shapiro's telling the truth for once in his life. But how is it relevant to the administration of the trial?
Maybe hes telling the truth?
You jump into the conversation and you don't even know the basic facts about the case?
Were you bored or just trying to hijack the thread?
The men shot by Kyle were bad men, child molesters, domestic abusers, druggies
So yes when those type of people jump into riots and threaten and chase and produce firearms and aim them then yes their backgrounds are relevant
As for biases here the president linking a 17 year old to white supremacists but hey lets talk about the judge: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8791801/Kyle-Rittenhouses-attorneys-say-sue-Joe-Biden-libel.html
So innocent until proven guilty doesn't count or do you know every single fire arm law in Wisconsin?
Dude, I just wanted to know what your link had to do with the comment that preceded it.
I guess the answer is "nothing".
As for gun types, the kid had a similar gun to what the chch prick used, so I'm not sure calling it an "assault rifle" conjures up emotions more negative than that.
what are you, three? Are you trying to rustle up a legal defense, or just an excuse to not give a shit if Rittenhouse did actually do something legally wrong?
That’s why I used the term “That seems to be contrary”…
As opposed to your unqualified claims of innocence.
'what are you, three? Are you trying to rustle up a legal defense, or just an excuse to not give a shit if Rittenhouse did actually do something legally wrong?'
Heres what I said about that:
So yes when those type of people jump into riots and threaten and chase and produce firearms and aim them then yes their backgrounds are relevant
They have shown themselves in the past to be violent, to be dangerous so their backgrounds are very relevant especially given that lawsuits are floating about (a guilty conviction means money)
Also interesting CNN whitewashing the convictions:
By that logic, Rittenhouse's prior behaviour should also be relevant, no? But the judge disagreed.
'By that logic, Rittenhouse's prior behaviour should also be relevant, no? '
I would like to know about his background
Didn't Ben Shapiro tell you what the judge said was inadmissable? There's a surprise.
Reread what I typed and try again
They're the same thing. Prosecution tried to introduce his prior behaviour, judge said no. There's probably a youtube vid somewhere to expain it to you.
But if shapiro is showing a bias in what evidence he presents similar to the bias the links in 4.3 imply the judge is showing, maybe your clip was tangentially relevant after all.
But if you cast your net a bit wider, you might find the information you seek.
How about, and this is just a suggestion, that instead of saying if you instead watch the actual clips
I know, I know you want to remain unsullied and clean so you couldn't possibly watch anything of his
In which case maybe you shouldn't comment since you clearly don't know what you're talking about
I know what the judge said couldn't be admitted, so I know more than you, obviously. I just don't give a shit about semantic differences between the types of gun people use to kill each other.
The babbling chihuahua with the bed made of money?
Fucking sad.
Great work from the Police. While it's often easy to criticize them you never know how hard they are working behind the scenes.
Tautoko that. 👍🏼 👮🏻
Today's 2 polls have interesting detail on individual National MPs. There is no public appetite for Bridges at all, they might as well pick Bishop (but won't, because he's not conservative enough for caucus).
Reti doesn't register so that only leaves Luxon as the new leader, when he's done nothing to show he's ready. Which explains why Collins hangs on.
A few months ago I'd have put good money on her being rolled by Xmas. No more than 50-50 now.
(edit: swordfish data at
Failed to arrive on station, imo. Luxon’s a dead in the water smoking hulk before he’s even mission-ready, imo.
National are in serious leadership trouble. Collins is a gaffe-prone disaster. Someone is going to have to come out of left field like Ardern did.
They could probably sell Willis; she seems to have the smarts, the RAM, the intellectual equipment, & the gonads to pull it off.
When you listen to what she believes, he's as awful as the rest of them 🙂
Is there an “s” missing in there, after the comma, in front of “he’s”?
If not, I can’t make any sense out of that.
Yep; wandering "s"
More worried by gonads pulling it off, myself..
Jude is just starting to make her run, next election Jude the Magnificent will be on the throne
You heard it here first
On the throne or barfing into one? I'm not sure she'll be anywhere near the Election. I love your blind optimism though.
Shes timing her run to perfection and her 5-d chess is so off the scale that even I, her closest confident, don't know what shes doing
Is she still mates with dirty politics whale oil skater?
Fake news
Reti seems competent and fairly knowledgeable so he will never register.
Southern DHB board member resigns over vaccine mandate conflict
"RNZ reported it saw emails in which Beekhuis wrote: “I'm writing, as a publicly elected official of the Southern DHB, to say that it's abhorrent that you would enforce a vaccine mandate on your staff. It's completely amoral, unethical, and medically unnecessary.”
This came after she voted against a Southern District Health Board motion last week calling for a commitment to at least 90 per cent Covid-19 vaccination rates across communities."
It seems the woman would have been happy for the Southern Health Board district to have a 0% Covid vaccination rate.
Anyone who ignores the advantages of covid vaccination in minimising the effects of the virus who is in a position of power, is endangering public health.
Well said, Pete.
Gobsmacked when I read about that earlier today.
Deserves to be voted off the board – wonder how she’ll do a the next local body eleckies?
good riddance
Well who would have thought! Natural selection in action. 🙂
I guess that's one way of improving the intellect levels in the population. But the Repugnants had better watch out! Their base is crumbling. Mind you with dopes like Cruz at the helm and telling them what to think what more can you expect.