Open Mike 13/12/2016

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, December 13th, 2016 - 88 comments
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88 comments on “Open Mike 13/12/2016 ”

  1. Cinny 1

    OMG English being interviewed by Ali on newshub this morning.. far out brussel sprout.

    He says… anyone whom believes Nick Smith hasn’t done a good job is wrong.

    We won’t go to an early election… his excuse.. apparently the labour party having some mps leaving is not a good enough reason !!!!!!! Excuse me?? How many Nat MP’s are not seeking re-election?

    I heard on the news last night that he will be too busy to meet with the Bernie and the Pike relatives today… does he have any idea how much of a mission it is to get from the west coast to Wellington?

    By crickey Bill you are a gone burger, the public are already a bit unsettled about you being PM, but more of the same? Bye bye Bill mark my words you won’t last long.

    • Carolyn_nth 1.1

      Bling and Pulla honeymoon over, then?

      • Cinny 1.1.1

        Could be… tell you what, Ali Mau is a very good interviewer, deepest condolences to Henry as his Mum passed away.

        ALI… impressed with your questions this morning, thank you for not being a cheer leader for a certain political party, thank you for your lack of bias and intelligent questions.

    • Incognito 1.3

      Maybe another costly by-election in Mt Albert might drain precious resources from Labour’s war chest for the General Elections.

      However, another resounding win for Labour will give it another psychological boost but hopefully not push them into hubris territory.

      • Cinny 1.3.1

        Key is not seeking re-election, neither is Parata, let’s not forget what happened in Northland. Williamson is leaving as is Chester Burrows, Jono Naylor and Lindsey Tisch all six of them from the Nat party. McCully want to just be on the list, the PM has changed as has the deputy. Did any national party voters vote for that? Or was that merely the decision of Nat Party MP’s?

        It’s got nothing to do with money as Incognito suggests, it’s about doing what is fair. An early election would be fair to ALL citizens of NZ.

        Anyways here is the link to the interview I heard on the wireless this morning.

      • weka 1.3.2

        “However, another resounding win for Labour will give it another psychological boost but hopefully not push them into hubris territory.”

        Strewth, you’d hope that after the last 10 years Labour were all out of hubris.

        • Anne

          excessive pride or self-confidence…
          synonyms: arrogance, conceit, conceitedness, haughtiness, pride, vanity, self-importance, self-conceit, pomposity, superciliousness, feeling of superiority;

          Labour? I would say hubris is far more representative of the National Party.

        • greywarshark

          Hubris is puffed up – how would we like to describe our pollies and their advisors and backers – ‘astute and pragmatic’?

    • Infused 1.4

      The pike river families should have planned that a bit better. It’s his first day.

      • Sacha 1.4.1

        I doubt they foresaw that when they booked their air tickets.

        • alwyn

          You doubt they foresaw it? Really.
          The only reason they were coming was because English was about to become PM and they knew it. Look at this from The Herald

          “The protestors will head to Wellington to petition the new Prime Minister Bill English on Tuesday, his first day in office ………Monk said”

          Monk even said it was his first day.

          • Sacha

            Monk can easily make a statement like that after things have changed but the trip was booked to deliver material to other politicians before Key stepped down.


          • mauī

            So they’ve had one weeks notice of a new prime minister and in that time they’ve managed to get international experts to draw up a new recovery plan and get other experts to peer review said plan. Then plan a group trip to Wellington to present the plan. You really are dreaming.

            • alwyn

              Of course they didn’t do any such thing.
              Monk has been going on for years that it is safe to re-enter the mine and claims he has “experts” who agree with him.
              Claiming he, and others, are going to Wellington to “petition Bill English” is of course rubbish. He, and the others, know very well they aren’t going to meet English today. He is just stirring the pot with that claim.
              And Little is playing along with him.

    • Sam C 1.5

      Although some Nat MPs are not seeking re-election, neither are they vacating their seats before the next election, a la Shearer. Therein lies the difference.

      Do you seriously think Helen would have thrown National an early election bone if one of their MPs was heading off overseas?

      • alwyn 1.5.1

        One very much doubts it.
        Indeed in 2008 she held off the election until almost the last legally possible day in order to drag out her time in the bosses chair.
        She also made Steve Maharey stay in Parliament rather than take up his appointment as Massey VC until he had reached the date when she could avoid a by-election. He wasn’t doing anything in Wellington but he still wouldn’t resign.

    • Puckish Rogue 1.6

      We won’t go to an early election… his excuse.. apparently the labour party having some mps leaving is not a good enough reason !!!!!!!

      – Why should National give up an advantage to Labour simply because Labour didn’t treat Shearer right?

      – Why shouldn’t Bill English take as much time as he needs to show the electorate what he’s capable of?

      Excuse me?? How many Nat MP’s are not seeking re-election?

      – National MPs are staying on so the country doesn’t have to have by-elections, its Labour forcing the issue by not rejuvenating properly

      • Cinny 1.6.1

        So far 6 Nat MP’s are leaving and not seeking re-election including the PM whom quit. But it’s not my job to deal with the internal problems of the outgoing government, whom have lost their brand and their leader.

        Re branding takes time.

        How much time has Bill taking already to show the electorate what he’s capable of? So much time he’s ditched his electorate for the list?

        • Puckish Rogue

          “So far 6 Nat MP’s are leaving and not seeking re-election including the PM whom quit”

          All of whom are serving out their terms so as not to cause a by-election

          “But it’s not my job to deal with the internal problems of the outgoing government, whom have lost their brand and their leader.”

          Rejuvenation of a party does seem to be something the left struggle with

          “How much time has Bill taking already to show the electorate what he’s capable of?”

          As PM? As much time as he, that’s he not you or anyone else for that matter, decides

          ” So much time he’s ditched his electorate for the list?”

          Good on him, he obviously decided he couldn’t devote enough time to his electorate so he went list only as opposed to Andrew Little who can’t seem to win an electorate seat so has to go list

          • alwyn

            ” So much time he’s ditched his electorate for the list?”
            Oddly enough exactly the same thing as Michael Cullen did when he was Finance Minister. Probably the same excuse too.
            On the other hand it may have been that Michael found Otago, and Bill found Southland far too cold in the winter.

            • Puckish Rogue

              “On the other hand it may have been that Michael found Otago, and Bill found Southland far too cold in the winter.”

              Can’t blame them for that

      • stigie 1.6.2

        What a sensible and unified transition from the old leader to the new leader Bill English.

        New Zealanders can head into Christmas and the New Year confident that Bill English and the government are stable and heading in the right direction.

    • alwyn 1.7

      “the labour party having some mps leaving is not a good enough reason”

      There is a minor difference of course.
      The Labour MPs running for the exits weren’t willing to serve out the period they committed to when they ran in the last election. They are quitting before the end of their term.
      There are a number of National MPs, and Labour MPs for that matter, who have said they will serve out the entire term and will not run at the next election. Don’t you really see the difference?

      As for the Pike River people wanting to see him?
      Don’t you think he is entitled to be asked when there would be a suitable time, rather than just turn up on his first full day as PM and that they can just march into his office.

      I just tried to get an appointment with Andrew Little for today. I said I wanted half an hour of his time at 2pm today.
      Someone in his office told me he couldn’t see me. The miserable old bugger. Thinks he is too important to meet me does he? Seeing me at 2pm should be of far more importance than any other trivial activity he wants to get involved in.

  2. amirite 2

    No wonder that the main Rat has abandoned his stinking, filthy, sinking ship – just in time, with this report on child poverty coming out today:

    Third generation of Kiwi children face life of poverty

    • Paul 2.1

      Key’s legacy Part 1

      Poverty NZ’s ‘new normal’ – report's-'new-normal'-report

    • Cinny 2.2

      It’s awful, so many families living hand to mouth, the cost of having a roof over their heads eating up most of their income, leaving them hungry, kids are hurting all over NZ. Parents/caregivers are stressed as a result.

      NZ needs a change of government, one that cares about the future, one that put’s kids first, all kids. It’s not the kids fault that they are in such a situation, let’s just help them, blaming parents still does not help the kids.

      Another reason for a UBI? I think so. Or at the very least, provide lunch for all kiwi kids at school.

    • Carolyn_nth 2.3

      How can this be happening within an economy that is going gangbusters?

      If so many people are in poverty, struggling to get by, then the economy is not in good shape.

      It’s a very skewed understanding of what a country’s economy is, if only the better off are getting the benefits of it (allegedly) being in good shape.

      The economy is about allocation of resources. Anyone who thinks a great economy is one that only benefits the well-off, do not value a fair and inclusive society: one where everyone is cared for, and allocated with a fair share of the resources.

      It’s all about values, not corporation (including NZ Inc) balance sheets.

  3. Sanctuary 3

    Here is an idea for superannuation – if you wish to keep working, or if you can afford it, you can from the age of 65 “gift” your super payment for a period of time to your children or grandchildren or another nominated person, with the money going into a retirement scheme for the nominated person?

    • James 3.1

      I really like that idea.

    • Sam C 3.2

      Sounds like a very good idea.

    • Pat 3.3

      and there is absolutely nothing stopping that from occurring now.

      • Carolyn_nth 3.3.1

        Also, you don’t get the state pension unless you apply for it. And for those with high incomes from other sources, most of it would be lost in taxes anyway.

        The pension is not enough to live on, especially for a pensioner with no savings and who is renting. So, even with the state pension, many will need to keep on working, at least part time.

        • alwyn

          “for those with high incomes from other sources, most of it would be lost in taxes anyway.”
          Well no actually. You may not have realised it but the maximum marginal tax rate on income is 33%.
          Socialist Governments are much greedier of course. Under the 1945-1951 Labour Government in Britain the marginal tax rate exceeded 100%. I am sure many Labour and Green supporters contributing to this Blog would love such a regime. The Politics of envy at work.

          • DoublePlusGood

            It’s not the politics of envy, it’s the politics of an even distribution of resources.

    • Anne 3.4

      Andrew Little’s response to the latest Super debate:

      I agree with him.

  4. greywarshark 4

    The second day of Christmas – from the Friendship book:

    So long as we love, we serve; so long as we are loved by others, I would almost say that, we are indispensable; and no man is useless while he has a friend.
    Robert Louis Stevenson

    • Anne 5.1

      This might help you PR to understand the Russian’s actual modus operandi. The tampering with electoral machines was always the long shot:

      The CIA has confirmed that Russian cyberhackers procured material from the Hillary Clinton campaign that appeared, via WikiLeaks, at key moments in the US election. Hacked emails became part of a successful trolling campaign to discredit Clinton (and continue to inspire hysteria in the form of Pizzagate, the bizarre conspiracy theory that just won’t die). During the campaign, Trump frequently repeated lines lifted directly from Russian propaganda, including threats that President Barack Obama “founded Isis” and Clinton would “cause World War III”

      And the more the Trumpet denies it, the more we know it is true – which it is!

      It’s an interesting read because it is not the first time Putin’s Russia has used the method to manipulate elections in other countries and they’re about to do it again in Germany.

      • Puckish Rogue 5.1.1

        This was the bit that I thought was interesting:

        Wisconsin’s recount uncovered no widespread problems or hacking as Stein had suggested, without evidence, that there might be.

      • One Two 5.1.2

        Manipulate elections…not the first time…Putin…

        As you sound certain of interference, this time in Germany…do be sure to share your you intel with Merkel

        Goodness me, whatever next!

  5. Rosemary McDonald 6

    Poor Old Sam a goneburger.

    Not surprising, as he has repeatedly been the front person for National’s failed programs…bus fodder he is.

    I always thought him incompetent, a little….uninformed… and altogether unsuited for politics at this level.

    In conversation to someone close to him who I have a certain respect for…he’s a hell of a nice guy…just useless at his job.

  6. Fustercluck 7

    Just enough time to get a full parliamentary pension and poof! Gone

    Typical careerist crap.

    • alwyn 7.1

      “time to get a full parliamentary pension”.
      You are way out of date. The fabled gold-plated Parliamentary pension was scrapped a long time ago.

      It ceased to be available to any MP who wasn’t in Parliament on some date in 1992. There will still be a few sitting members who will get it when they retire but Sam isn’t one of them.
      If he put in 8% of his back bench basic salary it will be matched by a 20% contribution. It is just a defined sum, NOT the old defined benefit scheme. It is generous but not greatly different to what a lot of companies offer. He would get the amount built up regardless of how long he was a member.

  7. Tamati Tautuhi 8

    Why do we have this poverty when we have a Rockstar Economy going gangbusters?

  8. Rosemary McDonald 9

    There’s a “festering” row in the Far North over the illegal appropriation of a council reserve by the owners of the Whatuwhiwhi Top 10 Holiday Park.

    Now, the Whatuwhiwhi Top ten Holiday park was sold to the owners of the Carrington Resort back in 2015….

    …the Carrington Resort of course being the Great Hope for Economic Recovery for the Far North…
    ….and fully endorsed by Far North Mayor and former Hollow Men bit player National’s John Carter.

    And of course, since we look after our own….former National MP Mike Sabin was appointed CEO of Peppers Carrington Resort.

    Anyway…all these little coincidences are merely interesting asides…the Mayor, John Carter, “said yesterday that he had now been made aware of the issue, and had demanded a report from staff by tomorrow.”

    So we can all safely assume that the Perehipe Reserve will be restored to its former status as a public reserve….

    Pass me a Tui…

  9. joe90 10

    But the DAP will be new and shiny! And it probably won’t leak, for a wee while!.

    A pipeline leak has spilled tens of thousands of gallons of crude oil into a North Dakota creek roughly two and a half hours from Cannon Ball, where protesters are camped out in opposition to the Dakota Access pipeline.


    North Dakota officials estimate more than 176,000 gallons of crude oil leaked from the Belle Fourche Pipeline into the Ash Coulee Creek. State environmental scientist Bill Suess says a landowner discovered the spill on Dec. 5 near the city of Belfield, which is roughly 150 miles from the epicenter of the Dakota Access pipeline protest camps.

  10. Paul 11

    News that dwarfs all other news.

    NIWA principal scientist climate Dr Brett Mullan said the figures were in line with global average temperatures and confirm the longer-term trends of climate change.

    “What we are seeing is the stark reality of global warming.”

    Globally, the World Meteorological Organisation said 2016 was set to be the hottest year on record by a significant margin with temperatures 1.2C above pre-industrial times.

  11. Paul 12

    Great and courageous move.

    Winston Peters pledges to be first to enter Pike River mine.

    • Puckish Rogue 12.1

      Oh please it means nothing when he knows he’ll never be called on to do so (good publicity for him though)

      • Paul 12.1.1

        As opposed to window shopping down Lambton Quay’ like your mate Jonathan Coleman.
        And cutting and running and lying , like Ponytail Key.

        “The first thing is I’m here to give you and absolute reassurance, we committed to getting the boys out, and nothing’s going to change that. So- when people try and tell you we’re not, they’re playing, I hate to say it, but they’re playing on your emotions”

        “So you are the number one group that wants get those men out and quite-quite frankly I am number two -because I want to get them out”

  12. Paul 13

    Unheard audio from Pike River leaked

    ‘Previously unheard audio that reveals breakdowns, missing equipment and a gas leak all on the day of the Pike River Mine explosion has been leaked.
    When charges against the former CEO of the company Peter Whittall were dropped, it became apparent that the Pike River was a disaster with no responsibility.
    Twenty-nine people could die, a business could be lost, a community could be shattered and no one would be held accountable.’

  13. AsleepWhileWalking 14

    Gary Heavin calls Haiti “the hidden holocaust” because of the media blackout that protected the Clinton Foundation from public fallout. Something to keep in mind if it ever should come out that Key gave NZ$ to these charletons.

  14. Be prepared to have Bennett tell the sob story of how she was a ‘Poor Solo -mum .Nothing about the fact that her parents owned a shop and looked after her child whilst she went to university. Nothing about the fact that it was a Labour Government who made it possible for her to domthis.
    And she is now making the most of her

  15. Paul 16

    Is Andrew Clay the most ill-informed panelist on Mora’s awful show?

  16. Paul 17

    This news reminds us the issue of poverty has not gone away.

    $2300 a week for family to stay in motel
    ‘Work and Income is paying $2300 a week for a family to stay in a motel.
    Tuaine Murray, her partner and her son have been living in motels for most of the year, while they wait for a Housing New Zealand property.
    Initially the money had to be repaid, but now the government is paying for it.
    Ms Murray said the $2300 per week was for a unit at the Allenby Park Hotel in Papatoetoe.
    She said she desperately needed a Housing New Zealand house, because they were struggling to get a private rental and were at the mercy of Work and Income.’$2300-a-week-for-family-to-stay-in-motel


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    Toitū te marae a Tāne Mahuta me Hineahuone, toitū te marae a Tangaroa me Hinemoana, toitū te taiao, toitū te tangata. The Government has introduced clear priorities to modernise Te Papa Atawhai - The Department of Conservation’s protection of our natural taonga. “Te Papa Atawhai manages nearly a third of our ...
    1 week ago
  • Faster 110km/h speed limit to accelerate Kāpiti

    A new 110km/h speed limit for the Kāpiti Expressway Road of National Significance (RoNS) has been approved to reduce travel times for Kiwis travelling in and out of Wellington, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says. “Boosting economic growth and productivity is a key part of the Government’s plan to rebuild the economy. ...
    1 week ago
  • IVL increase to ensure visitors contribute more to New Zealand

    The International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy (IVL) will be raised to $100 to ensure visitors contribute to public services and high-quality experiences while visiting New Zealand, Minister for Tourism and Hospitality Matt Doocey and Minister of Conservation Tama Potaka say. “The Government is serious about enabling the tourism sector ...
    1 week ago
  • Delivering priority connections for the West Coast

    A record $255 million for transport investment on the West Coast through the 2024-27 National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) will strengthen the region’s road and rail links to keep people connected and support the region’s economy, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.  “The Government is committed to making sure that every ...
    1 week ago
  • Road and rail reliability a focus for Wellington

    A record $3.3 billion of transport investment in Greater Wellington through the 2024-27 National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) will increase productivity and reduce travel times, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.  “Delivering infrastructure to increase productivity and economic growth is a priority for our Government. We're focused on delivering transport projects ...
    1 week ago

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