The girl claimed she had confronted Paty in a class she had not attended, falsely alleging that he had told Muslim students to leave the room while he showed "naked" images of the Prophet Muhammad.
In reality, three cartoons published by a French satirical magazine had been discussed in class, and Paty had said anyone who felt they might be offended did not have to stay.
When religion motivates people, truth becomes irrelevant. Any passing hallucination is likely to produce a fatal outcome. I get the impression that the teacher was presuming an enlightened discussion of satire was educational. Unfortunately there were immigrants in the room, so he became a martyr to the immigration policy of prior French govts…
The media’s role in peddling disinformation over last week’s violence in Amsterdam just keeps getting darker.
Owen Jones has interviewed a Dutch woman who shot the footage used by major outlets – from Sky News and the BBC to the Guardian and New York Times – to suggest that locals in Amsterdam carried out “antisemitic attacks” on Maccabi Tel Aviv fans.
In fact, as she has noted on social media, her footage shows the exact reverse: Israeli fans attacking local Dutch residents.
We can only control our own actions, not those of others. I guess you’re calling for solidarity and a united front rather than telling other ‘we’ what they should be doing, according to you. It helps the convo when you specify what you mean – neither AI nor Google are going to be helpful for that.
I read 'we' as being the conformist, western, neoliberal world. I live in it and I hate myself because of that. There's only a few small pockets of dissent to crush (Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan) before we can declare total victory.
We in the west are reverting in some ways to a kind of pre-18th century society. With decreasing certainty about what is true and what is fake, ill-educated people can be easily convinced of any old rubbish, as long as you repeat it often enough and it appeals to their brute instincts.
In his book The Innovators (a history of leading-edge tech), media maestro Walter Isaacson repeatedly referred to the triad used by Vannevar Bush to make the USA into a superpower post-WWII. The formula was govt/corporations/academia in constant strategic liaison, and it worked perfectly.
Beverly Gage writing recently in Foreign Affairs described how the Trump political brand differs from previous US administrations that embraced authoritarian leaders as geopolitical allies. More than that, Trump sees them as ‘models for how to live the good life.’
Autocracy is a fun thing? Not to victims. Yet I get why it appeals in contrast to the vapid meanderings of democracy. It caters to the heroic ethos made famous by the mythologist Joseph Campbell, who established its eternal archetypal mass psychology.
According to Nietzsche, Superman is an individual who has surpassed both the Christian morals and values of humanity and transcends pure rationality. Superman is beyond good and evil in that he recognizes that morality only exists concerning human beings
From Voltaire
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices
"The best government is a benevolent tyranny tempered by an occasional assassination".
I never read Nietzsche but agree his concept is mythos. The first from Voltaire applies to both left & right (their mass effect); the second evokes Plato in the first point & I suspect Machiavelli in the second (tho I didn't get far into my copy of his book). In terms of mass psychology generally, one could go for charisma in a leader as a spellbinding catalytic trigger for social alchemy…
The hikoi demonstrates maori solidarity opposing Seymour & ACT, but there's also the judiciary and their track record of decisions, deriving from this pentad:
In 1989 the fourth Labour government became the first New Zealand government to set out principles to guide its actions on matters relating to the treaty. These principles were:
The government has the right to govern and make laws.
Iwi have the right to organise as iwi, and, under the law, to control their resources as their own.
All New Zealanders are equal before the law.
Both the government and iwi are obliged to accord each other reasonable cooperation on major issues of common concern.
The government is responsible for providing effective processes for the resolution of grievances in the expectation that reconciliation can occur.
No later government had defined any new treaty principles
Debate must therefore focus on Seymour's triad, and how it differs from this prescription.
Based on the three Articles of the Treaty, the Bill defines the Treaty principles as:
Civil Government: The Government of New Zealand has full power to govern, and Parliament has full power to make laws. They do so in the best interests of everyone, and in accordance with the rule of law and the maintenance of a free and democratic society.
Rights of Hapū and Iwi Māori: The Crown recognises, and will respect and protect, the rights that hapū and iwi Māori had under the Treaty of Waitangi at the time they signed it. If those rights differ from the rights of everyone, it will only be when agreed in the settlement of a historical treaty claim under the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975.
Right to Equality: Everyone is equal before the law and is entitled to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination. Everyone is entitled to the equal enjoyment of the same fundamental human rights without discrimination.
There's a superficial similarity, plus a subtle warping in play. Folks will default to mindless rejection due to lack of intellect, so parliamentarians must rise to the intellectual challenge of specifying the warp factor…
Watched the various videos of the hikoi with great pride myself. Māori, Pākehā and Tau Iwi are going to give David Seymour a good knee in the nuts over his divisive racist agenda here–it is rather blatant–Te Tiriti protects Māori intellectual property, and often the environment we all live in. Act want to give their capitalist backers a big pay day, which Te Tiriti is an obstacle to.
Hosking et al… that early morning tumeric+ to have the energy to show up and also clean his personal space with the portable device.
With the advantage of being closer to God than those around him.
In the USA the latest craze in SV is to get techies (and some actors) to find life meaning via religion, instead of Molly and magic mushrooms etc.
The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross by John Marco Allegro (1970)
In this book, the author goes back to the roots of civilization in Sumeria to trace the use of psychedelic mushrooms as tools for divine revelation
And then in 2009
Jesus and the Magic Mushroom (Sean Williams).
He is on point as per France, a proud secular republic, as Voltaire did warn them.
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices
"The best government is a benevolent tyranny tempered by an occasional assassination".
Thus the statue of liberty gift to New York
Thomas Jefferson
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants … Variant: When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.
One must remember the republic was founded with the notion that all men were created equal, but only men that owned property could vote, and those that were property were either slaves or women.
Thus Burr rebelled against Hamilton's banking monopoly in New York and (believed women should vote) and then came Jackson (all men over 21 voting).
Rebellion against continuing tyranny is a duty to man and justice.
An absolutely chilling thought from a reddit/nz poster on ACT's strategy with the Treaty Bill:
"The final version that comes out of Select Committee will be picked up by someone like Hobson's Pledge and they'll put it up for Citizen's Initiated Referendum at the next election, thereby bypassing the need to have it passed via Parliament"
That may well happen, but a Citizens Initiated Referendum is not binding, which is why John Key could easily ignore the smacking vote. And that was a much more visceral issue for far more voters at the time than Seymour's bill today.
They can't by-pass Parliament, they have to persuade a government.
Gaza before the genocide was a place with a population density greater even than Tokyo. As the logic of genocide is progressed by Israel, the already fragile infrastructure of this population is destroyed.
We now have the situation in Gaza where not only are families targeted in their homes, all water collection on rooftops destroyed, medics and doctors arrested as "terrorists", tortured and killed, but also, rivers of raw sewerage running through the streets.
Nome of this is a cosequence of a fanciful war on Hamas. These are deliberate acts.
Toilets are now public sink holes of shared disease. According to the World Health organisation, the area is enduring over a million cases of respiratory disease and 100 000 cases of jaundice and according to the British medical journal, 40 000 cases of Hepatitis A.
Added to this is the cynical withdrawal of the US ultimatum to Israel to allow humaitarian aid which is now at is lowest and most insignificant. The Gazan population is being bombed, tortured, starved and subject to extreme disease. The application of the logic of genocide is the only plausible explanation.
The US, UK, France and Germany continue to support this genocide and apply laws on terrorism to limit speech in support of the inalienable right of Palestinians to live as human beings.
The UN Sec-Gen diagnosed the problem, so the world's leaders ignored him. There's an absence of moral leadership to provide a positive alternative because those with the power to act default to maintaining the status quo. This mind-set pervades the left and right in politics equally: too hard, evade the issue.
So your trying to say the Left is as power crazy as the Right.
Yeah whatever.
Same old lies damned lies and statistics and more lies.
The Right wing are for the status quo because the Status quo = Right wing power.
In fact the left does try to effect real change,
Feminism, racial equality, Homosexual law reform, anti nuclear, educational choices, work safety, 40 hour week, a living wage, maternity leave, healthy housing, access to health care environmental issues and mental health.
These are all Left wing driven policies ferociously opposed by the right wing.
Anyone challenging right wing power is always accused of "dividing" the country.
Its all about mind games and appealing to base prejudice fear and ignorance.
And the Right wing are past masters at evoking deep seated prejudice.
I agree re actual progress made by the left. I went on protest marches half a century back to support the making. Yet the system, as fundamental problem, endures due to leftist politicians refusing to change it.
On the left, there's a category divide between idealists & pragmatists. The former have an authentic passion for change, the latter a pragmatic resistance to change.
Obama left a legacy with UNSC R 2334 (including Stephen Rainbow soiling his reputation with his tirade against McCully).
Biden has to live down, his protection of the women of Afghanistan is not part of America's forever war line, if he does nothing between now and Jan 2020 it will be an epitaph.
If an American POTUS does not leave office giving the fingers sending a message to Benny, he has no pride left, nor anything further to offer in terms of leadership.
Observer pointed out yesterday here a classic instance of Hipkins' incompetence, yet it is possible that his performance contains a measure of metacognition. That proceeds from a future role as ambassador or high commissioner, which he could be appointed to by either National or Labour if he serves both well enough.
Thus his complacency, which he shares with a majority of kiwis. Also worth mentioning that his nominal role in pretending to oppose the govt puts him up against a triad: sufficient to induce any normal Labour leader to wimp out.
I get the impression that triad (Luxon/Peters/Seymour) remains distinctly collegial, via useful idiot theory: each leader sees the other two as useful idiots. I suspect they have sufficient metacognition to realise that's happening, thus their mutual amiability…
Indeed I was, yet what use is he to the left actually? A useful placeholder – yet it begs the question as to why the left feel that their leader ought to do that. Okay, you'll be wanting to point out that its classic leftist symbolism. I get that.
Aaron Smale really nails the issues. A great read.
The abuse and torture claims that Collins denied and that Jagose worked to defeat legally were abhorrent crimes against children.
And it begs the question – why is this not a sackable offence when Luxon has sacked his Minister of Media for fumbling her lines and not handling the shambles that she inherited from decades of failures. His administration also sacked Health NZ board members for not getting their budgets right. Hardly a crime.
Luxon retaining Collins and Jagose as the Crown’s lawyers is not just a political matter, although it has now become that. It also has serious implications legally.
Government lawyers say the racist principles bill is so weak no court would take any notice of it. VUW professor of Law, Dean Knight, also says it is "ugly, misconceived, inconsistent, and fiction":
Victoria University of Wellington professor of law Dean Knight said the advice was "quite damning and suggests that if enacted, the bill would probably be constitutionally ineffective".
"It's the government's own lawyers recognise that the bill would at first blush undermine Māori people's rights to culture and freedom from discrimination. However, it effectively says that the violation of these important rights in Te Tiriti itself are so serious that they expect the courts would be under a duty to read the Bill in a way that preserves those rights and original Treaty obligations.
"In other words, the bill is so ugly and misconceived that it won't work and the courts won't let fictional meanings be given to fundamental instruments like Te Tiriti o Waitangi."
He said the constitutional context was very unusual because Parliament was "effectively trying to legislate a legal fiction".
"If you think about what the principles are, they're merely code for 'practical meaning of Te Tiriti' and if Parliament tries to codify unauthentic meanings as principles the courts will in all likelihood give more direct effect to Te Tiriti itself, which the bill says explicitly will continue to stand unchanged.
"That's what the government's lawyers are saying here is that the bill's internally inconsistent and not clear enough to trump the original, the source, meaning of Te Tiriti."
As Seymour pointed out, his "stated aim" is to "democratise" the Treaty.
How about the Americans wanting to democratise the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence? Or the English wishing to democratise the Magna Carta?
It just doesn't work that way – and Seymour is well aware of that. The ACT-led CoC is being strung along by Seymour to satisfy his 1% paymasters.
Good luck with that. So far all we have from the left is an organised attempt to live in the 19th century plus posturing. I guess the notion that the left is capable of using intellect is generally viewed as antiquated.
It's already started. The hui and the hikoi will grow their own thing as they did with Foreshore and Seabed, and MMP, and land rights, and others. This is the movement.
Those who minimise Te Ao Maori (ZB listeners) are going to die off in huge numbers between now and 2040. There's a cohort of racist boomers in or close to retirement and you can tell they make up the bulk of ZB listeners by the frequency of aged care residence and bladder control product advertising.
We've been waiting over a century for attitudes to die off with each generation dying, and it's the same attitude in power now. ZB is good proxy for it.
TOW Act and Tribunal only been around for 50 years. The worst of the stale pale males and their wives were already adults then. Agreed, there are still a lot of red neck, Ranger-driving gen-Xers, but the trend is down.
Mostly due to education/curriculum/NZ history, which is why Seymour and Farrar are so desperate to kill state schooling and teacher unions. Farrar yesterday having another massive cry about some Wellington and Hutt Valley schools joining Toitū Te Tiriti next week.
Interesting, thanks. Crossover folk are always worth investigating. I recently read the new bio by Fred Trump Jr, who votes democrat yet still manages to remain on fairly good terms with Uncle Donald. As good an insight into the family saga as the one I read from Mary Trump a while back.
And an xtian jihadi, an end-times loon, and a property investor to partner the family property development business.
More to say on that mistake later, but I’m posting now to put down a marker. On Tuesday, Trump announced Fox News talking head Pete Hegseth as his new secretary of defense. This guy.
Not a parody; from the cover of his 2020 book, American Crusade. Hegseth’s first tattoo, he says, was of a a cross with a blade to represent Matthew 10:34, a cherry-picked vision of Jesus-as-warrior popular with Christian nationalists: “I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” On his chest he’s had inked a “Jerusalem cross,” a symbol of the crusaders’ holy war against Muslims and Jews, and on the flip side of his bicep there’s this, featured on his Instagram:
“Deus Vult,” God wills it, is more crusader kitsch—and popular with white supremacists. That doesn’t mean Hegseth’s a hater! Maybe he’s just a history buff…
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who President-elect Donald Trump announced Tuesday was his pick to serve as US ambassador to Israel, previously argued that there was “no such thing as a Palestinian.”
Huckabee, who has been a strong defender of Israel throughout his career, made the statement during his 2008 presidential campaign, asserting that Palestinian identity was “a political tool to try and force land away from Israel.”
US President-elect Donald Trump announces the appointment of real estate investor Steven Witkoff to be his special envoy to the Middle East.
Witkoff has been Trump’s regular golf partner and was seen as a conduit to the Jewish business community during his winning presidential campaign.
“Steve is a Highly Respected Leader in Business and Philanthropy, who has made every project and community he has been involved with stronger and more prosperous. Steve will be an unrelenting Voice for PEACE, and make us all proud,” Trump says in a statement.
Jared Kushner has praised the “very valuable” potential of Gaza’s “waterfront property” and suggested Israel should remove civilians while it “cleans up” the strip.
In olden times a tea trolley lady would be involved.
But after the disaster of 1967 and then the one in 1998, which spawned waka jumping legislation, neo-liberals moved to the lower cost self serving tea room.
Folks were wondering why Biden seems delighted by Trump. Not a mystery. Merely ritualised left/right solidarity to keep his controllers happy. He's a good servant.
OMG! Does that idiot/nincompoop ever think? What sort of messages does this proposed appointment send for Justice in the US.. Unbelievable – but then again totally believable with a Chump like him.
Trump named Matt Gaetz his pick as attorney general. Trump called Gaetz, once the subject of a Justice Department sex-trafficking investigation involving a 17-year-old girl, a “deeply gifted and tenacious attorney” who would end the “the partisan Weaponization of our Justice System.” Although Republicans will control the Senate, it unclear if Gaetz will have a path to confirmation. Trump, however, has suggested the idea of Congress going into recess so he could bypass the Senate confirmation process and install nominees. New York Times
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Submissions on National's racist, white supremacist Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill are due tomorrow! So today, after a good long holiday from all that bullshit, I finally got my shit together to submit on it. As I noted here, people should write their own submissions in their own ...
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A listing of 26 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, December 29, 2024 thru Sat, January 4, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
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This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by John Wihbey. A version of this article first appeared on Yale Climate Connections on Nov. 11, 2008. (Image credits: The White House, Jonathan Cutrer / CC BY 2.0; President Jimmy Carter, Trikosko/Library of Congress; Solar dedication, Bill Fitz-Patrick / Jimmy Carter Library; Solar ...
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Completed reads for December: Be A Wolf!, by Brian Strickland The Magic Flute [libretto], by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Emanuel Schikaneder The Invisible Eye, by Erckmann-Chatrian The Owl’s Ear, by Erckmann-Chatrian The Waters of Death, by Erckmann-Chatrian The Spider, by Hanns Heinz Ewers Who Knows?, by Guy de Maupassant ...
Well, it’s the last day of the year, so it’s time for a quick wrap-up of the most important things that happened in 2024 for urbanism and transport in our city. A huge thank you to everyone who has visited the blog and supported us in our mission to make ...
Leave your office, run past your funeralLeave your home, car, leave your pulpitJoin us in the streets where weJoin us in the streets where weDon't belong, don't belongHere under the starsThrowing light…Song: Jeffery BuckleyToday, I’ll discuss the standout politicians of the last 12 months. Each party will receive three awards, ...
Hi,A lot’s happened this year in the world of Webworm, and as 2024 comes to an end I thought I’d look back at a few of the things that popped. Maybe you missed them, or you might want to revisit some of these essay and podcast episodes over your break ...
Hi,I wanted to share this piece by film editor Dan Kircher about what cinema has been up to in 2024.Dan edited my documentary Mister Organ, as well as this year’s excellent crowd-pleasing Bookworm.Dan adores movies. He gets the language of cinema, he knows what he loves, and writes accordingly. And ...
Without delving into personal details but in order to give readers a sense of the year that was, I thought I would offer the study in contrasts that are Xmas 2023 and Xmas 2024: Xmas 2023 in Starship Children’s Hospital (after third of four surgeries). Even opening presents was an ...
Heavy disclaimer: Alpha/beta/omega dynamics is a popular trope that’s used in a wide range of stories and my thoughts on it do not apply to all cases. I’m most familiar with it through the lens of male-focused fanfic, typically m/m but sometimes also featuring m/f and that’s the situation I’m ...
Hi,Webworm has been pretty heavy this year — mainly because the world is pretty heavy. But as we sprint (or limp, you choose) through the final days of 2024, I wanted to keep Webworm a little lighter.So today I wanted to look at one of the biggest and weirdest elements ...
A listing of 23 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, December 22, 2024 thru Sat, December 28, 2024. This week's roundup is the second one published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, ...
We’ll have a climate change ChristmasFrom now until foreverWarming our hearts and mindsAnd planet all togetherSpirits high and oceans higherChestnuts roast on wildfiresIf coal is on your wishlistMerry Climate Change ChristmasSong by Ian McConnellReindeer emissions are not something I’d thought about in terms of climate change. I guess some significant ...
KP continues to putt-putt along as a tiny niche blog that offers a NZ perspective on international affairs with a few observations about NZ domestic politics thrown in. In 2024 there was also some personal posts given that my son was in the last four months of a nine month ...
I can see very wellThere's a boat on the reef with a broken backAnd I can see it very wellThere's a joke and I know it very wellIt's one of those that I told you long agoTake my word I'm a madman, don't you knowSongwriters: Bernie Taupin / Elton JohnIt ...
.Acknowledgement: Tim PrebbleThanks for reading Frankly Speaking ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work..With each passing day of bad headlines, squandering tax revenue to enrich the rich, deep cuts to our social services and a government struggling to keep the lipstick on its neo-liberal pig ...
This is from the 36th Parallel social media account (as brief food for thought). We know that Trump is ahistorical at best but he seems to think that he is Teddy Roosevelt and can use the threat of invoking the Monroe Doctrine and “Big Stick” gunboat diplomacy against Panama and ...
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This video includes personal musings and conclusions of the creator climate scientist Dr. Adam Levy. It is presented to our readers as an informed perspective. Please see video description for references (if any). 2024 has been a series of bad news for climate change. From scorching global temperatures leading to devastating ...
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Dunedin’s summer thus far has been warm and humid… and it looks like we’re in for a grey Christmas. But it is now officially Christmas Day in this time zone, so never mind. This year, I’ve stumbled across an Old English version of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen: It has a population of just under 3.5 million inhabitants, produces nearly 550,000 tons of beef per year, and boasts a glorious soccer reputation with two World ...
Morena all,In my paywalled newsletter yesterday, I signed off for Christmas and wished readers well, but I thought I’d send everyone a quick note this morning.This hasn’t been a good year for our small country. The divisions caused by the Treaty Principles Bill, the cuts to our public sector, increased ...
This morning’s six standouts for me at 6.30 am include:Kāinga Ora is quietly planning to sell over $1 billion worth of state-owned land under 300 state homes in Auckland’s wealthiest suburbs, including around Bastion Point, to give the Government more fiscal room to pay for tax cuts and reduce borrowing.A ...
Hi,It’s my birthday on Christmas Day, and I have a favour to ask.A birthday wish.I would love you to share one Webworm story you’ve liked this year.The simple fact is: apart from paying for a Webworm membership (thank you!), sharing and telling others about this place is the most important ...
The last few days have been a bit too much of a whirl for me to manage a fresh edition each day. It's been that kind of year. Hope you don't mind.I’ve been coming around to thinking that it doesn't really matter if you don't have something to say every ...
The worms will live in every hostIt's hard to pick which one they eat the mostThe horrible people, the horrible peopleIt's as anatomic as the size of your steepleCapitalism has made it this wayOld-fashioned fascism will take it awaySongwriter: Twiggy Ramirez Read more ...
Hi,It’s almost Christmas Day which means it is almost my birthday, where you will find me whimpering in the corner clutching a warm bottle of Baileys.If you’re out of ideas for presents (and truly desperate) then it is possible to gift a full Webworm subscription to a friend (or enemy) ...
This morning’s six standouts for me at 6.30am include:Rachel Helyer Donaldson’s scoop via RNZ last night of cuts to maternity jobs in the health system;Maddy Croad’s scoop via The Press-$ this morning on funding cuts for Christchurch’s biggest food rescue charity;Benedict Collins’ scoop last night via 1News on a last-minute ...
A listing of 25 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, December 15, 2024 thru Sat, December 21, 2024. Based on feedback we received, this week's roundup is the first one published soleley by category. We are still interested in ...
Well, I've been there, sitting in that same chairWhispering that same prayer half a million timesIt's a lie, though buried in disciplesOne page of the Bible isn't worth a lifeThere's nothing wrong with youIt's true, it's trueThere's something wrong with the villageWith the villageSomething wrong with the villageSongwriters: Andrew Jackson ...
ACT would like to dictate what universities can and can’t say. We knew it was coming. It was outlined in the coalition agreement and has become part of Seymour’s strategy of “emphasising public funding” to prevent people from opposing him and his views—something he also uses to try and de-platform ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park from the Gigafact team in collaboration with members from our team. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Are we heading ...
So the Solstice has arrived – Summer in this part of the world, Winter for the Northern Hemisphere. And with it, the publication my new Norse dark-fantasy piece, As Our Power Lessens at Eternal Haunted Summer: As previously noted, this one is very ‘wyrd’, and Northern Theory of Courage. ...
The Natural Choice: As a starter for ten percent of the Party Vote, “saving the planet” is a very respectable objective. Young voters, in particular, raised on the dire (if unheeded) warnings of climate scientists, and the irrefutable evidence of devastating weather events linked to global warming, vote Green. After ...
The Government cancelled 60% of Kāinga Ora’s new builds next year, even though the land for them was already bought, the consents were consented and there are builders unemployed all over the place. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāMōrena. Long stories short, the six things that mattered in Aotearoa’s political ...
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on UnsplashEvery morning I get up at 3am to go around the traps of news sites in Aotearoa and globally. I pick out the top ones from my point of view and have been putting them into my Dawn Chorus email, which goes out with a podcast. ...
Over on Kikorangi Newsroom's Marc Daalder has published his annual OIA stats. So I thought I'd do mine: 82 OIA requests sent in 2024 7 posts based on those requests 20 average working days to receive a response Ministry of Justice was my most-requested entity, ...
Welcome to the December 2024 Economic Bulletin. We have two monthly features in this edition. In the first, we discuss what the Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update from Treasury and the Budget Policy Statement from the Minister of Finance tell us about the fiscal position and what to ...
The NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi have submitted against the controversial Treaty Principles Bill, slamming the Bill as a breach of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and an attack on tino rangatiratanga and the collective rights of Tangata Whenua. “This Bill seeks to legislate for Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles that are ...
I don't knowHow to say what's got to be saidI don't know if it's black or whiteThere's others see it redI don't get the answers rightI'll leave that to youIs this love out of fashionOr is it the time of yearAre these words distraction?To the words you want to hearSongwriters: ...
Our economy has experienced its worst recession since 1991. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāMōrena. Long stories short, the six things that matter in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Friday, December 20 in The Kākā’s Dawn Chorus podcast above and the daily Pick ‘n’ Mix below ...
Twas the Friday before Christmas and all through the week we’ve been collecting stories for our final roundup of the year. As we start to wind down for the year we hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas and new year. If you’re travelling please be safe on ...
The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-hosts & talking about the year’s news with: on climate. Her book of the year was Tim Winton’s cli-fi novel Juice and she also mentioned Mike Joy’s memoir The Fight for Fresh Water. ...
The Government can head off to the holidays, entitled to assure itself that it has done more or less what it said it would do. The campaign last year promised to “get New Zealand back on track.” When you look at the basic promises—to trim back Government expenditure, toughen up ...
Open access notables An intensification of surface Earth’s energy imbalance since the late 20th century, Li et al., Communications Earth & Environment:Tracking the energy balance of the Earth system is a key method for studying the contribution of human activities to climate change. However, accurately estimating the surface energy balance ...
Photo by Mauricio Fanfa on UnsplashKia oraCome and join us for our weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar with paying subscribers to The Kākā for an hour at 5 pm today.Jump on this link on YouTube Livestream for our chat about the week’s news with myself , plus regular guests and , ...
“Like you said, I’m an unreconstructed socialist. Everybody deserves to get something for Christmas.”“ONE OF THOSE had better be for me!” Hannah grinned, fascinated, as Laurie made his way, gingerly, to the bar, his arms full of gift-wrapped packages.“Of course!”, beamed Laurie. Depositing his armful on the bar-top and selecting ...
Data released by Statistics New Zealand today showed a significant slowdown in the economy over the past six months, with GDP falling by 1% in September, and 1.1% in June said CTU Economist Craig Renney. “The data shows that the size of the economy in GDP terms is now smaller ...
One last thing before I quitI never wanted any moreThan I could fit into my headI still remember every single word you saidAnd all the shit that somehow came along with itStill, there's one thing that comforts meSince I was always caged and now I'm freeSongwriters: David Grohl / Georg ...
Sparse offerings outside a Te Kauwhata church. Meanwhile, the Government is cutting spending in ways that make thousands of hungry children even hungrier, while also cutting funding for the charities that help them. It’s also doing that while winding back new building of affordable housing that would allow parents to ...
National has only been in power for a year, but everywhere you look, its choices are taking New Zealand a long way backwards. In no particular order, here are the National Government's Top 50 Greatest Misses of its first year in power. ...
The Government is quietly undertaking consultation on the dangerous Regulatory Standards Bill over the Christmas period to avoid too much attention. ...
The Government’s planned changes to the freedom of speech obligations of universities is little more than a front for stoking the political fires of disinformation and fear, placing teachers and students in the crosshairs. ...
Work is set to get underway on a new bus station at Westgate this week. A contract has been awarded to HEB Construction to start a package of enabling works to get the site ready in advance of main construction beginning in mid-2025, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“A new Westgate ...
Minister for Children and for Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence Karen Chhour is encouraging people to use the resources available to them to get help, and to report instances of family and sexual violence amongst their friends, families, and loved ones who are in need. “The death of a ...
Uia te pō, rangahaua te pō, whakamāramatia mai he aha tō tango, he aha tō kāwhaki? Whitirere ki te ao, tirotiro kau au, kei hea taku rātā whakamarumaru i te au o te pakanga mo te mana motuhake? Au te pō, ngū te pō, ue hā! E te kahurangi māreikura, ...
Health Minister Dr Shane Reti says people with diabetes and other painful conditions will benefit from a significant new qualification to boost training in foot care. “It sounds simple, but quality and regular foot and nail care is vital in preventing potentially serious complications from diabetes, like blisters or sores, which can take a long time to heal ...
Associate Health Minister with responsibility for Pharmac David Seymour is pleased to see Pharmac continue to increase availability of medicines for Kiwis with the government’s largest ever investment in Pharmac. “Pharmac operates independently, but it must work within the budget constraints set by the government,” says Mr Seymour. “When this government assumed ...
Mā mua ka kite a muri, mā muri ka ora e mua - Those who lead give sight to those who follow, those who follow give life to those who lead. Māori recipients in the New Year 2025 Honours list show comprehensive dedication to improving communities across the motu that ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is wishing all New Zealanders a great holiday season as Kiwis prepare for gatherings with friends and families to see in the New Year. It is a great time of year to remind everyone to stay fire safe over the summer. “I know ...
From 1 January 2025, first-time tertiary learners will have access to a new Fees Free entitlement of up to $12,000 for their final year of provider-based study or final two years of work-based learning, Tertiary Education and Skills Minister Penny Simmonds says. “Targeting funding to the final year of study ...
“As we head into one of the busiest times of the year for Police, and family violence and sexual violence response services, it’s a good time to remind everyone what to do if they experience violence or are worried about others,” Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence ...
Kiwis planning a swim or heading out on a boat this summer should remember to stop and think about water safety, Sport & Recreation Minister Chris Bishop and ACC and Associate Transport Minister Matt Doocey say. “New Zealand’s beaches, lakes and rivers are some of the most beautiful in the ...
The Government is urging Kiwis to drive safely this summer and reminding motorists that Police will be out in force to enforce the road rules, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“This time of year can be stressful and result in poor decision-making on our roads. Whether you are travelling to see ...
Health Minister Dr Shane Reti says Health New Zealand will move swiftly to support dozens of internationally-trained doctors already in New Zealand on their journey to employment here, after a tripling of sought-after examination places. “The Medical Council has delivered great news for hardworking overseas doctors who want to contribute ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has appointed Sarah Ottrey to the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC). “At my first APEC Summit in Lima, I experienced firsthand the role that ABAC plays in guaranteeing political leaders hear the voice of business,” Mr Luxon says. “New Zealand’s ABAC representatives are very well respected and ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has announced four appointments to New Zealand’s intelligence oversight functions. The Honourable Robert Dobson KC has been appointed Chief Commissioner of Intelligence Warrants, and the Honourable Brendan Brown KC has been appointed as a Commissioner of Intelligence Warrants. The appointments of Hon Robert Dobson and Hon ...
Improvements in the average time it takes to process survey and title applications means housing developments can progress more quickly, Minister for Land Information Chris Penk says. “The government is resolutely focused on improving the building and construction pipeline,” Mr Penk says. “Applications to issue titles and subdivide land are ...
The Government’s measures to reduce airport wait times, and better transparency around flight disruptions is delivering encouraging early results for passengers ahead of the busy summer period, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says. “Improving the efficiency of air travel is a priority for the Government to give passengers a smoother, more reliable ...
The Government today announced the intended closure of the Apollo Hotel as Contracted Emergency Housing (CEH) in Rotorua, Associate Housing Minister Tama Potaka says. This follows a 30 per cent reduction in the number of households in CEH in Rotorua since National came into Government. “Our focus is on ending CEH in the Whakarewarewa area starting ...
The Government will reshape vocational education and training to return decision making to regions and enable greater industry input into work-based learning Tertiary Education and Skills Minister, Penny Simmonds says. “The redesigned system will better meet the needs of learners, industry, and the economy. It includes re-establishing regional polytechnics that ...
The Government is taking action to better manage synthetic refrigerants and reduce emissions caused by greenhouse gases found in heating and cooling products, Environment Minister Penny Simmonds says. “Regulations will be drafted to support a product stewardship scheme for synthetic refrigerants, Ms. Simmonds says. “Synthetic refrigerants are found in a ...
People travelling on State Highway 1 north of Hamilton will be relieved that remedial works and safety improvements on the Ngāruawāhia section of the Waikato Expressway were finished today, with all lanes now open to traffic, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“I would like to acknowledge the patience of road users ...
Tertiary Education and Skills Minister, Penny Simmonds, has announced a new appointment to the board of Education New Zealand (ENZ). Dr Erik Lithander has been appointed as a new member of the ENZ board for a three-year term until 30 January 2028. “I would like to welcome Dr Erik Lithander to the ...
The Government will have senior representatives at Waitangi Day events around the country, including at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds, but next year Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has chosen to take part in celebrations elsewhere. “It has always been my intention to celebrate Waitangi Day around the country with different ...
Two more criminal gangs will be subject to the raft of laws passed by the Coalition Government that give Police more powers to disrupt gang activity, and the intimidation they impose in our communities, Police Minister Mark Mitchell says. Following an Order passed by Cabinet, from 3 February 2025 the ...
Attorney-General Judith Collins today announced the appointment of Justice Christian Whata as a Judge of the Court of Appeal. Justice Whata’s appointment as a Judge of the Court of Appeal will take effect on 1 August 2025 and fill a vacancy created by the retirement of Hon Justice David Goddard on ...
The latest economic figures highlight the importance of the steps the Government has taken to restore respect for taxpayers’ money and drive economic growth, Finance Minister Nicola Willis says. Data released today by Stats NZ shows Gross Domestic Product fell 1 per cent in the September quarter. “Treasury and most ...
Tertiary Education and Skills Minister Penny Simmonds and Associate Minister of Education David Seymour today announced legislation changes to strengthen freedom of speech obligations on universities. “Freedom of speech is fundamental to the concept of academic freedom and there is concern that universities seem to be taking a more risk-averse ...
Police Minister, Mark Mitchell, and Internal Affairs Minister, Brooke van Velden, today launched a further Public Safety Network cellular service that alongside last year’s Cellular Roaming roll-out, puts globally-leading cellular communications capability into the hands of our emergency responders. The Public Safety Network’s new Cellular Priority service means Police, Wellington ...
State Highway 1 through the Mangamuka Gorge has officially reopened today, providing a critical link for Northlanders and offering much-needed relief ahead of the busy summer period, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“The Mangamuka Gorge is a vital route for Northland, carrying around 1,300 vehicles per day and connecting the Far ...
The Government has welcomed decisions by the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) and Ashburton District Council confirming funding to boost resilience in the Canterbury region, with construction on a second Ashburton Bridge expected to begin in 2026, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says. “Delivering a second Ashburton Bridge to improve resilience and ...
The Government is backing the response into high pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in Otago, Biosecurity Minister Andrew Hoggard says. “Cabinet has approved new funding of $20 million to enable MPI to meet unbudgeted ongoing expenses associated with the H7N6 response including rigorous scientific testing of samples at the enhanced PC3 ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Andrew King, Senior Lecturer in Climate Science, ARC Centre of Excellence for 21st Century Weather, The University of Melbourne It’s the height of summer and many Australians have already experienced heatwaves, heavy rains and even significant bushfires over the Christmas and New ...
Israelis were frustrated that captives remained in Gaza and surprised that, in recent weeks, Israeli military activity there had intensified, Liel said. ‘Surprised’ over military intensity“Generally speaking, Israelis are quite surprised that the intensity of the military activity is growing. I think the general feeling here was a month or ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Frank Bongiorno, Professor of History, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Australian National University The Oxford English Dictionary defines a gaffe as a “blunder, an instance of clumsy stupidity, a ‘faux pas’.” It evokes a sense of triviality rather than high ...
By Patrick Decloitre, RNZ Pacific correspondent, French Pacific desk New Caledonia’s territorial government has been toppled on Christmas Eve, due to a mass resignation within its ranks. Environment and Sustainable Development Minister Jérémie Katidjo-Monnier said he was resigning from the cabinet, with immediate effect. Katidjo-Monnier was the sole representative from ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Clive Phillips, Former Foundation Professor of Animal Welfare, University of Queensland, Curtin University sw_photo/Shutterstock You might think dairy farmers would be enjoying boom times. The dairy industry has been expanding worldwide in response to increasing demand, mainly in the emerging markets ...
RNZ Pacific Honolulu police have announced the death of a fourth person due to the New Year’s Eve fireworks explosion in Aliamanu, Hawai’i — a 3-year-old boy who has died in hospital. Six people with severe burn injuries from the explosion were flown to Arizona on the US mainland for ...
Commenting on this, Taxpayers’ Union Policy and Public Affairs Manager, James Ross, said: “ACC is funded by levies. Taxpayers shouldn’t be picking up the bill for hardened criminals who get themselves hurt whilst out committing crimes." ...
Taxpayers’ Union Policy and Public Affairs Manager, James Ross, said: “Taxpayers don’t pay bureaucrats to sit watching adult videos, so why does it keep happening?” ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Carla Archibald, Research Fellow, Conservation Science, Deakin University ABC Eating rabbit, camel, carp, feral cat, deer and cane toad might sound extreme to some, but it’s gaining attention as a solution to tackle the growing impact of invasive species. Now, Tony ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Frank Bongiorno, Professor of History, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Australian National University The Oxford English Dictionary defines a gaffe as a “blunder, an instance of clumsy stupidity, a ‘faux pas’.” It evokes a sense of triviality rather than high ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Kelsie Boulton, Senior Research Fellow in Child Neurodevelopment, Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney Fabio Principe/Shutterstock Neurodevelopmental conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism affect about one in ten children. These conditions impact development, behaviour and wellbeing. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By April Reside, Lecturer in Conservation, The University of Queensland An endangered golden-shouldered parrotImogen Warren/Shutterstock Australia has already lost at least 100 species since European colonisation. Across land and freshwater habitats, 1,657 species are currently threatened with the same fate. Their populations ...
Summer reissue: Claire Mabey assesses the browsing merits of the capital’s secondhand bookstores. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be a member today.Secondhand bookstores are extremely dangerous ...
The Green Party has increasingly faced the probably unfair (at least inaccurate) criticism that it’s abandoned its raison d’être.During the 2024 adjournment debate, where Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick refused to stick with the convention of making niche political jokes and bad puns, Act leader David Seymour accused Swarbrick of ...
Opinion: The sad passing of Dame Tariana Turia has rightly drawn attention to the value of politicians who have strong convictions which they pursue even when it is difficult to do so. Not all of the people who have expressed admiration for her were moved to that emotion when she ...
The search for Wendy Frew takes you to Pine Crescent Park, Rosedale, in Invercargill. “Possibly windswept and interesting” to quote a Billy Connolly-ism.It’s a setting that nurtured a remarkable deep-south sporting family dynasty – one fit to rival the Bracewells of the North.Among the eight children of Karen and Colin ...
Summer reissue: Josh Thomson on the 80s milk ad jingle he can’t stop singing, the beauty of The Simpsons, why Jersey Shore is as good as Shakespeare and more. For someone who spends a lot of time on our screens, popping up in everything from 7 Days to Taskmaster, Educators ...
Everyone can help lighten the load for a struggling new mum or dad. Here’s how.The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be a member today.As I recently ...
Summer reissue: This year the Herald on Sunday celebrated a significant birthday. Hayden Donnell takes a look back at one of its most defining moments. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and ...
Summer reissue: Our capital is a far cry from hot, bustling Kuala Lumpur, so why is this freezing city full of excellent Malaysian cuisine?My dad once told me that there are more Malaysian restaurants in Wellington per square kilometres than there are back in Malaysia. He was completely ...
Loading…(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){var ql=document.querySelectorAll('A[data-quiz],DIV[data-quiz]'); if(ql){if(ql.length){for(var k=0;k<ql.length;k++){ql[k].id='quiz-embed-'+k;ql[k].href="javascript:var i=document.getElementById('quiz-embed-"+k+"');try{qz.startQuiz(i)}catch(e){i.start=1;'wait';'0.5'};void(0);"}}};i['QP']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)})(window,document,'script','','qp');Got a good quiz question?Send Newsroom your questions.The post Newsroom daily quiz, Tuesday 7 January appeared first on Newsroom. ...
COMMENTARY:By David Robie, editor of Asia Pacific Report With the door now shut on 2024, many will heave a sigh of relief and hope for better things this year. Decolonisation issues involving the future of Kanaky New Caledonia and West Papua – and also in the Middle East with ...
Willie Jackson was among politicians past and present paying respect to Dame Tariana today - and made the call for an apology over her treatment during the Foreshore and Seabed controversy. ...
SPECIAL REPORT:By Paul Gregoire United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) provisional government interim president Benny Wenda has warned that since Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto took office in October, he has been proven right in having remarked, after the politician’s last February election, that his coming marks the return ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Rob Newton, Professor of Exercise Medicine, Edith Cowan University ZR10/Shutterstock Exercise training while wearing a weighted vest is undergoing somewhat of a renaissance. Social media posts and trainers are promoting them as a potential strategy for improving fitness and health. ...
Islamic activists cut the head off a French school-teacher because a girl in his class put lies about him on social media:
When religion motivates people, truth becomes irrelevant. Any passing hallucination is likely to produce a fatal outcome. I get the impression that the teacher was presuming an enlightened discussion of satire was educational. Unfortunately there were immigrants in the room, so he became a martyr to the immigration policy of prior French govts…
It's worse than that: the student lied because she was wagging class again, and made up the story as an excuse to skip parental anger.
The internet has not made us international. Rather it has magnified our human tendency to spread rumours at the village well and village pub.
Britain stole the lands we now know as Palestine in 1919 as a trophy of war.
Britain still peddles the lie that they had a "mandate" from the League of Nations.
Britain then facilitated the illegal Jewish invasion of Palestine in 1948.
The USA has maintained the illegal Jewish invasion of Palestine for 75 years.
Now both Britain and the USA support the genocide of Palestinians by the illegal
Jewish invaders.
When religion motivates people, truth becomes irrelevant.
Any passing hallucination is likely to produce a fatal outcome.
Yes – the truth.
I’m not sure what all that has to do with islamic activists be-heading a schoolteacher in France.
Keep politics out of sports.
You don't see Russian soccer fans violently clashing with local pro-Ukrainian sports fans in European cities.
Because Russian teams are banned from all European soccer tournaments.
Keeping Russia out of international sporting tournaments, is keeping politics out of sports.
Keeping Israel out of international tournaments, is keeping politics out of sports.
If we can ban Russia from international sporting tournaments for invading Ukraine.
We can ban Israel from international sporting tournaments for committing genocide in Gaza.
France does not set the rules for the competition, but it can ban supporters by denying them visas.
France should treat this like the 2022 UEFA Champions league final.
Who exactly is those “we” you keep referring to? France? European nations? European sports federations? NZLP? Standardistas?
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In this context; Humanity, "We" – Everybody, Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, South America, NZ, US, UK. Australia, and yes, France, of course.
"We" cannot ignore genocide.
"We" Everyone with a pulse and empathy
I see.
We can only control our own actions, not those of others. I guess you’re calling for solidarity and a united front rather than telling other ‘we’ what they should be doing, according to you. It helps the convo when you specify what you mean – neither AI nor Google are going to be helpful for that.
I read 'we' as being the conformist, western, neoliberal world. I live in it and I hate myself because of that. There's only a few small pockets of dissent to crush (Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan) before we can declare total victory.
We in the west are reverting in some ways to a kind of pre-18th century society. With decreasing certainty about what is true and what is fake, ill-educated people can be easily convinced of any old rubbish, as long as you repeat it often enough and it appeals to their brute instincts.
Mmm – the truth is usually behind a paywall but lies are readily available for free.
… and DW:
Will TVNZ correct it’s false report from a few days ago?
A lie goes around the world before truth gets it’s boots on.
Triads are extremely influential in geopolitics:
In his book The Innovators (a history of leading-edge tech), media maestro Walter Isaacson repeatedly referred to the triad used by Vannevar Bush to make the USA into a superpower post-WWII. The formula was govt/corporations/academia in constant strategic liaison, and it worked perfectly.
Autocracy is a fun thing? Not to victims. Yet I get why it appeals in contrast to the vapid meanderings of democracy. It caters to the heroic ethos made famous by the mythologist Joseph Campbell, who established its eternal archetypal mass psychology.
From Voltaire
I never read Nietzsche but agree his concept is mythos. The first from Voltaire applies to both left & right (their mass effect); the second evokes Plato in the first point & I suspect Machiavelli in the second (tho I didn't get far into my copy of his book). In terms of mass psychology generally, one could go for charisma in a leader as a spellbinding catalytic trigger for social alchemy…
The hikoi demonstrates maori solidarity opposing Seymour & ACT, but there's also the judiciary and their track record of decisions, deriving from this pentad:
Debate must therefore focus on Seymour's triad, and how it differs from this prescription.
There's a superficial similarity, plus a subtle warping in play. Folks will default to mindless rejection due to lack of intellect, so parliamentarians must rise to the intellectual challenge of specifying the warp factor…
The two differences
1.Labour in 1989 determined the principles by which it would act.
This was not imposed on later governments.
2.Seymour wants to determine the Treaty principles and then enshrine them via referendum as an encumbrance on future governments.
The first is in keeping with our parliamentary system, the second is the agenda of a libertarian revolutionary cult.
Dennis may be having a ’shroom day…
Watched the various videos of the hikoi with great pride myself. Māori, Pākehā and Tau Iwi are going to give David Seymour a good knee in the nuts over his divisive racist agenda here–it is rather blatant–Te Tiriti protects Māori intellectual property, and often the environment we all live in. Act want to give their capitalist backers a big pay day, which Te Tiriti is an obstacle to.
Reading DF’s brain farts hogging pole position in OM, day after day, feels like a bad trip.
I don't read them.
Hosking et al… that early morning tumeric+ to have the energy to show up and also clean his personal space with the portable device.
With the advantage of being closer to God than those around him.
In the USA the latest craze in SV is to get techies (and some actors) to find life meaning via religion, instead of Molly and magic mushrooms etc.
And then in 2009
He is on point as per France, a proud secular republic, as Voltaire did warn them.
Thus the statue of liberty gift to New York
Thomas Jefferson
One must remember the republic was founded with the notion that all men were created equal, but only men that owned property could vote, and those that were property were either slaves or women.
Thus Burr rebelled against Hamilton's banking monopoly in New York and (believed women should vote) and then came Jackson (all men over 21 voting).
Rebellion against continuing tyranny is a duty to man and justice.
An absolutely chilling thought from a reddit/nz poster on ACT's strategy with the Treaty Bill:
"The final version that comes out of Select Committee will be picked up by someone like Hobson's Pledge and they'll put it up for Citizen's Initiated Referendum at the next election, thereby bypassing the need to have it passed via Parliament"
We're not led by a Bolger-National government in all his statesmen-gubernator presence.
We're under the same blowback as Trump – just comfortably lighter.
That may well happen, but a Citizens Initiated Referendum is not binding, which is why John Key could easily ignore the smacking vote. And that was a much more visceral issue for far more voters at the time than Seymour's bill today.
They can't by-pass Parliament, they have to persuade a government.
Gaza before the genocide was a place with a population density greater even than Tokyo. As the logic of genocide is progressed by Israel, the already fragile infrastructure of this population is destroyed.
We now have the situation in Gaza where not only are families targeted in their homes, all water collection on rooftops destroyed, medics and doctors arrested as "terrorists", tortured and killed, but also, rivers of raw sewerage running through the streets.
Nome of this is a cosequence of a fanciful war on Hamas. These are deliberate acts.
Toilets are now public sink holes of shared disease. According to the World Health organisation, the area is enduring over a million cases of respiratory disease and 100 000 cases of jaundice and according to the British medical journal, 40 000 cases of Hepatitis A.
Added to this is the cynical withdrawal of the US ultimatum to Israel to allow humaitarian aid which is now at is lowest and most insignificant. The Gazan population is being bombed, tortured, starved and subject to extreme disease. The application of the logic of genocide is the only plausible explanation.
The US, UK, France and Germany continue to support this genocide and apply laws on terrorism to limit speech in support of the inalienable right of Palestinians to live as human beings.
Leaders usually defer to realpolitik:
The UN Sec-Gen diagnosed the problem, so the world's leaders ignored him. There's an absence of moral leadership to provide a positive alternative because those with the power to act default to maintaining the status quo. This mind-set pervades the left and right in politics equally: too hard, evade the issue.
So your trying to say the Left is as power crazy as the Right.
Yeah whatever.
Same old lies damned lies and statistics and more lies.
The Right wing are for the status quo because the Status quo = Right wing power.
In fact the left does try to effect real change,
Feminism, racial equality, Homosexual law reform, anti nuclear, educational choices, work safety, 40 hour week, a living wage, maternity leave, healthy housing, access to health care environmental issues and mental health.
These are all Left wing driven policies ferociously opposed by the right wing.
Anyone challenging right wing power is always accused of "dividing" the country.
Its all about mind games and appealing to base prejudice fear and ignorance.
And the Right wing are past masters at evoking deep seated prejudice.
It is their calling card.
The 3 Prime Ministers at election 2023.
Trump just last week.
I agree re actual progress made by the left. I went on protest marches half a century back to support the making. Yet the system, as fundamental problem, endures due to leftist politicians refusing to change it.
On the left, there's a category divide between idealists & pragmatists. The former have an authentic passion for change, the latter a pragmatic resistance to change.
Obama left a legacy with UNSC R 2334 (including Stephen Rainbow soiling his reputation with his tirade against McCully).
Biden has to live down, his protection of the women of Afghanistan is not part of America's forever war line, if he does nothing between now and Jan 2020 it will be an epitaph.
If an American POTUS does not leave office
giving the fingerssending a message to Benny, he has no pride left, nor anything further to offer in terms of leadership.Observer pointed out yesterday here a classic instance of Hipkins' incompetence, yet it is possible that his performance contains a measure of metacognition. That proceeds from a future role as ambassador or high commissioner, which he could be appointed to by either National or Labour if he serves both well enough.
Thus his complacency, which he shares with a majority of kiwis. Also worth mentioning that his nominal role in pretending to oppose the govt puts him up against a triad: sufficient to induce any normal Labour leader to wimp out.
I get the impression that triad (Luxon/Peters/Seymour) remains distinctly collegial, via useful idiot theory: each leader sees the other two as useful idiots. I suspect they have sufficient metacognition to realise that's happening, thus their mutual amiability…
Speaking of useful idiots…
Indeed I was, yet what use is he to the left actually? A useful placeholder – yet it begs the question as to why the left feel that their leader ought to do that. Okay, you'll be wanting to point out that its classic leftist symbolism. I get that.
Aaron Smale really nails the issues. A great read.
Government lawyers say the racist principles bill is so weak no court would take any notice of it. VUW professor of Law, Dean Knight, also says it is "ugly, misconceived, inconsistent, and fiction":
As Seymour pointed out, his "stated aim" is to "democratise" the Treaty.
How about the Americans wanting to democratise the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence? Or the English wishing to democratise the Magna Carta?
It just doesn't work that way – and Seymour is well aware of that. The ACT-led CoC is being strung along by Seymour to satisfy his 1% paymasters.
All it does is expose how spineless Luxon is!
Done well this will be the introduction to a nationwide conversation on our own written constitution.
We need to prepare something of substance for 2040 or this is just going to go round and round and round.
The Treaty was a really big reason the left got turfed out in October 2023. Unless anyone has forgotten the fresh water debacle.
We need to hear a lot more from Labour's Maori caucus in particular Willie Jackson.
Tune in more to ZB and less to RNZ to get the reality of the masses and not the elites.
Good luck with that. So far all we have from the left is an organised attempt to live in the 19th century plus posturing. I guess the notion that the left is capable of using intellect is generally viewed as antiquated.
Disagreement with an arrogant centrist is to learn the art of the Indian virtuous circle, surround and then metascalp at will (when bored)
Indian virtuous circle (free men born in the New World of the Columbian order)
It's already started. The hui and the hikoi will grow their own thing as they did with Foreshore and Seabed, and MMP, and land rights, and others. This is the movement.
Those who minimise Te Ao Maori (ZB listeners) are going to die off in huge numbers between now and 2040. There's a cohort of racist boomers in or close to retirement and you can tell they make up the bulk of ZB listeners by the frequency of aged care residence and bladder control product advertising.
We've been waiting over a century for attitudes to die off with each generation dying, and it's the same attitude in power now. ZB is good proxy for it.
TOW Act and Tribunal only been around for 50 years. The worst of the stale pale males and their wives were already adults then. Agreed, there are still a lot of red neck, Ranger-driving gen-Xers, but the trend is down.
Mostly due to education/curriculum/NZ history, which is why Seymour and Farrar are so desperate to kill state schooling and teacher unions. Farrar yesterday having another massive cry about some Wellington and Hutt Valley schools joining Toitū Te Tiriti next week.
OK Matt Gaetz as Attorney General is a bit out there.
Is there one appointment that is sound and considered for the well being of American governance … it is now a matter of relativity.
There is no longer a standard, and with Trump as POTUS, how could there be.
And Gabbard as Director of National Intelligence.
Interesting, thanks. Crossover folk are always worth investigating. I recently read the new bio by Fred Trump Jr, who votes democrat yet still manages to remain on fairly good terms with Uncle Donald. As good an insight into the family saga as the one I read from Mary Trump a while back.
Jeez, despite the CoC situation in our shaky Isles it is comforting to be here rather than Yoo Ess Ayy…
And an xtian jihadi, an end-times loon, and a property investor to partner the family property development business.
More to say on that mistake later, but I’m posting now to put down a marker. On Tuesday, Trump announced Fox News talking head Pete Hegseth as his new secretary of defense. This guy.
Not a parody; from the cover of his 2020 book, American Crusade. Hegseth’s first tattoo, he says, was of a a cross with a blade to represent Matthew 10:34, a cherry-picked vision of Jesus-as-warrior popular with Christian nationalists: “I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” On his chest he’s had inked a “Jerusalem cross,” a symbol of the crusaders’ holy war against Muslims and Jews, and on the flip side of his bicep there’s this, featured on his Instagram:
“Deus Vult,” God wills it, is more crusader kitsch—and popular with white supremacists. That doesn’t mean Hegseth’s a hater! Maybe he’s just a history buff…
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who President-elect Donald Trump announced Tuesday was his pick to serve as US ambassador to Israel, previously argued that there was “no such thing as a Palestinian.”
Huckabee, who has been a strong defender of Israel throughout his career, made the statement during his 2008 presidential campaign, asserting that Palestinian identity was “a political tool to try and force land away from Israel.”
US President-elect Donald Trump announces the appointment of real estate investor Steven Witkoff to be his special envoy to the Middle East.
Witkoff has been Trump’s regular golf partner and was seen as a conduit to the Jewish business community during his winning presidential campaign.
“Steve is a Highly Respected Leader in Business and Philanthropy, who has made every project and community he has been involved with stronger and more prosperous. Steve will be an unrelenting Voice for PEACE, and make us all proud,” Trump says in a statement.
Jared Kushner has praised the “very valuable” potential of Gaza’s “waterfront property” and suggested Israel should remove civilians while it “cleans up” the strip.
Another layer on top of a truly terrible year for mainstream media, with the closure of a massive set of local newspapers by Christmas:
– century-old Te Awamutu Courier
– Hauraku-Coromandel Post
– Katikati Advertiser
– Te Puke Times
– Taupo and Turangi Herald
– Napier Courier
– Hastings Leader
– Hawkes Bay Mail
– Stratford Presd
– Tararua Bush Telegraph
– Whanganui Midweek
– Manawatu Guardian
– Horowhenua Chronicle and
– Kapiti News
At some point, there will have to be funding of local journalism online – council elections and all that.
I think Central govt just cut funding to public interest journalism.
Won't someone think of the real estate companies?
wow, that's bad. Were they owned by the same people?
Good to see Levy is earning his money!!!!
Which of the 14 layers of management would normally be responsible for stocking the tea-room?
Under Chris Luxon's premiership, it's the very top layer!
In olden times a tea trolley lady would be involved.
But after the disaster of 1967 and then the one in 1998, which spawned waka jumping legislation, neo-liberals moved to the lower cost self serving tea room.
I think Lester should all give them a break and let them have a KitKat (or cake).
Look Lester's saved Milo what else do you want?
I bet Lester would rather have saved Cadbury’s factory in Dunedin.
Milo is what you give to patients to help them sleep instead of Zopiclone, far cheaper and less addictive. Nothing to do with staff drinking it.
Fox are celebrating the Biden/Trump lovefest:
Folks were wondering why Biden seems delighted by Trump. Not a mystery. Merely ritualised left/right solidarity to keep his controllers happy. He's a good servant.
… Joe Biden is gracefully retiring after 52 years as a highly effective public servant. Pretty much unparalleled in US political life.
Far more effective than Trump, Obama, Bush 2. Not quite the legacy of Clinton.
At least as bold for climate change investment and reindustrialisation as LBJ was for civic rights.
He failed to bring Trump to justice for Jan 6.
He failed to stop a genocide.
And Kamala failed to beat the worst Presidential candidate in living memory.
All his good work will be undone in a matter of months.
A weak and foolish old man who failed at his main job: protecting America from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Hilarious today watching Darren Woods CEO of ExxonMobil beg Trump not to pull out of the Paris Accords.
OMG! Does that idiot/nincompoop ever think? What sort of messages does this proposed appointment send for Justice in the US.. Unbelievable – but then again totally believable with a Chump like him.
Trump named Matt Gaetz his pick as attorney general. Trump called Gaetz, once the subject of a Justice Department sex-trafficking investigation involving a 17-year-old girl, a “deeply gifted and tenacious attorney” who would end the “the partisan Weaponization of our Justice System.” Although Republicans will control the Senate, it unclear if Gaetz will have a path to confirmation. Trump, however, has suggested the idea of Congress going into recess so he could bypass the Senate confirmation process and install nominees. New York Times
it's part of the fascism playbook, the mindfucking. They're very good at it. Plus obviously Trump has a vested interest in rape culture, right?
Jackson should have stayed put and made Gezza send for the Serjeant-at-Arms.
Is there going to be a crowdfund to make up Hana-Rawhiti’s docked pay?
Powerful image for the archives. Young Hana-Rawhiti Maipa-Clarke tells Seymour what Maori think of his racist bill.