Open mike 26/09/2022

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, September 26th, 2022 - 43 comments
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43 comments on “Open mike 26/09/2022 ”

  1. Tony Veitch 1

    What better way to celebrate a public holiday for someone’s death on the other side of the world than by reading a bit of poetry.

    Worth quoting in full, I think:

    An Ode for .. Baron Luxon

    Bard Billot on the bald Baron

    Baron Luxon the Kind

    Baron Luxon stands at the Gates
    of the High Keep of Queen's Landing.
    For long months his army has besieged
    the Red Empress in her redoubt,
    and his troops are ragged and weary.
    "Lo," proclaims the Baron
    astride his mighty war stallion, Titanic.
    "Liege men! Fellow nobles! Loyal serfs!
    Our land is under the yoke of tyranny.


  2. Adrian Thornton 2

    If anyone is still under the illusion that Centrist Free Market Liberalism as expressed by Labour Parties in the UK, NZ, and in many other western countries under different names, is not an ideology in of itself….an ideology that in the face of impending climate disaster is exposing itself as a type of death cult, and as with all cults, is defended with fanatical determination by its cult members, both from inside its political framework and from without, by its establishment media..the BBC in the UK, our on RNZ in NZ…

    …a look at this documentary and it becomes very very clear why no serious Left wing political project is allowed to take root in the West…..

    Centrists don’t fear the Right…they only fear the Left.

  3. Tiger Mountain 3

    It is rough stuff alright in the vids. The “Backbone Club” during the early Rogernomics period conducted witch hunts in NZ Labour too, driving class left people out of the party apparatus, or rendering them ineffective, one way or another.

    In earlier times NZ Labour was referred to as “Reformist” i.e. instituting some useful reforms for the working class, but not actually taking on Capital, and class collaborationist, as is well illustrated in NZ political history. The famous line “we are neither for nor against the Watersiders” (re the authoritarian 1951 Waterfront Lockout) encapsulates the sell out approach perfectly.

    Neo liberal hegemony has largely replaced collectivism with individualism, and post modernist philosophy replaced materialist philosophy. Anything can mean anything to post modernists, where materialists can at least agree on agreed meanings of many things.

    Which way will the new gen go I guess is the question–Trumpism or a rejuvenated class politics and organisation? Working class people are sure up against it in the digital era and all the slippery class traitors.

    • Adrian Thornton 3.1

      "Which way will the new gen go I guess is the question–Trumpism or a rejuvenated class politics and organisation?"

      That is exactly the question…one of the biggest problems we have on the Left in NZ and in the West generally is that we all live in more or less two party duopolies, those two fractions are also completely backed by all legacy media and as time goes on, it seems all major online social media platforms as well…so when any threat from the Left emerges (ie; Corbyn/Sanders)..they are relentlessly destroyed.

      The far Right have got around this to some degree, by essentially bringing knifes to knife fights..they have always been prepared to fight fire with fire when battling their own parties and more importantly the media that serves them.

      They are quite prepared to just call the media and anyone opposing them liars right to their faces…and so should we….when needed…

      • roblogic 3.1.1

        What a great clip. Mick Lynch is direct and not pissing around with English politeness and manners, while some supercilious toff with a shit eating smirk spouts outright lies and tries to confuse everyone

    • Visubversa 3.2

      The Backbone Club tried, but they did not win much. I remember the Onehunga selection where they tried every dirty trick in the book, but failed to get their chap selected. They tried to invade Mt Albert electorate also – big mistake. They did better in other electorates, but ran them into the ground like Auckland Central where by the time Prebble lost the seat it was down to about 6 activists. It was a bugger putting the electorate organisation back again – there were a host of little branches, set up to have the 15 member trigger for a Conference delegate and vote – but as most of the membership was not actually legitimate (fake names, not in the country, not in the electorate), and there was practically no money (Onehunga left the new candidate with $7 in the bank for example), there was a lot of rebuilding to do.

  4. joe90 4

    More about Serbia's refusal to recognize Kosovo’s independence than concern for people voting at the point of a gun.

    Despite its close relationship with Russia, Serbia will not recognise the results of the sham referendums held on the occupied territories in eastern and Southern Ukraine.

  5. Schools have now received their EQI numbers (the new numbers-game replacing the deciles) and been informed by the Ministry of the associated funding changes.

    Winner and loser schools.

    It's difficult to see how reducing De La Salle College funding (south Auckland school with around 95% Pasifika pupils) is an effective strategy.

    The difference in EQI (higher rating means more funding) between De La Salle (491) and the neighbouring Otahuhu College (513) equates to around $100K funding loss for De La Salle. Both schools were previously Decile 1, and draw from much the same households – poor people with few educational options.

    You can find a spreadsheet of EQI ratings here:

      • Belladonna 5.1.1

        Yes. Those are the winners….. naturally they're going to be happy.

        • Drowsy M. Kram

          Yes. Those are the winners….. naturally they're going to be happy.

          The Equity Index
          A new way to identify, and respond, to socio-economic barriers in schools and kura
          Through Budget 2022 the Government has provided around a 50% ($75 million) increase in equity funding. So, we have more money, better targeted to address equity issues.

          Might the 50% ($75 million) increase in equity funding mean there are more winners than losers in toto? If so, then imho that would be a good thing.

          Adequately funding education services is a prerequisite for ensuring a good future for Kiwis, and the education sector in Aotearoa NZ faces significant challenges.

          Bay of Plenty's local insights report for September 2022.

          Top regional insights

          Student attendance in schools across the region has declined. The Ministry of Education data shows this applies to all ethnicities, deciles, and year levels. The effects of COVID-19 have been felt on students and there are reports of students leaving school to enter work. COVID impacts are also being felt by teachers, as teacher shortages in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) are limiting the offering.

          The Education Sector reports that students who leave school without the relevant skills continue to struggle to transition from low skilled jobs. They have identified that one of the keys to overcoming this barrier is to provide young people in the secondary sector with transferable skills across numerous pathways. The NCEA Change Programme is an example of improved guidance on how to support these rangatahi to find meaningful employment.

          • Belladonna

            Specifically directing your attention to my initial comment.

            How is De La Salle college (in South Auckland, decile 1, with 95% Pasifika roll) – losing $100K p.a. – an educationally effective outcome?

            Apparently, the MoE were warned that the new EQI model would disproportionately affect South Auckland schools with a high Pasifika roll.

            [All quotes from the article linked above]

            "A Treasury paper written before the May Budget urged the Government to increase a funding boost to the equity pool, then $161m, from a proposed $75m to $100m by reallocating the education package.

            This change would strengthen the package by directing more funding to schools facing disadvantage, as opposed to funding a larger across-the-board inflationary increase that would also benefit schools facing lower disadvantage," officials wrote.

            "This targeted approach would have stronger value for money, better impacts on wellbeing and educational outcomes, and better impacts for Māori and Pacific students."

            Green Party also against the EQI reallocation as delivered:

            Green Party education spokesman Te Anau Tuiono said the Government should have taken an approach that meant schools did not lose funding.

            "Especially when it was made very clear that it would be Pasifika students in South Auckland who would miss out.

            • Drowsy M. Kram

              How is De La Salle college (in South Auckland, decile 1, with 95% Pasifika roll) – losing $100K p.a. – an educationally effective outcome?

              It's not. Here's the continuation of an article that contains Tuiono's quote.

              "What we're talking about here is small change in the context of a normal budget – but for some of these kids it can be the difference between schools being able to provide things like sports equipment, or going without."

              Ministry of Education hautū (leader) of operations and integration Sean Teddy said schools that lose funding would be provided transition support.

              The changes would not come into force next year, and from 2024 any reduction in funding will be capped at five per cent per annum of their 2022 operational grant, to make sure funding is phased out over time.


              • Which is my point. The mechanism is resulting in schools which desperately need the funding, having it removed. Whether that happens immediately, or is phased out over time – is pretty irrelevant. It shouldn't be happening at all.

                I'm guessing that all of the De La Salle parents and their families will have a really good reason not to vote Labour at the next election.

                • Drowsy M. Kram

                  Whether that happens immediately, or is phased out over time – is pretty irrelevant.

                  "Pretty irrelevant" – that rings a (school) bell – if you say so.

                  I'm guessing that all of the De La Salle parents and their families will have a really good reason not to vote Labour at the next election.

                  smiley Not a Labour voter, so your guess may be better than mine, but it's too soon to be “desperately” electioneering, imho.

                  Although, seeing as you’ve mentioned voting in the next general election, I’ll certainly consider supporting any political party with a policy of introducing a wealth tax in order to fund additional improvements in public services, particularly health and education. So De La Salle students may yet be off the hook.

                  • Green Party education spokesperson agrees with both of us.

                    Though it seems unlikely that the De La Salle parents will vote Green – the GP has a history of highly disappointing results in South Auckland.

                    It's a very safe Labour seat under Jenny Salesa – so unlikely to make an electorate seat difference.

        • Louis

          Tens of thousands more children are the winners and it's not all doom and gloom like you think Belladonna.

  6. Recommended reading. The very same dynamics are here in New Zealand, and wallpapering over it only makes it worse. A good friend of mine is working class and sick of Labour (particularly the current crime wave). I disagree with him on causes and solutions but there is something visceral at play here. An erosion of cohesion and trust.

    There's Gonna be a War in Montana | Substack

    Private equity fears nativism because nativism equals economic protectionism—no free access to markets, no distant ownership of local assets, no importation of cheap labor. Blood is thicker than water, and private equity is terrified of relationships it can’t buy. This is why it posts Live Local! on its LoMo buildings and serves frozen versions of authentic Montana cuisine. It needs to placate people just long enough to take over the land, hollow out the existing culture, and replace it with a replica that siphons the locals’ milkshake back to itself.

    It took awhile for Montanans, and the rest of White Working Class, to realize this, but now they do so they’ve become reactionaries. In response, private equity has given up convincing them and focused on the liberal cosmopolitan, the bourgeoisie whom they want to buy condos and flatbreads in their newly conquered lands.

    Private equity knows that the bourgeoisie is reliably distracted by rainbows. To them, the rainbow represents tolerance, and tolerance (of everyone besides 100 million Trump supporters) must be exported everywhere. So, hand in hand, the bourgeoisie and private equity raise the rainbow flag over Montana. The new underclass shouts back. Buys another pickup. Tacks on another Trump flag. Digs in.

  7. Johnr 10

    All accounts say that Betty's memorial in welly went well. But radio commentators say the 800 attendees were there by invitation only.

    Does that mean that none of the peasantry were included. Well bugger me, what's changed. Diddley shit.

    Soon we'll have a news article opining that the peasants think that pollies, the hoi polloy and the one percenters are arseholes. Nothing changes.

  8. Poission 11

    Pound getting hammered as Chancellor says more tax cuts to come.What part of Friday flash crash did he not understand.

    Headline flashes across bloomberg,questioning when parity arrives (1 pound =1 us$) Calls for BOE intervention (another emergency rate hike) as pound and gilts meltdown.

    The problem with a high inflation economy,you do not relax fiscal policy under tightening monetary policy.

    As cold snap starts across Europe the test on Europe's strategy is stress tested.

    Germany seen to be more word then deed again.

    • Poission 11.1

      Flash crash underway on British Gilt bonds.

      2 year passes 4.5% (nz 4.09) 10 yr 4.27 (nz 4.09)

      UK labour party conference is on at the moment,whether they use opportunity to unveil realistic policy or unstable dogma is an open problem.

  9. Anne 12

    Good riddance.

    [TheStandard: A moderator moved this comment to Open Mike as being off topic or irrelevant in the post it was made in. Be more careful in future.]

    • weka 12.1

      now I really wish I'd bold modded you because then I could more easily ban you for a day. I have zero interest in running interference in a flame war, so pull your head in.

      • Anne 12.1.1

        Some people like to dole out deliberate but carefully phrased abuse but can't take it when it is tossed back at them. McCool was one of them. Fortunately they are few and far between.

        • weka

          I don't care. If you have a problem with someone being abusive then name it and tell a mod. But starting flame wars by the kind of abuse you did last night is a quick way to a ban. I see no acknowledgement from you on this, and I'm confident this isn't the first time we've had this conversation, so putting a note in the back end. Next time I see you do that, you can expect a ban. Mostly on the basis of the disrespect of moderator time.