Open mike 26/10/2024

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, October 26th, 2024 - 25 comments
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25 comments on “Open mike 26/10/2024 ”

  1. Ffloyd 2

    Luxon big noting in Samoa. ‘Deeply disturbed’ about malignant peters allegations in Parliament, under Privilege. Was he DEEPLY DISTURBED about Bayley. Who didn’t declare shares and then went on a misguidedly SUPERIOR rant against an employee of Winery who was there to do his job. Only one loser there and it wasn’t the employee.

    I hope Verall? keeps on with her enquires into Costello’s (obvious to everyone) blatant dodging of her downright dishonest catering to tobacco lobbyists.

    Is malignant peters trying to change the narrative there by casting aspersions on Verall under the security of Parliament Privilege?. His usual sneaky manoeuvre. Too scared to bring it out in a public place.

    • thinker 2.1

      I was so amazed by the double standards and unashamed hypocrisy in the same week that I thought I'd post it here, but Ffloyd beat me to it.

      Seems to me that Bayly did what he did to show off in front of his circle, and Luxons trying to show off in front of his circle.

      No wonder Luxon has confidence in Bayly.

      Hope Labour keeps up with the Costello thing, too, but also why an email from citizen to MPs was withdrawn by the IT department. That can’t be coincidence.

      • Anne 2.1.1

        … also why an email from citizen to MPs was withdrawn by the IT department. That can’t be coincidence.

        One email to the Leader of the Opposition as far as I know. Coincidence? Sounds fishy. Is there a real inquiry or one you have when you don't have an inquiry?

        I note Ayesha Verrall has gone quiet which is a good idea until the 'facts' are revealed.

    • Mikey 2.2

      Of course he is. He's a nasty piece of work.

  2. gsays 3

    A wee report from the circuses department of Bread and Circuses.

    Went to see Thom Yorke at the Arena in Auckland last night.

    Epic show, great lighting and visuals and excellent sound. A trip through his back catalogue and a couple of newbies.

    Highlights for me was a gentle stripped back Let Down, a BIG dancy Pak't Like Sardines and Lucky on acoustic guitar as the closer.

    Life's too short to not go to these sorts of events and the pollies will still be there next week to struggle against.

  3. Bearded Git 4

    Another landscape destroying fast-track shambles here in the Whakatipu Basin near Queenstown.

    "[Expert landscape architect] Mr Baxter says it appears that the scale of the Coronet Village development would be contrary to the key relevant landscape-related objectives and policies of the Operative and Proposed District Plans.“These objectives and policies are in place so the amenity values (or quality) of the environment are maintained or enhanced by any development," he says in the statement."From the information that has been made public, it appears that Coronet Village does not avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects of activities on the environment, and does not maintain or enhance the landscape character.""

    The NZ public are entirely excluded from making submissions on the intrusive development under the fast-track legislation. Neither is there any requirement to reference the district plan. Appeals cannot be made to the Environment Court.

    • weka 4.1

      long past time that New Zealanders took to the streets and did meaningful protest. I won't hold my breath about Queenstown doing that though 😉

      • tWig 4.1.1

        If it changes voters’ minds about automatically voting National, that's good enough. A vote abstention in 2026 is just as powerful as a pro-lw vote.

        And council elections could also firm up opposition to our governing parties. National is burning through its goodwill.

  4. Mikey 5

    I wonder if this development includes accommodation for underpaid workers, or if they'll have to commute from even further away.

  5. joe90 6

    Welcome to totalitarian corporatism.

    All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.

    Benito Mussolini

  6. tWig 7

    US teens addicted by vapes get class-action payout.

    NZ teens should begin something similar. Nicotine is one of the most addicted drugs around. Around a third of people get hooked, higher than heroin, alcohol and meth, which are around 10-15%.

  7. Subliminal 8

    Asa Winstanley for the Electronic Intifada recently published an article that brought together all the evidence that has emerged over the last year showing Israeli responsibility for hundreds of deaths of Israelis on Oct 7. This includes interviews of apache pilots and tank commanders detailing their decisions to open fire on unidentified civilians and the more than 1000 cars that were turned into burnt out hulks.

    Days later Winstaley's home was raided by UK police and all hard drives and electronic equiptment confiscated. He is not the first Palestinian voice to be attacked in this way nor will he be the last. No charges have yet been laid but he has been banned from posting on social media.

    Israel has killed somewhere around 180 journalists in the time of genocide. There are now only 3 or 4 active journalists in Gaza and these have now been listed as terrorists, superimposing a large target over the "Press" on their flak jackets. No outside journalsts are allowed in Gaza.

    Jabalia in northern Gaza is littered with dead bodies. All three remaining hospitals have been turned to rubble with ICU patients and others unable to be moved inside. There are no longer any functioning ambulances. Displaced residents are force marched along streets by IDF soldiers. Fighting age men are seperated, beaten and stripped, hancuffed and interrogated for hours before being carted off to torture centres. Most people are injured and many will die from their wounds due to infection and compromised immune systems weakened by famine and disease. It was recently reported that Israel has prevented the entry of 250 000!! aid trucks into Gaza.

  8. Ffloyd 9

    You have to laugh at Peter’s lack of irony concerning conflicts of interest. If he has a concern about Verall? and he DOESNT have a concern about Costello, who is hiding behind peters pinny, denying all the blatantly obvious corrupted measures she has taken to follow alleged orders from tobacco lobbyists, then he is enabling Costello. Pretending not to know anything does not make her innocent of alleged strategies she has employed.
    Winnies dramatic denunciation of the person who supposedly had not declared her Conflict of interest was worthy of a third rate actor trying out for a bit part and totally over egging it.
    I laughed out loud. …

    .’Sorry. ….Next please!’ He sounded like he was angling for a public hanging.

    Hes like an old ham ready for the Abbatoir squealing all the way . Just imo.

    Verall thumbs up 👍

    Costelloe thumbs down.

    • Bearded Git 9.1

      Peters was noticeably slurring his words on RadioNZ when making his silly and unjustified attack on Verall.

      Is he really going to be fit to take NZF into the next election?

  9. Found on X today: 14 Characteristics of Fascism

    • Rampant cronyism and corruption
    • Fraudulent elections
    • Obsession with crime and punishment
    • Disdain for intellectuals and the Arts
    • Suppression of Labour Power
    • Protection of Elite Power
    • Controlled media
    • Disdain for human rights
    • Identifies enemies/scapegoats to unify regime supporters
    • …etc

    Another good one was the "7 key principles of Authoritarianism"

    • Politicizing independent institutions
    • Spreading disinformation
    • Aggrandizing executive power; weakening checks and balances
    • Quashing criticism or dissent
    • Scapegoating vulnerable communities
    • Corrupting elections
    • Stoking violence

    • SPC 10.1

      Donald Trump has threatened to jail election officials and political operatives if he wins the US election in November.

      The Republican presidential nominee made the comments in a post on Truth Social on Friday (local time).

      “WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences,” Trump wrote.

      “Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials.

      For the record, I despise Trump.

      • roblogic 10.1.1

        Ao/NZ has its own mini Brexit/Trump regime doing the same shit. And we have fewer checks and balances

        • SPC

          They no longer have SCOTUS in its role.

          They have determined that POTUS is ex cathedra when acting as POTUS.

          They have the POTUS appointment system – with the Project 2025 ambition to go eliminate resistance (in ways that go beyond HUAC).

          • tWig

            Look on the bright side. Trump is aging rapidly. Like Stalin, it's a time-limited autocracy. Because he is the brand, the popularity dies with him.

            • SPC

              JD Vance (and the Governor of Florida) have SCOTUS for decades, esp if they can replace Thomas and Alito in the next 4 years – the order of rule is more than the one (brand Trump) who installs it.

  10. dv 11

    2 wkts for the test

  11. Mac1 12

    Does anyone else see, in the comments above, the crazy juxtaposition of bread and circuses, which we willingly consume, with the madness of emperors and generals?

    Aotearoa/New Zealand has won recently cricket and netball series, rugby tests, won sailing cups, and cycled, swum and run our way to glory, and we pay to see the circuses brought into our homes. along with the lies, the distortions and the hate as the oceans rise, the rain falls, and fascist reality is fashioned from the sociopathy of rulers.

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