Open mike 28/12/2012

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, December 28th, 2012 - 52 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:

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52 comments on “Open mike 28/12/2012 ”

  1. Morrissey 1

    Sky News policy change: now sympathetic to victims, not aggressors

    “From a clear blue sky, a government jet delivers its payload on Homs.

    [Picture of one jet, and explosion on ground]

    The opposition has NO SUCH FIREPOWER.”

    —Sky News report shown on TV3 NEWS, 6:25 p.m., Thursday 27 December 2012

    I watched television news on several New Zealand channels frequently during the recent Israeli blitzkrieg on Gaza, and also during Israel’s even more devastating Operation Cast Lead four years ago. I can not recall one commentator—whether from the BBC, ITV, the American networks, the Australian networks or the NZ networks—ever saying “an Israeli jet delivers its payload on Gaza. The people of Gaza have NO SUCH FIREPOWER.”

    This radical victim-wards tilt by Sky News is sudden, and encouraging. Can we now look forward to similar reporting, sympathetic to the civilians being bombed rather than the aggressors, when Sky News next sends a report from the Occupied Territories and Gaza?

    • Populuxe1 1.1

      Does it occur to you that news should be impartial and not sympathetic to anyone? Do you have topics of interest other than the perfidity of the Jews? Like, oh, I dunno, New Zealand politics?

      • Dr Terry 1.1.1

        Pop – Who are you trying to kid here? Unless you are a complete moron, you know damn well that news broadcasts are seldom, if ever, so perfectly “impartial” – whatever side of the fence you are on. Do not tell me what the news coverage “should” be, this world does not (fortunately) run according to “should’s” (or by “ideals”) Where there is clear evidence of an atrocity, evidently you would prefer that no hint of sympathy be demonstrated for the victims? No, let’s be “impartially” cold-blooded!

        If I have got you wrong, please clarify yourself, I have no desire to inflict an injustice upon you.

        • Populuxe1

          Well yes – I would like the news to be impartial and something to be desired. Morrissey’s wording is quite specific – he’s creaming his panties that sympathies are shifting in the opposite direction. I prefer my data cold-blooded because then I can at least work out for myself where my sympathies lie.

      • Morrissey 1.1.2

        Does it occur to you that news should be impartial and not sympathetic to anyone?

        It certainly has occurred to me, as you would realize if you had actually read my post.

        Do you have topics of interest other than the perfidity of the Jews?

        The “perfidity of the Jews”? All of my criticisms are of the leaders and the armed forces of a rogue state; bizarrely and no doubt cynically you accuse me of some medieval confessional campaign. Some of the worst depradations carried out by IDF troops are in fact committed by Bedouin Arab recruits; if you had been aware of that, no doubt you would have exercised your grand sarcasm and accused me of worrying unduly about the “perfidity of the Bedouins”. Or would that not fit with your cunning plan of accusing me, and any other critics of the Holy State, of anti-Semitism?

        Like, oh, I dunno, New Zealand politics?

        I urge you to take a look at my oeuvre of the last two years on this excellent site, then I challenge you to say with a straight face that I show no interest in New Zealand politics.

        • Populuxe1

          *winces at Morrissey’s use of the American spelling of “realise”*

          Let’s recap. Your header: “Sky News policy change: now sympathetic to victims, not aggressors” – very leading, manipulative and makes you sound as bad as the MSM. How about just saying “Sky News reporting now more balanced”? Less hysterical Pilcher on crack, no?

          And going back over your posts of the last few weeks it’s mostly attacks on Israel (often justified, but kind of obvious – I’d be very surprised if anyone on The Standard WASN’T aware of the bullshit Israel gets up to) and these bizarre attacks on comedians of Jewish ancestry and/or faith. I’m surprised you’ve left Woody Allen and Sarah Silverman untouched so far.

          • Morrissey

            Less hysterical Pilcher on crack, no?


            …these bizarre attacks on comedians of Jewish ancestry and/or faith.

            Still with this attempt to insinuate I’m having a go at “the Jews”. Unless you are an imbecile, you will realize that I criticize ideologues, including comedians, who attack the weak, the poor, the vulnerable and the officially despised. If you had read my transcript of Baron Cohen’s obscene performance on the Letterman show, you would have seen I was just as critical of Letterman and his halfwitted audience.

            I’m surprised you’ve left Woody Allen and Sarah Silverman untouched so far.

            Keep watching.

            • Te Reo Putake

              “Unless you are an imbecile, you will realize that I criticize ideologues, including comedians, who attack the weak, the poor, the vulnerable and the officially despised.”

              Citation (still) needed. All you’ve done so far is attack Sacha Baron Cohen for being Jewish, Moz. You have yet to provide any evidence that SBC is a zionist, let alone a ‘shill’ for Israel. Face it, pal, you’re a bigot. You’re young though and you may mature with some life experience under your belt. I genuinely hope thats the case, because you show glimmers of understanding from time to time, which is encouraging.

              • Morrissey

                All you’ve done so far is attack Sacha Baron Cohen for being Jewish…


                Lynn, is there any sanction against someone telling malicious lies like this fellow has just done?

                I have been banned for a month for simply downloading too much of an article; for this fellow to lie like this seems to me to be a far more egregious offence.

                Lynn, I will e-mail you personally about this libel, and I expect something to be done about it.

              • muzza

                You’re young though and you may mature with some life experience under your belt. I genuinely hope thats the case, because you show glimmers of understanding from time to time, which is encouraging

                A glimmer of understanding would help you out no end!

                The Voice of Reason, speaketh!

                Edit: Use of the words such as bigot towards Morrissey’s train of thought, are frankly an insult to those who genuinely suffer and have suffered persecution.

                You might not agree with Morrissey, but he is on the money with his contentions about the *entertainment industry*, but a serious blockage will not allow you to accept what is blatant!

                • Populuxe1

                  “You might not agree with Morrissey, but he is on the money with his contentions about the *entertainment industry*, but a serious blockage will not allow you to accept what is blatant!”

                  What contentions about the *entertainment industry* (oh the snobbery that reeks of) – it might surprise you to know that Hollywood etc isn’t a secret cabal run by Zionist Jews – unless you’re some sort of paranoid bigot conspiracy theorist.

                  So you and Morrissey can put down your well-thumbed copies of Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Mein Kampf and back away from them slowly.

                  • muzza

                    Got many jewish relatives, or even friends do you pop?

                    The *entertainment industry* is a machine designed to shape opinions through the use of repetative messages, images and stereotying,which seems to have gone over your head.

                    Seems to me your possibly *invested* in or near the industry, which might account for your claims of freelance working?

                    • Rogue Trooper

                      there is always The Life of Pi and The Unbearable Lightness of Being
                      ahhh To Live and Die in L.A

                      Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

                  • Morrissey

                    ….well-thumbed copies of Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Mein Kampf…

                    You know, even if you had the ability to craft a hard-hitting attack, dredging up those allegations would still be seen as a pathetically desperate tactic.

  2. Lanthanide 2

    Thanks for the work on the site over the last few weeks Lyn, the mobile version is now usable.

  3. bad12 3

    Today seems to be a real Dave Shearer day, for anyone interested at some time during the morning RadioNZ National are going to be playing music from Dave’s CD collection this morning…

    • bad12 3.1

      That’s ‘new’, i just tried to edit the above comment and a little note tells me i don’t have permission…

    • veutoviper 3.2

      It is on right now.

      Belated seasons greetings to everyone at TS and the very best for 2013. AND a big thank you to lprent and everyone else who makes TS a daily must even if I don’t comment. BUT will be today haviing just caught up with some of the newer posts!

      • Marty 3.2.1

        Yeah. That sort of triggered me to come out of lurking. Thanks for all the work this year everyone. And good to see it working on my phone too. Awesome.

        • lprent

          And good to see it working on my phone too

          The people over at BraveNewCode provide that. They appear to have managed to fix up the bugs that our rather large comment sections were producing a few months ago.

    • Morrissey 3.3

      He even picked a song which was a barely veiled criticism of John Key.

  4. bad12 4

    Here’s a comment from what is obviously a really f**king sick mind, i found it by linking into one of the comments listed in the little box over to the right which shows who commnented where, and am commenting here because i can’t find the post in which this comment occurred,

    ”Just because SOME private armies have done BAD things is no reason to have an idealogical opposition to all Private armies, we should judge them on outcomes.” unquote,

    The link of course takes you straight to ‘kiwiblog’ and the words in capitals are my doing,

    Really??? just because some of these private armies have done ‘bad things’, you know minor transgressions like murder,rape and pillaging???

    There’s one hell of a lot of human suffering inherent in a ‘private army doing bad things’ that the sick little puppy over at kiwiblog brushes aside as simply bad things….

    • AwakeWhileSleeping 4.1


      Think this is the post you refer to:

      Looks like original comment has been removed (?) although it is quoted below:

      Yoza (240) Says:
      December 28th, 2012 at 10:29 am

      “I disagree. Just because some private mercenary armies have done bad things, is no reason to have an ideological opposition to all private mercenary armies”

      Mercenaries are vermin and one of the very few reasons the use death penalty could be justified. This is just another nail in Shearer’s coffin, no sane person could justify the use of killers for hire and continue to lead a charade masquerading as a viable progressive alternative to the current bunch of corporate facilitators whom we have currently managing the population.

  5. RJLC 5

    A disarmed police officer has his police issue taser turned on him but it misfires.
    Greg O’Connor uses the incident to argue for guns to be issued to officers instead.

    Presumably he thinks the guns won’t misfire.

    • bad12 5.1

      From news reports on RadioNZ National it appears that pepper spray was deployed first as an attempt to control one or all of the drunken teens,

      It just so happens that ‘a child’,no age was given, also received a face full of pepper spray AND THEN the place went really mad,(i wonder if the female wielding the brick was the child’s mother),

      What the Police Association seems to be saying is that if all officers were armed with fire-arms they could have after spraying a child with pepper spray by-passed the use of tasers and gone straight to the use of fire-arms,

      Hell if they can justify shooting an innocent motorist on an Auckland motorway justifying the shooting of a drunken mob would be a breeze…

      • aerobubble 5.1.1

        Yeah, aren’t tasers supposed to replace using a gun, if they were not ever going to use a gun on a family in their own home, then…

        …but to be fair, the taser was taken from the police officer (???after their head had been bashed and so when a gun was acceptable to be used).

        How about this. If police are to be attacked by fists then police can use a baton, if police are to be attacked by knives, then they should be armed, if police are to use tasers because???? Tasers break the skin, they cause people to lose balance and harm themselves, they can not be used in high places, even the use on hard surfaces can cause excessive harm from bad falls, they even are know to cause cardic arrest in people with pace makers, and cause highly anxiousness mental patients to die. They complicate policing since the public doesn’t know what mood the police are in and so what form of control they are going to use. Like pepper spray on children???

        Policing takes time, we should not be freeing up police and ignoring the risk of more aggressive policing, or at best more adverse results like the above. Police seen as the enemy in not good for public order.

  6. Rogue Trooper 6

    Kakariki (we know who hears us)

    listen while we play our Green Tambourine
    ‘taint no big thing, the toll of the bell
    love is the drug and we need to score
    For Whom? follow the lemmingway
    The Power and The Glory:Ever met a Quiet American?
    failing hopes, over the cliff they go

    Infant Formula Mongolia outta Waitake?
    the human is a biped quadrabikes continue to roll over
    trapped in their crushed cage
    more pods cast on beaches Sea Shepherd harpooned
    (i’ll straighten up soon guys, limited budget to critique right back at ya’ ;))

    Julia Deans Banshee Reel (Fiona’s gone to cruise control, took a body blow)
    Ahhh, Maggie Death
    (if i should fall from Grace with God return to the garden)
    Don’t wanna be a flatfish gasping shallow water

    “ya can’t always get what ya want, but if ya try some times, ya just might find
    You get what you need”

    we were livin’ off the bone, rollin pin scones
    they’ll be down at Kellys pawn shop number nine
    (the stench of spirits on their breath)
    bruises on my flesh set me heading for The Doors
    well you took my love and you set on a ship
    the bodies come floating back to me…

    Morning Song
    from The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion-B.C
    New Zealand Aotearoa is a small village
    we need a remedy not Sometimes Salvation
    who needs sugar when you’ve got guarana
    Time Will Tell.Late at night when the lights are low
    She slips off her stockings and shoes
    Keep your eyes wide open and your hands upon the Wheel
    hit him in the Roadhouse Julie.remember Sandra Lees’ time?
    Hopeless Romantics. Promise You Anything including
    a Dagger Through The Heart-John Daniel
    Key’s a crawlin’ king snake and he only rules “his” world-John Lee
    “This Is Hip”; can’t recall, The Ghost of Tom Joad
    Galveston oh Galveston I am Lineman
    You’ve got to try a little kindness, show a little kindness
    Shine your light for every one to see
    they took turns at Becky; watch the last Act fall
    Star of the County Down and fuzzy.

    Anchorage, Alaska, or Justice in Ontario?
    they asked for water; exxon gave them gasoline.
    Now, it’s Big Red Sun Blues.

    a pistol is the Devils’ Right Hand
    the devils right hand, the devils right hand.

    Rock, Salt and Nails comes before Dirty Water
    cos i’m whaling, out on the sea
    step inside The Everlasting Grace. Stand Inside Your Love
    of Raindrops and Sunshowers.The Sacred and Profane
    Machina of the gods.

    it’s Still, So Early in The Spring smelt The Blacksmith
    watching Lassie Gathering Nuts. E Minstra;
    if love was a train i think i’d ride me a slow one
    but the L i N don’t run to Gizzy any more
    Katipo Widow. hourglass lice.

    Prior to Maddy there was Gaudette
    Come ye o’er France, we want more of the same
    for Wild is The Wind. They Can’t Take That Away
    from the Cotton Tail, Keeper of The Flame;
    Nina, sultry ballerina, or Ella: Scott Fitzgerald?

    you know that it would be untrue
    you know that i would be a liar
    if i was to say to you The Standard couldn’t get much higher
    -A Day is a Thousand Comments: A Thousand Comments is A Day
    Watch and Learn; Draco is a Shaman and felix (viper) keeps on killing
    Thanks Tim. Our Love Is Hear To Stay.
    Somethings Gotta Give
    Set The Controls For The Heart of The Son
    (careful with that axe) John Bunyan
    “I cum for ma’ boy”. amerikan eugenics Marion
    The Secret? don’t need a saucer!

    Foolish Games-The Grass is Blue
    He will be waiting; I AM Ready, Are you?
    (when i get this feeling, i can’t help myself)
    it’s always cold inside the Icehouse, though the rivers never freeze
    (they all die young on the Boulevard)
    see the wreckage All Lined Up
    must be something in the
    Atmosphere. Halos and Horns?

    and he says in another place
    “You are a priest forever,
    In the order of Melchizedek,
    because of your reverent submission”
    (although He was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered)
    hence, death shall have no dominion or pizza.

    corpus Mundi’s washing day, Tuesday’s pay the rent
    Thursday’s get the stains out, Friday money’s all been spent.

    -Johnny’s Ghost (on Horses)

    p.s. Who Will Save Your Soul (there’s an angel standing by) Amen

    -Billy Austin (Oxbridge)

  7. Rogue Trooper 7

    “Londons Calling”
    (i miss the Colonial Viper)
    hope ya bite soon and continue to rattle their Rusty Cage


    • Colonial Viper 7.1

      You’re always in my heart, mate. This Colonial Viper is getting an upgrade to a Mk VII shortly.

      • Rogue Trooper 7.1.1

        Bless You (brought tears to my eyes). Now, if someone could just help me speed up my laptop and broadband aquisition.

        Love, John James

      • Rogue Trooper 7.1.2

        Wow! (I owned a Mk X, from memory, but it remained a wreck due to another wreck i created)

    • “Ayn Rand calling, Ayn Rand calling. The surplus will arrive as promised [loud sounds heard in background as debt collector comes for the radio].”

  8. AwakeWhileSleeping 8

    Preacher using Christmas sermon to do some gay bashing. Apparently this was the year for it (see quote below).

    “The diatribe perplexed most people in the pews. For Ruth, it felt more personal. She is Catholic and gay, a reminder that both are the broadest of churches. She is also director of public affairs at the pressure group Stonewall, so deeply embroiled in the struggle for equal rights. “For me, God is love,” she says. “So why do I have to justify my very right to exist?” She was not alone in having to endure priests using their sermons to spout prejudice. For this was the year an insecure Church, confronted by an increasingly secular country, celebrated Christmas by lashing out in ways that only served to demonstrate its own demons and display its impotence.

    One befuddled bishop conjured up the spirit of Hitler by comparing the Coalition’s intention to legalise gay marriage to the ideology of fascism. In so doing, he exposed the most basic rule of debate: when you resort to bringing in the Nazis, you have obviously lost the argument.”

    • Rogue Trooper 8.1

      you are definitely AwakeWhileSleeping

      God is Love! (ok, with a little bit of observation of humankinds stoopidity thrown in)

      -from your friendly neighbourhood generative, integrative christian anarchist 🙂

      (off for fish n chips and a read of the papers now)

    • Well Hitler declared himself Catholic, and most Germans were christian at that time. So it would be half right, if your argument was that opposition to gay marriage might have links to fascist ideology; because homosexuals were murdered in the holocaust. But the bishop isn’t saying that, instead the reverse i.e. arguing that homosexuality was fascist, and that anyone that opposes the bishop’s hateful and bitter version of Christianity is a ‘Nazi’. *yawn*

    • Dr Terry 8.3

      Over Christmas you only had to read comments, in the Herald, from Church leaders which were nauseous and abominable (I say this as one who struggles to remain a church-goer).

  9. Has anyone read the article on Stuff which headlines ‘Judge critical of Talley’s request’
    Talley’s wanted a $10.000 security payment for costs against an ex-employee fighting
    for her fish processing job,she had worked there for 10yrs.
    The judge dismissed Talley’s application for the security payment and ordered it to
    contribute $750 towards the employees costs of defending “This unmeritorious application”
    (Judges words)
    I say good on Judge Colgan, top marks.
    Sorry i can’t link.

  10. Rogue Trooper 10

    Households still have a “zero” savings rate-Bagrie (or the money?)
    “the label apparel and jewellery please” Toogood to be true

    bow wow Wow! no more “candy” for me

    DPS “blow” more than the their budget (them NAct cats sure are scaredy); Leon filled me in on the
    Detail, just a little. Still Glocks?

    maybe this govt shoulda sat up straight in class and listened to the Educational Experts;
    anticipate more canings to come (along with smoking in the toilets)

    Human hand “evolved for fighting” argues another science priest;
    try a little open-handed gesture, or prayer: Meanwhile, back in the jungle out there,
    Family violence in NZ is still on the increase, reports local “Shadbolt” 😉

    joe-Gerry only reached 83, sigh, 90 would have been more FAB (thats me) BIG RAT. 🙁

    many of the elderly and disabled are still in “grim limbo” following the SandStorm
    see how far removed the US is from “civilisation”?

    Return of the Ottomans?-above Syria, Iraq, to the Left of Iran, and comparitively stable on the table.

    seems the sun always shines on t.v, yet not today at the queens park aslide to Splash Planet
    scattered showers to continue; sorry folks, not much helium remains but plenty of methane

    Talking Heads-“Warning Signs of things to come” so we may as well throw our arms around
    each other, Hunt and Collect.

    my agenda? if any of you fellow worker bees wanna chip in and lend a carpenter a hand
    is to research these clowns thoroughly in the new year
    rip them limb from limb til’ it’s their “blood on the floor” some more
    i’ll do it for a kennel, chow and the odd cannon bone or ball thrown in
    no pointer being backwards going forwards, english or german;
    all’s fair in Love and politics
    Boom! (how much is that labradoodle in the window Steven? gotta Speer?)

    C.V.-big wreck was a 38 deluxe with a 396 / 402 chambered
    (Left minds think alike Bruce)

    it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.

    Oh Well, gotta dash-see what else ya all been scrawling.


  11. Rogue Trooper 11
    (wot? no more links for me?)

  12. Rogue Trooper 12

    Ta. My Bad

  13. Draco T Bastard 13

    In an economy not so far, far away

    Robert Gordon of Northwestern University argues that the technological progress of the past 250 years could be a unique historical episode. He cites falling productivity levels and rising inequality as evidence that living standards are no longer improving as quickly. My colleague Martin Wolf shares some of these concerns, asking in an October column whether unlimited growth may be a thing of the past.

    A novel interpretation of this trend is starting to gain credibility among some economists: it is not that technology is stagnating but that monopoly interests are suppressing innovation. And the incentives for them to do so are increasing.

    Put a different way, companies have an interest in sabotaging progress and efficiency because not doing so could lead to the sort of abundance that might make it impossible to monetise anything. After all, how can you mark up manna that falls from heaven?

    The inevitable consequence of increasing productivity is that, eventually, there will be not enough demand to meet supply. IMO, the developed nations (such as those in the OECD) pretty much passed that state many decades ago which is why we have seen a rise in services and products that are, essentially, useless as well as the majority of people having to work more.

    • Rogue Trooper 13.1

      have to say this out loud D (checking the connection) that the personal-political is the only way to
      act in good faith over these consumption matters, imho

  14. Rogue Trooper 14

    Good award to J-A.G bad one two; check out her resume, she’s hot (in a helpful way)
    lightweight Ardern is Flockie (is that fly-strike? wotta dagg)
    Crimson Nile flows a pathway to the promised land
    don’t bother with Muffin s anymore even though you all ate them for breakfast,
    they are colonial imports anyway UK or US
    fender you are in the stratosphere casting at all times of the tide
    solidarnosc to our Warsaw friend
    some great bubbles floating about the spectrum
    great MO; getting physical there at times
    what a vivacious femme fatale

    don’t give up on decyphering; it’s all in there. I chequed mate 😉

    keep dropping these E-tablets xtsy; they prove to be therapeutic and we’re only making plans for
    Generals and Majors as Postman Bill always delivers. you sure are a trooper karol
    (if you don’t mind the lariot)
    keep sprinkling that saltpeter. Hi Hilary, Huggin right back at ya.
    the die is cast Ripley.
    What a buzza muzza; sawing right through at different lengths and depths
    always Nick S the threads, maybe reads the tea leaves.

    I’m Red through and thrown back again. Do we really want to play in the mud and throw pies
    (It’s not always about “the leader” or his corpulent, addicted side-kick; It was Heydrich the
    Allies made a concerted play for) He had the real “will”. D.C will be read again.Watch this frame.

    J’Accuse’s a Rock Star. Oh Vienna-Ultravox Ian;reminds me of Orange Crush and the sound of
    savage as always michael (can’t hide those wings behind pulp fiction suits)
    On point Rhino tough-hided thing you.Some more creative writing ready to penetrate the plains?
    I often forget our tangata whenua colleagues; we can be blind to our biases, i know.

    yet, lots of absolutism guff being uttered freely.

    Oh well (limb from limb was metaphoric) but I have always thought a “researcher” would be an
    Apt application for a dogged Calvary man like me.

    -Zorro (from the Planet Caravan)

    ps, now, my shopping list for the evening is
    and a light bulb (i kid u knot; that’s the gospel senors and senoritas)
    🙂 (debt free my socialist friends)