Oravida employee of the month

Written By: - Date published: 7:32 pm, March 12th, 2014 - 24 comments
Categories: Judith Collins, national - Tags:

Judith Collins employee of the month

24 comments on “Oravida employee of the month ”

  1. xtasy 1

    I just love the big bum of my boss, she/he pays me, and rewards me for every little pleasantry, be this “licks” or more, and here we go.

    That is what we have, also in private spheres, where a partner may be a big wig business boss, with connections, that offers “opportunities” and a cupboard full of food and the best wines and whatever else there is. You may not even need “The Whale” anymore to get support and a better life.

    So here we go, Judith is now exposed, for her true private “connections”, and we have more, as Grant Robertson revealed in Parliament today, apparently stuff passed on by the old hand Winston Peters, about what Judith is all about, when it comes to “business” with Mainland China and the National Party.

    Would anybody believe that Key knew nothing of all the connections, while he played golf with some well connected key persons, also involved? Would anybody believe the National Party leadership and MPs and members, for all being only interested in the “well being of New Zealand”?

    Hey, you better wake up, dear New Zealanders, you live in a rather “corrupt” country, that is though presented to you as the opposite. New Zealand is now doing big business with Mainland China and other countries. I met a few ones well connected to that economy too, same as some migrants, and I was a bit flabbergasted, at first, but then I realised, hey, this is “normal” to them.

    We have now a country, where China is the main market, and also main import contributor, and there are many involved, at all levels, and you cannot tell me, that the “culture” of doing business with China will have NO effect on what New Zealand business partners do. It is not just China, there are other players too.

    We also have a large interest on local real estate, and it is REAL, and we have endless “loaded” people come here, who can pay anything for an apartment or house, that few Kiwis ever can pay. So there you are, this is the result and “benefit” of trade with a major trading partner and their business elite, who simply have different “rules”.

    Judith Collins is just the tip of the iceberg, and that is why she is so cheeky and unrepentent, as she knows there are thousands out there doing the same.

    New Zealand is no longer just “for sale”, IT IS SOLD!

  2. Sosoo 2

    She needs to go. If she does, a large chunk of Slater’s influence goes with her.

    • David H 2.1

      Which is why TricKEY (Slaters BFF) is defending her to the end of both their careers.

  3. xtasy 3

    Those that may struggle with the “cultural” concept, read up up guanxi, please:



    “Guanxi refers to the benefits gained from social connections and usually extends from extended family, school friends, workmates and members of common clubs or organizations. It is custom for Chinese people to cultivate an intricate web of guanxi relationships, which may expand in a huge number of directions, and includes lifelong relationships. Staying in contact with members of your network is not necessary to bind reciprocal obligations.”

    Now, with all respect, Judith Collins appears to be in a relationship with a man of some Chinese background, and I am unsure, whether from Taiwan, Mainland China or elsewhere, but she cannot for any damned minute tell me, she is unaware of guanxi, as that is a core aspect and activity of how you do things the “Chinese” way!

    I have had enough exposure to Chinese culture and contacts to know what I am talking about here.

    She is according to NZ standards, law and most internationally accepted rules corrupt, she is a liar, she is unfit to be a minister, she must resign, or be sacked, or if that is not done, the opposition in MP must apply for a commission of investigation to have her REMOVED!

  4. xtasy 4

    They do it in Latin America, in the Middle East, and some places in Southern Europe, also in Africa and so, and when NZ media report on it in all those places, they call it by its name: CORRUPTION!

    Why are the NZ MSM not using the appropriate term for this on Judith Collins? Are they perhaps not CORRUPT ALSO?

    • Murray Olsen 4.1

      In Latin America the corruption begins with the government handing out television broadcast licences to their mates. A bit like loans to Media Works really.

  5. karol 5

    On Campbell Live, Judith Collins doesn’t remember who she had dinner – friends of close friends – a border control official.

    • xtasy 5.1

      Yeah right, I was out with “friends” last night, but I cannot remember their names, hey? How credible is this, and why did Campbell let her off so easily, and what has he “enjoyed” during social activities, to be so “soft” on her???

      The only explanation to not remember the name of a “friend” or “friend of friends” in such circumstances are:
      a) You were too drunk or drugged to know who was there,
      b) you did not bother to ask for or know the social persons you were with, and
      c) you did know, but simply do NOT WANT to remember and tell lies.

      As for Judith Collins, she does not appear to be a drunk or drug user, she is not one that takes things carelessly or too easily, and she only fits the c) category, really.

      So for any intelligent, logically thinking and reasonable person, the answer is CLEAR. But why is this NOT for the damned MEDIA???

    • freedom 5.2

      I’ve always found lawyers particularly good with minor details like people’s names.
      How did these powerful people with such terrible memories, build such acclaimed careers ?

      -and TV3 have a unique interpretation of what it means to “front up”

    • One Anonymous Bloke 5.3

      Oh she remembers the name alright – but “we never reveal the names of Chinese officials”. I wonder who “we” are?

  6. rob 6

    Of course in China it would be helpful to have a border control official as a close friend if your company was importing foreign products!

    • One Anonymous Bloke 6.1

      So who donates to the nameless border control official? The National Party?

      Interesting that “we would never reveal the names of Chinese officials”. In what context? If we were bribing them, for example, it would be stupid and for them, terminal, so there’s that.

  7. xtasy 7

    JUDITH COLLINS the beneficiary and sickness beneficiary HATER:

    She was responsible for persecuting sick and invalids, spreading media releases that were based on only two or three biased doctors’ complaints about alleged “intimidation” by WINZ sickness beneficiaries, that were never PROVED, same as she defended ACC for their “exit strategy” (reaping the hatred for former National president Michelle Boag):

    “There appears to have been a somewhat new “culture ” within MSD and WINZ in regards to the handling of medical examinations, assessments and reviews, that started to develop under the auspices of Dr David Bratt, who came to the Ministry after having worked as a kind of consultant at the Capital and Coast DHB. He is also known to have done work for ACC, same as a Dr David Rankin, who also worked for MSD.

    It was in 2008 also certainly noticeable that there was a kind of media campaign that the National Party opposition appeared to be running, or at least was heavily promoting and driving, and Judith Collins was as their “welfare spokesperson ” a main driver behind it, actually “feeding “� media with endless National Party “press releases “. There had already been ongoing criticism by certain politicians and some others (likely with ulterior motives) about the fact that the number of persons on the sickness benefit had been increasing under Labour, while unemployment was as low as it had not been for over 16 years.

    Various media reports, also from the NZ Doctor magazine, then claimed that there were many incidents of “doctor bullying “, where apparent drug addicts and some sickness beneficiaries were putting undue pressures on GPs to sign off medical certificates, so they could claim a benefit for health reasons. Apart from a questionable “survey ” the actual number of such incidents was never clearly established, and there was never sufficient evidence provided, that this was ever serious, wide-spread behaviour. “Drug addicts ” were thrown together with “sickness beneficiaries “, as if they belonged into the same “drawer “. Also was there never any proper information on what particular reasons may have been behind cases, where some behaviour perceived as “pressure ” may have had occurred. No consideration was given to the possibility that some felt unfairly treated by doctors, some of whom could well have been working as designated doctors for WINZ.”

    Find more under this link:


  8. Skinny 8

    The purity of wearing white, grandmothers pearl necklace, a soft tone voice, compassionate & patriotic talk,  warm smiles then a laugh to finish the interview off.

    Drum roll…And the March 2014 winner of the ‘Oravida Milking It’ Award goes to Judith Collins.

  9. Not a PS Staffer 9

    Shadow Director of the month would be more appropriate.

    David Wong-Tung became an Oravida Director in 2011. Collins became a Minister in 2008. He is receiving the Director’s pay and perks because they wanted Collin’s influences.

  10. Clemgeopin 10

    I was told ‘it is just a storm in a tea cup. It was just poor judgement. Is this even a story?’

    I replied :

    ‘It is more than just ‘poor judgement’. Go through all the facts carefully, facts such as Husband, Justice Minister, Director, National party president, $56,000 donation, sour milk, cut ribbon, loaded lunch, Govt of China official, public-private dinner, Company Endorsement, conflict of interest, personal gain, Tax payer funded trip, Cabinet office advice, misinformation, non information, spin, BS, lies etc, etc, etc. Yeah, a REAL story. Remember NZ is supposed to be non corrupt? Don’t you want it to remain like that? If it were a Labour minister, would you say it was a ‘non story’ then? Would the National party not be attacking Labour?’

    No matter how much of spin, BS and lies are uttered by Collins and Key on this very serious conflict of interest corrupt saga, I think most people of this country, irrespective of their politics, will easily recognise the spin, BS and lies in this case. Collins should resign or be kicked out immediately for at least a little bit of credibility to remain for Key and the National party.

  11. Hami Shearlie 11

    Poor old Judith – up to her eyeballs in the Wong Tung Soup!

  12. Redzone 12

    Collins made a tit of herself on Campbell tonight still trying to defend the undefendable with her unbelievable arrogance, and now trying to come across all soft and fluffy. Sick. She can’t help herself. Its been fun to watch this play out the last week.

    Like a moth to the fire her narcissism and ego keep drawing her in to spinning this story even longer. Literally feeding the MSM. Excellent. More amnesia too. Now she can’t remember the name of her very close personal friend the Border Control Official who was also at the dinner. How handy. Every exporter to China needs a close personal friend like this.

    Collins has been caught out big time and her ego wont let her resign and Key needs her support too badly to fire her. (or she has dirt on him?) Or perhaps his connections here are dodgy too?

    I suspect there is more to follow….and Amy Adams you are next. Gotta love election year!

    • Tracey 12.1

      Its looking like she apologised cos she had to not cos she thinks she did anything wrong

      • McFlock 12.1.1

        A weak apology used to be “I’m sorry you were offended by what I said”.

        Now it’s “I’m sorry you think I’m a corrupt sociopath who has an astronomically massive sense of arrogant entitlement”… 🙂

  13. Ben 13

    It would be very very interesting to have body language experts analyse Collin’s performance on Campbell live to see how deceitful she was in her statements.

  14. Puckish Rogue 14

    Quite a nice photo used