Quote of the week

Written By: - Date published: 9:29 am, August 8th, 2008 - 14 comments
Categories: labour, national - Tags: , ,

Maybe we should take submissions in the comments but my vote’s with Michael Cullen’s assertion from the House yesterday that the leaked tapes represent:

an unorchestrated litany of truth.


14 comments on “Quote of the week ”

  1. Matthew Pilott 1

    I’m all for Muldoon’s “If you tell the truth all the time, you don’t need to remember anything” but Cullens one was a pearler.

  2. Tane 2

    I thought Gerry Brownlee’s response to Mallard was pretty good –

    Hon TREVOR MALLARD I spent lunchtime today at the Hutt railway workshop. That workshop is a clear example that this Government buys assets, and does not sell them in the way that Bill English wants to do.

    Gerry Brownlee I raise a point of order, Madam Speaker. I wonder whether the Minister might confirm that that was a job interview.

    A cheap shot, but funny nonetheless.

  3. the sprout 3

    they’ve been truthin, when they oughta be a lying.

  4. Bill 4

    JK on TV3 last night. (Slight paraphrase ’cause it’s from memory) “We want to get to the bottom of the person”…talking about the ‘taper’

  5. outofbed 5

    Sprout Love your work 🙂

  6. the sprout 6

    it’s nice to be back oob

  7. I thought it was quite funny of Gerry Brownlee to seek leave for an immediate election!

    John Key: Can the Prime Minister answer the question, since we are all ears and we are happy to have the discussion: when is the election date?

    Rt Hon HELEN CLARK: I suspect that the Leader of the Opposition is starting to hope that the date is as far as away as possible.

    Gerry Brownlee: I raise a point of order, Madam Speaker. I seek leave for the House to adjourn to proceed immediately to a general election.

    I normally can’t stand the lout but I thought that was quite cheeky 🙂

  8. Snelly Boy 8

    Nick Smith’s observation that the infiltrator was “too hip” to be Young National takes the biscuit for me as quote of the week.

    The acknowledgment that hipsters can not be tories gave me a real buzz.

    Especially when you know their view of hip will mean any non-neanderthal they don’t understand.

    At least Smith has shown he’s one Nat who understands their support base.

  9. Lew 9

    Chris S: Even better was the Cullen rebuttal thereafter, saying of a patsy from Charles Chauvel that it was an excellent question; so excellent, in fact, that National wanted a snap election to avoid it being asked.

    (I praaphrase)


  10. Phil 10

    Use of the word “hip” shows just how uncool Nick really is. I’d like to see him get a little ghetto – dat shizzle be messin’ wid his flava.

  11. Rex Widerstrom 11

    So the Nats were infiltrated by “The Hipster”. It kinda sounds like a new Batman villain, only one that wears girl jeans instead of scary facepaint.

    Fools, they should simply have given the PA system a quick blast of Lily Allen and weeded out the people who weren’t covering their ears 😀

    Meanwhile, hipsters are having electoral difficulties of their own

    captcha: Winson ex- (almost, but not quite, answering my Wish of the Day).

  12. CMR 12

    Finally the Nats have something to take pride in! An orchestrated litany of truth is a rare commodity for this blog. Who assisted you to recognise this innovation?

    “Hipster” is a very 1950s tag to my mind.

  13. Snelly Boy 13

    Lily Allen? Rex, you really don’t understand do you?

  14. Rex Widerstrom 14

    I am reliably informed that Lily Allen is popular amongst hipsters in New York, by a semi-hip New Yorker 😛