Written By:
Bunji - Date published:
4:29 pm, March 7th, 2012 - 10 comments
Categories: humour, us politics -
Tags: mitt romney, republican party, rick santorum, simpsons
Some quizzes to see if you can identify the US Republican Presidential Contender from the misanthrope.
From Mad Magazine:
And from Foreign Policy, a link to a similar quiz to distinguish Rick Santorum from Ayatollah Khamenei.
Answers to Mad Quiz above:
Romney: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13
Burns: 3, 5, 8, 11, 14
(ahem.!..)..i had that one back on the fifth…
Ummm…. and now it is on a site with a few more readers.
It is unlikely that Bunji found it on your site as we’d usually link there if we did. Knowing bunji, it turned up on facebook.
Hard to see how you can have a proprietorial interest when someone else did the funny…
…and we’re not playing tiddlywinks
i am not claiming ‘proprietry-rights’..what makes you assume that..?
..just a light-herted noting i was first to find it..that’s all..
..as an example of what a little ripper of a news-aggregation site i run..eh..?
..(y’now..!..pushing the progressive-message .. as it were..?
..sorta kinda on yr side..eh..?
..not that you’d know it..eh..?..)
..and i guess reason enough for you to sneer/piss on it/me..eh..?
(and i do so like how you always have a kind word..for everyone..
..did you get that from dale carnegie..?)
..so you would link to original local political-cartoons..?
..that kinda thing..?
(and i will one day serve those ‘more readers’ words back to you..eh..?
…preferably cold..(said with grim smile..)
..’cos you have a one-trick/local-pony…whereas my audience/potential is global/very-wide..
..you are almost at your limit of potential readers/viewers..
..whereas mine is limitless..
..with the 85 countries..and as many languages in the last little while…
..just a taster of that..
actually my favourite/the funniest of these is the one i covered/found back on 24/2..
..the santorum/satanic heavy metal one..
..(i got six out of ten correct..(punches air..)..)
Yeah, I saw this via Facebook as well.
Pretty much got them right. The Mr Burns ones stand out in that it’s difficult to think of a situation where Romney would have said them.
I’m not entirely sure why I should be expected to find this funny. US politicians really only have an impact on my life when they’re in power.
It’s for a US audience, so if you’re not into US politics, of course you’re not going to find it funny. That’s sorta like meat eaters complaining that their favourite restaurants offer vegetarian options- that’s fine, you’re not the audience, just move on.
Oh, I’m into US politics, but to follow your analogy, it;s more like being slapped with a steak in a vegetarian restaurant. And given that all the possible Republican nominees are absolute nutters anyway, it seems a little redundant. More NZ political gags, would be awesome.