Simpsons evolution

Written By: - Date published: 11:44 pm, February 10th, 2008 - 9 comments
Categories: tv - Tags:

This evening’s Simpsons – Best. Intro. Ever.

9 comments on “Simpsons evolution ”

  1. Graeme Edgeler 1

    Wasn’t it a repeated couch gag from last season?

  2. Daveo 2

    Dunno- last night was the first time I’d seen it. Thought it was pretty cool though.

  3. Tane 3

    Same here, but I missed a few last season so I couldn’t say for sure.

  4. Santi 4

    Pure genius.

    By the way, that stegosaurus has a passing ressemblance to Helen Clark, whom is also about to become extinct.

  5. r0b 5

    Santi, please stay after class and write 100 times on the board:

    “All work and no play makes Santi a dull boy
    All work and no play makes Santi a dull boy
    All work and no play makes Santi a dull boy…”

  6. Graeme Edgeler 6

    Checked – basically the same, but this one is actually the one from last season. Last night, Marge ended by asking whether Homer had gotten the milk 🙂

  7. Pablo 7

    Yep this is a previous season’s couch gag. Apparently the longest ever!

  8. Phil 8

    Surely the longest ever would be the cellular planetary system one with the universe in Homers brain?

    And isn’t the evolution intro just a rehashed version of the Fatboy Slim music video?

  9. Matthew Pilott 9

    Phil -I know the one you mean, and it was pure brilliance. A parody of 2001, or something similar?

    Fatboy Slim’s “right here, right now” was a similar style – ended with the cubby chap from the cover (“I’m #1 so why try harder”) but the Simpsons did it better.

    Not sure which one is longer.