Speaking of competence

Written By: - Date published: 9:24 am, August 20th, 2008 - 7 comments
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7 comments on “Speaking of competence ”

  1. Felix 1

    Really don’t get the “guy you’d want to have a beer with” thing as applied to Mr Bush.

    I’ve heard it mentioned that it’s part of Mr Key’s appeal too.

    Frankly I couldn’t imagine a worse pair of dorks to get stuck in the kitchen with.

  2. Ben R 2

    Perhaps it relates to being perceived as smiley & approachable? Bob Jones writes about this in his latest book “Jones on Management” about how Key seems to have a natural smiley demeanour.

    There was a classic memo on the slate website a few months ago from the Nixon campaign trying to figure out ways to make him seem warmer. I guess Bush appeared relatively approachable compared to Gore & Kerry who got caricatured as aloof & superior.

  3. Rob 3

    Yes but after one year of office they will trust him and that’s going to happen very soon. Its a good point he made yesterday when he said its very unusual for an opposition Leader to be polling higher than the sitting Prime Minister so quite a lot of people cant trust Helen either if we use your reasoning.
    Very interesting news release on Radio today about the briefing that was prepared by Australian Foreign Affairs for Rudd for his meeting with Helen not very complimentary really.

  4. Phil 4

    I once overheard someone on a bus (back in ’99 I think) say that they were going to vote for Jim Anderton “because he has nice hair”

  5. Rex Widerstrom 5

    And let’s not go there insofar was why vast numbers of elderly women vote for Winston *shudder*

  6. Matthew Pilott 6

    Didn’t John Stewart cover this, along the lines of “I want my president to kick other countries’ ass, and be sensible with my money. I don’t want to have a beer with my president”?

  7. Stephen 7

    Stewart also said something along the lines of: “I WANT my president to be elitist – if he doesn’t think he’s better than us, what’s he doing trying to lead the country!?”