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notices and features - Date published:
3:03 pm, September 18th, 2014 - 29 comments
Categories: colin craig, conservative party, election 2014 -
This direct mail has gone out without an authorisation statement to who knows how many kiwi households. Add this on top of losing their press sec today and you have to wonder if the Conservatives are going to make it to election day in one piece.
In case you can’t read the text at the bottom, it says:
Note: we have relied on the most recent electoral roll for postal details. Our apologies if address details are incorrect.
Think of the Beehive as a kind of Tardis which distorts space, time, and voter representation.
Just got three to our address to unknown persons in the street. Hope he payed postage
Plunkett nearly went ballistic yesterday morning when he received yet another e-mail hinting that a very senior politician (not sure if that was his exact term – might even have been party leader) was having an affair. He threatened to reveal the sender’s name if he receives one more.
Just wondering if this is a bit of smoke from a big fire.
Probably the stuff that the National Party’s most dearly loved hate-merchant was excreting all over their blog the other day.
The emails to Plunket will be from the hate speech merchant’s ground crew (as they refer to themselves), thinking Plunket is a soft touch and likely to run with it.
The thing is, they are right to think Plunket is a soft touch. He’ll swallow anything.
I heard this on RadioLive slot just before 3 pm yesterday. With todays resignation I cannot exclude that this may be why Key did not court Graig as a coalition partner.
Speculation at this stage and it is rumour mongering.
Anyone asked about the National party using the orange of the Electoral Commission on their part vote stickers? Against the rules apparently.
Oh wait, the rules don’t apply to the National party.
yes I wondered about those orange add on strips to Nat signage–“your party vote for National is crucial”
All stops are out at the moment with even Dover Samuels dragged back into service supporting the torys and Winston saying Vote Labour (well vote Davis anyway), what barrel will be scraped next?
I did complain to them, but no rules were broken, they said. They had about 60 complaints that I know of, but the same reply to all of them
They are all over the Hutt Valley signs down here. I understood that you can’t register colours? logo’s? that are too close to the electoral orange colour. So how the F do they get away with this. Where is Andrew Geddis when we need some free advice about writng better complaints.
Yes, complaints were made to the Electoral Commission but they said that even though the colour was similar to one they sometimes used with their logo, there was nothing on it stating Electoral Commission so therefore it was acceptable.
Yeah hard to miss the official looking orange strip.
In Brisbane council elections, the LNP produces most of their propaganda with the same colours as official council communications. It’s supposedly against the rules here as well.
@ tiger mountain on what planet is a vote for kelvin Davis a vote for the torys
A vote for Kelvin Davis is a vote for wasting several % of the Left vote (Internet Mana vote).
Which is why National, Maori Party and NZ First are pushing for it. I’m tribal Labour and i like Kelvin Davis despite his views being more conservative than mine, but I hope those on the Maori roll see the campaign for what it is – dirty politics.
Kelvin , David Cunliffe and the Labour party have a responsibility to get a Labour candidate elected, don’t they? Anything else would be dodgy Key like unscrupulous scheming.
I expect every candidate in my electorate to work hard to persuade me to vote for them, not pretending to be a candidate but suggesting that I vote for someone else.
That seems cynical and disrespectful of me and democratic principles.
(I make an exception in Epsom)
Like you, I expect Labour to honestly gather as many votes – electorate and party – they possibly can and that is the way it is supposed to be. However, it seems National, Maori Party and NZ First have a personal dislike of Hone and it is they who are suggesting their supporters vote for Davis.
If I donate money and time to the Labour party I’d be peed off if they suggested I vote for another candidate from another party. If I wanted to do that I’d join that other party.
What National, Maori Party, NZ First etc. want me to do is irrelevant.
+100 CV…stupid move imo to try and oust Hone …and i dont think it will succeed
…however it will make people on the Left pissed off with Labour …and this means young working class people….short sighted ie potential young Labour voters will vote Green or Int Mana in future
Split vote: Hone with party vote Labour can give 2 MP’s for Te Tai Tokerau
whereas 2 votes for Labour gives 1 MP for Te Tai Tokerau.
I am sure that TTT voters will know what to do.
TTT voters may know what to do….but it makes young voters elsewhere in NZ mad….all they can see is that Labour is being an arsehole and trying to spoil the vote for Internet Mana and trying to marginalise them outside from power in a Left coalition
Two cases of Conservatives number 3 crime fighter Garrett standing up for the rights of white male perps:
Cheers papa I thought conservative s were mad but that shit you linked shows they are bloody scary to. Them and act will have us on a fast tract to little America in no time
The big thing about CCCP’s secretary quitting is what she called him:
Being labelled manipulative this close to the election is going to hurt.
Does anybody think she may have been paid off?
Yep. Big time.
1. Using individuals’ details to personalise impersonal campaign ads seems pretty polarising to me. I find it slightly presumptuous and offensive, but others might get a warm glow from it. Says something about their mindset and likely supporters.
2. If any dodgy(-er) material makes the same posting errors, we’ll know who to blame (inconclusively, at least).
Yep – “At the end of the day”