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notices and features - Date published:
6:04 am, March 1st, 2013 - 53 comments
Categories: blogroll, blogs -
Tags: Martyn Bomber Bradbury, The Daily Blog
Today marks the launch of a new leftwing political blog in NZ, The Daily Blog. Driven by Martyn “Bomber” Bradbury and featuring a line-up of over 30 writers! Should become a blogging force to be reckoned with. Go check them out…
Blogging history happening today! All the best to the bloggers.
Oops, seems someone forgot to turn it on.
Well lets hope that is rectified asap, Bombers Tumeke was a user unfriendly place which sidelined some good content there. The concept of the one stop (Plus The Standard of course) Daily Blog sounds great.
It goes live at 9am.
Putting all the shouty leftys in one place will make it easier to find
‘Putting all the shouty leftys in one place will make it easier to find’
Shouldn’t that be easier to avoid ?
😀 you know you love us
The Huffington Post and John Stewart lead the way past the final barrier to Progression – mass opinion manipulation by Big Money and their well-paid media whores.
Garner and Espiner’s gold-plated vehicle is the local bought organ for 2014.
You’re on a roll Standardistas and Daily Bloggerati, the whores have lost their plastic bloom and an appetite for depth is burgeoning.
Congratulations on this wonderful development. Learn from the Huffa, build on the solid foundations of this once-proud nation, and all power to your arms.
Garner and Espiner. Saw their promo on TV. They were talking about investigative journalism. Must be a new comedy show.
Smith and Jones
It would’ve been subtler if they’d both been jacking off, panting “God I’m an amazing journo, Guyon!” “I’m an amazing journo too, Duncan!”
Blogs seem to be the Kiwi version of the Arab Spring.
Get the bastards!
A great initiative.I look forward to the building up of a picture of the sort of sustainable society that we could have in NZ
One problem I have noticed is the moderation system. Having put a couple of comments down I waited 15 minutes to have them cleared. It will be very difficult, on a 30 contributor blog, to have debate or a rousing community if every comment has to be moderated.
Maybe it is just me in moderation, who knows…but if The Daily Blog gets popular and has as many comments as the standard the mods will have to spend all fucking day approving comments.
Well they better sort that out, I don’t like the idea of big brother in any form, let alone from the left and bomber is not really my cup of tea as are 2 of the soft c*** GS who are sponsors.
Actually. I like that the focus is on the posts by the blogs authors. It makes it closer to a newspaper, especially with many of the authors capable of generating material not published in the MSM.
Also, managing moderation on comments responding to the large number of authors would be pretty unmanageable if it allowed all/most comments automatically.
It also makes a point of difference from TS.
It will be the single biggest problem. If Bradbury is moderating you will only get comments that fit his particular world view. it is the very reason Tim Selwyns fine blog Tumeke ended up dropping in popularity and eventually leaving the rankings.
If he allows free debate he might crack it. Nothing in Bradburys make-up suggests he will though.
Free debate is not necessary. There are other forums available for that.
I agree Bradbury will revert to character censoring/ hamstringing & obsessive promotions of Hone f***wit Harawera being the only real Left PM has already started on day one.
Are there any other MP’s talking about reducing the power of capital in our economy and increasing the negotiating power of labour?
Thats Minto, Matty M which does back to Social Credit & BB certainly not Hone. No and there bloody well should be. DC should push on and carve out a new Left party. I’ve spoke to 1 MP who could join up. And we are off 5 % before Xmas.
Personally I don’t like the layout, looks like a cheap version of the Herald meets some default wordpress template – hope its tweeked as Tumekes worst aspect was its bad use of the blogger platform
great lineup of bloggers/commentators however and a site that shall join a number of others on my morning virtual walk
Good luck Bomber and friends with this new venture!
I’m excited about the project, but have to agree. The blog is visually messy, and the front page split into thirds makes it worse. This is better http://thedailyblog.co.nz/category/daily_blogs/ but means not using the front page as an entry point.
They’re also using that static header “you are here”, which is just bloody annoying on a laptop screen where space is already at a premium.
I suspect that the site doesn’t work well for some visually impaired people – increasing text size reaches the outside page margins pretty quick.
On the up side, no flashing graphics (like on ts 🙁 ), and each post has a workable link in its title, and the main title on any page works as a link to the front page 😉
I use FF and flashblock so no flashy things. And flashy things have an adverse effect on some people as well. I do let the advertising run as that helps pay for TS to run.
Can you see The Pundit ad on the right hand side of ts, David? I also use FF with flash block, but there are more and more sites that are using moving graphics that don’t get blocked. I don’t mind the ads on ts, partly because the rest of the layout is so clean.
I don’t have a problem with the 3-way split, except may the right hand column could be narrower. The NZ Herald front page also has a 3 way split, is much smaller print, and to me is a headache-inducing clutter.
More than the Daily Blogs page, the front page gives more of an overview of the connectedness of the DB beyond it’s own site – social media and Citizen A etc
What size screen do you have Karol? Try increasing the text size with a key command until the text reaches each side of the screen, and you will see what I mean. The written content if pretty small compared to everything else. The Standard also uses three columns on its front page but because the default text size is bigger, the intros to each post aren’t overwhelmed by the graphics.
I think part of the problem is that TDB is using grey text instead of black, which makes it harder to see.
The site creators are here http://livenews.co.nz/ They also don’t appear to be designing with visual impairments in mind. It never ceases to amaze me, that this is still an issue at this point in time. Don’t they teach disability access in web design school?
A normal sized laptop with text size set at +125%, and I usually have difficulty reading small print.
Yes it drops off the side of the screen at +150%.
Cool look to the blog. Welcoming/inviting while having a certain amount of gravitas plus a bit of multimedia (Citizen A and Graphics).
Liked Bomber’s focus on how left opposition MPs are…. though I think putting a numerical ranking on such things is a little problematic.
More telling is what some of the MPs actually said in response to bomber. I guess the numbers are fun, but the explanations by the MPs are more revealing.
It is an awesome effort, and very worthwhile remembering that this is a v1.00 release (probably a v0.98 release…) with room for development.
I think the layout has been a little bit compromised by over-catering to the iPhone/smartphone mobile browser crowd.
It’s great to see sponsorship logos there, but taking up 1/3 of the horizontal width of the page is a bit much visually. The cost in lost width, pushing the page even further vertically is the compromise.
Did Clare Curran rate herself a 1000 on the marxist lefty scale?
Hope Bomber explained to her that the Marx scale he was looking for is not the same as the Lenin/Stalin scale.
Congratulations Bomber and all involved.
Am already considerably off-schedule and I have barely scraped the surface of TDB.
Just when I was feeling that despondant that we on the left were collectively spinning our wheels – the possiblility of a little bit of traction…?
I’m glad it is a newspaper and not a discussion forum.
Congrats LPrent for demonstrating just one of the dishonest methods regularly deployed by Pete George to push points of view that conflict with annoying facty-things. The man is a kind of idiot-savant in his ability to circumvent truth and logic in so many ways, often deploying two or more modes simultaneously.
hmmm… Lynn’s post is not in today’s Daily Blogs, but can be accessed from Lynn’s author page. Maybe because the post’s dated 28 Feb?
Yes, totally exposes PG’s dishonest methods, yet he’s over there totally denying it.
Oh, I see. lynn’s post is down the bottom of the Daily Blogs page, in the Media section. So what’s the logic behind having some posts at the top of that page, in a genral section, and others segregated below?
I like having archived sections under topics, but would like links to all the latest posts at the top of the page.
Looks good. Slow to load (probably just first day traffic). Interesting content. Seems like The Daily Blog could be a goer!
Not sure if this enterprise will be successful. Does anyone even read blogs?! 😈
Time will tell if it gets much of a following. however, I think that there’s a place for a focus on the authors’ posts, rather than quantity of comments/hits.
Who reads it, and how often posts are referred to in the MSM may be just as important.
The Daily Blog could provide a more news oriented format in time, in addition to its opinion pieces. We could do with a news source which writes using left wing framing of issues, instead of continuous assumptions around the primacy of capital and free markets.
my thoughts too Karol & CV. If it can get the balance between good in-depth opinion pieces, but also serve as a news source, then it will be effective. Being a location for debate between readers should be a goal after those first two aims. But of course the ‘arguments’ from tory-trools in the comment sections need to be shot down
They could become a news source and we need one for sure but I hope they don’t disregard the comments area as that is where the action/education/illumination/fun is for me not withstanding the excellent posts which generate the comments as evidenced on The Standard. I’m not sure they can do both but I hope they can.
Lots of comments needs light moderation as once again evidenced here – so they can use whatever is already working and build their own niche from there.
However it goes it takes courage to give it a go so good on them all.
“Not sure if this enterprise will be successful. Does anyone even read blogs?! 😈 ”
Voters don’t. Esp not Labour voters. There’s always the dark curtain brigade though.
CW 🙂
Tried to register as a user and got a 404 error, OOPPSS who forgot to put some pages/links in?
As to moderating every comment? well isn’t that why they have registration? To keep the ‘Pete Georges of this world under control.
well, ambled over for a gander at Brother Martyns handiwork; Remains to be seen.
One thing: I really, really hate those bloody irritating popups that occur at the end of a column telling me that I’d like to read something else.
reminds me of policemen telling me what to think!
1, are you singeing them with your commentary
2, what “pop ups”
3, what are these “flashy things” Weka is pointing out.
I have always used a PC and TS always just looks like a newspaper with long legs to me.
(it’s not the music links is it?)
They don’t really b other me, but I don’t click on them either. I prefer to navigate my own course around the site.
thought your caption comment was very creative. Muttley up there? oops Edit: Muggy up there?
(high allergen count on the isthmus)
oh, i see, pops up on the trot for example. Yep! moving right along…
Agreed, Draco. Irritating, and how would they know what else I might like to read?