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- Date published:
10:58 am, March 18th, 2020 - 9 comments
Categories: accountability, class war, elections, Politics -
Tags: DNC, tom perez
Tom Perez is the chair of the DNC. And Tom Perez pushed for Democratic Party Primary elections to commence in Florida, Illinois and Arizona.
Ohio postponed theirs on health and safety grounds in the midst of the US being in partial lock-down.
Look. I’ve got nothing much to say that most people with half a brain and a quarter ounce of humanity aren’t already thinking.
I wouldn’t normally post such a long video presentation, but Nomiki Konst sat on the Democratic Unity Commission and so is able to offer some valuable insight as to the processes and reality behind the Democratic Party’s reckless disregard for human health and welfare. She hits her stride at about three minutes in.
That neither Sanders nor Biden, regardless of any possible optics, saw fit to display robust leadership on this issue is unlikely to be (shouldn’t be) a forgivable lapse of judgement in my opinion.
The interview of Tom Perez that Nomiki Konst refers to isn’t up on youtube or available through MSNBCs site at the moment. So this kinda annoying link is all I can provide. Perez is pretty good at washing his hands and keenly deflects to the “bigger picture” beyond people congregating to vote in the middle of a pandemic.
update: As per usual these days, it’s independent media/commentators providing useful context and commentary…
Same goes for the Republicans holding theirs at the same time.
Both Conventions won't be easy to manage if they insist on all this group analogue behaviour.
Couldn't the Republicans and Democrats just subcontract the entire Convention process to Facebook?
Click Like.
Snaders is unlikely to win the nomination even if all the stuff you claim is happening wasn't happening. His appeal to Democratic votes let alone the rest of the country is very narrow. He seems to have energised political aware young people and far left activists. He has made little ground among ethnic minorities and has lost ground against Blue collar whites. Even if he won Trump would make mincemeat of his avowed Socialist leanings.
As usual, nearly everything you claim is the diametric opposite of the truth.
Contrary to your nonsense, Sanders and his followers are very much in the mainstream of American popular opinion. Who—other than confused souls such as yourself—doesn't support free public education, a just taxation system, free medical care, and a sane foreign policy?
The post is about Tom Perez and the DNC going ahead with elections in the middle of a pandemic when the Centre for Disease Control has warned against gatherings of over 50 people and entire states/cities are in lock-down.
Perez attempts to wash his hands of responsibility when, according to Konst, he is solely responsible for the DNC running elections. Perez has supposedly appealed to the opinion of state and/or party officials (which ones is unclear) when he should have been appealing only to the opinion of health officials.
That, and the idea that states postponing elections will be sanctioned by the DNC.
That's before the lower video in the post from David Doel highlighting out some woeful realities behind state/party official claims of preparedness.
Plenty of stuff, that staying on topic shouldn’t be much of a stretch, aye?
It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that the DNC has little to no regard for the welfare of ordinary citizens in the US, just a brief look into their selfish ideology which they defend with such vigor should make that plainly clear to any thinking human being…well so you would think!…although I think I am with superhans when it comes to a lot of fellow citizens..”People like Coldplay and voted for nazis, don’t trust people …
Well the DNC is a Dept. of the US ruling class, and because such behaviour is to be expected, it does not lessen the impact of what they have done here in a pandemic.
The Convention could well be called off, and Mr Biden just anointed regardless. Then will the Republicans call off the General Election perhaps also, just to complete the scenario?
Well…and NZs political parties are also facets of elitist control, no?
So then, we shouldn't be surprised (I wasn't) when their reaction to a crisis is to pander first and foremost to an elitist agenda bent on "pretend and extend".
Yet, on other threads you can read plenty of comments from self describing leftists defending or even lauding the actions of NZs current government in the face of coronavirus and falling profits.
Anyone might think we're mostly a bit stupid, aye? (Or maybe some people genuinely like having an elite rule over us – to direct us, and order us, and to tell us what is important and what’s not.)
Looks like they came out anyway and voted. Even the older Florida ones.
in case you’re wondering, I’ve shifted the off-topic sub-thread to Open Mike. – B