The Standard turns one

Written By: - Date published: 8:31 am, August 15th, 2008 - 26 comments
Categories: notices, youtube - Tags: , , ,

Today’s our first birthday.

A year ago I had the privilege of the first post. It was on John Key’s contradictory statements about whether or not he wanted New Zealand troops sent to Iraq. The video’s below.

Since then there have been another 1440 posts. Over the course of the day I imagine that some of our authors might pick out a few of their favourites.

I thought I’d kick things off though by thanking you all for reading and helping to make The Standard such a success. Without your collective contributions – including, of course, the 40,000-odd comments – it certainly wouldn’t be what it is. Cheers from us all!

26 comments on “The Standard turns one ”

  1. r0b 1

    Happy Birthday team! Thanks for creating this forum, and for all the hard work that you put into it.

  2. Patrick 2

    Congratulations and thanks for all the hard work! I went to Kiwiblog yesterday for the first time in months – boy did it make me thankful we have The Standard.


  3. outofbed 3

    Well done and congrats
    you should rename yourself the “High Standard”
    certainly after visiting this thread

    Ye Gods

  4. Patrick – on some occasions when I come to The Standard, I am thankful we have Kiwiblog (and Keeping Stock!!!)!!

    Anyway gents – I disagree with most of what you post, but as Voltaire is reputed to have said, I will die for your right to say it. Congratulations on reaching your first birthday from one who reached the same milestone 12 days ago. If I can be so bold as to suggest something, ease up on the censorship (a debate that Lynn and I have had elsewhere) – freedom of speech is something to be treasured.

  5. Lang zal ze leven, lang zal ze leven, lang zal ze leven in de gloria, in de gloria, in de gloria.

    Hiep hiep hoera, hiep hoera, hiep hiep Hoera.

    (Dutch birthday song)LOL

    Long shall she live 3x
    in the Glory (of the lord) 3x
    Hip hip Hurray (3x)

  6. vto 6

    Happy Birthday and well done. Always a hoot throwing my 2c in and poking and jabbing at others 2c. You operate a good site (despite the heavy partisanship) and somehow manage to keep the non-contributing rabble away. Though I expect as the popularity grows you will be subjected to more and more rough hooligan type behaviour.

    Hope you all munching on some well deserved birthday cake.

  7. Billy 7

    This thread has to be the sentimental favourite:

  8. Matthew Pilott 8

    Lord. I did, in fact, have a moustache at the time, billy.

    Happy Birthday, Standard. You’re lucky I don’t invoice for my time.

    [lprent: None of us do…. ]

  9. Daveski 9

    Just adding my best wishes.

    Clearly, the site is partisan and opinionated in the way good blogs should be. And you are right to point out it is my choice to raise my head above the parapet and if I don’t like it, I can do something about it.

    I don’t expect that the bulk will agree with my comments but I genuinely acknowledge that almost without exception my comments are heard.

    Good luck for the future and I suspect what will be an interesting period leading up to the election.

    LOL – captcha – be stated 🙂

  10. ak 10

    A year already – gor time’s fun when you’re having flies eh – yes well done one and all, especially “piercin'” Pierson and your poignant prolificity. Streets ahead of any other political blog – top marks to all posters and Lynn for trash control and maintenance. Viva los Standardistas!

  11. Congratulations guys and gals – It seems like you’ve been around a lot longer! I guess that shows how much impact you’ve had on the blogosphere!

    My favorite thread is of course

    (never let it be said I am not a vain vain man). Sadly a guest post on the standard is probably going to be the pinnacle of my blogging career…

    Keep up the good work!

  12. the sprout 12

    Well done the Standard team, a phenomenal success in a very short time – I guess that’s what comes from consistently good posts and troll control.

  13. Anita 13

    Congrats to all of you who make The Standard what it is; a great place to proselytise, discuss, and even find shared ground.

  14. Chris S 14

    Happy birthday guys! Been great having you around!


  15. Quoth the Raven 15

    Congrats Standardistas.
    OOB – I agree. There is this one too.

  16. randal 16

    cripes you should have heard all the kreeps in twiedme ops going on about it when you opened for business…they were rancid and they still are…GO THE STANDARD!

  17. Tim Ellis 17

    Well done making it to your first year guys. A big achievement, and you often come up with interesting, provocative posts. I wasn’t around when the likes of Sam Dixon was here, he had a few provocative things to say. Haven’t seen him here since I’ve been commenting though.

    Especially enjoy the captcha thing, which often comes up with some real gems. As I write this, my captcha reads, cryptically as always, “Finally Copeland”. Good Lord.

  18. Julie 18

    Well done to The Standard team, gosh I can’t believe it’s been a year already. I don’t often find time to comment (the threads move so fast), but I do read many of your posts and have appreciated the analysis that you are doing here. It is having a positive impact on the political blogosphere as a whole, imho.

    captcha: is VICTOR (here’s hoping that’s a prophecy for November…)

  19. all_your_base 19

    Thanks everyone! It wouldn’t be blog without you! 😉

  20. the sprout 20

    “It wouldn’t be blog without you”

    no. that’s true.
    without any readers it’d be more like Investigate Magazine.

  21. Well done on the first anniversary. Doesn’t time fly. Hope you enjoy the second year as much as the first.

  22. r0b 23

    These captchas that we all use, and sometimes have fun quoting – if you’ve ever wondered what they are and where they come from, there are descriptions here and here.

    (Lynn, might be worth adding a section on the recaptcha to the FAQ?)

  23. lprent 24

    Been in bed today with some bug that attacks humans.

    Bloody hell, a year! At least I haven’t had to move servers in the last 6 odd months.

    I’ve been fascinated watching this grow. In particular the steadily better posts (you may not agree with them, but they are getting steadily better), and the comment interactions.

    Congrats to you all.

    rOb: I’ll do that…


  24. Congratulations on your first birthday The Standard! I’m sorry I’ve got you into the shit in the past but I’m sure we can be ever best friends!

    Keep it up guys 🙂 !

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