Written By:
Mountain Tui - Date published:
1:55 pm, November 1st, 2024 - 15 comments
Categories: alcohol, Christopher Luxon, health, national, national/act government, same old national -
Tags: corruption, I am Hope, matt doocey, mental health, Mike King
Unfortunately NZ has one of the highest youth suicide rates in the world – double that of other OECD countries. Mental illness at all ages is a serious issue and directly correlates to crime, domestic violence, poverty, social costs, health costs.
Despite this, the National-led right wing government this year broke their promise to fund mental health registrars – effectively funding none. And very little has been put into mental health – including their effective disbanding of the Suicide Prevention Office which remains in name only.
After the budget, NZ chair of the Royal Australia New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Dr Hiran Thabrew, said Mental Health Minister Matt Doocey had not backed up “his words [with] action.. Every day, people experiencing serious mental health or addiction issues are falling through the cracks. From an economic perspective, it’s short-sighted.”
Doocey also didn’t bother reading the Abuse in Care report despite it being personally sent to him months before the formal hearings. Doocey was supposed to be part of the team overseeing recommendations, but clearly, his rhetoric never matches his actions. How much could he care? Even Luxon said he read it cover to cover.
In September, the Mental Health Minister spoke to mental health practitioners, earning him murmurs of disbelief, anger and shakes of heads as he claimed mental health was well funded under this government.
And that brings me to Mike King’s I Am Hope, which National gave $24m of taxpayers money to in a process called highly “irregular,” not transparent and inappropriate by the AG.
Yesterday on my Substack, I predicted Doocey and Luxon would be out defending Mike King today and voila, it happened like clockwork.
“He can say what he wants to say” claimed Doocey after Mike King’s promotion of alcohol and drugs as a solution to youth mental anguish.
And Luxon has thrown his hat in too – claiming Labour are playing politics with mental health, after their Mental Health spokesperson suggested a pause on funding, given King’s public comments.
To be clear this is what King said on Newtalk ZB this week:
“Alcohol is not a problem for people with mental health issues. It’s actually the solution to our problem, until you come up with a better solution.”
“I would suggest to you that alcohol has prevented more young people from taking their own lives than it actually takes their own lives.”
And today he doubled down – in this NZ Herald excerpt:
Alcohol use has been found to be associated with a 94% increase in the risk of suicide, a meta-analysis report from 2022 said. Alcohol use and death by suicide: A meta-analysis of 33 studies included 10 million participants…
King told the Herald he stood by his statements and dismissed research about alcohol’s harms.
He also claimed there would be evidence proving him right, however, he did not provide any research when asked.
King hung up after being pressed on the issue, claiming the increased risk of suicide from alcohol consumption was a matter of opinion and that he would have to “agree to disagree”.
There is unfortunately more.
The National government had “directed” the Ministry to give King the $24m contract in the first place – and as per above, the Attorney General noted it was both irregular and bad practice to do so.
Second – documents obtained under the Official Information Act showed Health Ministry officials struggled to find a way to make the contract compliant with public procurement rules.
So they had to use a special ‘opt-out’ clause to twist the rules.
Finally, Treasury recommended the government not to fund Gumboot Friday at all – stating:
“Whilst innovative approaches may provide unique ways of responding to low mental-wellbeing, we consider investment to address mental health issues is better directed to preventative initiatives.”
Yesterday, Labour’s Mental Health spokesperson Ingrid Leary called for a review of Gumboot Friday and to pause funding in light of King’s comments.
PS There are other claimed irregularities. For example, this Redditor noted only 50% of I am Hope’s funds goes to counsellors: the post may be of interest. Another point is the provider couldn’t pass standard procurement processes. They apparently only provide 1-2 sessions for free. $24mn is a lot of money – why was this favour made for them? And given the correlation between alcohol abuse and suicide and family violence, how can Mike King hold a leadership position in a charity that purportedly mentors and counsels youths?
This is based on an earlier version: https://mountaintui.substack.com/p/gumboot-fridays-founder-says-drugs
This goes back a bit…NZ First supported King to the extent of $10 mill back in 2020 and King supported NZ First in various statements.
So it is about patronage and putting the slipper into Labour after King had his hissy fit and handed back his honour.
The Natzos heavily assist the Liquor and Tobacco industries so no wonder they keep supporting Mr King despite his unhinged views.
Doocey is another Minister both out of his depth in the portfolio, and not the least interested in it–like various other CoC Ministers who operate on the seat of their pants and ignore official and expert advice.
Mike King provided a photo op for Luxon, as a newly minted PM, to give the appearance of doing something useful.
like a number of this governments moves. Ban gang patches to look tough but in reality will divert police attention from more oressing things and result in more ram raids and shop lifting whilst several police try to take a patch off a couple gang members. Charter schools which will waste hundreds of millions but make no difference to lifting education achievements.
I think that Mike King unwittingly got used by NZ First and National. The political right have never much interested in mental health in the past but they figured that in Mike King here was someone they could use for a bit of good news publicity – look how we are helping a good man…..!
If you lie with dogs long enough you will catch their fleas, and King is now starting to sound more and more like those good folk at ZB Newstalk. And now he has said something he should have thought harder about before saying, they will abandon and turn on him now he has served their purpose.
The Mike King saga is becoming a joke.
His comedy was truly awful.
And he was depressed all the time surviving on drugs and alcohol so he was a fake.
Now he gets a highly paid position advocating alcohol being the answer to suicide.
Like seriously.
But will this Right wing Government go down in the poll ratings over this?
Or are they still in the honey moon phase?
Went right off Mike King years ago seeing him tell a joke about a hairdresser sh*tting on his head after he asked for a number 2 haircut…Thought this guy is not in a good. mind space and still think that. Whatever's in his mind mind OK but giving him $24 million -that's not good.
No one has given Mike King $24 million. The registered charity of which he is the frontman received the money to deliver services to the community.
Not yet.
Comedian Mike King's agent wanted a $50,000 severance payment from New Zealand Pork to stop his client going "feral", documents say.
Papers released to the Herald on Sunday under the Official Information Act claim celebrity agent David Steele asked for the payment to stop King "going dog" and speaking out against the pork industry.
$30,000 buys a lot of support I guess, and whiney CLuxon moans about politicising the charity, give me a break.
that needs investigated. might be clean and all above board but looks a bit grubby and might have the appearance of some sort of political bung being given
This is National's nod to Winston, "Look we have given one of your supporters largess".
As Winston used to smoke drink and enjoyed the races, he enjoys the support of the tin hat anti-vax brigade.
As Mike now pontificates, he reminds us of Liz Gunn and her utterances. Off the wall.
IMO it was personal and political. A huge 24 million “In your face” to Jacinda and Grant from Winston.
More about this on The Spinoff
What King's $24 mi buys would be better put to other channels, for funding more than this. Ambulance at the bottom of the cliff. Research on people needs ethical scrutiny to avoid harming participants. Nothing North Korea about it.
$24 million is a mere bagatelle when contrasted with the near $2 Billons flushed down the loo by the previous administration!
Yeah, so triage access to mental health practitioners through more austerity to public service. Where does one spend that budget in an environment that deems primary health unnecessary ? NZ's shameful record on mental health is not going to be addressed by charity events with alcohol supplied by very apparent conflicts of interest. Mental healthcare is a science, not a social media platform. Just ridiculous.
It wasn't flushed down the loo, from your link, for example, "Within the $1.1bn that went solely to health, nearly half went towards putting more than a thousand mental health advisers into GP practices and other primary care settings, known as the Access and Choice programme.”
Trying to deflect and minimize this fiasco that's been dodgy from the start won't make it go away.
"The Auditor-general has criticised the government's "unusual and inconsistent" procurement process in giving $24 million to Mike King's Gumboot Friday initiative."
Robinson's faith and optimism in the new government and Minister must be waning, and hit a new low by trying to defend Mike King.
“What Mike was trying to say…"