Why is the right so afraid of Tory Whanau?

Written By: - Date published: 10:42 am, December 1st, 2023 - 119 comments
Categories: local body elections, local government - Tags:

I should admit that I am a fan of Tory Whanau.

For the last Wellington Mayoralty I preferred her policy mix to that of the labour candidate Paul Eagle.  He had a “middle” of the road anti cycleway and lets form a coalition with the right style campaign which would mean business as usual at a time when council business needs to be really radical.

And besides he supported conservative candidate Diane Calvert and allegedly gave advice to conservative candidates running against Labour candidates.  I am sure the reality was more mixed but doing anything to provide succour to right wing candidates should be frowned upon.

He said that Wellington has an unhealthy obsession with cycleways.  He lost me at that statement.

By way of contrast Tory Whanau offered a truly progressive view of the world and what Wellington could be.  From her campaign website:

I’m tired of stuff not working. I want to fix our water infrastructure, our public transport system and our over the top rents. We’re steadily losing our sense of community, of feeling safe in our city. I think back to growing up in Patea, that strong sense of community we shared, well Wellington ‘had’ that similar feeling once, it was a city with a kind heart but that’s faded.”

“I want women to feel safe. Students to be able to afford their rent. I’m a city girl who grew up in the country and I choose to live here, I’m lucky I can. I love our cafes and bars and that buzz Wellington always had on the streets. It doesn’t feel that way now. Let’s fix Wellington and bring back that ‘loving feeling’ to Te Whanganui-a-Tara.”

I am not surprised she won.  STV allows progressives to really express themselves.

Since then she has been the subject of unrelentingly negative publicity.

It seems every week there is a new scandal involving her.  There was the doggy scandal when it was discovered that Tory’s dogs presence in the Mayoral office breached the terms of the lease.

And there have been a couple of incidents involving alcohol.

It is surprising they should even be mentioned.  Alcohol has been a necessary lubricant in the practice of politics since the formation of the country.  We once had a Prime Minister drunkenly call a general election live on TV.

The first incident involved her not paying a bill.  This is easily done and the bill was paid the next morning.  The manager of the restaurant she was at said that the staff didn’t find her rude or disrespectful at all and that she was slightly drunk.

The second incident has all the hallmarks of a massive beat up based on rumours and attacks citing a video that no one appears to have actually seen.

And some medis types and councillors should do a crash course on the laws of defamation.  As highlighted in this article by Joel McManus in the Spinoff.  He concludes:

Tory Whanau has gone on the record about her drinking problem. Addiction is a difficult and deeply personal issue, but as mayor it is still an important story for the city and warrants scrutiny. There will likely be much more reporting on this story.

But going on Sean Plunket’s media platform and circulating unfounded, potentially defamatory and clearly harmful rumours about the mayor is an important story in its own right. For that, councillor Young warrants scrutiny, too.

And as McManus points out main stream media should be very careful in they way they are reporting on an unsourced and unverified rumour.

Maybe she had a few too many wines.  Most of the adult population of Aotearoa New Zealand have been in that situation.

But this pile on is typical of right wing media’s approach to any progressive woman who puts her head above the parapet.  Politics should be better than this.

119 comments on “Why is the right so afraid of Tory Whanau? ”

  1. Reality 1

    Women are often still not accepted in leading roles in NZ especially if they don't fit the conservative traditional norm from way back. They get greater scrutiny compared with men. And even more so if they are Māori. I hope Tory can be left alone as she gets help, but doubt it. The vultures are circling.

  2. Stephen D 2

    The fear of “The Other”

    If you’re not white, male, and over 45, you’re “Other”

  3. Peter 3

    Tory Whanau had a comfortable win in Wellington and she's a Green. That pissed people off.

    She fronted with her "I have a drinking problem," which has been turned into, "She is incapable of doing her job because she's a drunkard."

    They couldn't beat her in the ballot and this is the way they see to change the result. Some councillor on radio this morning said people couldn't work under her, she should resign. He seems to have made up his mind and determined it's not going to work.

    Simple, he's determined it's not a goer? He should resign

  4. Bearded Git 4

    RadioNZ reported the other night that the bar owner had no problem with the behaviour of the group Tory was part of and they would be welcome back. (Sorry can't link source)

  5. Dennis Frank 5

    Afraid of the return of Muldoonism, perhaps. Apparently gin fueled his style. Dunno why they bother with such trivia – you'd think any good consumer of alcohol deserves a merit award from the industry. Perhaps all the rightist shareholders invested therein have got their brains switched to the `idle' option. Those in cabinet are portfolio-engaged, so more a media than a political pile-on…

    • alwyn 5.1

      "Afraid of the return of Muldoonism, perhaps. Apparently gin fueled his style. Dunno why they bother with such trivia".

      Perhaps you could tell us why, if you don't know "why people bother with such trivia", you feel the urge to repeat it?

      After all he left office 40 years ago and has been dead for 30. Isn't it time to give it up?

      • Dennis Frank 5.1.1

        Just the obvious: only other notable correlation of politics & alcohol in career context. Neolibs are perpetually freaked by socialist conservatives on the right so his spectre lives on in their minds.

        • Pat

          "only other notable correlation of politics & alcohol in career context."

          …deputy PM.

          • Dennis Frank

            Scuttlebutt?? Plausibility would require media headlines or informed anecdotal evidence, n'est ce pas?

            • Pat

              Winston is (in)famous for his imbibing…and politics is littered with examples of politicians who over indulge, both here and offshore. Muldoon may be the most well known (relatively) contemporary NZ example but one would have to be blind (drunk?) to think it is the only.

              • Dennis Frank

                Well, yeah, but unless the media expose suchlike to make it public it remains private. I mean, if the point of the critique is to depict the media as having a rightist bias in respect of the mayor, I'm not likely to disagree with that. However I suspect the editorial decisions to promote such stories are driven more by sensationalism than political bias.

                • Pat

                  Dont think its a 'rightist' bias in the media…it may be considered easy 'clicks', theres probably an element of political opportunism and possibly even an element of sexism, as it is less common for a female to be publicly drunk.(though how drunk she was isnt clear)

                  As long as she is doing her job and she hasnt harmed anyone it shouldnt be an issue IMO, though no doubt it will impact the way some view her and how they cast any future vote.

                  • Dennis Frank

                    I definitely agree re the sexist dimension of media focus. There's very traditional expectations around the normalcy of guys behaving badly when inebriated and women are expected to maintain a higher standard in comparison. No level playing field there – throughout two millennia of christianity and a century or so of post-christian secular normalcy.

                  • Robert Guyton

                    100% support of what Pat said.

                    There may be many who think,

                    "She's like me, so I'll back her."

              • alwyn

                "Winston is (in)famous for his imbibing"

                And just what is your evidence for the statement? I am prepared to accept that he often stays up after midnight, but although I know people who have seen him dining out late at night I don't know anyone who has seen any evidence that he has been drinking to excess.

                Of Tory there is certainly evidence of her having done so.

      • Peter 5.1.2

        Give what up? His fine example and the tradition? Why?

  6. Reality 6

    Suspect the underground spies are still at work digging around to attack – Ginny Andersen, Tory Whanau and who next? Was pleased to see Ginny looking composed and confident in the line up on tv when portfolio roles were announced.

    I have been impressed how she is growing into her roles. She was not previously a publicity seeker like Chris Bishop in the Hutt South electorate. Would find it hard to trust him.

  7. Descendant Of Smith 7

    Idiots like Molloy are sticking their beaky noses in to it in the most distasteful way possible.

    Apologies I hadn’t scrolled down far enough to realise how vile it got. In fact it gets so bad I am going to remove the link.

    If you wish to look at Molloy’s twitter feed you’ll have to find it yourself.

    He started with this though:

    “Anyone got the facts around Mayor Whanau’s indiscretions ??
    I’m on Sean Plunkett in the morning and I don’t want to say, or imply anything, that’s not 100% correct. Evidence is good, thanks”

    • Tiger Mountain 7.1

      Mr Malloy is a barrel scraper, who only pulled out of the Auckland Mayoral contest under tactical orders. A nasty type indeed.

  8. Tiger Mountain 8

    It is a pretty obvious anti Māori, anti Green, anti woman attack. Male piss heads have populated local and national Govt. for decades.

    I mean for crissakes…anyone remember the former shoe salesperson and ex Mayor Blumsky…drinking til 1.30am but that did not contribute to his situation…

    Tory did not need to say anything, but hey, denial is not the way for many new gens.
    I hope she feels better soon and keeps on keeping on.

    • alwyn 8.1

      Yes that did happen. It certainly didn't help his political career though as he lasted a single term as a List MP and then left Parliament for good. He didn't enjoy being an MP, although he had enjoyed being Mayor, and wasn't that bad at it compared to some of his successors but his behavior had doomed any prospects as an MP after that single term.

      As far as Tory goes I think she should go totally teetotal or resign.

      • KJT 8.1.1

        One rule for them (Brown, young and female left wing) and one rule for "the right stuff” (White right wing etc) eh?

        The hypocrisy is breath taking.

        • alwyn

          I assume you mean that you think it was right to terminate Blumsky's, and Gilmore's political careers because they were only white men and didn't matter but Ms Whanau should be able to go on in her downward spiral because she is brown and female and therefore not to be questioned?

          Isn't the hypocrisy that you think white men are always wrong and brown women are always right? That's certainly what you seem to be advocating.

  9. Robert Guyton 9

    They are not bullying because they are afraid, they're bullying out of habit.

    • Barfly 9.1

      "they're bullying out of habit."

      IMO they are bullying because that is their nature

      • Robert Guyton 9.1.1

        Well, no, they are humans and I believe humans bully because of culture, not nature. Some cultures don't bully. Ours does. Blame culture, not nature.

  10. SPC 10

    Let me count the reasons why

    She is female and left wing and from some Maori whanau.

    And yet her name, Tory, indicates to the manor born, as one of the indigenous people.

    So they have questions – does she read the Maori version of the Tiriti, does she deny cession of sovereignty? Will all council documents be in Maori?

    And their own project is for any Maori in governance to be seen as, not just consenting to a white settler agenda project to undo 40 years of lassitude, but grateful at the firm hand reassuring them that UNDRIP is nothing to be congnisant of.

    Her presence in the capital as mayor while this is going on does not clearly indicate a return to a policy of integrating/assimilating Maori into settler urban/rural/provincial society – and thus the full and final defeat of iwi.

    And as any procurer of a "Vogon/PPP" partner for building a highway would know, it requires the sacrifice of those who prefer the more idyllic notion of the common good.

    Nothing beats up Whanganui a Tara on a good day better than a NACT/ACT/NZF threeway. And it puts public service workers and those in government appointment positions on notice – just resign.

    We know who they are and where they are from.


  11. Jester 11

    Nothing wrong with having a few drinks after work (most of us do that). But I do have an issue with people that drink and are over the limit and drive like Kiri Allan did, as it puts too many people at risk.

    Also if drinking is such an issue that it is affecting their ability to do the job. The other councilor interviewed said Tory hasn't been turning up for over a month and would only do meetings via Zoom. If that is true (and it is only one side of the story) then I think she should stand down while she seeks help.

    • observer 11.1

      Nobody has said anything about drink-driving, because that has nothing to do with Tory Whanau.

      • Obtrectator 11.1.1

        Perfectly true, but let someone be irresponsible enough to shoehorn in an unwarranted reference to it, and there'll always be a few lamebrains who'll take the remote possibility for the actuality.

        Jester makes a valid point about how over-indulging in drink could affect one's capability, but the whole block of text above starting with "I do … " and ending with " … Also" had no business being included there.

      • Jester 11.1.2

        The only reason I mentioned Kiri Allan and drink driving, is that is an example of what can happen if you have a drinking problem and you do not seek help soon enough. It can be career ending. Hopefully Tory has realised her problem soon enough and will now get the help she needs before she hits another rock bottom like Kiri did.

  12. Sandra Le Cron 12

    Sad for Tory. Insiders and outsiders working against her.She is a strong lady and, with the right support, she will get through this and continue to be a star! Newstalk should be focusing on Hoki Minota.

    • Dennis Frank 12.1

      Sad news Sandra: Newstalk is unlikely to do so because Google will give them the same message it gave me…

      No results found for "Hoki Minota"

      Rare to see the Google algorithm admitting total failure, eh? Perhaps the good news is that anonymity remains a viable option even in the omnipresent global hi-tech age.

      • Obtrectator 12.1.1

        So who is Hoki Minota, and why should Newstalk be interested in them? We don't all have the time and energy to pick up every whisper.

  13. Anker 13

    Ok, so the Mayor of Wellington put out a press statement a couple of days ago.

    The headline said something like "I am a flawed person"

    Tory then went on to admit she has a drinking problem and that there was another episode when she was out in public and she understood there was a video of what happened circulating. She also told us she is getting professional help (good).

    This is the second episode of public drunkeness and by her own admission Tory has a problem with alcohol. This isn't just someone who has had a couple too many. After the first episode it was reported that she said to the wait staff "do you know who I am". There was a pic of her outside a bar holding a wine bottle. Because it was Tory who mentioned the video, it was reasonable to assume there was one, otherwise why would she have mentioned it. I think she also said words to the effect that she had shamed and embarrased herself.

    I am not afraid of Tory, I am afraid for her. Being the Mayor of Wellington is extremely stressful right now due to the multitude of problems the city has. Problems with broken pipes, EQ strenthening required just to name a couple.

    In terms of her performance as Mayor I would call into question her trip to Asia with a small group of bureacrats which cost $55,0000. This trip was to drum up business for Wellington and the local university. I am not sure this is the Mayors role or if it is, whether it is a major priority for Wellington right now.

    She also ordered an investigation into the leaking of council info and contracted a lawyer to investigate other councillors rather that address them directly. This was after she had actually campaigned on her strength of strong communications skills and an ability to bring people together. The report was not able to identify who leaked (these investigations rarely do), But it was a costly exercise for a city whose rates are skyrocketing.

    There are many rumours about her not going to Council meetings. I can't confirm whether these are true. However it is the case she missed an important meeting with regional mayors about water infrastructure, cause (sadly) there had been an unexplained death in a council flat and she stayed in Wellington in case she needed to be interviewed. The other Mayors were meeting in the Wairapapa were none too impressed.

    I think Tory is a very nice person who is (and this is just my opinion) hopelessly out of her depth. Her friends and colleagues who are encouraging her to stay in the job may be doing her more harm than good. Serious alcohol problems aren't easily sorted especially when you have the stress of running a city and being in the public eye.

    • Robert Guyton 13.1

      "There are many rumours about her not going to Council meetings. I can't confirm whether these are true. However…"

      Classic concern troll behaviour.

      Your aim is to erode confidence with insinuation.

      Unpleasant behaviour, Anker.

      • observer 13.1.1


        Whether being mayor is good for Tory Whanau is a decision for Tory Whanau. And nobody else.

        Whether Tory Whanau is good for Wellington is a decision for the voters of Wellington at the election – and nobody else.

        We've been here many times before, of course. Target, hound, destroy. That needs to be called out, not excused and ultimately rewarded.

        • Anker

          Observor, I am not targetting or hounding Tory. I think she is as nice person as I said. She was the one who made the public statement about her drinking and she didn't deny the July incident.

          Of course it is up to the voters to decide who will be Mayor. Just like the voters of NZ decided they no longer wanted a Labour Govt.

          I never said in my comment she should stand down. I will have my chance to cast my vote again in two years time.

          I would like people to consider what there thought would be if this was Wayne Brown?

      • Anker 13.1.2

        Oh no Robert, I don't think it is classic troll behavior. It was geniunely admitting the non attendance at meetings were rumours (one source being from a city councillor who should know or though you may chose to believe they were lying to score points and as for me I don't know the truth of it. It is not the only source of these rumours.

        I also gave one concrete example that I believe showed poor judgement.

        I made some very sound point about the situation in Wellington with our Mayor

        • Robert Guyton

          Anker – you put a great deal of effort into writing your comment that "calls into question" so much about Tory, wrapping it up with expressions of your "concern" for her.

          Your painstaking listing of her faults shows the depth of your care.

          • Anker

            Robert I know Tory, so my concern is geniune.

            I am concerned about our city. The current council imo is making many mistakes. Some of these are historical. Some of these are to do with our current Mayor.

            • Robert Guyton

              If you "know Tory", why are you peddling rumours about her?

              • Anker

                I am not peddling rumours about Tory. If I was I wouldn't say they were rumours. I would present them as facts, just like the examples I gave of what she has done.

                • Robert Guyton

                  Yeah. Hey, have you heard the rumours???

                  I don't know if they are true, but here they are;

                  Firstly she…next, she…and then she..and apparently, people are saying…!!!

                  • Anker

                    So Robert I have linked the source of one of the rumours which is actually heresay from one of the City Councillors., down further in response to Craig.

                    Ray Chung is either telling the truth or he is lying. I don't know which it is.

                    He's not the first person saying Tory isn't attending to her duties. But Ray is a credible source, not just :she said, then she said." I am perfectly happy to accept he may be lying, but he may not.

                    • Robert Guyton

                      If you don't know the truthfulness or otherwise, of someone's claim, why broadcast that claim, especially where someone is cast in a bad light as a result?

    • Craig H 13.2


      That's the most recent meeting of the Wellington City Council and the Mayor is present (there is a link to the minutes on the page).

      Near the top of that page is a link to the previous meeting. I went back through all meetings of the current Council and the minutes provided, and the Mayor was present at all of them.

      The Mayor is also on various committees – I had a look through all the relevant November committee meeting minutes and she attended all of them (https://wellington.govt.nz/your-council/meetings/meetings-calendar?y=2023&m=0&filter=All).

      That's as far back as I can be bothered going, but feel free to use the link to go back further.

    • Foreign waka 13.3

      Thank you for a sane comment.

      The running of the city is a billion dollar business that gets its money from the ratepayers. We expect better, far better than a Hollywood story. As a taxpayer, and I am sure not the only one feeling this way, I want to be taken seriously in the concerns about water infrastructure, able to access workplaces and businesses, providing a viable cultural city, not having to fear for ones security when going to see a movie at 9pm. Basics not fancy projects is what builds the fundament of such. In case it is forgotten, the City council body is elected and paid for by the ratepayer. In that sense they, and this means all councillors are the employees to those that pay their wages, very generously ones too. This is not a job to appease some, but a job that concerns the whole city and its future. Regardless of gender, race, upbringing and whatever you want to bring to the table, the parameters were clear when the job was written out. We expect better, a lot better and thus far the KPI's have not been met.

  14. Mike the Lefty 14

    The political right haven't come to terms with the fact that even though they won the general election, it didn't go their way in Wellington. Two seats gained by Greens, Nicola Willis failing to get Ohariu-Belmont and National relegated to a distant third in Rongotai and Wellington Central. Their parade got rained on and they are a bit touchy about it.

    • Anker 14.1

      The political left haven't come to terms with the fact that they lost the 2023 election .

      To be honest I have never seen the likes of the media responding to the a new govt before. Full on attack mode. I am not the only one who has this perception,

      • observer 14.1.1

        That is cart before horse.

        Let's consider the history of newly-elected governments and PMs (ignoring internal changes like Palmer, Shipley, English, Hipkins). First terms only.

        In reverse order: Ardern, Key, Clark, Bolger, Lange. (Muldoon and his predecessors go too far back for me).

        Two of them had much tougher negotiations than Luxon, who had already won on election night … unlike Bolger and Ardern. But Luxon stuffed it up.

        None of them were humiliated by their Deputy PM, even before the government was sworn in. None had a first Cabinet meeting anything like Luxon's car crash.

        All of them could cope with questions, whether we liked the answers or not. None of them had a vocabulary of about 3 phrases on endless loop.

        None of them broke major promises right at the start. Most of them did later, especially Bolger, but our topic here is the starting point.

        And so on.

        When a PM and Deputy PM say things, the media report what is said. Should they not tell us?

        What exactly should the media – or anybody – be praising?

        • Foreign waka

          For goodness sake, it is time to stop this childish the left and the right do this and do that. It is time to seriously get this country on a sustainable path that benefits this and the next generations. Right now, some of the previous government ministers, even the press are hunting for sour grapes and cannot see past their ego. We have a new government, so as a citizen or resident you have an obligation to contribute to a better outcome.

          It is time to get to grips with what this country is confronted with. Time to understand that whilst there is endless nitpicking of who got the sandcastle bucket a whole new pandora of issues are out there affecting NZ and its viability. NZ survives on exports, always has. It is time to focus what this generation can do to secure a future for their children. Start with education and work your way through from there. There is work to be done.

          And beside all that, it is actually a bad look having a body of "independent" press depending on 100 million government funds. This looks very much like a bought press and diminishes any reporters honest approach to the corners of a response of "yeah right". It undermines democracy.

          What the press is suppose to report on is well research FACTS, not being the speaker for the most popular kid on the block. NZ deserves better, far better. So many people out there are working hard, often 2 or more jobs, farmers round the clock, average kiwis – of all colors, genders, age I like to emphasize- struggling with spiralling costs affecting their very lives.

          They are not getting those 180K plus salaries of those who seem to be so concerned about who is holding the sand bucket and how to best report on that having the luxury of doing so to fill in their time.

          • Robert Guyton

            "… it is actually a bad look having a body of "independent" press depending on 100 million government funds. This looks very much like a bought press…"

            Like so many other organisations, media desperately needed financial support through the Covid event. You choose to see the press as bought. Others make the same choice and seek to weaponise that choice. It's just story, and the counter-story exists also. Perhaps you'd like to provide evidence, rather than just your take/view story?

            • Foreign waka

              I think that this stands to debate. Covid funds have ceased quite a while ago NB.: I for one was absolutely not in favor to have billions siphoned to overseas shareholders. The big ones have still not been held to account, just the little fish…

              As to media: One never bites the hand that feeds.



              Last comment on that article:

              “The fund is set up to provide public interest journalism that holds power to account … and that is what we’re doing.

              Not so, if we see the statement that it pays for the "sustainability" whatever that means.

              The $55m fund is split across three years: $10m for the remainder of 2020/21, $25m in 2021/22 and $20m in 2022/23.

              "The fund is designed to provide for a period of transition between the short-term Covid relief provided to the media sector and the longer-term work to support the sustainability of the sector that is underway. The funding will support vital public interest journalism while the sector adapts and evolves"

  15. Ad 15

    What has Tory Whanau done that shows she is an effective mayor?

    • Muttonbird 15.1

      She has nut jobs watching her every move.

      • Ad 15.1.1

        The only way Tory Whanau is going to be more than an embarrassing footnote in Wellington's civic history is if she fixes something difficult.

        The Wellington Town Hall funding debacle was not an auspicious start.

        More than 40% of Wellington's water is lost through leaky pipes, and there are already water restrictions on use starting from September.

        The entire city transport planning system has just got wiped out and needs starting again. A leader needs to form one.

        The Wellington tech industry just lost nearly 300 high paying jobs. There is no apparent economic development strategy,.

        The current way to get some cash into the City's books appears to sell the airport. Maybe she could just invite Infratil to run the Council completely?

        Tory Whanau is currently under sufferance from her Council and no one should be surprised if they "do a Northland" and roll her if she doesn't improve fast.

        The best way to avoid that is for Tory Whanau to actually do something useful.

        • Anker

          Ad to be fair Tory inherited the problems with the EQ strenthening of the Town Hall. But she and other councillors chose to proceed with it. I am not sure whether that was a good or bad decision.

          Prior to take within days of becoming Mayor she signed some secret deal with the owners of Reading cinema that the council would buy the land and then the owners would use the money to strenthen it as it has been sitting idle since EQs. The owners are multi millon dollar international busines people. I don't know for sure if that was a good deal, but it doesn't sound great to me, She hasn't fronted to explain why that is the best option for Wellington. I think she owes rate payers some sort of rationsale for doing that.

          Tory has supported the Golden Mile upgrade that purpose is the enliven the city centre. This is an unnecasary expense in times of restraint. It should be canned.

          Tory has made two international trips, both of dubious, if any value for rate payers (the first one we didn't pay for). This is despite the Greens ardour in reducing emissons. It just looks hypocritical and actually it is.

          One thing Tory has done after a year in office is commit some money to fixing some pipes.

          Tory has a serious drinking problem.

      • Tiger Mountain 15.1.2

        Exactly, local Govt. is a snake pit at the best of times.

        Underfunded Councils, ego clashes, personal vendettas, full timers lording it over the elected ones…if some of the right wing old bastard Mayors got the scrutiny Tory has had to endure the results would not be pleasant.

      • Anker 15.1.3

        Muttonbird Tory has about the same level of scurtiny as anybody in public office.

        People of Wellington don't really care about Tory and even her drinking, but we do want a Mayor and desparately need a Mayor who is effective.

        Hardly anyone knew about the latest drinking story, and I mix in circles that are interested in politics. It was Tory who broke her own story.

        • JeremyB

          " … Tory has about the same level of scurtiny as anybody in public office."

          lol. I’ll concede she has had the same level of scrutiny as any other brown left woman in a position of power.

  16. Peter 16

    The biggest problem Mayor Whanau has is the number of arseholes she has to deal with.

    • Ad 16.1

      Her admission that actually she's she asshole is a pretty good place for her to start.

      • Anker 16.1.1

        I don't think Tory is an arsehole. I think she was encouraged to think she would make a great Mayor and yet she had had no experience of holding a public office, nor according to one of her competiters had she ever shown interest in council matters by attending a council meeting.

      • newsense 16.1.2

        What is the accepted definition of asshole these days?

        Remember when Crusher was a bully and her brand was done?

        I mean of course a Labour member would have an interest in the failure of Green leadership, especially the way they managed to trash James Shaw’s work.

  17. Nicholas 17


    Come on guys, this is ridiculous special pleading.

    There is no way anyone here defending TW would accept this behaviour from a right-wing politician. A single similar incident ended Aaron Gilmore’s political career.

    Alcoholism is a serious issue and it’s pretty clearly impacting TW’s ability to do her job. She should obviously resign and focus on getting better.

    I have lots of addicts in my family. I can promise you that this will not be the last incident.

    If you support TW’s agenda, you should want her to resign so the agenda can be moved forward by an effective politician and not discredited.

    • Pat 17.1

      Gilmore was indeed eventually pushed out of politics and alcohol played a part in that departure, but only a part….there were additional issues including false CV claims. even so he was given a number of chances during his foray into politics.


      Time may indeed show that TW is not capable of doing the job (and that may be due to an alcohol addiction, or may be due to other reasons) however at this stage all she has done is been seen to be drunk while socialising on a couple of occasions in public….while not ideal perhaps it is hardly unusual amongst politicians and as Anker notes, voters will have the opportunity at the next local body election to determine whether her performance has been acceptable or not.

      • Robert Guyton 17.1.1

        Why do you claim she has an alcohol addiction?

        She may instead have a reliance, a dependance, a habit, a temporarily over-zealous interest in, etc.

        Addiction is the "top shelf" lable, but is it correct?

        • Pat

          Fair call…addiction may be an unjustified descriptor.

          Though rereading what I wrote it was offered as a possibility….."(and that may be due to an alcohol addiction, or may be due to other reasons) "

        • Foreign waka

          Alcoholism is an addiction. If Tory Whanau is affected, the pubic has indeed a right to know. Their city is in her hands.

          Alcohol and the Addictive, Brain Kenneth Blum

          Alcohol Explained by William Porter

          Lewis, Marc – Memoirs of an Addicted Brain: A Neuroscientist Examines his Former Life on Drugs (2013)

          • Robert Guyton

            What evidence do you have that she has alcoholism and is addicted?

            I would suggest that you have none at all and are tarring her with the Brush of Righteous Prejudice.

    • roblogic 17.2

      Addiction is a disease not a death sentence. It can be treated and steps taken to keep the wolf away and help the addict to make better choices for their life.

      I hope TW can move forward from this, resigning the Mayoralty might be a helpful step to get away from drinking culture, but that's her choice.

    • Jester 17.3

      It would be interesting to see the media and their stories if Wayne Brown was intoxicated in public. Then again, it may be hard to tell the difference from when he's pissed and when he's sober!

      • Tiger Mountain 17.3.1

        As a Far North resident and ratepayer for decades, I have observed Mr Brown after hours, generally has a Steinie bottle or glass in his hand, he helps bartend at the Mill Bay Cruising Club in Mangonui sometimes, getting change and orders wrong last time I was there.

        • roblogic

          My brother lives up there and is no lefty but he thought Wayne Brown was a rubbish Mayor

          • Tiger Mountain

            Well he managed to sack scores of Council staff–PSA members first!, and shift the rating burden substantially from commercial and farming to residential, took various overseas trips to China and Canada, on the ratepayer, to try and set up mining deals, and sold off pensioner flats in Mangonui because as a developer it incensed him that low income people had a lovely harbour view that money could be made from.

            The list just goes on, but yes he was a crap Mayor. Got in because of name recognition across the region which has always been a problem for candidates more identified with one area.

    • Anker 17.4


      Ok well I have looked at how this thing started, with Tory's own admission

      “She said that, to her “great embarrassment and shame”, her drunkenness seemed to have been recorded.”
      So she is the one who mentioned that her drunkeness
      might have been filmed to her great embarrassment and shame”. Tory outed herself.
      You see being the Mayor of Wellington goes beyond being a manager, you are actually a figurehead for the city.

      So their is drunken behaviour that may have been filmed, which in theory could be used at any point and for any purpose.
      I just don’t think this is o.k. for a Mayor. I didn’t think it was o.k. for Len Brown. And I am pretty sure it wouldn’t be o.k. for people on this site if it was a National politician.

      • Robert Guyton 17.4.1

        It started with gossips.

        • Anker

          No Robert. It started with Tory late on a Saturday afternoon going into a public bar and drinking till she was drunk.

        • Anker

          No Robert. It started with Tory late on a Saturday afternoon going into a public bar and drinking till she was drunk and behaving in a way where she felt shamed and embarrased for herself.

          I actually think the public has a right to know about this. She is the Mayor of Wellington and part of that role is as a figurehead.

          • newsense

            Yet did it though?

            No problem with the bar owner. Hmm. A councilor goes on The Platform- a media not covered by the Press Council or regular journalistic ethics- to talk about a video which shows…she doesn’t know which she hasn’t seen though she had talked to someone who had.

            Holding up so far.

            Why are people trying to get an exhausted mayor drunk and then video her?

            Dear Tory- Barry Sooper did this once to John Key, but not twice. Eliminate the untrustworthy pricks. Take time off for your COVID and then get back to work. Don’t try and work through your COVID like it sounds like you were doing yesterday!

            • Foreign waka

              Because she might have tried to forgo a gossip column? As they say where there is smoke there is fire.

              At no point is it acceptable to have these innuendos hovering without explanation. The ratepayer is owed the truth and if Mrs. Whanau is not able to fill the role at this point, she needs to make sure to follow her mana, no one can do that for her.

              • Robert Guyton

                Did you check your claim about councillor pay?

                I provided a link 🙂

                Facts, eh!

                • Foreign waka

                  Plus other payments not in the base salary, only very few earn that kind of money.

                  The median income in New Zealand is just under NZ$29.66 per hour as of February 2023 (NZD$61,692.80) per annum based on a 40-hour week).


                  In other words, those who earn 50% or less of the Mayors income have to support the salary plus other expenses. I think we need to ask for a better performance. Those who struggle pay for those shenanigans.

                  • Robert Guyton

                    Seems you are correct and I was wrong about the source of councillors payment.

                    • Foreign waka

                      That is ok, I am not always right either. Its good to have those debates though, learning something every day. 🙂

              • newsense

                I mean are they though?

                No one else gets harassed and recorded at their weakest, and many of us have said or done things when letting off steam we don’t want to say in a meeting at our work. Or get held to account over.

                Nor should Wellington be deprived of nightlife more than it has been already by intrusive creeps.

  18. Anker 18

    I agree Pat. Tory will stand on her record.

  19. The behaviour of the right-wing bot army on social media was an utter disgrace. The misogynist spite is palpable. No wonder Nic Willis looks miserable most of the time.

    Every notable woman gets it. Helen Clark, Meteiria Turei, Jacina Ardern, Kiri Allan, Michelle Obama, Julia Gillard … some truly vile rumours insults and innuendo.

    Women tend to vote Left. Your average boofhead right wing bloke has a problem understanding that

    • Foreign waka 19.1

      Why do you think its a right wing bot army? What does this even mean? Are we on tik tok?

      Every notable women has made it because they could deal with those underarm bowling moves by using fair argument, logic and facts. These women are found everywhere, in politics as in business. Don't diminish their strength and resolve.

      But this is not a gender issue, it is an attitude issue. Tolerance, inclusiveness and true conviction are sometimes hard to reconcile. The latter can become a dogma and it seems this is the current trend everywhere.

      BTW. Not all women tend to vote left. But most women vote for the future of the next generation.

      • roblogic 19.1.1

        There was a notable resurgence of right wing troll accounts activated in the lead-up to the election this year and some of their behaviour has been shockingly bad. Sockpuppets for the Nats, Act, TPU and fellow travellers. X/Twitter has been a cesspit lately.

  20. newsense 20

    I guess it would be the fear that the leadership model which has been working effectively in Wellington could be borrowed by the Greens nationally.

    Long story short she is the best opposition we’ve seen of late.

    I think it’s two fold- the fear of Green leadership could be absolutely mashed and the notion of it be found to be quite agreeable.

    We’ve seen a surge to the Greens and we’ve seen no evidence that there is more to the current Labour leadership team than crisis and political management. Or any realistic soul searching.

  21. observer 21

    Anyone here still pretending that any mayor would be treated the same? No. Good.

    Auckland councillor criticised for 'vile' comment about Wellington mayor | Stuff.co.nz

  22. Belladonna 22

    I'm not familiar with the Wellington situation – but North Shore mayor, Andrew Williams, got a fair amount of criticism for his drunken antics, in 2010.


    Including from councillors.


    However, he was elected to parliament in 2011 on the NZF list ticket. A one term MP – clearly failing to make any significant contribution (though, perhaps increased Bellamy's revenue)

  23. MarketSocialistMafia 23

    Come on dude.

    The fact of the matter is that a public servant shouldn’t be making a fool of themselves in public.

    You’ve willfully misrepresented what happened in the first incident and you know you have.

    Now you’re running cover for the second.

    This is literally the left wing version of the unhinged vitriol coming out of Slug Plunket’s trap.

    It’s absolute nonsense and there’s absolutely no need to engage in this kind of tribalism.

    Any mayor going out and getting drunk and being rowdy would be scrutinized in exactly the way the mainstream media is scrutinising Tory right now

    This would be the case if they were black, yellow, brown, white, blue or purple.

    It would be the case if they were male, female, non-binary, gender-fluid, genderqueer, or whatever.

    While I agree that there are people (like Slug Plunket) who are applying far more “scrutiny” than necessary, they’re not doing it because she’s female or Maori.

    They’re doing it because she’s left wing.

    At the end of the day though, good on her for admitting she has a problem and deciding to step away from the job while she sorts herself out.

    That was the right decision, but it is of course very unfortunate that it took a second incident of drunken stupidity in order for her to make a realisation that this needed to happen.

    Having struggled with addiction myself, I sincerely hope Tory can sort out her alcohol problems and come back to the job better than ever, get on with it, and show the rightoid idiots what a really mayor looks like.

    Hopefully that’s what will happen, and there won’t be any more need for sycophantic tribalists like yourself to come out frothing at the mouth about the dreaded misogyny.

    • roblogic 23.1

      There's no shortage of misogyny from Plunket and a bunch of no-name twitter trolls. There was some nasty unsubstantiated gossip swirling around the Xitter cesspool. Blocked 8-10 scumbags over it.

    • KJT 23.2

      Oh. Bollocks.

      I know of many examples where one of the "Good ol boys" has made a dick of themselves in a public place.

      It has not even been considered worthy of more than passing remark. Definitely not greeted with all this bullshit.

      Most of us have been drunk in public several times in our lives. New Zealanders favourite form of recreation apart from fishing or rugby. Which is generally also an excuse for a few.

      Like the "Chamber of commerce members I know, pontificating about "drug taking youth" who I remember spent their years as apprentices, or budding lawyers/accountants, in a haze of alcohol or pot, or both.

      All these "holier than though types pontificating about Tory Whanau and others are full of it. After they have ignored white right wing "Pillars of the community" doing exactly the same, since NZ was founded.

      • Populuxe1 23.2.1

        How many of them held public office and then publicly apologised for their behaviour?

        • KJT

          " publicly apologised for their behaviour?"

          That would show a level of maturity and self awareness, most of them lack.

  24. That_guy 24

    With all due respect, this thread is a good example of some people on the left being unable to critically assess our own performance. The public statements that the Mayor has said about herself are more than enough for reasonable people to ask reasonable questions. Yes, don't racialise it. Yes, ask questions compassionately. Yes, don't hold the Mayor to different standards to old white boys.

    But come on. She's admitted she has a problem. She doesn't contribute to council meetings which means she's not leading, according to councillors.

    We are allowed to ask some questions. If we aren't, then this is just the cult closing ranks and protecting a member of the cult. Not honest left-wing politics.

    • Ghostwhowalks 24.1

      Council committee meetings, which the Mayor is just ex offico member are largely a waste of time. Most mayors in most bigger cities avoid them as they have other duties …many councillors just go for the attendance money ( not all meetings)

      The actual council where the mayor is the Chair are all thats required.

      • That_guy 24.1.1

        Not familiar with the inner workings of councils, so I’ll take your word for it, and so it’s a fair point.

        I still think that characterising questions of a mayor with a drinking problem as “right wing fear” is silly. For the left to win, we need to be better, and it starts with higher standards. No, it’s not fair, but neither is life. Questions directed at our leaders should not reflexively be dismissed as something-ism or something-phobia.

  25. Populuxe1 25

    The special pleading became moot the moment Whanau publicly admitted to having a problem – which is responsible on her part, but not a particularly savvy political move. Once she did that it stopped being gossip and hearsay and became a matter of public interest. She is, after all, the mayor of our capital city, a city known for its intractable infrastructure problems.
    She should, of course, be treated with compassion and respect, but at this point, while there is, no doubt, an element of sexism and racism involved, she is a prominent left wing mayor and showed weakness, which is all the right wing bullies need. That said, this is still public interest and the media has every justification in reporting on it.

    • Ghostwhowalks 25.1

      Well well. When some new National or Act Mps are seen having 'a good time off duty ' and theres video will you be so lecturing ?

      Or will our new Pope ( Luxon) and his Cardinal Nephews ( Willis and Bishop) give their absolution

      • That_guy 25.1.1

        Clearly and publicly holding left-wing politicians to a higher standard than the right is a good thing, and it’s how we will win in 3 years. Whataboutery and diversion is how we will lose in 3 years.

      • Populuxe1 25.1.2

        Given I think the Coalition is a disaster, why wouldn't I? It might be a foreign concept to the woolliest ride or die left, but some of us can manage a bit of objectivity and pragmatism when it comes to Realpolitik. Spare me the paranoid whataboutery.