Written By:
mickysavage - Date published:
7:44 am, July 16th, 2020 - 149 comments
Categories: education, health, Judith Collins, national, Nikki Kaye, same old national -
For Judith Collins that was a short honeymoon.
Yesterday she had a good day as all forms of media were dominated by pro National voices talking up how the change of leadership was a very good thing.
She even managed to show her crushing ability by demoting Michael Woodhouse and relieving him of the Health portfolio. Although the rankings are all important. If he does not drop in his caucus ranking this was more for show.
She also managed to say “woke”.
Warm feelings of unity were however undermined by leaking from caucus about what happened. From Tova O’Brien at Newshub:
One National MP reflected on the caucus meeting saying, “It was a bit rich getting a lecture in loyalty and unity when those two [Collins and Brownlee] leaked so much in the past”.
Another said, “A lot of dead rats had to be swallowed…”
“Judith has been disloyal to everyone but there was so much fear in caucus that we’d lose worse than 2002.”
That was National’s worst defeat ever – 21 percent under Bill English.
Then this bombshell hit. Audrey Young has reported that Nikki Kaye will announce her resignation from politics today.
Today Collins was meant to announce a “minor” reshuffle of portfolios. Having to replace your Health spokesperson and your Education spokesperson is not minor.
Kaye occupies a special position in National. She gives them urban liberal credibility. She has managed to hold Auckland Central, usually a marginal seat, through successive elections and bet Jacinda Ardern twice. By all reports she is a phenomenal local Member of Parliament. Without her National will strongly resemble a rural conservative party.
This series of high profile resignations so close to the election is unprecedented. National has lost or will lose five MPs in the past few weeks. By now candidates should be selected, billboards and pamphlets printed and candidates should be out there campaigning full time. But this is a vote of no confidence in National’s ability to get people elected on the list and realisation by senior MPs that their chances are small and disappearing.
Will the last remaining National MP please not forget to turn off the caucus room lights?
Update: Kaye has confirmed she is going and Amy Adams has joined the exodus …
Amy Adams is going too…. So what was Judith saying yesterday, that Jacinda has 4-5 ministers she could rely on that does all the work, but National had a whole team? Seems that team is quickly abandoning ship like rats at night….
Also the answer to the government not having a whole lot of good performers is to change the government… to a Red/Green government….
I think the real question is…who DIDN’T receive the Boag emails?! Hopefully the Heron inquiry will reveal all
Rats on a sinking ship comes to mind.
These two probably won't be last.
Collins screwed up on her messaging last night indicating Kiwis should have nothing to worry about the virus as the Govt should have it under control, undermining the message we all have a part to play, more politics over the global pandemic, she simply has no idea "How Lucky We Are"
I think Woodhouse will go as well before the election.
He may as well, his reputation is in tatters.
Will the be any woman left ?
Let's hope, it may even start a mass migration, confidence in the new leader may not be as structurally sound as Collins thinks.
There will be those "who'll wait and see" before deciding.
Ages are interesting
Kay and adams 40
Muller 51
Brownlie and colins over 60
Works well then from the demographics as Punch N Judy need to shore their age bracket up or NZF could help take them to Blinglish circa 02 territory.
Winne or Jude who do you trust most my my what a choice.
18 out of 55 going since election 2017. That is 32.72%. Can I say one third of National MPs elected in 2017 have had enough of National?
National life, national politics, the National Party.
Sarah Dowie, David Carter; Ann Tolley, Paula Bennett, Nicky Wagner, Amy Adam; Alastair Scott; Maggie Barry; Jonathan Coleman; Steven Joyce; Bill English; Chris Finlayson; Jami-Lee Ross; Nuk Korako; Nathan Guy; Jian Yang; Hamish Walker; Nikki Kay.
33%. Will National achieve a party vote above that figure in September 2020? The more they lose, the harder that task.
Well "chickens coming home to roost", comes to mind.
Last night when Judith was quipping to the reporters, it did occur to me that those who have crossed swords with her might leave, especially when leaks began so quickly.
That showed not all were seeing Judith and Gerry as the saviours, or that they could stand the style of leadership.
It throws Nicky's seat wide open. A chance for the Greens?
Chloe Swarbrick, so yes, very good chance.
Bloody hell. Either Nicky really can’t stand Judith or her fingerprints are over the Boag emails or both.
the better team. So good they are all leaving. Hmm
Both have been on RNZ explaining the reasons why they have decided to go and nah… its nothing to do with Judith Collins. They think she’ll be a great leader and that National has a chance of winning the election and they'll be doing everything they can to support her and on so it goes on….
No, they just both happened to come to the conclusion at the same time that it was time to make way for new talent blah blah blah.
Why can't pollies tell the truth!
Got to look after those future spots at the board tables .
Hadn't both of them already announced their retirement after the election but only came back for Muller? And even if that's not the case, do you expect them to say "I'm leaving because I can't work under Judith Collins"?
If it's the truth then, yes, that's exactly what they should be saying. After all, the voters do need that sort of information to make informed decisions on who to vote for.
Because then they'd never get elected and they know it.
And, of course, its not all politicians that have to lie – just the right-wing.
The National Party are now having to stagger their flounce conferences as there's not enough room on the internet to accomodate them all at once!
Nikki Kay has announced her retirement from Parliament today.
Yesterday, she was the front page where she said, "And it will be one of the first things on my list as Minister of Education."
To go from Deputy Leader and shadow Education Minister, to acting Leader to resigning as a MP took four days.
Some decisions take some time to arrive at. For how long have these latest MPs to resign been considering that option seriously, awaiting a tipping point?
How many more are teetering right now?
Does Kaye campaign for the seat or do they have to parachute someone else in?
They need to choose a new candidate for the election. Right now.
If Kaye still was the candidate for the seat knowing she was going to quit straight afterwards, and won it, then resigned after the election, there would then be a by-election for the seat. It would not be filled by the next person on the Nats list. So potentially it could reduce the Nat numbers in parliament by one, if the Labour or Greens candidate then won the by-election.
But there's nothing stopping her throwing her support behind the new Nat candidate for the seat and campaigning for them.
Thanks. Paora Goldsmith to be flown in? It would get him away from that humiliating position he finds himself in at every election having to bow down to Rimmer.
Can't imagine Goldsmith would be interested. He'd be well aware that in the entire history of the universe, there has been precisely one Nat that's sufficiently liberal and interesting and trendy enough to win that particular seat. And that he ain't it.
Agreed. Kaye’s margin has gotten tighter every election since she won the seat and she has never outpolled the combined Labour Green vote. And as the Nats head right under Collins they are going to find it very hard to put up a candidate that can win in Auckland Central.
Prostrate at the feet of his betters is his natural pose. "Whatever it takes to win!" It's the National way, which is part of the reason why their party is now a raging dumpster fire.
Enjoying the schadenfreude, which probably makes me a terrible person… but I don't care.
Nikki will be disappointed she went from acting leader back down to boring opposition portfolios. She was National's answer to Jacinda, untainted by the scandals and corruption that half the party swims in.
I guess she's decided that if the Nats don't want to change, and prefer the old guard of Collins and Brownlee (MPs of yesteryear not 2021), then there are better things she can do with her life
Kay was tainted by Boag.
Great team how many are left.
Shuffling the Deck chairs getting louder
When considering how vile the National Party has become since the Shipley – Richardson era, I'm reminded of the biblical verse, 'They have sown the wind & they have reaped the whirlwind.'
Looks like Nick Smith is going to hang around?
Reminds me of the William Blake quote: "The strongest poison ever known came from Caesar's laurel crown."
He holds his electorate seat by just a few hundred votes. He had just over a third of the votes at the last election with the remaining two thirds split pretty evenly between labour and the greens. Unlikely to happen that way again so unless he's far enough up the list he's gone this election.
Hooton Perspective:
From my Perspective the resignations are very timely because from my Perspective new brooms will clear the opportunities for the amazing new talent bursting to be experts in Perspective statements and explanations as to why we bunch of Losers should lead the country over the Lemming Cliff.
Quite impressed with the Nats' response to a looming wave of Covid-related job losses – (MAGA) hats off to them.
Looking at Seymour & Bishop in the photo above, they look as if they've been dressed by their mothers – perhaps they were?
"Mum! I can't find my skateboard!"
Nikki will be disappointed she went from acting leader back down to boring opposition portfolios. She was National's answer to Jacinda, untainted by the scandals and corruption that half the party swims in.
I guess she's decided that if the Nats don't want to change, and prefer the old guard of Collins and Brownlee (MPs of yesteryear not 2021), then there are better things she can do with her life"
National right now today are like a boxer in the early stages of a title fight with a cut eyebrow (MOH Scandal). That cut eyebrow should be exploited in further rounds to open the cut up . More to come out next week on MOH leaking Scandal , Im guessing.
More head-injury-dementia than punch-drunk, in my opinion.
I see it more advanced than that, the former champ in their comeback fight wobbling around the ring with their legs gone. The lightest touch and they are gone.
Wonder how the National Base supporters will respond?
Is it possible that Muller might be considering his tenure as an MP?
Jong Kee being wheeled out by Audrey Young and the Herald to try steady the ship.
Despite having kicked her off the team for bad behaviour, "Key said it was "a critical time for National Party supporters to give their complete support" to Collins and Brownlee.
"They are both talented politicians with an acute understanding of the issues our country faces.""
Nice to see Key still telling porkies.
There's also a fluff pice about Max's new Mt Albert villa Daddy bought him. Dog whistles 'let them eat cake' IMO what a tawdry rag as Audrey shows above.
Saw that. Highlights for me the myth that is equality of opportunity that the right wing promote.
This is the way intergenerational inequality plays out.
Inheritance is now the only realistic means by which the vast majority of the next generation will own an Auckland house. In line with Piketty's conclusion in 'Capital' about a new gilded age.
Any one know the address/street? I grew up in Mt Albert so am interested to know where it is.
The prodigious son of the Smiling House Flipper buys his own home thanks to the
untaxedpaper rounds he used to do when at college. At the end of the day, it is all about making the right choices.Jean Qui?
As I predicted yesterday Collins is in the enviable position of being able to ditch anyone who is not totally loyal to her. She gets to hand pick the team she wants; this is a luxury few political leaders ever get.
The election is still a long way off in political terms, and the team National will have in a few weeks time will be as tight as a drum. There will be no more leaks, and no more embarrassments. Anyone unhappy with Collins (and there will be plenty) will either leave or breath through their nose for the next 55 days.
'As tight as a drum'? If you believe that, you'll believe anything
We are watching Collins pull off a full metal jacket power play. We don't often see this in NZ politics, so sit back and learn.
Old-school bully behaviour. Only the weak will tolerate it and only for a short while – as soon as the election is lost, they'll break out of the miasma and bolt.
It’s deeply unattractive politics alright, but for the Nat caucus getting to the election is all that matters now. Trust me I'm genuinely unhappy at these events; they're giving the one politician who has a chance of beating Jacinda, unconstrained access to the money and organisational clout of the National Party, all at the perfect moment.
That's a prospect which should seriously focus minds on the left. Chris Trotter's column today pretty much nails it.
Collins declared "no dirty stuff" and without that, combined with maintaining the "Kind Aunty Jude" persona she's cultivated since Key's reign fizzled, she's disarmed herself significantly. If the party is exposed for playing dirty now, or if Collins shows her fangs, the electorate will dismiss her as a fake.
Yep, Collins as always is one tweet or comment away from destroying the fine balancing act she is required to keep up.
Can't last. She’ll say something stupid and be forced on the defence. Game over.
Maybe. There is that possibility, but frankly it's a weak election strategy for the left to pin it's hopes on.
Who is pinning their hopes on it? Just an observation.
And how has Judith Collins suddenly become the front runner forcing 'the left' into resorting to hope?
Just what media are you watching over there?
Now Collins has the leadership and full control over the caucus she doesn't have to play dirty anymore. All she has to do is attack Labour on it's record on Kiwibuild for instance, and project that onto the proposed COVID recovery plan.
Then position National as the competent alternative … straightforward stuff
New Zealanders will thrill to the sight of Jacinda being attacked, monstered, battered and mauled by Judith "Crusher" Collins – not.
Do you really think Collins is stupid enough to go about her task that clumsily? This is the regular trap the left falls into, we imagine ourselves so morally superior we always underestimate our opponents.
She has already been clumsy on Ryan Bridge’s show yesterday. She allowed herself to be whipped into a frenzy by Bridge.
Collins is a psychopath. She can't help herself. Her behaviour in interviews over the last 24 hours already tells us how it's going to be, which is going to be just fantastic.
Trump really is a psychopath and what happened in 2016 the left really didn't expect?
Trump won 1 in 5 votes, its hardly a white wash, rather a strategic win, Morrison benefited from a similar ploy, winnig a seat in middle of nowhere with only 10k voters and handed the preferences from the fat boy.
No, I don't but Collins' intent is not kind and no matter how it's masked, the essence will seep through into the public's awareness. She's not so skilled as to be able to mask her own scent, though you would have us believe so, RedLogix
Judith may be smart enough not to take the bait – but Gerry? The Gnats don't have depth of smarts just now.
The last couple of decent flaws in government action were botched because the Gnats attacked too soon, in Walker's case not even understanding that the patient list was provided for him to mine dissatisfaction or lax supervision stories from.
Judith's best bet might be to circle the wagons and trust in the providence of Covid – which would at least have the virtue of not giving the appearance of sabotaging the response.
I get the feeling RL would be quite happy with a Judith Collins led National government. Then he could say, 'told you so' for the next three years.
That and Judith is also a advocate of if it ain't broke don't fix it when it comes to white rule.
FFS! I get the feeling that this is just another personal attack on RL. I like both of you to continue commenting here but perhaps not engage with or refer to each other. Please put your personal differences aside because somebody might come to regret it.
I get the feeling RL would be quite happy with a Judith Collins led National government.
Jacinda is worth ten Judiths. What utterly sticks in my craw is watching immature little twerps gloating about how awful Collins is, idiotically failing to appreciate the potential threat she represents.
As for your racist dig, take it to these guys. This is the level of conversation we can't have on The Standard:
My comment @ 11:17 PM was also meant for you. Prevention is better than a cure.
@ Incognito
I didn't see your comment until after I posted. I'm interested not to make your task any harder than it is and I'll will leave it with this:
An attack on Kiwibuild will not sway public confidence in the woman who managed the world's best defence against the killer virus. End, as they say, of story
Red Logix if you think their aren't other discontents in National your dreaming. Woodhouse has also said he is disappointed he didn't get health. Do you really think it was Amy and Nicky leaking to Tova?
People don't give a flying f…k about Kiwibuild anymore. That's so last year. The only issue this election hinges on is Covid and the economy. Judith will have to play dirty to beat labour because they have done an outstanding job of covid and therefore the economy.
They may not care directly about Kiwibuild, but Collins only has to point to it do evidence of a Labour failure and then say, if they botched that why would you trust them with a recovery plan that's even more important?
Basic politics.
Sadly, all I remember is Judith scandal upon scandal in 2014 and then she went on stress leave for 5 days as she had a breakdown. Can you imagine what a disaster it would be if she crumbles under the stresses of the Covid situation. She is all noise and no substance and was a core part of the nine years of doing nothing of National leaving New Zealand in a state of neglect. We dont want a repeat of that.
[Please pick a different user name as “Peter” is already in use here, thanks – Incognito]
[Please pick a different user name as “Peter” is already in use here, thanks – Incognito]
And it's basic politics to acknowledge the failure and move on, which Ardern has done. It's like the Winebox Inquiry. By the time Peters was proved right nobody cared.
Because red logs the recovery is well underway already. We seem to be having a V shape recovery unlike any other in the world.
national have already brought up kiwi build and that went nowhere.
all labour need to say is we have built more houses than any govt since the 70s and that is xxx number more than National did in 9 years. To easy.
if National keep banging on about kiwi build they will begin to look ridiculous. Right now National have contributed nothing to this country over covid. A big fat zero
Exactly anker, for National to use Kiwibuild as a critique of the Govt will only result in egg on their face
The new housing stats don't indicate a failure as you know.
Gerry rebuilt ChCh.
KiwiBuild has been demolished so many times that making it a major target of attack is like attacking a ghost from the past. In any case, this is not KiwiBuild 1.0 anymore. I know RW commenters like to bring it up here and other blogs, as they do 1984 and Roger Douglas, etc., because they’re too lazy to think of something better. Of course, such an attack will resonate with RWers but they won’t be voting Left anyway.
Unfortunately for her she seems to be reminding too many older voters of piggy muldoon. That may dint her electoral appeal there.
When she called Labour the "other lot" it was a direct quote from the old tusker.
the National Party are showing themselves to be truly unstable right now. That is the very last thing the country needs during a pandemic. You can dress it up anyway you like. The National Party is unstable, it makes some of its members unstable, think Muller, think Jami-Lee,,,,,,,,,toxicity breeds mental health disorders.
The idea that they are the better team and that Jacinda only has four ministers she can count on is beyond a joke. I would have more respect for them if they just admitted they are a corrupt shit show and they need to pass on the election this time and sort their shit out. But instead we get this bullying postering from Collins
National caucus resembles a Real Estate Sales Rep’s retreat on the morning of day two…wrinkly blue suits, sneaky beer farts, and zoned out passive aggressive grimaces.
Spot on, but I just hope the public see this. Labour needs to pick a few issues that are appropriate to expose. Maybe the fact Collins wasn't exonerated over her involvement with slater, or how a national government's uncritical focus on the economy will inevitably mean community spread of covid.
I think Labours tactic is fightback is when Woods called Woodhouse out on the homeless man, writing to him asking for more info
And the Hipkins launching an enquiry in the leaking.
Both worked very well
Good thread
WILD KATIPO July 16, 2020 at 7:59 am
Interesting stuff. We are indeed seeing the implosion of rabid far right wing neo liberalism and those left with any sense of integrity leaving . This is what we are witnessing in real time. A credit to Nikki Kaye is needed.
Ring of Fire Johnny CashRing of Fire Johnny Cash
Funny that at this time of year with so much rain around and mushy ground and mud, that all those National MPs are biting the dust.
Good one for the farmers. I've sent it through
Who says no to Judith now? Key and English did, but with 1, 2 and 3 gone who places any check on her in National?
Both Kaye and Adams say Collins has their full support. Rubbish. If Collins had their full support, they wouldn’t be resigning this morning. Kaye and Adams led the revolt against Bridges, tipped up Muller, and now revolt against Collins. Party first, really?
It doesn’t make sense for Kaye and Adams to resign now. They’ve ankle-tapped Collins’ momentum and sabotaged the Party’s plans of a late rally for the Election. Unless that was always the plan? The point is, they could have waited 60 days and then pulled the pin. That would have been in the party’s best interests.in which case, they have put self-interest and internal politics ahead of the Party and (supposedly) our democracy’s best interests.
This is the greatest tweet ive seen all year –well done Rachel !
A fairly accurate assessment, it appears the party is fragmenting.
Sorry Judith, but you're simply tooo devisive.
collins cant even appeal to the women in the nats. so how can she appeal to the broader female electorate?
Classic clean out, those loyal to Crusher will remain (or those who can hide their true loyalty) Then we will have NZ's watered down version of the GOP. The hardcore voting bloc will be filtered out, bad news for Seymour but leaving plenty of room in the middle to be snapped up.
Tight as a drum? Up a goats bum. Collins is no match, full of bluster and self importance, it took a stinking (sinking) ship before anyone would vote her as leader, the bubbles will have bursting sounds of arrogance.
Just out on the news, Simon Bridges elevated to No 4.
Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer
It's a wild elevator ride – Nat voters will be feeling queasy! Next, Paula's back as Chief Whip!
The question is..
How many noses will be put out of joint by Collins in her search for the perfect "team" of loyal supporters.
Ardern had only 7 weeks to front Labour's 2017 election campaign. With (just) over two months to go until Election 2020, it's not too late for Simon. #BridgesForLeader
A guaranteed win for anybody except National then.
I just feel National hasn't recognized the mood of the country, not only from being saved from Corona Virus, but also how kindess is a very strong virtue, no matter where it's applied.
Attack dog tactics wont work, but hold the Govt to account in disciplined manner with justifaction will, I think
To encourage more support for National, they need to realise times have changed
I so agree with your comments Just Is – we had a fav cousin of mine and his wife call in on their way to a family gathering in Rotorua and of course, the conversation turned to their MP for Papakura, non other than the newly minted Leader of the Opposition. They are no fans of hers and like us we also reckon that the country has turned a slight corner in how we operate, particularly since Covid19 – we are indeed tending to be kinder in our attitude to others – and, long may it continue. Of course JuCo's belligerent attitude will work wonders for some of her acolytes and followers, but just maybe she will be unable to help herself and revert to type which will ultimately show her up for the shallow and vindictive individual she is.
Judith believes her new caucus is a "winning team". and took a dig at Jacinda
"My hardest issue with this was who didn't get into the shadow-Cabinet. I had so many choices. It is such a wealth of talent and at least I don't have the problem that Jacinda Ardern's got."
Wow Judith tell me who you in your Shadow Cabinet has more business experience ? Tell me what guarantees your shadow Finance Minister would be up to the job -has he been tested ?
Actually I reckon none of these people in the shadow cabinet would have more business experience than labours team if fact checked.
I cant stop laughing if Judith really thinks this is outstanding talent, i cant name any one thing that most of these names have achieved when they were last in power- whats their track record.
No disrespect to newcomers like Nicola . -your thoughts?
Brownlee controlling the border lol lol……..guess he might know the mindset of people trying escape security from his pushing through airport security a few years back.
Mitchell will be pissed and ready to sharpen the knives…………..as will Woodhouse if he survives the Heron report…………………
lol lol lol lol
Five weeks ago, Border Patrol Brownlee was haranguing the government to "get moving" on the Trans-Tasman bubble. Today, Victoria is in lockdown with its highest daily case number ever, and there are outbreaks in NSW as well. Who would trust these clowns?
i trust Jacinda to play Collins well.
Remember when that old prick Gareth Morgan said about lipstick on a pig.
Next Jacinda was posing with a Miss Piggy doll. Message I am not bothered by or with you.
Let me see if I have this straight – the wealth of experience is:
Gerry Brownlee, Simon Bridges, Nick Smith and Judith Collins?
Beyond the fact that these 4 are all negatively tainted, the others are all lightweights with absolutely no low profile and name recognition with the public? Seriously , I am stunned at how bad this is.
This blows out of the water "we have the better team" crap.
Mike A……it seems this is all they've got. It will be interesting to see if they put Better Team on their billboards lol lol lol
They are using 'Any Team' ….just in case
'the better team', 'promoting talent'…….Gerry Brownlee, David Bennett ?????
national has 'a plan' says Gerry Brownlee. What, like the Christchurch rebuild Gerry.
All the more room for some Air New Zealand management and gun dealers.
Let me see if I have this straight – the wealth of experience is:
Gerry Brownlee, Simon Bridges, Nick Smith and Judith Collins?
Beyond the fact that these 4 are all negatively tainted, the others are all lightweights with absolutely no low profile and name recognition with the public? Seriously , I am stunned at how bad this is.
This blows out of the water "we have the better team" crap.
Gerry Brownlee has the COVID-19 Border Response role
Simon Bridges has Foreign Affairs and Justice at four
Dr Shane Reti in top five
Chris Bishop in top 10 as shadow Leader of the House
Todd Muller has Trade in top 10
David Bennett heads to number 11
Nicola Willis takes Education
Housing and Urban Development goes to Jacqui Dean
Mark Mitchell falls out of top 10 and loses Justice
Dr Nick Smith back in the shadow-Cabinet
Harete Hipango takes shadow Attorney-General
Yep it does but to be fair give the newcomers like Nicola the benefit of the doubt –but quick analysis tells me where is this magical talent and business experience in that list? ,How well did Gerry Brownlee perform during Christchurch Earthquake crisis?—-
really hard sell
Team ha
sort of like all blacks retiring half way through a world cup final!!!!!!.
Poor things haven't twigged to just how lazy this pompous, self-serving flake is.
Collins is described constantly as "polarising."
So was Muldoon. You either loved him or hated him. And he held sway for so many years.
Most strong leaders are polarising.
If you want to see how much popular leaders are hated by the other side do one of two things.
1. Write a comment on The Standard about how great John Key was; or
2. Write a comment on Kiwiblog about how great Jacinda Ardern is.
Not sure about the "strong" tag Enough. Perhaps the Leaders who have clearly defined positions on issues are strong. Perhaps populists are not strong.
Key varied according to the wind direction.
Helen had clearly defined philosophy.
Muldoon pigheaded.
So which leaders are strong? And strong with which department? Caucus control? Democratic consultations? Dirty Tricks?
Interestingly, the last time I visited kiwiblog, a large proportion of the punters were complaining Key wasn't "right wing enough" too much of a centrist, that was about a year before Key disappeared unexpectedly.
I don't encourage you to but I can predict what would happen if you left a comment there now which says "Jacinda is providing strong leadership through the covid crisis"
Yes, but there's a difference with Collins, which is her tendency to lose the plot. Someone's already mentioned Trotter's piece, the most interesting observation I think is:
"If Jacinda is able to embarrass her opponent severely, then there is every chance Collins will reveal her dark side. That would be “Game Over”"
Collins won't need embarrassing for her to do that. It'll come out regardless.
I suppose the real question is was the polarisation of importance when it came to doing everything that was good for New Zealand.
There are bound to be those alive who were at 'Muldoon is god' pole who wanted him to get rid of the superannuation scheme when he got in.
They're still likely to be bitching about the way the country is economically. What they did was give him the go ahead to pull the bung in that boat scuppering the possibility of the economy being so much better. They caused shit, they had the answer then, now they still me they have the answers. I guess polarisation is when people like me get used to saying "fuck off."
Nobody gives a toss who is number 7 or 17 or 47 in the rankings. They are in opposition.
Even here, a blog for political tragics, I bet few of us can recall who got demoted by Shearer or promoted by Cunliffe or whatever. Probably because whoever it was lost their seat at the election anyway.
These people are wandering in the desert. Their purpose is forgotten. Take Todd Muller. It would not matter one tiny little bit if he spent the next 2 months in the Bay of Plenty, working as an electorate MP and recharging his batteries. Not one law would be changed, not one policy implemented. But he might get some perspective on his life and his work.
But no. "Front bench! Trade! Big move!". What a joke.
What I'm trying to get my head around is this…. muller resigns as leader and has gone to ground. Some are touting the idea it's because of mental health difficulties.
If that is so, why on earth is he in their top ten?
There's so much more to this than meets the eye me thinks.
Why would mental health issues disqualify you from being in the top 10?
"Issues" wouldn't. But an unhealthy response to those issues is to return to the stress that pushes somebody to a breakdown. Taking leave is usually the smart thing to do.
Observer, absolutely.
To add context, I suffered from mental health difficulties and going back to a stressful work environment would have been suicide at the time.
I still think there's so much more to todd's resigning as leader, but maybe I'm wrong, it just seems bizarre to me.
Also, the RW opposition is going to be very nasty next term, with more ACT MPs, hard right Nats (they have safe seats) and few social "liberals".
Seems nobody at the Standard, has spotted the obvious goings on with the Nats.
Clearing out the "Wets", i.e. the "Labour Lites" who have embedded themselves in the party.
Well, that didn't work. Brownlee even got promoted! Told Duncan Garner this morning about their 5-point plan. You know, the five socialist initiatives that Todd announced. You haven't heard Judith repudiating that, have you? And she's put Todd back in at #8. So much for the wet/dry rerun of the '80s. No legs, can't run.
Someone pointed it out the other day actually, with Muller going, Observer I think it was.
Duncan Garner, Gerry Brownlee butt heads over National's policy announcements
This blows out of the water "we have the better team" crap. I cant stop laughing –does anyone seriously believe it?
Has anyone done a fact-check on the Honourable Judith Collins' (potential future NZ Prime Minister) self-serving reckon that the average term of an MP is four years?
Sure it's a demanding job, but if Collins' reckon was accurate then at least two thirds of MPs would be 'one-termers' – can that be right?
Hmm, I’m starting to wonder if Anker, Drowsy M. Kram, observer, Incognito, Just Is, and Tiger Mountain all love together in a dorm and commute via this undersubscribed echo chamber
[You were clearly going for it from the outset and the piece of string was long enough to hang yourself with, as I expected, even though I warned you several times. Trolls are so stupidly predictable. Never mind, banned for six months. Bye bye Ben – Incognito]
Ps, deliberate grammatical errors.
And yet I have never wasted a moment of my precious time wondering about "Ben".
Do you need a hobby?
I’ve found one: listening to angry echos
Then you need to keep off Kiwiblog and those deranged Twitter accounts with the red cross.
Here it's all popcorn. What's tomorrow's entertainment? Judith sacks Simon?
That is not a bad idea observer. It would be fun to watch, eh?
The Red Cross, I don’t know what it means but I have observed that it annoys the hell out of certain observers. Is this better
It means you promote racial hatred. You are on the internet, use it. Twitter is there for you. Look, it up, learn. It will take less time than you spend here.
It is not a joke.
Ben, what do you reckon about the 'Honourable' Judith Collins' reckon? On the money?
Be brave Ben – open up the echo chamber
Well written Mathilde!
It's too late for me Ben, but it's not too late to save yourself – open your mind.
Oops, I was wrong – it was too late to save yourself!
Total failure, Ben I am a language teacher, and found no grammatical errors at all since and including comment 40. You can't even do errors properly! (Simple spelling is a different matter.)
See my Moderation note @ 7:33 PM.