Written By:
mickysavage - Date published:
10:03 am, January 29th, 2014 - 236 comments
Categories: blogs, Media -
Tags: cameron slater
Whaleoil is in trouble. He claims that a denial of service attack has knocked his website offline and that he has been receiving death threats to him and his family.
He has wondered if Dotcom may be involved because orchestrating a DOS attack is an expensive thing to do and after all Dotcom is a wealthy person. Good luck with that claim Cameron. Making baseless and totally unsubstantiated suggestions about Kim is not something that I would recommend anyone does.
The apparent cause of the attack is a recent post with the title “Feral dies in Greymouth, did world a “favour”. The person that he referred to, a young man called Judd Hall, was the fourth son of Rick Durbridge and Joe Hall. All four of their sons have died in tragic circumstances. One of them was the victim of a drunk driver, another one died in the Pike River Mine disaster. Hall had only just died and the timing as well as the complete lack of sensitivity were as bad as you can imagine.
I am all for freedom of speech. But there are limits and Slater’s comments breach any concept of civilised limits.
He should unconditionally apologise. Because this time he has well and truly overstepped the mark.
And Judith Collins and all the wanna be National Party candidates such as Policy Parrot should sever links with Slater. Because association with him will ultimately be destructive of their reputations.
This is one whale that will not be missed by too many if it becomes extinct.
However unwell people deserve treatment and if he survives this current shitstorm he has bought upon himself yet again, may he reflect a bit, make some positive changes and stop bringing pain to others.
I would not hold your breath about redemption Tiger.
I just discovered this post complete with facebook comment screen shots where Slater makes threats to a woman Jackie Sperling, expresses the hope that she is dead and then expresses regret that she is alive …
He is all class.
His site was back up earlier today but seems to be down again.
Poor bugger. Some days them ferals seems to be all over the net.
Incorrect, Slater was in correspondence with Jackie not threatening her, the person to whom Slater is referring to is Debbie Brown with whom he cheated on his wife with
Cameron is really complete dickhead. I’m just surprised that he hasn’t triggered this kind of response before.
The law of the jungle comes to mind.
And, how low can we go?
Over the years I have had a few direct and implied threats, mostly by idiots who frequent Whaleoil getting my details from there. But I have also seen bits of various private websites for his own vigilantes (amazing what you can find in searching google caches) that contained precis of various “enemies” including me, and a number of other people.
If you act like an bullshitting arsehole “demanding” money to attack people as Cameron has admitted doing, then I’m afraid that I have no sympathy for such a dickhead.
These are all behaviours that are reprehensible, as is deliberately stirring up any kind of hate speech as Cameron does most of the time. Clearly it has gotten him into trouble now.
But it is good to hear that he is back with his family – he tends to be somewhat more stable when that happens.
It is going to be interesting seeing how the police deal with it. It does rather sound like a distributed attack because otherwise it could be shutdown with a few sentences in a file against a small number of IP addresses. Problem is that trying to tie some threats on facebook to someone with access to what must be a botnet is going to be hard.
And by the look of it both his website and his comment system (disqus) are offshore. That will made it interesting legally for the police.
Is it technically practicable to identify the IP address that targets a botnet to commence a DDoS attack? Even if so, I wouldn’t imagine this being at the top of the police’s cybercrime priorities.
Not easily. It typically runs through a series of cutouts and the command set is usually small and looks innocuous.
I have absolutely no sympathy for him. He’s not only brought it on himself but he’s now playing the role of “victim”. He’s had death threats. How many? One, two or three? Most people who receive such threats go immediately to the police and they don’t advertise the fact for fear of copy-cat responses. He has moved his children to safety. Fair enough, they’re not responsible for their father’s behaviour, but given his penchant for exaggeration and attention seeking you have to wonder what has really been going on.
Whaleoil beached after having a farewell spit Dept of Conservatives considering euthenasing stranded whale but
can’t find a big Enough hole to bury him in problem solved he dug a big Enough hole for himself.
The Herald reportage is simply appalling – covering up for their source and mate. The only mention of what sparked it all is this: “In a blog post, Mr Slater called a Greymouth car crash victim “feral” – a comment that was reported in the local Greymouth Star newspaper this week.” The rest is Slater whining and asking for sympathy.
Nope. Not enough. Not even close. He should disappear or be disappeared… from social commentary.
What would an unconditional apology count for anyway, when in the Radio NZ link he’s heard still banging on about a ‘feral underclass who are above the law’?
I can’t see the point of removing Slater. Another one of Judith Collins mouthpiecess will just take his place.
And I think Judith Collins should remain as closely associated with him as she can in order to help ensure the best future for her career as possible.
…if anyone looks Feral it is Cameron Slater
….the young man who he calls “feral” looked positively sophistcated and film star ‘metro man’ in comparison….no wonder his heart broken family is mad
on feral Slaters:
please don’t use the word feral as a pejorative, esp to describe someone like Slater. Ferals are an important part of our world. Nothing wrong with being feral. That Slater used the term in the way he did speaks to his lack of humanness. He’s a really sick fuck, but he’s not a feral.
edit: lolz, just seen your links. Slaters in nature are very useful to their ecosystems, so I think that comparison fails too
Ok weka….good points …..and sorry to all the little feral critters( slaters included )…i did think this at the time that it wasn’t fair to them
But what is to be done about the big human horrible Slater? …i applaud what has happened to his computer system……it is justice imo….but why is he crying like a baby?
(and sorry to all babies…… who cry for good reasons)
but why is he crying like a baby
Crying babies get attention.
And crying serves his agenda.
Exactly. Although I think he will elicit little sympathy.
Probably true, but even so, the more publicity he gets the more people will go look at his website (once it’s back) and see what a cesspit it actually is. And the more the mainstrean makes the connection between that and NACT, the better.
I’m thinking similarly. I think he’s badly miscalculated the reaction of most people. Even those who rightly condemn the threats he says he’s received are probably thinking still, given the crassness of his insult to a grieving family, it serves him right.
Judd was a good friend of my daughter and a really nice person. He will be sorely missed here in Greymouth.
My sympathies to your daughter and those who will be grieving his loss in their lives.
It is of small comfort, but the petulant, attention-seeking post and resultant news frenzy resulting from a small man in the world of humanity, should mean little to those who truly knew and loved the person who has been lost.
Try to give Slater the energy and attention he deserves from your community – which is none.
Your time and focus belongs with Judd and your community. I hope you are able to do this – despite the media frenzy. Kia kaha.
Terribly sad for the family.
How are the rest of the occupants of the car will they be charged with anything ?
I’m so very sorry for your loss Beatie and for Greymouth’s loss.
I did read your post about Slater last night on Open Mike and was disgusted beyond belief – and it was only a week or so after Farrar made fun out of the tragedy of the deaths of two children and their father in Dunedin – yet sadly and unsurprisingly he learnt nothing from the cruelty of his fellow pond dweller.
Condolences to the family and to your daughter for the loss of her friend.
Take care.
I’m not really seeing a problem here. I’m seeing a market response to an unsavoury product.
Or a feral response to a problem in society that the mainstream cannot handle. I also can’t see the problem.
Dear Cameron,
[lprent: ?? and ?? ]
Dear Cameron,
.. it seems that you are the only one with moral fibre enough to stand up to .. westies.
{Irony completely intended.}
[ .. add excited whale audio on *.mp3 ..]
I feel ill every time I look at that hideous photo, a face only mummy and BM could love..
I don’t love Slater. I don’t hate him either.
Cameron makes money off his blog by being controversial, sometimes he misses the target other times he nails it between the eyes.
The feral comment is a definite miss and once the true facts came to light he should have offered an apology.
“The feral comment is a definite miss and once the true facts came to light he should have offered an apology.”
This “feral” comment??
True facts?????
BM thinks everyone is like him, with one filing cabinet labelled “true facts” and another labelled “‘facts'”
Where do the factoids go. On the folder on his desk at his fingertips – I should think.
I have to say the ugliness of that man is truly manifest in his appearance. He gives me a cold shiver of revulsion every time.
Normally I would never say such thing as I’m completely non fussed by physical appearance however his ugliness screams and I feel I can say that after what he has said about the death of Judd Hall and also, what he said about Lprent further along in the thread. To wish death upon someone and to joke about death is purely sociopathic.
Tend to agree – but the photo isn’t actually a bad photo. It’s just that his “staunch, determined, serious” gaze slips into “yuck – just plain wrong”
Put your hand over the face, even just the eyes, and the creep-factor plummets, in my opinion
I agree that Slater has overstepped the mark on this one, and should apologise, but then so should those who have threatened to pack rape his 15 year old daughter, and those who made death threats should also.
“but then so should those who have threatened to pack rape his 15 year old daughter, and those who made death threats should also.”
[credible citation needed]
Source?? Has slater published the threats
The threats were all on his facebook page which was public. Anybody could see but they are down now and in the hands of the police.
Whaleoil site is still stranded.
Cameron has made a complaint to police over death threats fair Enough .
But he should turn himself in for inciting such behaviour as well as defaming a grieving family.
NZ is outraged by his comments
The police sound like they will have to prosecute a lot of people I hope this puts an end to
Cameron Slaters need for fame seeking.
I think its his father trying to live his life through his son syndrome and Cameron can’t live up to his fathers expectations so has this destructive obsession.
Cameron time to move on get a real job where you can have pride in your self and set a good example for your children.
“…Grey District Mayor Tony Kokshoorn told Radio New Zealand that Mr Slater had it coming…”
Good on Tony Kokshoorn. Slater libels, slanders and breaks court supression orders all the time. Now he is discovering that being fast and loose with the law and playing dirty is a game two can play. No middle class tut-tutting about lowering yourself to wrestling with a pig from the no-nonsense people of the West Coast. They saw the pig, jumped straight into the sty, and now they are kicking the metaphorical shit out of it. They know that once you’ve taught the pig a lesson you can always climb out of the sty and take a shower.
Slater only understands one thing. And this DDoS is it. And if/when he gets his site going again it will be worth checking to see if he ever slanders West Coasters again. if he doesn’t, then the we all owe the West Coast a big favour for revealing how best to hit back.
This attack on his site has nothing to do with the west coast hill billies, it’s just a coincidence.
There’s quite a long thread about it on Kiwi blog with some quite interesting comments.
That isn’t how Slater is calling it.
Are you expecting Slater to be telling the truth?
That’d be nice.
Lolz BM, just a coincidence you say and Kiwiblog would know this how???, if those born and bred or living down the Coast are ‘hillbillies’ what does that make you BM, an Auckland Arse-hole perhaps…
From kiwi blog
I’d say it has something to do with that big donate button that Cameron put up on his site a few days ago.
Especially when it had, at last glance 67% of target reached written right beside it.
Maybe certain people thought he’d come into a bit of money and was ripe for picking?
Is there a postal address for donations? The neighbours dog left something on the council berm meant for Slater that should be forwarded..
Lolz, better check the bank accounts to make sure the kids havn’t cracked my internet banking password and gone on a spending spree…
lol, That’s pretty thin gruel for claiming it’s probably a coincidence.
A few hundie to seriously piss him off for jumping into a west coast town’s grief? You’d raise it in minutes in any public bar.
So basically anyone slater pissed off cld have done it for 250 bucks. That narrows it down.
Slater looking to deflect and inflate his own importance. Priceless.
“….. west coast hill billies…..”
You and Slater are brothers in (stinky under) arms.
Amazing, ain’t it? Yet, entirely predictable. You see, in order to believe the things BM and his BFF Slater do believe, one has to dehumanise those who are most hurt by those beliefs.
Burn in hell BM
Is this the true facts you said will come to light…. opinions posted on a blog?
The swamp amoeba also known as ‘wail-oil’ deserves no sympathy, it’s a pity the Judge in the Court found it ‘inappropriate’ to jail the blubbering, whining lump of lard for His refusal to hand over documentation the Court had previously said He must, instead ordering that this be handed into the court,(presumably until such time as an appeal to a higher Court is heard),
My view is that Slater, reputed at times to be in receipt of Sickness Benefit for issues of a psychological nature, shows signs of having a serious disease of the mind, anyone viewing His unwarranted attack on that kid down the Coast would probably come to the same conclusion,
He certainly belongs in institutionalized care as His activities are becoming a danger to Himself and His family,(the fact that He cannot see how He has brought about such danger is another factor to be taken into account when assessing His mental condition), perhaps a CAT team need assess Slater with a view to removing Him from society for the safety of Him and His family…
This is an appalling low.
Yet didn’t PM Helen Clark – I think – also call some West Coasters “feral” a few years back? That was also a bit of a low point.
[lprent: Nope. That was Cameron and other idiots carefully misquoting. ]
I was waiting for someone to claim this was the case. What Helen said was “[a]ttitudes of some on the West Coast could be fairly feral”.
Slater has claimed ever since that she called West Coast dwellers feral even though it has been pointed out repeatedly that this is not true.
Thanks – I stand corrected.
“Slater has claimed ever since that she called West Coast dwellers feral “
Worse, Slater has forever claimed – and spread the lie – that she said all coasters were “feral inbreds”.
nope, she didnt. think harder next time.
“If you don’t stand up for the stuff you don’t like, when they come for the stuff you do like, you’ve already lost.”
I’m saddened that so many here don’t understand freedom of speech. Many people may not like what Slater has to say, or what you have to say, but that is no reason to silence you, or him.
It doesn’t sound like he’s been silenced. His website’s just been taken down temporarily. All has been referred to the police. No worries. They’ll get to the bottom of it.
Yes. He does still appear to be whining loudly.
Doesn’t appear to be doing much about getting his site operating. If it is simply a DDOS attack (rather than sloppy handling of his site with a bad upgrade – far more common (I know) ) then it shouldn’t be that hard.
If disqus is the target, then turn it off and revert back to wordpress. Use cloudflare (which I see he is using) to quash the DDOS for IP ranges and/or geographical regions, back that up with .htaccess denials, and back that up with something like wordfence.
Perhaps you could offer to help him out. If you think about it, you’ll find you’ll “win” no matter how he reacts.
You have just shown that you do not understand freedom of speech. I am not surprised at all, any more than you are saddened.
Murry, you have fallen for a fairly common misunderstanding of what ‘freedom of speech’ really means.
It means that you can express an idea, opinion or belief without the threat of legal, government or physical retaliation.
It does not mean that you can say any vile, baseless, provocative, unreasoning or offensive thing you like and demand that there should be no consequences.
Indeed. Intolerance and disinformation must not be tolerated, if we wish to have a sane society able to consider reality based discussions and decisions.
I know what freedom of speech means, and my comment was directed at the golfer, but thanks anyway. I haven’t fallen for anything, apart from perhaps the delusion that people would understand how the comment numbering system works.
Sorry – I was in a hurry and misread the thread.
Never mind. It doesn’t hurt to have what you and CV wrote spelled out for those who do have funny ideas about it.
Unless I’ve missed something Slater faces no legal sanction for what he said because that’s what freedom of speech means.
It doesn’t mean can say anything he wants with an expectation that his foul ruminations won’t bite his arse.
You are confusing freedom of speech with hate speech.
I’m afraid that I lost all sympathy for the cretin the day that I sighted a comment he made expressing sadness that my heart attack was not fatal.
That is the type of arsehole that he is…
Maybe. Maybe some people take offense at the words spoken on this site.
But I would not be gleeful at someone making this site inaccessible on that basis. The prevailing mood here seems to be “because we don’t like X, then it is good someone silenced X”. Yes, I know he has other avenues, but that’s not the point, is it.
Please give an example of something that has been posted on the standard (post, not comment) that is the equivalent of what Slater did this week.
The point is that someone has chosen to take offensive at something Slater has done. I don’t see the point running an X-Factor to see who is the most offensive, because it isn’t relevant.
It is entirely relevant. You mention it in your first comment.
TigerWoods, I’ll take that to mean you can’t find any example of anything ever posted on ts that even comes close to what Slater did this week.
“I don’t see the point running an X-Factor to see who is the most offensive, because it isn’t relevant.”
Yes it is. Because you are the one that made a comparison between authors here and Slater. It’s not that people have chosen to be offended. It’s that Slater has done something that is so far outside the cultural norm of human behaviour that his website has been hacked and he has received threats (allegedly). You can try and spin this as left and right are equally reprehensible, but you have absolutely no evidence that this is true.
The standard has never claimed to be an offence-free zone. But it clearly does have ethics, standards, and boundaries that ensure a level of basic human decency.
Perhaps Slater wins the most offensive contest hands down. Romps through the finals and wins three years in a row.
So what?
That doesn’t mean people are justified in making his site inaccessible.
ha ha ha empty head
Ah. Who do they seek redress from? What do you suggest that they do – spend years pushing a defamation case through the courts (like Blomfield is doing)?
It isn’t like there is even the ineffectual hand slapping that the local media pretend to obey like the press council or BSA.
Assuming this is something to do with NZ, then this seems like a remarkably effective technique to show disapproval for an arsehole who deliberately makes replies posted on his site the scene of sustained abuse in the comments by his “barmy army”.
Let us hear your alternative to how to deal with an arsehole with self-control issues running a blog.
It’s a big internet. Ignore him.
Despite his attacks my ex-employers, that is largely what I did.
However when the arsehole gloats over my having a heart attack, or bemoaning later on that I survived it all for the amusement of the juvenile wankers who appear to be most of his readers. Well that does make it rather personal.
These days I tend to cheer on and even assist people on who legally attack Slater. Basically I’ve been helping get rid of human trash like Cameron Slater from the net for decades and I tend to view this as being a good thing. It is just a human thing.
Looks like someone has taken a illegal way. Might be related to his posts. Might just be a shakedown But by the look of it, it appears to be effective.
So you still haven’t answered my question.
What do you do when the only legal redress for a nutter arsehole like Slater slagging you off over the net is having many years and much expense in court? When you know that the useless lazy mostly bankrupt git couldn’t pay any judgement against him anyway.
Generally speaking, narcissist characters crave attention. And status. So I’d ignore them. And win at my own game, whatever that may be. They hate that. Drives them up the wall.
Don’t fight head on. They love a fight head on. It validates them.
Not only thatr. What do you do if the person who gloats over your illness and publicly wishes you dead is encouraged in his odious behaviour by the Minister of Justice?
I now expect Russell Brown, impeccable middle-class liberal that he is, to defend Slater’s right to freedom of hate speech while shutting down any criticism of him.
It is unlikely that we’d go offline for a DDOS. Usually the reason we go offline is mostly because of hardware failures like hard disk failures or getting tossed off a server because of traffic volumes. I’ve also had some software upgrade issues.
I’ve had 8 DDOS attacks of various magnitudes from spambot frenzy in december to two deliberate attacks mostly out of eastern europe. In the latter case I simply dropped most of the world outside of NZ from connecting to the site (love GeoIP).
These days I can literally throw capacity at the problem while also dropping the rest of the world off it outside of NZ. Costs money on the next bill. But allows me to isolate the problem. I’d guess that reason that Cam hasn’t done it is because his advertising revenue comes almost entirely from offshore (unlike us).
From how it is offline, I suspect that they are targeting his Disqus comment section. His main server is behind Cloudflare which is reasonably effective at handling DDOS (I used to use them). But that may have been a recent change (and the TTLs from his DNS is usually the issue there. He should have been able to change IP addresses at the server long ago. But Disqus has had the odd problems with DDOS – so that would be my pick for the problem area.
But I’m going to be interested in who is doing it if they ever find out. I rather suspect that Cameron has absolutely no frigging idea really. From the number of people that he has pissed off over the years for being such an arsehole, there are a wide wide range of suspects. I’m sure that I’m on that list as I really think he is a complete creep. But it isn’t exactly hard to do these days even for a non-tech. But usually I’d just follow the money. I rather like the extortion theory myself.
I think that the overwhelming feeling here is that Slater has been courting such an attempt by someone for a long time. The only thing that is particularly interesting is how long it takes him to get up and running again. It will probably also be pretty expensive hardening his site.
“Police are interviewing thousands of suspects.”

Slater’s freedom of speech is not in any danger, but I look forward to your defence to the death of the right to freedom of speech at sea, and sympathy strike action.
He doesnt seem able to deal with the consequences of his free speech
The sleazy scumbag will be loving this because, in his diseased mind, he is once again the centre of attention. He will also be scared shitless because he knows he’s out of his depth, which is normally abusing 15 year old girls through his foul site. He loves playing the tough guy online and had possibly almost convinced himself that it was true, but now, thanks to his lack of any human qualities, he’s stirred up something he can’t handle and is straight off to whine at the local cop shop.
I hope he gets his blog back soon and NAct continue to support him. The more his links to the PM’s office and membership of the Judith Collins CBT club become public knowledge, the better. We need to realise that many on the right are just like this creep, with flash suits and pretensions to be well mannered just being a thin veneer. Fuck him. He is the author of his own misfortune and deserves anything that happens to his festering self.
“……. straight off to whine at the local cop shop.”
Does that mean the headhunters aren’t with him anymore, if they ever were..
If that text was ever sent, I suspect it was one of his Whale Army being an idiot.
Ha!, brilliant, but the in my minds eye – ouch!!
+1000 Murray
I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if it turns out he lied that he received death threats against his family.
The thing that amuses me most about all this is Slator’s sudden respect of the law – i.e. to the extent he now intends laying a complaint in the hope those mean, nasty, feral types will be prosecuted (NO DOUBT “to the full extent of ‘the law'”)
That very same “law” he chooses to ignore when it suits (such as with various judicial suppression orders).
Selective? or What?
It’s all on Cam’s terms though ……. aye? eh?
Please yaRona! …. I’m suffering from dipreshin on account of my failed bizniss….. plus I’m far more deserving of your sympathy ‘cos I’ve never taken any benefit from the State or its apparatus…..
Oh no…. wait … that ain’t gonna fly. Gimme 5 YaRonna – get back 2 ya.
Just to be clear though – no threats are legit.
Can’t stand the heat?
Suddenly worries tho’ Cam?
I don’t REALLY think so, other than from the potential for morphing this all into the scenario that shows you as “the victim”.
(btw Cam ….. “Victim”? boy – do I have a deal for you!!!!)
Guess what though….. I’m picking that the NZPolis will both choose to investigate, and try on a prosecution. Good if they do though – it’ll be the ultimate in showing their double standards
Most people would choose to show some degree of compassion towards the family of the victim and not go on a nasty attack. It’s a bad look for National, by association with Cammeron. This guy wastes a lot of police resources with these sorts of stupid things. No one likes seeing tax payers money being wasted. So how about the tax payer union admonish him for doing exactly this?
Just don’t give him oxygen.
I like that idea, but a plastic bag placed over his numb skull could be illegal..
It’s a bit naive, I have to say, to think that shaking hands and making up is the solution.
Slater will not apologise, ever. He needs help, and medication.
Slater is seriously sick. He doesn’t need to say “sorry”, he needs to see a doctor.
His weird obsession with death, shared with Farrar’s and Hooton’s gloating over dead children is not political or even moral, it’s a medical or psychiatric illness.
We shouldn’t hate these people, but pity them and refer them to proper psychiatric professionals to deal with Farrar’s sexual obsessions (Wellington gossip, I have to say, has a lot to… say), Slater’s obsessive paranoia and Hooton’s own problems with being a moral vacuum and compulsive lying turned into a profession.
One has to ask too about the Nats using these dysfunctional individuals.
Apologies if there are multiple posts, but I just can’t get through!
Again, again, again…
It’s a bit naive, I have to say, to think that shaking hands and making up is the solution.
Slater will not apologise, ever. He needs help, and medication.
Slater is seriously sick. He doesn’t need to say “sorry”, he needs to see a doctor.
His weird obsession with death, shared with Farrar’s and Hooton’s gloating over dead children is not political or even moral, it’s a medical or psychiatric illness.
We shouldn’t hate these people, but pity them and refer them to proper psychiatric professionals to deal with Farrar’s sexual obsessions (Wellington gossip, I have to say, has a lot to… say), Slater’s obsessive paranoia and Hooton’s own problems with being a moral vacuum and compulsive lying turned into a profession.
One has to ask too about the Nats using these dysfunctional individuals.
If your post doesn’t show up, hit f5 and that will properly reload the web page.
What your getting is the cached version of the web page which won’t include your new post.
“…o deal with Farrar’s sexual obsessions..”
Oh don’t be a tease, do tell.
Could be worse
and I thought the ducks at the gardens were bad…
Farrar/The Penguin can afford better lawyers than me and I know how “lazy” the police are in such matters. Don’t bait me. Something about sex workers and that’s all I’ll say.
Freedom of speech is a good thing. But I cannot fathom why people thinks freedom of speech means freedom from repercussions.
You want to dance on the grave of the recently deceased – fine. But don’t expect any sympathy if someone takes it poorly.
As for the ‘death threats’ Slater needs to realise the voices in his head aren’t a different person.
Yep. Consider the “freedom of speech” an employee has against their employer, or against the General Manager of their employer i.e. fuck all.
It is not just the “feral” comment ffs, it is the “did the world a favour”.
The cunt is in for a lifetime of looking over his shoulder now and good job. And everyone above is correct in that he is out of his depth, that he has stirred up something beyond his understanding, let alone capability. West Coast people run on different rules and norms, different parameters and assessments, they don’t care for the law to anything like the extent that most of the rest of NZ does. Go there and get a feel – don’t take long to understand the law of the coast. Some of the shit that happens and the reaction of the community to it …….. he should be very worried…… and for a long long time….
If the threats get actioned no tears will fall from these eyes
(and personally, I think I am just about completely done with this blogworld shit, it is all getting a bit heated, dangerous and out of control)
the thing is that he is a sorry excuse for a human being anyway.
A bit on Judd Hall and his ilk…. have had a great deal of involvement with them over long periods. Judd and his type of circle are very very good people. They exhibit all the good qualities that most New Zealanders like to think of themselves as having. They are very fine and the sort that people like to have as friends.
Their qualities are high.
They leave the likes of Slaterslop in the dust. Slaterslop and his circles are absolute scum in comparison.
In fact, there is no comparison. Slater and his circles occupy the bottom of society. I choose Judd Hall over Slatershit and his people in an instant everytime. It is a no-brainer.
Thanks for that vto. Stick with the credible blog sites like this one.
Slater’s comments are clear evidence of a man who is utterly sick in the head. In fact , he’s beyond sick, perhaps in his twisted little word this crap is valid because it gets people looking at his website, but no human being could say such a vile thing for any reason.
Did I hear he’s on a sickness benefit?
Isn’t his father high up in the National Party? Isn’t he wealthy? What sort of upbringing has Slaterslop had to result in this behaviour?
What does it say about National Party people and the way they go about life?
His father was the chairman of the Auckland division of the National Party back in the 1980s. I don’t know how long he remained in the position. One of the reasons Slater has such a hate thing going with the current National Party president, Peter Goodfellow is because Goodfellow beat his father for the position some years back.
Yep a huge messy factional scrap.
“Did I hear he’s on a sickness benefit?”
Lots of people are on sickness benefit. What’s your point?
The point could possibly be that he’s been whining about how much having the site down is costing him in lost revenue.
Has he been declaring that revenue to the welfare department (whatever it’s called these days)?
Yeah, that argument has been made before. Maybe Slater is moonlighting as a roof painter too.
Lot of people on a sickness benefit. It doesn’t mean they behave like Slater. He has real ego issues I think. He’s in the obssessive, narcisisssstic class. however that is spelt, with a bit of sociopath thrown in.
No such thing as a sickness benefit anymore. He would be a job seeker, perhaps currently exempt from looking for a job for health reasons. That gets assessed and re-assessed every 5 minutes until you no longer qualify or you are really sick, sick of jumping through hoops and having stress piled on top of your original problem.
But that wouldn’t be a problem for a well known personality now, would it?
Look, really, there are some things you shouldn’t say in a blog, farcebook, or a twitter feed or you will get absolutely slammed by fierce and angry reactions. Most people know this because such situations are regularly reported in the media. So, Cam would know that. So, why would Cam do that?
he might have some money but he stillhad to rort the insurance company over a dodgy claim to finance his lifestyle and whoever finances his sleaze rag is a mystery too.
Feral , Coming from Slater thats rich look at his mates Luigi, Palino and the other scum from the Right
There have been quite a few comments about Slater’s mental health. I’d like to point out that as tempting as it is to assign mental illness to Slater, the act of doing so perpetuates the very poor attitude and understanding we have in NZ about people with mental illnesses. There is no way to understand someone’s mental health from this distance.
If it’s ok for people here to make judgements about mental diagnoses re Slater, and none of us here are in a position to do so in any way other than superficially, then it’s fair game for anyone to do so about anyone. It creates further unsafety for people dealing with mental health issues, when they already live in a culture that is pretty bad at supporting them to be well.
By all means vent your anger at Slater, and look for ways of talking about how he is, but please don’t bring pseudo-psychiatric or mental health prejudice into it.
Excellent point, weka.
Thanks geoff.
While i ‘see’ what you are saying, from my point of view Slater doesn’t deserve such largess and if it looks and sounds mental then i will happily label it mental,
As to your query above regarding Blubber boy being in receipt of a sickness benefit at some point, this was widely reported a year or two ago by at least one TV channel and from memory the reason given for accessing this benefit was either psychological or stress related reasons…
It’s not about what Slater deserves or doesn’t deserve. It’s not about him at all. It’s that if you legitimise this you legitimise it for all people, including people with mental health issues who are already vulnerable.
“As to your query above regarding Blubber boy being in receipt of a sickness benefit at some point, this was widely reported a year or two ago by at least one TV channel and from memory the reason given for accessing this benefit was either psychological or stress related reasons…”
Still don’t see what the relevancy is.
For example:
“He certainly belongs in institutionalized care as His activities are becoming a danger to Himself and His family,(the fact that He cannot see how He has brought about such danger is another factor to be taken into account when assessing His mental condition), perhaps a CAT team need assess Slater with a view to removing Him from society for the safety of Him and His family…”
NZ has an appalling history of institutionalising people against their will. In many cases this involves a third party (person, doctor, other) making the kinds of statements you just made. In many cases institutionalisation has been used as a means of control. It also damages some people irrepairably.
The language you use in that statement is typical of that used against many people who have been damaged by society’s fear of mental health and pretty fucked up attitudes about it.
To be clear, it’s not Slater I am concerned about here. It’s that you legitimise the sectioning of people based on online gossip. That could be any vulnerable person. We also have no way of know if institutionalising Slater would make society safer. It could make him more dangerous.
Plus one Weka.
Slater deserves contempt, but no-one deserves his blood on their hands.
lolz, wasn’t my point but true.
Yawn Weka, i took the trip to Porirua,(4 times to be exact), one of those was a snatch off of the street job, no reason given, straight into Craig with the needle to zonk me out for 2 days just a taste of things to come,
Save your preaching for someone that deserves it, Slater sure as hell don’t…
I’m sorry to hear that bad. I’m also sorry to hear that you feel this means it legitimises doing that to other people too
“Save your preaching for someone that deserves it, Slater sure as hell don’t…”
I’m not talking about Slater, as I’ve said a number of times now. Looks to me like you haven’t understood my point yet.
Oh i understand your point alright, i am just not prepared to drag the post off into a debate about ‘mental health’ in general which appears to be your intent, this post is after all about Slater,
No need for the sorrow Weka, while i disagree with the means of getting me into the nut factory and my view is that the treatment was far far worse than the problem along with the various illegal actions taken against myself and 1000,s of others in the name of the mental health system i will admit to being at the time psychotic,
Whether or not i was at the time a danger to myself or anyone else is debatable the same i cannot say about Slater tho who’s own actions, if i am right and He is suffering a disease of the mind, has put His and His family’s safety at risk…
What makes you think he has put his own and his family’s life at risk?
Weka, Derr, death threats on His phone and facebook page, if of course He is not lying…
Lynn Prentice has received threats as a result of his online actions, so should he be sectioned too? Shall we now discuss Lynn’s mental health and how he should be controlled psychiatrically? I guess not, but surely KB and WO commenters are allowed to, right? Not that Lynn would probably care, because he is a tough nut, but what about someone running a blog who has mental health vulnerabilities. Are they now fair game too?
Love the Derr typo btw
You get more stupid the more you type, do you think the comments that provoked such death threats against Lprent were such that a normal person would be provoked to violence by them,
If the answer to that is in the negative then i would suggest that it would be the issuer of the threat would be the one needing a wee spot of treatment,
Given the loss of a child Weka what would you do in the face of the same s**t that Slater wrote about that kid down the Coast,
Given my past behavior, in such a situation i am reasonably sure i would go far far further than just the issuing of threats…
It’s not just Lynn’s comments, it’s his role in the political blogosphere. Do I think the threats are credible? No, but I don’t think the risk is non-existent either.
(However, have a read up on what happens to feminist bloggers and the kinds of threats they get. You don’t have to do much in this world to put yourself in danger it seems.)
But I also don’t think that Slater is in that much danger either. More than Lynn for sure, but not that much. Nevertheless, let’s say you are right and someone is seriously going to do him harm
You seem to be making a cause and effect link between Slater’s mental health and him being at real risk. I would see the link as being between his behaviour and the threats. You would have to make the case that his behaviour is the result of his mental ill health, rather than say the fact that he is an extreme arsehole. Of course you can’t really separate out such things, but my point still stands: if you want Slater to be sectioned on the basis of your belief, then that lays the way open for that to be applied to all people who aren’t normal.
How often do people get sectioned for provoking others to harm them, at such a distance. They generally get sectioned for harming themselves and others directly (or being at risk of this).
btw, what makes you think that this theoretical person who is going to harm Slater is normal? I would say that such an act is outside the norm.
Weka’s “preaching” to you, in the hope that you’ll let go of the bigotry against people with mental illness.
Just saying.
What would you call bigotry against my own self??? that’s per-rity Lame with a capital, and for your information most of the people i talk to on a daily basis are the paranoid and the ‘out there’, yes a club of nutters in other words…
Think about it then. How could the casual stigmatisation of mental illness amount to bigotry? Um, let’s see…
PS: Some of my best thoughts are mentally ill.
In the world i live AOK, casual bigotry and stigmatization are suffered by most from racial groups to solo parents to ex hospital patients,
With all of it we simply adapt it to ourselves and each other where it becomes a currency of every day discourse which generates much mirth so your prissy attitude which may suit the world in which you live, your world view so to speak, is simply another reason to laugh in mine…
Ps, All of my thoughts, according to those with the supposedly proper degrees are mentally ill…
Weka, quite frankly i don’t see the relevancy of what your blathering on about, here i will say it again,
That piece of human flotsam called ‘wail-oil’, Blubber boy, or for the more prissy Cameron Slater has serious things wrong with His f**king nut, my view is that whatever these serious things wrong with His nut are have likely become a disease of the mind which has caused Him to publish words that put both His and His family’s lives in danger,
This is an interesting interview with Slater that clarifies some of His mental health issues,
If that don’t work the Google is: Michelle Hewitson interview: Cameron Slater- New Zealand Herald…
Here’s the interview link: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10669406
Are you suggesting that on the basis of what is in that interview that Slater should be sectioned?
Me? No. I’m just correcting the wrong link. I remember reading the original interview at the time and thinking he was bullshitting about his depression and treatment for it somehow being connected with his being a foul-mouthed arsehole.
Weka, this is the relevant sentence which explains the reason for posting the link to that interview,
”This is an interesting interview with Slater that clarifies some of His mental health issues”…
So would you mind putting it in the context of my original comment then please?
Tah for the link, mine never work and someone always saves me…
Bad 12 your robustness is great. Preferable to Weka’s pickiness.
Hi weka. I’m not sure if you’re including me in the “there have been quite a few comments about Salter’s mental health” In a reply earlier to Fender I did allude to sociopathy, one time.
Firstly, I’m not picking up on anyone being specifically bigoted around mental health and attaching prejudice to Slater in that respect. I am hearing a lot of disgust and anger however.
Secondly, just to make it known to you, if you were including me, that I would never use a term like sociopathy in any flippant way. From my memory of studying psychology in 2008 sociopathy refers to some one who has no capacity for empathy for the suffering of others. Slater has demonstrated this attribute clearly on several occasions and this is one appalling example. Like Rhino says, Slater does need help. Maybe he has received treatment but that is none of my business. His depression has been no secret in the media in the past and he was even featured in an article in the Listener some years back. Please bear in mind, you were the one that called him a sick fuck at 8.1.
I especially wouldn’t use a psychological term in a derogatory way because I have coped with severe depression and anxiety myself, lived with those who suffer mental health illness, and sadly lost a friend to suicide in winter last year. I understand the courage it takes for someone with mental health issues to live in a world that separates itself from them and have immense respect for the journey to recovery and living a full life.
Cameron Slater’s mental health is his own issue and that of his clinician’s, family and friends. I can respect that, but as for his actions, that is different. He deserves every bit of contempt laid upon him.
Hi Rosie,
No I wasn’t thinking of your comment, but I appreciate your reply. Slater might very well need help. Or he might be beyond help. Or helping him might make him worse. Or he might need a kind of help that doesn’t involve seeing a doctor (which was Rhino’s suggesting). My point is that none of us is in a position to judge someone else’s mental health and then know what they should do or should be done to them. We have the suggestion in this thread that he be sectioned. As I said, sectioning has been a tool of massive abuse in this country, so when we sanction people to take this line, esp online, we are in danger of supporting the use of that tool as abuse.
Bad’s response to that seems to be that because it’s Slater its justified, but I’m not talking about Slater, I’m talking about what this does to the culture of mental health awareness in NZ and where that tool will be used against others. We suck, really badly, at this. Let’s not make it worse.
Psychiatry and mental health services themselves also have done untold damage to many people at the same time as helping others. It’s a minefield. To assume that because someone falls well outside of human norms that they should be treated by doctors is not only supportive of the abuse of mental health patients, it’s really ignorant. Mostly what I see here is people wanting society to control Slater, and some are saying psychiatry should do it. I’m saying that if you sanction that (online lay-person diagnosis), then you sanction all the times that psychiatry has been used to control people who are not normal. That is not about the wellbeing of the person or society.
When I read the interview linked above I saw much. I have no idea how much of it is true or real. I do know that you cannot understand the complexities of someone’s mental health from that article enough to know what should be done to them.
Either way, I’m not willing to dehumanise Slater despite him being a sick fuck (sick fuck, btw, isn’t a mental health diagnosis or prescription, and is not a response to that article. It’s a response to his behaviour). Because Slater doesn’t exist in a vacuum. He exists within a context that created him. Modern psychiatry generally wants to divorce pathology from environment and experience, which means we never really get to what is wrong. Labelling him mentally ill and packing him off to hospital says more about us in this conversation than anything else.
Where you said earlier, “To wish death upon someone and to joke about death is purely sociopathic.”
I don’t have such a problem with that. You use a term to describe someone’s actions. This is different than saying HE is a sociopath who needs to be locked up (although even that wouldn’t be so bad, because it just everyday common ranting). I also don’t have a problem with your observation that he lacks empathy, but it starts to bother me when that becomes he IS a sociopath and then going into detail and concluding that therefore he should be locked up etc. It’s when we cross the line and start using the tools of power over and abuse that there is a problem.
Hi weka.
Got ya. Unfortunately I don’t have time right now to respond to you in a fully considered way but would like to let you know that I understand the point you are making.
I’m aware that psychiatry isn’t the right path for everyone and that a holistic approach that takes in the influences of environment and the individual’s experience can be more beneficial. I’ve seen this approach taken and seen the results in others. I am also aware that much damage has been done, especially historically. I’m all to aware of that, in the case of Porirua Hospital in particular having had a family member work there in a clinical capacity during the time of abuse in the 70’s. The same hospital the bad 12 referred to above. Bad12 also had good points to make in your discussion with him, imo.
I’ve really got to go. Thank you for your reply. In the meantime I saw 3news (those traitors) with Slater at the top of the news. I’d have to go back to my text books but I’m fairly certain he is displaying sociopathic tendencies, but that’s not for me to decide, maybe no one ever will.
Judd Hall’s Mum Joe was awesome, despite the fact that she shouldn’t have to be dealing with this shit in her grief. Let him go to Greymouth to face her.
Thanks Rosie
I loved how Hall said she wanted him to come to Greymouth, and that he would be more than safe.
“. . . some one who has no capacity for empathy for the suffering of others.”.
Rosie, this is his problem. Slater does not have the capacity to grasp this concept, that what he states publically (not, just in relation to Judd Hall, but other subjects as well), has the capacity to cause another human being/beings distress. In this case, not only Judd Hall’s family and friends, but the entire West Coast. This is the very reason why the West Coast community has reacted to what he has stated openly in the public arena! When a small community loses someone, the entire community hurts. I’m an ex-coaster, so I understand how they are all feeling!
Slater now worries about his own daughter, but did he think about Jo Hall’s daughter, I doubt it very much!
When Slater’s daughter grows up, and hopefully freedom of speech is still a round, she will have the opportunity to survey what her father expressed publically!
Hopefully Slater’s “apple/apples all fall far from the tree”, and that they understand the concept, “to empathise with your fellow human beings, has the capacity to make the world a much better place to live”.
Very proud ex-coaster!
Whether Cameroon Slater likes to acknowledge it or not, it is public record that he needs to pop a pharmaceutical supply of drugs daily to make it from dawn to dusk. The guys a dependent junkie, that was recognized in a court of law. Perhaps like a lot of junkies, he has finally “fried” his brain.
The statement referring to Judd Hall, and calling him a “feral”, when his brother was killed in the Pike River Mine is scurrilous, to say the least. 29 men died because of National’s policies. Cameroon Slater is now a mouth-piece for every death that occurs in the worth-place – does he champion the open slaughter in our work places because that’s what he alludes too.
As for the “death threats” – it seems like a lot of hype and publicity to gain publicity, knowing full well he has made a monumental stuff-up.
Personally, I be happy for him to “visit” the West Coast. There are plenty of abandoned mines that he could be shown around.
Helen Kelly’s tweet about this was very apt:
Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines.
Plus one.
Someone here once tried to convince me that slater does display signs of narcissist disorder… I wasnt convinced then and I am not now. He can threaten people cos when he does it… its right.
I wouldnt be surprised if he dropped the site to divert from his behaviour to enable him to be the victim
The guy’s a narcissistic bully and completely lacks empathy. I can feel sorry for his children, but mostly because of who they got stuck with as a father.
(A side comment – not only appalling attitudes, but dreadful grammar. “Feral” is an adjective, not a a noun. “Dies” – present tense, “did” past tense. Maybe Slater can use some of this down-time to brush up his writing skills…)
Frankly, whoever attacked his site has done the world a favour. I only wish I could believe that it would teach him a much-needed lesson in human values.
Agreed. Like michael lawz berating bad parents while publishing his dalliance with a prostitute in national paper.. . But keep my kids out of it.
That is it in a nutshell, Cameron always seeks to hold others to a higher standard that he is ever prepared or even capable of reaching himself.
He needs to do more than apologise, he needs to turn off his laptop & get a real job in the real world & learn to have some empathy.
He would also do well to remember what I am sure his parents taught him: think before you act, or in his case, before you press publish.
He loves to exercise freedom of speech yet denies it to others & never seems to understand that freedom of speech does not actually mean you can say what you like when you like regardless of the consequences.
He made an awful comment & now he is being subjected to awful consequences. But he is no stranger to humiliation & seems to have no qualms with dragging his family through the muck so I am not sure even this will get him to rethink how he approaches things. He seems to think that he is invincible, that he is beyond reproach.
So it will be interesting to see how this unfolds. I am impressed with the hackers. They did good.
Perhaps his 2IC Pete will take up the reigns – he offers a much more calm, rational & balanced approach to all topics & doesnt appear to want to incite contention, violence or be a fan of ridiculing others as method of procuring blog ratings.
My (layman) understanding is that DDoS attacks are basically orchestrated by saturating the host server with communication requests/traffic. My guess is that the ridiculous traffic-enhancing measures he set up (wasn’t he claiming to get more than a million hits per day?) have finally brought down his own server.
Another snake choking on its own tail… we can only hope it’s terminal.
Micky, you talk about Slater’s freedom of speech, but let’s not forget that freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequence. At the end of the day, when you’ve stepped on as many toes as Slater has, this sort of thing was going to be inevitable and you are absolutely spot-on when you say Slater way overstepped the mark to begin with.
That said, death threats aren’t cool.
interesting interview on RNZ with Slater and Jo Hall
Slater stated very clearly he has seven voice mail messages from Jo Hall that contain death threats
Jo Hall stated very clearly he should take the messages to the Police
I am guessing Slater’s next move will involve a chair and a certain stillness
as shadowy voices remind him this better go away very very quickly
Crikey… he went on with hall and complained about how he is feeling???
That’s what I thought. All kudos to her for fronting up.
How would Slater know the messages were from Jo Hall?
Holy shit, just listening the first interview with Hall. She is awesome. Makes a direct connection between Slater and National, and Slater being a greedy little shit.
Wow…just wow. What a vile little man Cameron Slater is.
The mum seems very straightforward and honest. WhaleSpew seems intent on digging a hole for himself. I know whom I believe. He seems to be making it his mission in life to make Michael Laws look reasonable.
I like the bit where she calls him a “fat fucking greasy fucking piece of black fucking white-niggerish shit”. That was very straightforward and honest.
There’s no winner here. Everyone involved should just back away and leave her to her grief.
he complained and complained and complained – most cringe-worthy interview I’ve heard for a while.
What I noticed in that interview was that Slater was point-blank refusing to retract or apologise, citing some bullshit about how once something’s on the internet, it’s there for ever, and continuing to claim that he’s been getting death threats (but which he won’t take to the police).
Just heard Slater on NatRad. My God, the guy is… Nuts. He is one seriously delusional dude. You don’t need a medical degree to work out he is a sociopath.
The saddest thing about Cameron Slater is what his media profile tells about the state of news and current affairs in New Zealand.
Also heard Jo Hall. Cameron may have run into a real world Cheryl West.
I heard it too Sanctuary. It seems he’s claiming he has received several death threats from the mother of the son just killed in a car accident. She has denied it and – as has been said – challenged him to take the evidence to court. There is now no doubting he is a sociopathic individual. Cannot relate to people…has no feelings of compassion, decency and rational thought. The sooner he’s picked up by the men in white coats the better for him.
As has also been said: What does it say about the MSM jerks who go to him for political comment!!
I may have missed it but as far as I can tell both TV1 and TV3 have avoided mentioning the Slater scandal on their 6pm news bulletin. Surprised? I’m not. Both have pandered to him in the past.
TV3 ran it as their headline story.
Thanks karol. I missed the first few minutes of both channels.
Slater showed his obnoxious and irrational side on the RNZ Checkpoint interview today. Liked the way the mother highlighted Slater’s National Party links.
NB: I don’t know whether the rape threats are true or not, but such threats are never OK. It pains me even more when/if they are made by a leftie or 2.
No evidence that they’re true, or that they came from a leftie
Download versions http://thestandard.org.nz/cameron-just-say-sorry/#comment-765461
Yes. I heard those interviews, thanks weka.
Just heard Graeme Edgler on National Party Radio.
Christ, what a moral wimp hiding behind “professionalism”!
He was tweeting with gower earlier about this.
I don’t think the media use Cameron for his insight into politics. I think they use him to provides train-wrecks. I love hearing Cameron on the radio, just not for the reasons he thinks.
Like the saying goes – people don’t watch Formula 1 for the racing, they watch it for the crashes.
and in this case Slater crashes into the NACT pit stop in front of a packed audience
Telling the truth is something that WOBH does, leftie blogs have problems with the truth
[lprent: Yes we did. However this problem appears to have cured itself.
Cameron Slater, the ‘editor’ of both, ran century old The Truth into the ground and bankruptcy and now appears to be destroying his own site. If you want to be a professional prepubescent wanker (kind of ineffectual and pointless), then I suggest that yo go back to WOBH. I’m unlikely to tolerate a moron like yourself jerking off tired old slogans here.
You have to use your grey matter rather than your corpus cavernosum on this site and express your own original opinions and verifiable facts with links to back them. ]
Oh dear. Never mind Steve, I’m sure you’re good at something.
Except “The Truth” completely collapsed under the tender ministrations of WOBH. Quite fitting, really.
It is possible to be honest and compassionate. Jesus would be a prime example.
For some reason Slater reminds me of the peculiar people of Westboro church in the states.
Pathology combined with an obsession to be regarded as important.
We have a problem when the communicative power of the internet can be used so easily by unhinged people.
People are cutting Cameron Slater way too much slack.
He deserves exactly as much sympathy as he has ever shown others.
Cameron Slater can go to hell.
Cameron who?
Cameron Slater can go to hell.
Piss off. I’ve been authoritatively told several times I’ve got a reservation there. Send the bugger somewhere else.
Plenty of room at the inn
Still down just now.
Oh dear.
What a pity.
Never mind.
[Do you want to rephrase this VTO? I can understand the feeling but … – MS]
That sort of a comment doesn’t do the left any favours.
Jeez mate, have another cup of tea eh?
Besides, the most fitting end for him is having to live his life as Cameron Slater.
Yes, no I don’t. I can understand the deletion.
I’m out for a long haul now anyways. See you all sometime in the future maybe and thanks for the good times (and the bad times too even). Keep up the good work.
Hey VTO apols for the edit. Come back soon.
No need to apol, micky. I was concerned about the legal standing of such statements and was contemplating sending it to moderation for someone else’s opinion on it.
The longer Slater refuses to apologize the worse he looks.
Those with long memories will remember the glee he showed when that woman up in Auckland died when her power got cut off. It was almost like he got some sexual pleasure out of it.
I got the impression that had he been there at that time, he would have watched her die and not done anything about it. He then went on to challenge her sons to a boxing match.
I really see no difference between him, and the thugs who used to roam around Germany wearing brown shirts and roughing up old Jewish shopkeepers (I wonder if he secretly roams around Otara and roughs up DPB mothers — I know the guy does it to union members — though it is expected that right wingers go on about “freedom” and then in the same sentence, call for the outlawing of trade unions).
I doubt Slater will apologise, but in the unlikely event that he does, I expect him to issue a non apology for “any offence caused”, rather than an apology for his own National Party behaviour.
The Clayon’s apology so beloved of shock jocks and other trash, that is no apology at all, but merely another expression of contempt.
I don’t like Whaleoil or Cameron Slater and I think he is iconic for what I don’t like about NZ in general. Which is not to say I don’t like anything about New Zealand because I do.
However, Whaleoil is the biggest and most read blog of the NZ blogosphere and when my husband comes home despairing, with tales of his very middle of the road NZ company where colleagues are known to say things like: “Look at this piece of rope… Just think of how many blacks I could string up with that!” (and that is just one of the many hideous remarks) I hope you get my drift.
A people breed the kind of bloggers it feeds the most and gets the government it deserves. Maybe it is time to have a good long look in the mirror and ask yourself who did I confront today about their ignorance and dangerous adherence to and celebration of stupidity? Or did you go down the spiral of silence as is so prevalent in NZ society?
Thanks very much for that link.
Otherwise yes – a very thought provoking comment.
Whaleoil.co.nz is probably the most read blog in the .nz domain space. I don’t think that it is the most read or even the biggest blog in the new zealand blogosphere.
Since most of Whaleoil’s content these days is aimed directly at being click bait for an overseas audience to provide Cameron with a advertising income, then I suspect that it what they get.
Cameron values quantity over quality. This shows up in everything from the multitudinous micro-posts to the many but very very short (average comment length barely exceeds the 140 characters of a tweet) and largely vacuous comments. As you point out this probably matches his audience.
I think that kiwiblog is still (damnit) the most widely read (still by a long way) and commented (maybe*) blog of the NZ blogosphere. It gets pretty obvious when you look at the public statcounters and sitemeters, have a RSS post and comment feed, and run the raw feeds through any kind of lexical analysis.
* In any given month kiwiblog has slightly more comments (right now it is about 11358 at KB vs 10599 at TS), but usually has a average comment size of about 2/3rds that of TS. Depends what you want to use for a criteria.
While the death threats are unacceptable, Cameron has caused this himself through his nasty abusive scummy American tabloid actions. He is the one who abuses and bully’s and he is the one who has inflicted this on his family.
He will not say sorry for his actions, he is too arrogant for that. He will cry “poor me” and demand the cops punish the bully’s, and pretend he is not the actual bully in all this.
Karma is a bitch and he deserves every little bit of this. Long may his blog be off line. The internet is a better place because of it.
he is just like any slug. pour salt on it and it will curl up and die.
Mickey, I find your belief that the comments about the dead young guy and the DdOS are linked ridiculous and though you had more sense.
Sure, it’s a stupid thing to have said but the idea of the aggrieved family and mates having the ability and resources to initiate a sophisticated DdOS attack is frankly insane.
What made you think it was a ddos attack???
– Just to let everyone know hes back up and running if anyone wants to check out his response
[lprent: Saw that – Cameron blustering.
The other post by the techhead was better (can’t get it right now as the site is again inaccessible bechind cloudflare).
Turns out that Whaleoil wasn’t keeping a daily offsite backup so when their service provider disabled their site to protect their network – they couldn’t get the site files. Well duh!
Mind you I only really really learnt that back in 2010 after a hard disk failure. You don’t have to do a 50Gb update every day. A combination of rsync and hard links on a linux backup system is your friend and savior. ]
The fact is ,that this so called Whale Oil is a breed and born Tory.No more need said . except there are no good Tories.
The fact is ,that this so called Whale Oil is a bred and born Tory.No more need said . except there are no good Tories.
It was with amusement that I read Co-pilot Pete’s report at Whaleoil on what went wrong.
In essence, they had denial of service attack on their site. That probably wasn’t that much of an attack. The problem was that their cheap arse provider shut the server down to protect their systems*, and the site didn’t have a (recent?) offsite backup to restore from.
After I finished laughing, it is with a touch of remorse** that I offer this linux bash script to other wordpress sites. It does the remote backups of TS several times per day to one of my other systems. Fill in the details section and mount under a particular user crontab.
It will do a full backup of the mysql database (not particularly synced unless –singletransaction is turned on), and a delta backup of the files. In my case I keep 12 local backups with all files using a copy-on-write hard links system. Make it easy to fix single files and/or directories at the server. A seperate cron archives the files.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# picks up the database state (no rotation)
# rotating backup-snapshots of remote site whenever called
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#set -o verbose
#set -x
set -e
unset PATH # avoid accidental use of $PATH
# ------------- details -----------------------------------------
# file these out for your local and remote systems.
BACKUPDIR="" # store on local system - no spaces in path
EXCLUDES="$BACKUPDIR/backup_exclude" # exclude filespecs
SITE="" # backup site name - no spaces - the backup will use this
DBHOST="" # url/ip of db host
DBLOGIN="" # login for db host
DBPASSWORD="" # password for db
DB="" # name of the db
SRVLOGIN="" # login for ssh on web files host
SRVHOST="" # url/ip for web files host
SRVDIR="" # the server site directory (eg /var/www/??)
BKUSR=0 # backup user id (0=root)
ROTATION=12 # numbers of copies of the site files that we keep.
# ------------- system commands used by this script --------------------
# these are for recent (at 2013) ubuntu versions
MKDIR="/bin/mkdir -p"
# must have a local mysql client installed.
# make sure we're running as right user because need access access to the
# encrypted backup disk
if (( `$ID -u` != $BKUSR )); then { $ECHO "Sorry, must be user $BKUSR. Exiting..."; exit; } fi
DBBAKUP=$BACKUPDIR/$SITE_`$DATE '+%y%m%d_%H%M%S'`.sql.gz # no spaces
# could run this directly as ssh, but since it is already running in
# a tunneled ssh for development work, so I won't bother.
--compress \
--quick \
--host=$DBHOST --user="$DBLOGIN" --password="$DBPWD" \
# --single-transaction \
--opt --events --routines --triggers \
$DB \
| /bin/gzip > "$DBBAKUP"
# and now to the files
# rotating snapshots of files
if [ ! -e "$EXCLUDES" ]; then
"$TOUCH" "$EXCLUDES" # make sure that an excludes file exists
# step 1: delete the oldest snapshot, if it exists:
if [ -d "$SITE.$ROTATION" ] ; then
# step 2: shift the middle snapshots(s) back by one, if they exist
for (( i=(( $ONELESS )) ; i > 0; i-- )) ; do
AA=`$EXPR $i + 1`
if [ -d "$SITE.$i" ] ; then
$MV "$SITE.$i" "$SITE.$AA"
# step 3: make a hard-link-only (except for dirs) copy of the latest snapshot,
# if that exists
if [ -d "$SITE.0" ] ; then
$CP -al "$SITE.0" "$SITE.1"
# step 4: rsync from the system into the latest snapshot (notice that
# rsync behaves like cp --remove-destination by default, so the destination
# is unlinked first. If it were not so, this would copy over the other
# snapshot(s) too!
-vaz --delete --delete-excluded \
--exclude-from="$EXCLUDES" \
# step 5: update the mtime to reflect the snapshot time
# and thats it
* this happened to me in 2009 with one of the first bot attacks on TS.
** The remorse is because I got caught without a full recent offsite backup in 2010 when a hard disk failed and it transpired that the offsite file backup had been failing (and I hadn’t picked up on it). You can still see the missing images for several months in early 2010.
if anyone has gone feral it is the right wing bloggers/supporters. To mock and sneer at a family in mourning, no matter who they are/ or who they might vote for….shows an utter lack of humanity.
To mock and sneer at a family in mourning, no matter who they are/ or who they might vote for….shows an utter lack of humanity.
Exactly I have heard quite innocent people who stumbled upon the WhaleOil site during the Len Brown affair describe them as such.
Lolz, and here was i having visions of a group of ‘ferals’ counting up another pile freshly pulled out of their stash, 247, 248, 249, TWO-FIFTY,
While dancing round wildly, laughing like loons, singing ”put another log on the fire”, a cheap ‘server’ indeed, sounds like an appropriate title for Blubber boy’s auto-biography…
Just a reminder, the Penguin’s no better, just greasier. He once incited or at least encouraged his trolls to stalk the pre-pubescent children of a friend of mine. Both of them are sick, evil bastards. And National sponsors them.