Written By:
r0b - Date published:
4:00 pm, September 4th, 2009 - 23 comments
Categories: blogs, humour -
Tags: vanity posts
So, against my better judgement I’m now a card carrying Standardista. Finally managed to get through the initiation ceremony without fainting. I’ve been issued with a pass card and retina scanned for the Secret Standard Bunker buried deep beneath Parliament. I have access to the restricted mainframe codes and my own Swiss bank account. Q is helping me pick out a colour for my Aston Martin. Licensed to blog. I’m on top of the world, Ma!
Seriously though, taking this on focuses the mind on the obvious question – why blog? Why bother? My reasons are as follows. First, politics matters. It matters to society, the lives of individuals, and the environment. Second, there’s a right side and a wrong side in politics. Progressive / green politics is (in general) right – it is better for people and better for the planet that we all share. And third, being right isn’t enough to win the political battles. In fact it doesn’t seem to make much difference at all. If we want to win the battles we need to work, and work hard.
Blogging is one way to contribute (a minor way perhaps, but my guess is that its significance will grow as technology slowly changes the media game). So I’ll give it a try. Each of us has to do what we can, no matter how small.
Good on you r0b. I have thought for a while that your posts have deserved a permanent position. Keep it up.
Thanks Micky. I didn’t plan on it happening this way, but who can deny the power of the dark side…
Welcome, r0b. I’ve been enjoying your well-argued guest posts so hope that with absolute power comes responsibility – that responsibility being to increase your output
I’m a little worried about the initiation ceremony though. Having to memorise Das Kapital and then recite it while prostrate before a statute of Helen, all the while being “gently corrected” by the other Standardistas flogging you with rolled-up copies of Section 59 sounds a little traumatic.
that responsibility being to increase your output
– Perish the thought. I’m not at all sure that the world needs any output from r0b, let alone more of it!
I’m a little worried about the initiation ceremony though. Having to memorise Das Kapital…
Ok – who’s the mole? It’s like you were right there…
You only had to memorize Das Kapital? Luxury. In my time we had to memorize the whole Five Year Plan while sitting naked in t’ Arctic sea in mid-winter counting icebergs and nowt to eat but crumbs from t’ table of capitalists. If you were lucky. And that were every three years!
Still, good enough, rOb. Well done.
Bravo, r0b, a most welcome addition and a very fine justification.
It certainly was a matter of time rather than if. I don’t particularly like your posts. Not because they’re bad or anything. But rather because as a partisan left just as I’m partisan right. I find your posts on the whole wholly frustrated as you criticise policies and actions of a Government I particularly like. But good luck with future posts and don’t drop off as other writers have done in the past.
nice post r0b, and great to see you as a confirmed poster.
Been offering it long enough – I think that the first was early 2008? Good to see you take the plunge (cold eh?). It will be nice to have another actual Labour member on board…
Now you too will have to suffer Whale’s frequent attempts to locate your rubbish bin so he can snuffle in it. Although I seem to remember that he tried to put you in the US last year because your name was similar to someone else.
Thanks Lynn. Yes, it took me a while didn’t it. And whale (bless ‘m) had me down as Rob Salmond, because, you know, Rob looks a bit like r0b. Never mind that Rob (in America) and I (in NZ) were obviously living and posting in different time zones. Doh!
Thanks Lew, Sprout. Even very fair of you gingercrush (imagine if you will my frustration at the antics of right wing blogs after the 2005 election – that’s what got me started commenting here in the first place).
I’ve got to go do stuff with the last of the sun, so I’m off. Thanks all and have a good weekend wherever you are…
As your only (?) but undoubtedly the founding member of People for r0b Blogging (hope you appreciate the reference), great to see you take up the role.
We will disagree on much of what you right but politics is IMO as much about the differences as it is the much smaller areas of agreement.
I’ve obviously enjoyed your guests posts and think it is great for the Standard that you’ve joined the Crew. Do you get discount meals too
Cheers Daveski – I’ve certainly appreciated your “cross party” support!
Do you get discount meals too
Not as such, but one of the tunnels from the secret bunker does exit in the kitchen at Bellamy’s….
Right – really off this time!
Yes, but only after being fully vested in kiwisaver until retirement age. It is sort of like getting a lifetime membership in Labour. First you have to serve and serve……
Thank you r0b – thank you for your posts to date, thank you for the posts to come and thank your for actually doing something rather than most of Aotearoa who seem to me either too numb to make the effort and/or happy to suck it up while sitting around pissing and moaning. Whether its delivering pamphlets, banging up billboards, or chipping away at the opponents ideology in the blogosphere: respect, bro!
Kia kaha.
Go hard r0b, love yr work
Good stuff r0b,adore you.
[lprent: Don’t be a fuckwit. I’ve changed the psuedonym to “not really”. Don’t do this again ]
go get ’em r0b.
This is a cool development for us in that you’re the first writer who (as far as i know) is actually not known by another writer in real life, it’s entirely through the blog. I reckon it’s all good progress in building a real community. Opening the site up to more contributors is something we’re aiming for.
Cheers Eddie, thanks to you and Lynn for the repeated invites, and thanks to all the writers here for having me on board.
Great to hear that there are plans for further community building in progress. But in the mean time I encourage anyone who would like to have a say to try a guest post or two. They don’t all get used (a few of mine never made it, all good calls in retrospect), but lots of them do, and it’s good to see them out there and the discussion that (usually!) follows.
Thanks BLiP, ConnorJoe, even you nrbb – I’m overwhelmed at the warm reception!
Why blog? To tell truth to power in our own stories, to weave strands of goodness into the cloth that is our lives, to seek the advantageous quality of being beneficial.
r0b, no need to be overwhelmed, you are already doing it and you’ll keep on doing it…just fine.
Well done r0b! That warm reception is no surprise – you’re quite unique in this medium for your attention to detail, your equanimity under even the most extreme provocation, and your sound, well-substantiated argument. You’ve always amazed me with that ability to remain calm and immediately link back to exactly the right quote, passage or policy that causes your opponent to conveniently disappear. (you actually explained to me how you did it once, way back in the robinsod days, I remember your modesty – “ho-hum”)
And no pressure r0b, but your efforts (and all Standardistas’ and commenters’) are in no way minor. As you note, politics is actually life – it’s literally the number of spuds on our mokos’ plates and whether we live or die early: it’s the unspoken iceberg of misery under the frostbitten tips that present to our wee foodbank, and the very future of our planet.
The tory-owned media is a dangerous monopoly: it’s the Fox News revenue-mongering vehicle of divide and conquer.
The Standard et al are the thin pink line, and you are one of the bastions.
Keep up God’s work mate, and all the best.
RedLogix, ak, thanks, you are too kind. The cloth of our lives, the thin pink line, yes, works for me…