Daily Review 04/03/2016

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 pm, March 4th, 2016 - 33 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Kiwi laser eyes flag

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33 comments on “Daily Review 04/03/2016 ”

  1. mickysavage 1

    To get you in the mood for the weekend …

  2. Stuart Munro 2

    Bernie can get 3.8% unmployment and 5.6% growth.
    Bill English can’t even balance a budget.

    • Colonial Viper 2.1

      a balanced budget in a situation where the country is suffering from a large current account deficit means that Kiwi households and small businesses will net haemorrhage cash overseas.

      A few years of this and the country will plunge into recession.

      No wonder they dont let the Left near the Treasury benches.

      • Stuart Munro 2.1.1

        It’s about the lowest bar we can set Bill – not growth or jobs or development or debt retirement or asset recovery or standard of living – and he can’t even meet that. Because he handed out tax cuts he couldn’t afford. You do get that we can’t afford his tax cuts don’t you?

  3. maui 3

    One News launches NZ’s biggest survey on kiwi identity perfectly timed with the flag referendum. It includes a line of questioning about how tied to the Commonwealth we should be, then before it asks you what flag you would vote for, it asks what symbol represents New Zealand the most: a) Queen, b) Haka, c) Rugby, d) Union Jack. Then it lists the the symbols you didn’t choose, e.g. Queen, Rugby, Union Jack and asks what symbol least represents New Zealand. Of course you’re going to put a British symbol down as an answer.

    Wow, these are crafty buggers in the media, it seems way more thought has gone into drawing up a manipulative survey than doing any quality journalism.

    If you feel like being manipulated follow link:

    • Anne 3.1

      I guessed it was a trash survey designed to manipulate people’s views so refuse to read it. Bet that Nat Dirty Trickster, David Farrar helped them set up the “survey”.

    • mickysavage 3.2

      Christ for a national broadcaster it has no sense of what is appropriate …

      • Draco T Bastard 3.2.1

        And no sense of what makes NZ NZ either.

        • weka

          Probably because TVNZ used a Canadian company 🙄


          I ended up in the Globalist category, which is patently nonsense.

          I felt pretty uncomfortable about the underlying reason for the questions, and am wondering if TVNZ are data gathering.

          • tc

            Of course they are, tvnz is a willing lackey of national as are others who feign independence like our police.

            You only have to look at the behaviour of Hoskins, christie and the appalling current affairs offerings to see the extension of CT memes using the state broadcaster.

            Tvnz needs to be stripped down and rebuilt if you want a serious public broadcaster not this hollowed out celebrity focused nat pr vehicle.

    • Draco T Bastard 3.3

      Wow, that really tried to force you to choose between either the fern or rugby as the national symbol

      • Stuart Munro 3.3.1

        The interesting thing to me was how readily it puts people into faux groups instead of analysing their responses to find out what groups actually exist.

        • weka

          Apparently they did a survey before they wrote the thing. If you scroll down there is a methodology tab.

          I found the title question “What kind of kiwi are you?” creepy.

          • Stuart Munro

            OK – so sample one is assumed to be more valid than sample two? Given that sample two will be much larger (TVOne audience) the weighting should run the other way.

            But of course it is not sampling – it’s trying to persuade people that they in fact reject the union jack and the Queen.

            The Queen has one massive countervailing virtue as head of state – she has no agenda. Key wants to be tin pot president of a US puppet state. It’s about as subtle as Caesar’s red shoes.

          • maui

            Entirely discriminatory of other flightless birds that live in Aotearoa! 😉 Heh

    • Ad 3.4

      I came out as Egalitarian.

      My wife laughed. Hurtful! 🙂

      • Richard Christie 3.4.1

        I came out as globalist, ….. I laughed, considering my take on the economic implications of that term.

        And apparently, only 7% of NZers share my bullshit ‘classification’. If it’s true, I’m happy with that part of the result.

    • NZJester 3.5

      So it is basically a push poll to try and get the outcome they want so they can use that for more propaganda at a later date.

    • Jenny Kirk 3.6

      Extremely manipulative. I tried hard to not choose the fern or all blacks as a positive thing, and to avoid the queen as a negative thing …. the final choice between the symbols was either fern or all blacks – absolutely NO choice at all.

      An extremely false way of pushing people into an “opinion”.
      And no way to put any answers which say “don’t want to answer this question” !

      Will they try and do this during the election campaign – to sway people’s votes ?

    • ianmac 3.7

      Tried to load Kiwimeter this morning Sunday but it wouldn’t load.

    • mickysavage 4.1

      Yep sums it up. Us baby boomers need to brace ourselves for a reduction in our equity so our kids and grandkids can afford to house themselves.

  4. Whispering Kate 5

    What I don’t understand is, on election day when voting begins there is a lock down on any bill boards, chats on the radio/tv, advertising by tweet (as if Dan the man understood that) etc, so that the voting process is not being steered in any one direction and people are left to make their own decisions.

    So, why is it that the voting forms have been posted, voting has begun and some have been posted back already, is there still advertising, surveys etc being allowed to continue. It will be full on until the voting date ends – surely this is not right? This referendum is binding so it should be treated as a general election. The whole process of this flag fiasco is rigged, corrupted and stinks. If people cannot see this they are thick as bricks.

  5. Colonial Viper 6

    Great night out at the Auckland Viaduct. No sign of poverty in this nation.

  6. Murray Simmonds 7

    Not intended as a “distraction” from the flag debate – but there’s an interesting article on “The Cashless Society” on Zero Hedge.


    Interestingly, the Credit Card Companies ABSOLUTELY LOVE the idea. I wonder why?

    More importantly, going cashless eliminates the possibility of runs on banks when the going gets tough. (You won’t be able to draw out all your money and hide it under the mattress in a cashless society).

    Add to that, the newly-granted powers for banks to seize a portion of the deposits in your savings accounts if things get tough for them, and I’m guessing that the banks love the idea too.