A-G’s SkyCity report looming over Key

Written By: - Date published: 8:39 am, December 13th, 2012 - 16 comments
Categories: business, capitalism, corruption - Tags: ,

A typical Auditor-General report takes 3 months. “Larger and more complex” ones take 6. Metiria Turei’s complaint about the way SkyCity was chosen for an international convention centre in a ‘pokies-for-convention-centre’ deal has been going 8 months. Clearly, what they’ve found has non-trivial implications for the government and they’re making sure all their ‘t’s are crossed and ‘i’s dotted.

So, that doesn’t bode well for Key and Joyce. Nor does the fact that the Auditor-General has sent them draft versions. That’s part of the natural justice process that effectively gives people who are negatively implicated in reports an ‘appeal’ before publication.

Now, the A-G says they hope to get the final report out by the end of the year. I don’t think that’s realistic. 7 working days to go. Key’s office hasn’t even provided its feedback yet. If the report does come out just before Christmas, it will look like an attempt to bury it in the silly season (much as Collins is going to do with the Binnie report on compensation for Bain).

It could be a very unhappy new year for Key, Joyce, and their crony capitalist mates.




16 comments on “A-G’s SkyCity report looming over Key ”

  1. One Tāne Viper 1

    “That’s just the ex-Auditor General’s opinion, and I have today appointed another one to give you a counter-view.”

  2. marsman 2

    ‘It could be a very unhappy new year for Key, Joyce, and their crony capitalist mates.’
    Please, please let it be so. A very, very, extremely unhappy new year is what would be preferable.

  3. vto viped 3

    It is the embodiment of Key and his way…. gambling, deals, cronyism, someone else’s money, someone else to clean the mess ….

  4. Tom Gould 4

    I’m not sure what all the fuss is about. Everyone knows Key couldn’t lie straight in bed and is as slippery as they come. Everyone except the Gallery, of course. The casino boys are just working the angles to make a buck. What would some trumped up public servant know about the real world, right?

    • One Tāne Viper 4.1

      …and in any case, you’re too busy attacking your real enemies – Labour Party members.

      • Tom Gould 4.1.1

        No, just the fake ones who prefer to see the Tories in power and to put up nostalgia-ridden 1930s ideas as fresh thinking.

  5. burt 5

    AG made a bad call – move on ! – Yeah – all the self serving supporters will be saying it….

  6. tracey 6

    The Government has appointed Attorney-General Chris Finlayson as a Queen’s Counsel.
    Mr Finlayson and the Government’s chief legal adviser, Solicitor-General Michael Heron, are the first QCs to be appointed since the title was restored last month.
    It is traditionally given to barristers at or near the top of the legal profession.
    Prime Minister John Key says Mr Finalyson has one of the country’s finest legal minds.
    An Attorney-General has not been appointed QC since 1995 and a Solicitor-General not since 1981.

    errr….if NZ Prime Minister John Key IS criticised in this upcoming OAG Report – will he stand himself down as a Minister for not ‘upholding the highest ethical standards’?

    Conduct of Ministers

    2.52A Minister of the Crown, while holding a ministerial warrant, acts in a number of different capacities:

    in a ministerial capacity, making decisions, and determining and promoting policy within particular portfolios;

    in a political capacity as a member of Parliament, representing a constituency or particular community of interest;

    in a personal capacity.

    2.53 In all these roles and at all times, Ministers are expected to act lawfully and to behave in a way that upholds, and is seen to uphold, the highest ethical standards. 

    Ultimately, Ministers are accountable to the Prime Minister for their behaviour. ”
    Penny Bright
    ‘Anti-corruption campaigner’