Bridges burnt in media reviews

Written By: - Date published: 12:38 pm, February 28th, 2018 - 60 comments
Categories: national, Simon Bridges - Tags: ,

It’s pretty grim reading for the new Nat leader this morning – Barry Soper: National selecting Simon Bridges counts itself out of next election

While the National Party whips were counting the votes for Simon Bridges after the second ballot in their super secret caucus yesterday they were also counting themselves out of the next election.

Mike’s Minute: Bridges a risky choice (video blah blah)

Kate Hawkesby: National’s leadership result? Labour’s been handed a second term

Labour’s been handed its second term. Simon Bridges and Paula Bennett won’t do it. I don’t see them beating Labour.

In her first presser as leader Jacinda Ardern rewrote the political landscape. Bridges?

The Tauranga MP gave a solid-enough performance, but perhaps highlighting the difficulty of the task ahead of him the press conference was somewhat a fizzer.

The atmosphere was, simply, a bit flat.

Even the luke warm anonymous Herald editorial can only manage –

Turning the page, Bridges will need to ensure voters do not forget the legacy of the Key-English Government if National is to go to the next election with a fighting chance.


60 comments on “Bridges burnt in media reviews ”

  1. Sacha 1

    And RNZ Checkpoint had to exhort listeners to send them nice comments about Bridges after an avalanche of unimpressed ones.

    • Tracey 1.1

      Or he is beingcset up as an underdog so any achievement will be magnified. Remember when Key got written off before a debate with Clark and then “won” cos he was less appalling than people thought?

      Law and Order, economy, no chance mantra, all from the old playbook.

  2. Takere 2

    Oh what joy! The pending BloodBath in the run up to the 2020 election! Crusha’s not finished yet! The Public Want Blood! & the Public (should) Get(s) what the Public Wants!

  3. savenz 3

    It does not matter who the Natz have, it’s what Labour does, NZ First does and Green do.

  4. KJT 4

    No bridges Bridges, and no benefit Bennett, are just placeholders until the owners of the National party find another charming JK puppet.

    • soddenleaf 4.1

      Seat warmers. Can’t see Nat voter who don’t vote Peters coz he’s a Maori warming to them. Bendy bridge Bridges. Draw bridge up behind them.

  5. Cinny 5

    Crikey even the little boy hosking seems to rate paula over simon. Opps I see you’ve already included that link šŸ™‚

    simon asking paula yesterday…’give us some water there love’……paula obligies, no please, no thank you….. get your own water simon.

    Loving the new 7 Sharp btw, the above link has a cool ‘young guns’ montage of Jacinda and simon from their Breakfast days, after the ‘give us some water there love’ clip

    • greywarshark 5.1

      It seems that others have missed a bit in his talk on Radionz this morning. Simon was asked about what he was looking for in his lineup and what he thought about a female Deputy and he was fine with female participation, and said that Paula and he were getting on well, she had already advised him on his choice of ties.


      • Cinny 5.1.1

        Thanks for the tip Grey, just checked out the interview, it’s at the end šŸ™‚

        • AsleepWhileWalking

          Bridges has admitted that there is a housing crisis in New Zealand “for those it affects”.

          Yip. Because landlurds are definitely not affected.

          • AB

            A crisis …”for those it affects”.
            Yup – that’s the thing about tautologies, they’re undeniable. People who are affected by something are definitely affected by it – whereas people who aren’t affected by it aren’t affected by it. With you there Simon. Impressed by your logical power eh!
            What Brylcreem boy doesn’t say is that one person’s crisis is another person’s goldmine, and National sided with the latter.

        • greywarshark

          Worth listening for eh Cinny. Says much. šŸ˜ˆ

      • Thinkerr 5.1.2

        I’ve never seen a leopard-print tie, but I probably don’t shop where Paula does…

        Still, it would go well with a “Nats-blue” shirt, with Tony Manero collar and ruffled cuffs,

        If I was Bridges I’d keep letting my mum choose my ties than let Paula near my wardrobe and risk looking like Austin Powers.

        • greywarshark

          Seems there is more attention goes into the dress code than into anything else except Bellamys hours.

  6. Mark 6

    I can tell you, Cindy’s mob will fall over at the next election, though with MMP who the hell knows what type of diabolical coalition will be in government.

    • greywarshark 6.1

      Who knows Mark, but one thing we all know is that they are having a go at making NZ a place that humans of all kinds, and animals of all kinds that are not deadly, will be able to live on in some sort of comfort.

      It seems that you don’t have a mindset that concentrates on such outcomes. You must be from the National (sorry International) Party that only cares about winning political battles with the Opposition. Too bad about the huhger, housing, huge difference between overpaid pseurs at the top and the baseline people who might flatline.

    • rawsharkyeshe 6.2

      Mark — doesn’t sound like you really know her well enough to call her ‘Cindy’. Just saying.

    • Well, the last diabolical coalition government we had included National.

      Thankfully, we don’t have such a one now.

    • Ed 6.4

      Mark, you are on the wrong blog.

    • One Anonymous Bloke 6.5

      Cindyā€™s mob will fall over at the next election

      Technically that’s true: when this parliament is dissolved, but even before that, during the election campaign, it will be every party for themselves.

      On election day, I expect they’ll be returned to government in some form. I’d like to see a Green/Labour coalition with an absolute majority invite NZF to continue with whatever they’ve been doing that’s proved valuable during the term.

      Obviously, you’d like to see ACT with an absolute majority and daily meat markets. Or National, whichever.

      Is that a fair summation, Marky?

    • Nic 181 6.6

      We have a well functioning coalition government now. If National had not burnt off every potential partner, it may well have been in government. As it is we are all tired of the tired old whinging. Jacinda and the current coalition are addressing issues too long ignored by National. Most of the current trolls have had their noses in the gravy trough John Key and Bill English created for their wealthy donors and mates. Be gone, you had your time and blew it!

      • Michelle 6.6.1

        Agree Nic there is 9 years of mess to fix its like turning a corner and not knowing what is around the bend such is the mess. We only have to look at what has happened to our Polytechs they should be delivering the skills we need to get more kiwis into work. Gnats knew we had a trade skill shortage but instead brought in thousand of immigrants to increase GDP and drive down wages.
        NZ posts is another example of gnats mess this business was rundown , stripped of assets, no future planning to deal with loss of mail thanks to the gnats John Allen whose primary objective was to sell /privatize he was sent to destroy some of our state owned companies and he did.

    • AB 6.7

      Did you once open the batting for New Zealand?

  7. Chris 7

    Since when did what kate hawkesby says matter?

    • Delia 7.1

      Since she became a journalist on the Herald. Who needs enemies when the country’s right wing are doing it for you. They need to lay out why they are so opposed to National’s choice.

      • Wensleydale 7.1.1

        I don’t know that I’d call Hawkesby a journalist. Especially after her “I don’t like Meghan Markle because… well, just because.” column. That was an absolute trainwreck. Her and Michael are obviously well suited.

  8. mauī 8

    Bridges is advertised as Māori, a westie from Auckland and a lawyer. Funny how his religious beliefs which you would think are fundamental to one’s identity are almost hidden.

    • greywarshark 8.1

      What are his religious beliefs? He sure isn’t Rastafarian, perhaps Bishop Brian’s mob?

      • mauÄ« 8.1.1

        He’s a son of Baptist Minister apparently from a “deeply religious” family, though who knew.

        • Planet Earth

          Yes, but what are HIS religious beliefs?

          • Red Blooded One

            Hetero marriage only, “Pro Life”, and MONEY!.

            • Planet Earth

              I know he’s socially conservative, was just after a bit more info about his “almost hidden” religious beliefs maui was talking about.

          • joe90

            AFAIK he’s full devil dodger.

          • Tracey

            He hasnt been forthcoming about his religious beliefs choosing to focus on his race.

            He is anti abortion… anti gay marriage ….

            He hasnt been asked how he could be PM with 3 children under 6 and one only 4 montgs old. I guess his wife will be taking care of them until he needs a photo op.

        • patricia bremner

          My view of Minister Bridges, Leader of the Opposition….

          His value stands show that he is a religious conservative.

          Shown by his voting record in the house’

          Shown by his attitude to women, (“Get us a drink Love”) to his Deputy, 1st speech.

          Shown by his employment record and portfolios.

          He was well schooled by Key and English.

          He rates himself highly but lacks their poise.

          Jacinda has his measure, ( but he fooled some more seasoned players during the numbers game when choosing the speaker,) so….

          he is prepared to “go back on his word” and play “dirty politics”.

          He will say what others want to hear. “I’m from Tauranga” “I”m a Westie”

          and the only true pearl. “I’m a Maori of Maniapoto descent.”

          He may do a “Jim Bolger” and have elocution lessons.

          He is a classic conservative with hard line values. His green is a thin veneer.

          The two to really watch are Mark Mitchell and Judith Collins, who are playing a long game now. IMO They are waiting to see how things “Pan out”.

          Fractures are running deep in the national party, or they wouldn’t all be saying “it was very friendly”
          Pull the other one, it has a bell on it!!

    • paul andersen 8.2

      going to make fund raising interesting. the blue rinse brigade wont be keen to give money to a couple of homies from the wild west, especially if they are bro’s. maybe a shifting back story for different audiences(shock,horror, shades of a state house boy who couldnt remember the 81 springbok tour).

  9. Pete 9

    I enjoyed seeing Simon Bridges in Parliament today. He went in as expected as the new leader, ready to make his mark and rouse his team behind him with a bold performance.

    His team would have enjoyed it too – if they’re as much into it as I am when someone takes a water pistol to the O.K.Corral.

    God, is there a drought? It hardly even had water.

  10. Robert Guyton 10

    All mouth and chaps.

  11. Philg 11

    Politics is increasingly fuel for the Media bon fire. The Media has become the guvnor… The MSM created Jacinda and is hyping Simon. The MSM even suggested they were an item?… Really!. The Pollies are the puppets. Politics has become a media reality show. One reason why our so called democratic system is trumped.

  12. mac1 12

    It was fascinating watching Paula Bennett at the beginning of her new leader’s first questioning of the PM at question time in the House on Tuesday. She started by watching him with upturned face, then when he began to falter as the PM managed him easily Paula began to drink water. Finally, as Bridges got midstream and out of his depth, Bennett’s eyes went down to her lap and her hand-held device. Very revealing.

    • Ffloyd 12.1

      I noticed that as well. Fascinating to watch. She is so transparent. Bit weird they had matching hairdos. Jacinda had a blinder.

  13. soddenleaf 13

    The middle. Ardern and Peters, so… …Bridges and Shaw… So what did Bridges do, immediately repeat the line that Greens have baggage they can’t work with. The very baggage that the NAts need to find the middle. A few Mps drop out and Ardern majority is cut, and before anything Bridges and the out of cabinet Greens work together. National can’t work with the NZF as they become a constituent party when their voters split vote nzf. The way out is either over 50%, yeah right, Fletchers expose the NAts economic credentials to ridicule… …so there is only the Greens left.

  14. Michelle 14

    The Greens aren’t that stupid they saw what happened to the Maori party.
    And I believe the Greens have integrity something lacking with the gnats. The Greens have an important environmental role now and they seem to be going about their business and getting on with it. If they can improve their vote at the next election which I believe they can we are in for one very exciting election.

  15. lurgee 15

    Is this this Barry Soper natwatch wants us to listen to the same Barry Soper Natwat dismissed as a sexist, racist, hate spurting bigot?

    The idea of a fine upstanding old white man standing trial for this incident is just too much for fine upstanding old white man Barry Soper ā€“ Chester Borrowsā€™ case belongs to rubbish bin. The piece drips misogyny and hate …

    I’d hate to be mixing up Good Barry Soper with Evil Barry Soper. Might lead to all sorts of confusion.

  16. RedLogix 16

    Dumb politics, and stupid tactics to ever underestimate an opponent. If Bridges really isn’t up to it then eventually all you’ll have to do is politely, quietly confirm what everyone else already knows.

    But if when you set out to denigrate, demean and dismiss someone there is always the chance they will prove you wrong and blindside you. In which event all the vitriol gets returned at a high rate of interest.

    Disagreeing with someone, arguing and persuading them is the essence of a free and healthy society. Attacking them personally is a dead-end game for losers. This is basic stuff.

    • lurgee 16.1

      There is a touch of the anti-Corbyn raving seen in Britain before the 2017 election.

      Don’t people understand the ‘oxygen of publicity’ thing? If someone is only worthy of contempt, show it by failing to notice them.

  17. R.P. Mcmurphy 17

    The people of New zealand had enough of the nationals programme of gutting the state and looting the treasury.
    Novopay, charter schools, national standards,managerial untrusting oversight of everything etc were just too much for kiwis to stomach.
    The nationals were fiddling while the state turned to custard and while the gung ho ruggid individyoualls got a go so to speak it will be a while before the right is trusted with the reins if ever.
    major problems are looming for the world and not just new zeland and exploitation is not the remedy.

  18. Michelle 18

    +100% R.P. Mcmurphy based on the mess they left and they did it last time to the tories should never get back in

  19. Incognito 19

    Kate Hawkesbyā€™s two claims to fame:

    1) Daddy
    2) Hubby

    Enough said.

  20. Tanz 20

    Cindy’s mob will fall over before the next election, more likely. National won’t have a bar of NZ First, and NZ First will be at three percent or less, anyway. Roll on next election, FPP in all but name.