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5:01 pm, April 10th, 2008 - 7 comments
Categories: iraq -
Tags: iraq
This recent article in the NYTimes illustrates how the way we inform ourselves is changing, and that it’s increasing access to some serious topics.
‘Bush’s War,’ was produced for the fifth anniversary of the United States’ invasion of Iraq, and is avaiable to watch, online, for free. It has set a viewing record, with more than 1.5 million views of all or part of the program. It is powerful stuff (and makes me especially glad that we kept our troops home, even if Mr Key did say we were “MIA… during the war in Iraq”).
The article also notes that Frontline has streamed most of its documentaries free since 2002 (www.pbs.org/frontline), part of an effort to reach younger audiences. I only wish we had these in depth documentaries generated more often in NZ.
NB: For those who are interested in other Iraq posts you can visit this one that discusses Mr Key declaring that the war is over.
Those of us engaged in making documentaries share your last lament on the standard of the work made in New Zealand – it’s not our fault! Until low budgets and an lcd approach to commissioning become a thing of the past, it will remain next to impossible for the system to enable in-depth docos. PBS online is a very cool reminder of what can be done under favourable circumstances. Their Wide Angle series is also very worth checking out for an international focus and social issues-based stories.
I’m very happy to see the Standard getting ready to discuss International issues as well as National ones.
We need al the information we can get for this election.
I consider this election to be a make or break election for NZ’s future. Either we vote for our independence from the global elite or we become just another source for raw materials for the US war machine.
Secret meetings with the US do nothing to ease my mind. As Mussolini said Fascism was not the right word for his rule, he thought Corporatism was a more correct description of the tyranny and murderous mayhem the Fascists unleashed on Europe and Africa.
The dollar is collapsing, the people of the US will pay the price, and the Corporations will just go somewhere else and guess who will give them the Key to this country.
Secret meetings with the US Eve?
So just out of interest how do you feel about our Free Trade Agreement with China.
So HS are you suggesting that National would have handled the free trade deal any different? I doubt it. And yes I would have preferred to have seen a royal commission look into this in more depth, with a following public discussion on the issue. But proper democracy costs time, money and dislocates political power from the elites. So unfortunately neither of the main parties are willing to pay that price.
Roger I am almost certain the National would have handled the Free Trade deal almost identically to Labour.
As an aside did it seem to you that there was more than the normal amount of stupidity out of the mouths of our politicians this week.
Am I being censured because higherstandards baiting me, and I give back as good as I get, or is this because of the 911 thing?