Bye bye Banks

Written By: - Date published: 12:35 pm, July 26th, 2019 - 8 comments
Categories: auckland supercity, john banks, john tamihere, phil goff, supercity - Tags:


The polling has spoken.

After testing the waters by announcing a possible tilt for the Super City mayoralty and then no doubt polling furiously John Banks has decided not to run.  From the Herald:

John Banks has confirmed he will not be having another tilt at becoming Auckland mayor.

In a statement to the Herald, Banks said he had made the decision that after “discussion and deliberation with colleagues, friends and family – and based on valuable political research”.

Banks said that from the beginning of this year he had worked with “other like-minded people to approach and assist” other mayoral candidates to see if they were interested in running for the job.

“They all declined to do so, which led me to then explore my own possible candidacy,” he said.

And the report makes it clear that much of Tamihere’s support is coming from the right:

Banks said research that had been commissioned had placed him as the “second most preferred potential candidate” as mayor.

But he added: “The research also showed that much of my support would come from collapsing John Tamihere’s support, and not enough from Phil Goff.

Later John.

8 comments on “Bye bye Banks ”

  1. Clive Macann 1

    What can you say but LOL.

    • woodart 1.1

      no paper bags of cash for banks. not going to put his own $$$ up. personal responsibility stops at the door.

  2. Visubversa 2

    Of course Tamihere's vote is coming from the right. The appointment of Prissy Missy Chrissy as his running "mate" makes it obvious that the Nats think their people should vote for Tamihere. The fact that they can't scrape up a candidate so have to swing in behind a populist bully, shows a lot for the toxic nature of the C & R brand.

  3. Rapunzel 3

    It feels like "dirty politics" may be on the way out in NZ, it looks like it has further than that to run elsewhere but it seems the majority of Kiwis don't have the taste for it – possibly because it delivers nothing worthwhile for them and their families, or their workplaces and personal lives.

    • tc 3.1

      DP is alive and well in godzone it just has a 'relaxed' manner till we hit the GE cycle.

      Look at what the gnats did in FB the other week, Bryce Edwards regurgitated right wing memes and entities like the TPU etc.

      As long as we have this media duopoly pushing the memes and providing soapboxes the hollowmen will not rush to fix what isn't broken. Apathy rules ok ?

      • Rapunzel 3.1.1

        Yeah Ok but I think that fewer citizens are "buying" it though the types you mention are certainly as dogged as ever but are being left more to preach to the converted – I know they won;t change their spots.

        • tc

          With non compulsory voting, control of the message and once you get out of the cities it's traditional nat territory.

          DP is an essential tool in swaying the margins as the Cunliffe smear showed. Also granny banging on about nat victory tends to up the apathy factor when it comes to voting.

          Millenials are easily influenced via the echo chambers of the internet. It was in google so it must be right and they’ve been sprung tweaking their algorithms accordingly.

  4. AB 4

    Forty (forty!) years too late.