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notices and features - Date published:
7:41 pm, November 11th, 2013 - 98 comments
Categories: caption contest -
The byline “just saying what everyone’s thinking” has echoes of Crosby Textor’s famous “are you thinking what we’re thinking” dog whistle campaign for the UK Conservatives in 2005.
Maybe the conservatives are getting CT advice.
I am thinking – what about Taoists, Shinto practitioners, Hindus, Jainists, Bahais, Pagans, Rastafarians, Zoroastrians and Muslims?
appears they cannot bear the Yogis Mr Park Ranger; maybe a Boo boo.
Thank God for Europe and my European Passport.
Here I come.
Golden Dawn much better?
Industrial wasteland provides prescient backdrop to NZ’s political future.
“You gotta be able to pick out the easy Meat , with your eyes closed
Like the club tie. and the firm handshake
You have to be trusted by people that you lie to
And as the fear grows, the Bad Blood grows and turns to stone”.
“The Lunatics are on the grass…
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor
and everyday the paperboy brings more,”
One of these days I’m gonna cut you into little pieces.
But not actually though, because I have too much fun trying to untangle your obscure references.
Cuts us both up then.
Everybody has to serve Someone
Great commenting the pigman. All the best.
I doubt this was the smartest way to do it, but the Conservatives are often referred to as “the religious right” (or at least, NZ’s version of it), so it’s probably a smart move on their part to try and shake off that image.
Won’t stop me voting Greens though.
A better NZ?
Everyone must then be thinking, “better than under Key’s government”.
“But No Homo.”
erectus; sensu lato or sensu stricto
I notice that they don’t welcome Jews.
I’ve seen people seriously labelled anti-Semitic for less than that.
They also don’t welcome Muslims.
Yep. The statement is all about what was left out.
Money buys consultant crafted speech in politics. A lot of money buys a lot of it.
The statement is essentially defensive, buying into the prevailing impression of the Conservatives representing religious intolerance. In that sense it’s not great value for money.
As Nixon once (allegedly) said “I know he doesn’t fuck pigs, just make the bastard deny it”.
And if you are Poor don’t bother either.
“Is everyone really thinking in the first person plural?”
We welcome blah blah blah as long as they believe in:
an NZ that does not challenge a cosy white middle class ascendancy.
We welcome blah blah blah as long as they believe in:
not asserting their identity.
We welcome blah blah blah as long as they believe in:
doffing their caps when Tories pass by,
“This billboard by the Conservatives is the writing on the wall for John Key because it has been known for a long time he doesn’t give a fuck about NZ”
Either Craig is not a Christian Conservative or NZ must truly be God Zone, then for, what Christian god would favour only the people of one country?
Hebrews 11:16
I can smell Orewa all over this one. Leaving out Islam is the giveaway; welcoming Muslims would be a step too far. It’s pitched to the UKIP section of the votosphere, the ‘why do they insist on speaking that lingo, they’re in NZ now’ types who think they’re the font of common sense and decency.
Are we commenting on the sign that says ‘free shop open mainly clothes and books’? What a great community initiative! Or are we looking at the sign on the other end of the fence? – can’t quite read it.
didn’t see that until you pointed it out! 🙂
The other sign says something like “surplus paint wanted, 50c per litre”. Or it might be 20c.
I mean the smaller sign on the fence, not the free-standing one that clearly says surplus. Can’t remember what the rest of the freestanding one says.
I’ve got a pail of conservative blue paint – ideal for fixing billboards, if anyone is interested 😉
I have a 10 Litre bucket of Electric Blue. Maybe I should go paint the board where someone took out Nathan useless Guy’s office window the other day. Yes a nice Blue background with Vote Labour in RED lol
The Conservatives seem to have missed a bit off their poster, how re miss,
“Wealthy Martians & Sir Bob Jones Clones Are More Than Welcome.!”
Repent Repent……
The New Zealand Conservative Party..A bunch of racist right wing nutcases with the lowest common denominator thinking and nothing of any relevance to say.
Can you point me to racist statements from Craig or the Conservative Party? I have yet to see any.
“Traditional Maori welcomes for visitors should be optional because not all of them are impressed by “a bare bottomed native making threatening gestures”, Conservative Party leader Colin Craig says. – See more at: http://thedailyblog.co.nz/2013/04/09/dear-colin-craig-better-a-bare-bottomed-native-than-a-nakedly-primitive-arsehole/#sthash.lU9tTwiL.dpuf”
Racist, or “just saying what everyone’s thinking”?
Ah, I see. That’s pretty low. What a numbskull
ahh, a concurrence Contrarian
have been known to partake me bad self Karyn
deep indeed. Not. I look forward to voting for the lovely Conservatives next yearr. at least they have a kindness to them and a true let’s take the people with us, democratic, listen to the people on all issues, vision.
kindness? Not if you’re Maori, gay, a battered child, or hoping for some relief from the damages done by a resource-depleted, climate changed world.
A bunch of right-wing racist sexist nutcases? You’ll vote for them on the strength that they talk nicely (which as Lanthanide pointed out, they don’t)?
I’m guessing you’re not that interested in politics.
“John Key must be getting desperate”
Dunne is Done
Banks is yesterday’s man
This would form the basis of a totally great online campaign which could last for months and months…
Labour couldn’t organise a piss-up in a brewery
I hope a white boy asks out Hone Harawira’s daughter
Russel Norman should head home to Australia
I think the Conservatives might be onto something with this campaign. Now I just need to convince my wife not to vote for them!
Oh if you look too the left of the Billboard, if you squint a tad, can you see that car? There is no way it’s going to pass its warrent of fitness, ironically a bit like the billboards message! Look down another wee sign, “Surplus”…Well that sums up the Conservative Party.
Four different fonts on one billboard. Have you no shame?
(Just saying what everyone’s thinking.)
The message in the poster distinguishes between the “we” and the “they.” The “they” are described as Atheists, Buddhists and Christians. Who are the “we” that I am supposed to be part of?
Drak ela quaffers guild
Now of that I am a member- and of the hmoe rewbers guild as well.
But they don’t welcome Maori. Which fits with their dislike of Treaty settlements.
(in a caption-free thread..)
..can i ask if anyone has an explanation for why craigs’ pupils are often the size of saucers..?
..(swallowing his whites..as it were..)
..is it just over-excitement..?..
..or a thyroid-condition..?
..it makes him look like a demented alien..
..phillip ure..
“..we welcome bigots/racists/homophobes/poor-bashers/climate-change-deniers..
..all those intolerant of others.
..as long as they believe ..
..in a white/christian new zealand..where everyone knows their place..(especially wimmen and maaris..)
saying all that sad-arse old-skool bad-shit your crazy old uncle spews when drunk..vote conservative..”
phillip ure..
That sign must have gone up very recently, maybe today? I drove past on Saturday and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t there then.
where exactly is that example of stunning urban-planning..?
..is that craigs’ church..?
..phillip ure..
Why put up the billboard in Christchurch?
Btw, what is Former National Front leader Kyle Chapman up to these days?
Is Kooky Craig preparing early for the annual RWR march?
Kooky needs to appreciate serious potential consequences of dog-whistling and waking up racist sleeping dogs.
“Everybody talking to their pockets
Everybody wants a box of chocolates
And a long-stemmed rose…”
-Cohen / Robinson
What is the address Lanth? I understand you are in Christchurch. Is it in Christchurch East?
Here’s the Street View, of their previous livery. Can see where the billboard is though: http://goo.gl/maps/eGaF9 if you go left 1 click you can see it from the same perspective as this photo: notice the beige building in the background with the straggly tree in front.
Satellite view shows an empty lot with the billboard. Opposite Mad Butcher, Couplands, Harvest Market.
According to the electorate map, that section is actually in Christchurch Central, but the opposite side of the road is Port Hills.
The nearest point of CHCH East is actually 2.25km further up Ensors/Aldwins/Buckleys road. So not really sure why they have a billboard that big that far away from CHCH East. I’ve seen other ones for ACT nearby too.
John Key bets on a better New Zealand too. That’s what the Sky City deal was all about wasn’t it?
Loving the pun.
Nats line is a “brighter future”. That means more brightly lit casinos and pokies, obviously.
“Just saying what everyone’s thinking”
That’s what idiots said about Paul Henry….
and no I’m not thinking it’s time to smack the kids.
“Sometimes you wanna take you Down
Take you down, let the river flow
The fruit is rusting on the vine
The fruit is calling from the trees” 😎
I’ve got my wash-hose
some wandering digits winding up there
might be quite the evil little plan going on, with the conservatives, christine rankin is in the party. i just watched a doco ‘david frost on satire’ & it was really interesting because the message was the pollys that got the most piss taken out of them got a lot of publicity themselves out of it, it kind of shaped how the public saw them, but in a good comic way. when i saw colin craig on tv tonight, i thought ‘he’s a satirists dream’. if the nats/cons got the became govt, that could be quite a scary, key, craig, collins & rankin!
We welcome x, y and z as long as they (like you) believe what we (you) believe. And if they don’t, we believe our god wouldn’t be averse to us (you) getting into some right righteous smiting. Just saying…
The Immortals Bill
Long division answer Colin:
“I tell you the truth, the son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because what ever the Father does the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, to your amazement he will show him even greater things than these. For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so the Son gives life to whom he is pleased to give it. Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgement to the Son, that all may honour the son just as they honour the Father. He who does not honour the Son does not honour the Father, who sent him.”
“No one come to the Father except through me”.
John: (you are very welcome for the touch-up Colin and followers).
No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs
It’s gotta be a Crosby T stunt or designed by whoever it was that did the ‘kiwi-iwi’ billboards.
National’s ‘Bitter/brighter future’ billboards will seem milder and more appealing after these.
”guikuiht s’euoyreve tahw guiyas tsnj“ .
Tower of Babel joe
scattering revelations
if only… we… (well, you know what comes next). 😉
It’s a handy wee blunder Key’s made that’s going to lose him votes. Well done, John.
Huffington Post examines 9 Jesus sayings about the poor
Today’s news is full of speculation and debate about the national debt, taxes and potential cuts to vital programs that serve those in need. However, the conversation often seems overly caught up in the minutiae of politics and media coverage rather than the real people that these decisions affect.
We really need a ‘report’ feature for comments such as this…
One merely hopes that the conservatives’ wealthy leader actually cracks open the new testament for a change.
explain please Jag (way overpriced clothing by the way) 😉 BikBok, social filter redundant.
Did I fucking stutter
clear as a bell-tower.
Yep. tika. Mysterious Ways (Johnny take a walk with your sister, the moon).
Byline should read
but we still seek eradication of the jews and muslims
if you look like us we welcome you
*Better NZ, brought to you by astroturf.com
My vote for post of the day goes to bill for
“We welcome x, y and z as long as they (like you) believe what we (you) believe. And if they don’t, we believe our god wouldn’t be averse to us (you) getting into some right righteous smiting. Just saying…”
Apparently the top priority for many New Zealanders is the right to beat your children, something Colin Craig is determined to restore for ‘good’ parents everywhere.
And deny climate change, deny treaty claims, lock criminals up for ever, work for the dole (how is that even a thing?!) The marriage equality bill was a failure of democracy too. Clearly a better new zealand means a party polling 2% gets to tell the rest of us what’s best for us.
Interestingly he’s opposed to asset sales… That’s the only interesting thing.
A better NZ for these types of people hardly seems like a better NZ for me.
Hey great if everyone thinks the same.
we are all homogeneous then and much easier to control if we dont have independent viewpoints .
“We welcome white people (with Asian religions), white people (with Jewish religions), and white people (with no religion). Just provided you’re not dancing a powhiri for a visiting dignitary”.
Colin Craig’s Christmas Stockings (see-through denier)
Dear Santa, could we please return to not sparing the rod on our children, have only men and wimmen marry , cease all Treaty Claims, and seeing as I’ve been a really good boy, could you please, please realign the planets, cos it’s getting really hot down here.
CC (corny chips).
Colin Craig is so far in the closet he can see Narnia.
that is very clever Roy.
Does anyone know if Dotcom is a buddhist, christian or a atheist?
Will Colin Craig welcome Benji Marshall & Ma’a Nonu? My jury of 1 is out.
“don’t always believe what you think”