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notices and features - Date published:
12:31 pm, March 30th, 2020 - 22 comments
Categories: caption contest, humour, The Standard -
Brady Bunch vs Brady Bunch.
I see some "wanted posters" but where's the reward for capturing them?
Now what to do with the empty square spaces?
Fletcher sits in on a opposition party crisis meeting after johnkey publicly praises Jacinda.
10 New Zealanders worried about their families.
We stare in the mirror in the morning and ask could we have done as she is doing….. really?
And there we all were, looking up each other's noses..
The national party – at best representing 20% of women.
Ocean's Eleven plotting their next heist by Zoom.
"Every village needs an idiot. Here are the, spares".
Simon calls for an immediate ban on all slushy machines to reduce the risk of slushy to human virus transmission.
Sesame Street – One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is not quite the same.
They're all arseholes except one is a holographic arsehole.
The two blank spaces are their handlers?
Libertarian ideology is forced to have its funeral over Skype.
Very funny – but I suspect libertarian ideology has always been a zombie
So this is why they're looking so downcast?
Michael Woodhouse says high-risk worm farming is spreading coronavirus.
Which one is the most unwanted?
Is Gerry Brownlee still in parliament?
ITS THE AMAZING………..oh wait never mind.
The real avatars of online dating.