Written By:
Mike Smith - Date published:
10:14 pm, August 24th, 2012 - 40 comments
Categories: alcohol, drinking liberally, john key, Judith Collins, leadership -
What a craven cave-in. Lobbied by big booze, Collins has given in. Alco-pops will be left to the industry to regulate. Collins says the Government can step in quickly and regulate if they don’t – yeah right. The alcohol industry already has a strategy to make this ineffective.
What was going through Collins’ mind? Maybe this:
I think I’ll do a chatty video – “I met the nice people with Mark Unsworth and and they told me that they could bring in their booze from Aussie anyway and I thought free trade is really important and they’re lawyers and so am I. And David Farrar told me he’d done some research for them last year and I thought he’s really nice and gives me so many good ideas. Oh and if John does decide to go back to Hawaii soon I could use their help with getting some more research done.”
In the real world, the Herald editorial is forthright: “The Government’s cave-in on alco-pops is shameful.” David Farrar is defensive about it. Sue Kedgely is also on the offensive, when Stuff gets it up on the website.
It’s not a good look. John Key wants to give the pokie industry free rein, which means more families suffer. Judith Collins wants to give the booze industry free rein, which means more families suffer, and more hospitals are overrun.
As leaders they both get a fail.
I suspect that the much richer, and more influential, banking lobby are the true enemies.
Same old game… the more harm and destruction you cause in this insane world, the more wealth and respectability you get.
These creatures are thralls of a death cult.
Operating in an economic system design by death cults for the success of death cults. I think I see a few issues negative issues for society arising from this.
Drinking restrictions would annoy some folk and a populist government could not afford that even if it was for the good of the people. Not that this Government is guided by what the people might think about them. No way. And of course Collins is such a cuddly friendly chap who is keen to help young people – right?
It is pitifully sad. This nation’s leaders are a feeble crew.
National admits to nothing feeble whatsoever; they are happily crushing the young time after time after time, National looks ahead only days or months, the longer term never matters a damn (other than balancing the books, while even that looks likely to fail).
I’m struggling to find a clever analogy, so I’ll just say, asking the alcohol industry to regulate itself is like a fucking insane approach to law-making.
“Insane approach to law making”……not when you consider the numbers required to ensure the new wiri prison is profitable….for instance…..that smells like that old greybeard “privatise the profit, socialise the loss” has been whispering to collins this time…. Usually it’s stevey blunder, the joice of the few, who get’s the pearls…..
I’m looking forward to seeing what jobs have been lined up for the “cuddly, friendly chap” once she’s done her requisite number of favors, and can retire from parliament…
Getting any industry to regulate itself fucken insane as the LIBOR scandal and the pollution in our rivers from the dirty farming show.
No, it’s making Tony Soprano the police commissioner.
It’s letting drug drealers decide how they deal drugs.
mike, that’s not an analogy, it’s a description 🙂
Yet the cops are hounding marijuana dealers and spinning it as protecting people from harm.
Correct. Drug dealers is what they are.
“UK drug death figures: deaths per annum
Alcohol[1] – 4,235
Tobacco[1] – 120,000
The Herb[1,2] – 1
LSD[1] – 0
Peanuts[3] – 7
Viagra[3] – 7
Ecstasy[1] – 4
[1] Hansard figures for 1995.
[2] Death caused by inhaling vomit [Lord’s Hansard report on medicinal cannabis]
[3] BBC news ”
The peanuts situation is getting out of control.
There could not have been a more disgusting and cowardly sell out.
So much for law and order.
In Papakura there is a liquor store on every block selling cut price hard liquor mixed with sugar and colour to make it palatable to children cheaper then equivalent soft drinks. And our community is powerless to stop it.
Thanks heaps Collins, you are a criminal unfit for public office.
We all know more than we want about Collins. Let’s uncover the names and positions of our drug-alcohol barons. They must be exposed for what they are.
One minute Ms Collins is getting tough by crushing cars to control “boy races” who she believes to be noisy, annoying and a nuisance to public order, next minute she is happy to support the continued promotion and sale of “alco pops” that assist an increasing number of young drinkers to become noisy, annoying and a nuisance to public order.
Boy racers obviously need liquor sponsorship and advertising on the side of their cars to make their activities more palatable to Ms Collins.
Collins can get tough on cars 1to 2 crushings WOW!
Alcohol a $6 billion a year damage bill a crushless con job.
National are allowing the booze industry to be subsidized by moderate an non drinkers.
Alcoholism $6 billion free damage bill the rest of us pick up.
While this same Govt is borrowing $ 13 billion a year.
Borrowing to pay for pissheads smart move crushless and Nact/uf!
Dumb .
lunatics in charge of the asylum
“hard liquor mixed with sugar and colour to make it palatable to children…”
50 years ago, kids used to steal beer (or gin or whiskey). 25 years ago, it wasn’t hard to mix bourbon with L&P by hand!
The idea that a colourful premixed drink is an invitation to a young people to use alcohol is ludicrous! I am glad the policmakers could see that.
The peer group, and cultural messages from TV, music, film and fashion are much more of an influence. Our society needs to change, not it’s trappings!
Independent Liquor our biggest purveyor of hard liquor to young people have high powered full time design and promotions teams. The design team are charged with designing their products specifically to appeal to the young. Lots of sugar bright colours attractive packaging.
Independent Liquor’s factory and international headquaters, lies in the heart of Judith Collins electorate!!!*?
This $billion dollar South Auckland company which grew from nothing due to government liquor deregulation owes it’s origins and continuing success to corruptible and weak politicians like Collins.
Viciously anti-union Independent Liquor has added nothing positive to the Papakura community. To my knowledge no local charity or community group has benefited. The only sign of IL’s presence is the many local cut price liquor shops emblazoned with their advertising.
You miss the sheer scale at which young people are drinking now. Nicking a bit of gin out of your parents drinks cabinet and topping the bottle up with water is not what is happening now.
It suits Tory policy to create mindless people, whether through alcohol or even sport, just so long as they do not get a “bright and aware” populace which will catch up with what they are actually about.
Myth: Alcohol consumption is rising in New Zealand and has been for decades.
Reality: Currently we are drinking about the same amount of alcohol as we did in 1978 – and consumption is lower than it has been at other times in the past 40 years.
Myth: Alcohol consumption in New Zealand has gone up since liquor licensing was liberalised because it’s easier to buy.
Reality: The number of places to buy alcohol has more than doubled in the past 20 years, but consumption is unchanged.
Myth: Alcohol-related offences have increased dramatically over the past 10 years.
Reality: Alcohol related offences have dropped 13% in the past 10 years.
Myth: Alcopops are the major cause of harm amongst young people.
Reality: 65% of young people drink beer and wine, not alcopops.
Myth: The harm to young people has increased significantly since the age of alcohol purchase was set at 18.
Reality: The number of young people hospitalised by incidents involving alcohol has decreased since the age of purchase was lowered.
Myth: Lowering the age of purchase has increased the number of young people drinking.
Reality: The number of young people who are drinking fell by 16% after the purchase age was lowered.
These must be reasons why I keep seeing vomit, broken shop windows, pools of urine, and delirious shit faced young girls sitting on the foot path in town on Friday nights.
You really should listen to what front line police officers and ED doctors have to say, instead of parroting for the alcohol lobby.
I have spoken to three past or present font line officers that are part of my extended friend network. Two police central Auckland, one is in Hamilton. All three firmly believe that this issue is nothing new, and precedes RTD supply. All three also firmly believe that if the youth weren’t drinking, they would be finding other ways of getting up to mischief or behaving antisocially, thus creating issues in other areas. They don’t believe anything needs changing.
Speaking with them changed my opinion. I have posted in several blogs previously supporting bans on RTD’s.
Let’s be perfectly honest about it, is the problem any worse from when we were young? Before I was legally allowed to drink in licenced premises, we were drinking hard liquor at large unsupervised parties in residential areas, usually ending in anarchy with 30+ Police arriving in riot gear. The vomit, broken windows, urine, and delirious shit faced young girls were all present then also.
Nah you’re full of shit up to your eyeballs, especially as you seem to be saying that the way young people are drinking today is the same as say 20 years ago. Of course there was binge drinking but not at the severities and young ages of today. Its a matter of degrees and its worse now that youth unemployment is so high.
You know “Front line officers” who feel that nothing needs to change? ROFL.
You also ignore the fact that heavy drinking preceedes and predicts physically and criminally harmful behaviour.
In other words, you are a shill for the alcohol lobby, and an apologist for one of the most harmful industries in NZ, one which takes all the profit and offloads the costs on to society.
PS I’m all for people having 2-3 drinks. Its having 12-13 drinks which is causing the problem in NZ society. Still, Fonterra has to sell off all the cheap alcohol its processes produce as a byproduct right?
“You also ignore the fact that heavy drinking preceedes and predicts physically and criminally harmful behaviour.”
No I haven’t. And you are mixing your arguments up. I thought this discussion was around RTDs
I genuinely believe that young people of today drink the same or less than we were 20 years ago. And for those 18 and over, they have the added benefit of being in a somewhat controlled environment, instead of being left stumbling alone along dark residential streets.
BV, even if you are right, we have (and had) a drinking problem. Time to deal with it so stop apologizing for the liquor barons.
Trust me – I am NOT apologizing for the liquor barons. Why? Because in my opinion they have nothing to apologize for, much in the same way that I don’t think McDonalds are responsible for obesity, I don’t think Toyota are responsible for motor accidents, or that Purdey are responsible for armed holdups.
If there is an alcohol problem, then how about we look at ways to help individuals take responsibility for their own actions.
I hope you’re including the individuals who market and promote this shit to our kids in your last sentence.
If not, you’re full of it and everything you’ve written here can safely be dismissed as the liquor industry shilling it so obviously is.
The good thing about the internet BV is that everything is still there. How about linking us to your alleged previous posts supporting bans on RTD’s.
P.S. Great pseudonym by the way.
Four days and still no sign of Balanced View’s balanced views.
Wow some of my best friends are policemen. See Saw you don’t care enough about young people and just having a balanced control of alcohol to be listened to.
It isn’t any worse than it was 10 years ago around when I started drinking. Atleast in Auckland, it’s about the same as i’ve ever remembered it, and i’m a fairly regular weekend dweller in the city.
I particularly liked “Myth no.13”:
“Myth: Young people drink all the time.
Reality: Only 12% of people under 24 get drunk every week.”
So ‘only’ 12% of NZer under 24 dose themselves to intoxication on a powerful sedative EVERY WEEK, and that’s something that’s supposed to be reassuring me. That says a lot about our culture’s backwards attitude to this drug.
I’m sure it’s reassuring to the alcohol industry in that their core base of lifelong customers for their addictive, dangerous, and generally destructive drug is rock solid. Whether it’s occasional, moderate, binge, or full-blown-life-completely-f*cked alcoholic, this 12% will ensure those long-term profits keep rolling in.
Reassuring to me regarding the state of alcohol use in my society? No. Try ‘very alarming’.
every addiction has as its primary goal to prevent the addict feeling their true thoughts and feelings.
look around and then chew on that.
I think the problem was that this was tried in oz, and it just led the same demographic to move to self-mixes with higher and more damaging alcohol content.
Less alcohol inside young people would make my job easier, but there should be some evidence before you regulate something in case of unforeseen consequences.