Daily review 02/11/2020

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, November 2nd, 2020 - 5 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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5 comments on “Daily review 02/11/2020 ”

  1. KSaysHi 1

    Not much said around the fact that Cannons Creek has long been popular area for investors, although comparison of % of rentals later on. Must bite knowing that you are living next door to someone paying 25% of their income for pretty much the exact same house.


  2. David Mac 2

    Rental prices NZ wide will continue to rise because of the clash between the diminishing sense in stretching to purchase an investment house, a home for someone else and our Well-to-dos home from London, New York and Paris. They're thinking hard about where they'd like their next 30 years family homes to be. Pumping up a market already thin on inventory.

    Rental prices are fast approaching a mortgage for a basic functional house. If on hapu land, taxpayers are currently paying twice for a rental than it would cost us to add a house to a hapu's assets and house a family amongst their people at the same time.

  3. David Mac 3

    For those that feel the pull I think we could go a long way towards fixing unsavoury Maori social statistics by creating a path home. De-urbanisation.

    Everyone has great scenery. We are unique because of Maori. Covid will pass. While it lingers, we have an ideal opportunity to expand on our USP. Creating world class tourist attractions in the Far North will result in pathways home, peer support and joint prosperity for NZ's largest Iwi.

  4. Robert Guyton 4

    If anyone's still following the "conspiracy theory/Billy T" story, here's a very good expose of what's happening and why.
