Daily Review 03/04/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, April 3rd, 2018 - 73 comments
Categories: Daily review, David Farrar - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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73 comments on “Daily Review 03/04/2018 ”

  1. Pete 1

    Tim Keating: It’s got nothing to do with Afghanistan. We know Tim.

    Just like we know you are always truthful with us.

  2. mary_a 2

    And the first head to roll is Tim Keating, NZDF chief. An obscure way of admitting he lied to the country no doubt.

    Now we wait for Key, English and the rest of the National ministers involved to face accountability for sanctioning Operation Burnham, leading to war crimes against civilians.


  3. Carolyn_Nth 3

    Oh – we have 2 daily reviews tonight.


  4. joe90 4

    But no spies this time…right?.

    State Department confirms that Russia can replace the diplomats, alleged to be intel officers, expelled last week. US "is not requiring the Russian bilateral mission to reduce its total number of personnel" a spox says. New accreditation to be reviewed on a "case-by-case basis.”— Julian Borger (@julianborger) April 2, 2018

    The Kremlin was boasting and laughing about this on Russian TV two days ago. Putin enjoys showing there’s no limit to the humiliation Trump will accept from him. Helps him rally his gang facing sanctions. https://t.co/iAdIg2b3i5— Garry Kasparov (@Kasparov63) April 2, 2018

  5. Carolyn_Nth 5

    timeforacupotea wrote:

    Goodbye Labour / Green parties next election from angry South Island and Southern North Island voters due to your crazy self-seeking Popularity Auckland fuel TAX.

    For Gods sake can you not be fair ! 22cents from us for your lousy busses and useless trains.

    I hope they get kicked out of office and back to the bottom of the world at least they are used to being in opposition.

    That’s not how I read it. Aucklanders will have an extra petrol tax on top of the national one, I think?

    And the money will partly go to regional and local roads.

    RNZ report.

    Stuff reports:

    The Government is proposing a fuel tax increase of between nine and 12 cents a litre to fund a raft of new land transport plans that focus on investing in road safety and rapid rail.

    The tax would be a double whammy for Aucklanders who can also expect Auckland Council to introduce about ten cents a litre in regional fuel taxes to pay for major transport projects.

    The focus is well and truly on regional roads and rail but Twyford denied that meant urban areas like Wellington and Christchurch would miss out.

    He said Aucklanders could face an extra $10 to $15 at the fuel pump every time they fill up – “and in less than three years the rest of New Zealand could be paying that fuel tax too”.

    The other big investment areas in the GPS are regional roading improvements, public transport – which is receiving a 46 per cent hike in funding – and new investment in rapid transit and rail.

    So Aucklanders are going to be paying a lot more fuel tax than the rest of the country.

    • monty 5.1

      Is this a reccomendation from the tax working group or out of scope.

      It doesn’t seem fair that Auckland fuel costs would be that high. However on the other hand fairness doesnt really come into it when you need to fund infrastructure.

      I personally beleive that the revenue earned from a fuel tax should be used in that region to fund transport infastructure.

      Also a strong hike like that in Auckland and a better public transport would get more cars off the road and that is a good thing. The key is a reliable and effiecent mass transit system in major population centres.

    • timeforacupoftea 5.2

      I did jump off the deep end a tad.

      I was listening to radiolive and being ambushed by the telephone.

      $10 to $15 extra per fill.
      Transport Minister Phil Twyford has released the Government’s plans for land transport, which includes a nationwide fuel tax.

      He said Aucklanders could face an extra $10 to $15 at the fuel pump every time they fill up – “and in less than three years the rest of New Zealand could be paying that fuel tax too”.

      Ahhhgg just another TAX increases inflation increases wages all come out in the end for 90% of us doesn’t it.

      • alwyn 5.2.1

        You should consider yourself honoured that you get to pay for that fine example of 19th century technology. Trams.
        That type of transport is completely obsolete with the advent, within the next decade, of autonomous electric cars. Who on earth wants to travel on a train when door to door transport will be available, much more cheaply, by AVs travelling on the road? Or I suppose you can spend a few billion dollars for bicycles. I was in Island Bay this afternoon. A couple of million to build about a kilometre and then about 6 million to try and fix it. Were there any cyclists? Not a single one in the twenty or so minutes I was there.

        • KJT

          Heard of anthropogenic global warming have you Alwyn?
          And the fact we need to start somewhere with doing something about it?

          Or. You going to join the rest of the right wing in sticking your heads in the sand?

          • Draco T Bastard

            You going to join the rest of the right wing in sticking your heads in the sand?

            As per all RWNJs about cars he’s got his head stuck up his arse. It’s why they’re always talking shit.

        • halfcrown

          Got to agree with that alwyn

        • Pat

          ‘De Boer says he doesn’t see completely autonomous driving networks in widespread use for another 50 years.’


        • Carolyn_Nth

          Nah. Guys (and it usually is guys) who get excited about autonomous cars being the future are dreaming.

          They are expensive to produce, and need sophisticated mechanisms to ensure that their sensors will work.

          There’s still the problem that a car can only carry a small amount of people compared with the ground space taken up with mass transit.

          Trackless trains are likely to be developed in the longer term, but they still require the ground to be dug up and fortified because of the weight being carried along the road continuously. The cost and labour for that are not much less than that required for digging up ground to lay tracks for light and heavy rail.

          Autonomous cars will likely be used for short journeys.

          Cars are 20th century transport devices that are on the way out. Every developed country that can afford it has an extensive rail network.

        • timeforacupoftea

          Here in Dunedin in 1958 we had cycle lanes on Andersons Bay Rd.
          We got rid of the trolley busses, poles always coming off on the corners.
          The poles holding up all the wires were removed and we could see the sky again.
          The sun came out.
          Cycle lanes were removed at the same time.

          2015 the big push for cycle lanes all over the city.
          Not often used, in wrong places, busses could not get around corners or fire engines. Seemed a great waste of money to us rate payers.
          Within the year 80% were removed.

          The remainder not used often, but have seen motorised wheels chairs hooning along. I know one person who does this, the person lost his licence for drunken driving, very useful for a personal passage to the bottle store though.

        • Sabine

          good grief, seriously good grief.

          Trams are awesome if well planned and executed. I put to you the town of Nice, South of France.
          Lovely place, wedged in between the ‘alpes maritimes’ and the mediteranee. A bit like AKL actually, water on one side, hills on the other, and in the middle a city growing fast and furious, running out of space to accomodate all the people and the cars.
          So at some stage a decision had to be made, roads for cars and carparks and garages or houses for people. Hmmmm…….really what to choose.
          Now Mr. Estrosi is what in NZ would be a National Party member and a rather successful politician at that.
          He decreed that people spend more money on stuff then cars and thus insisted that the region of ’06 Alpes Maritimes’ and above all Nice or Nissa la bella needed more public transport and less cars, to be more appealing to tourists and inhabitants alike, to get rid of some of the smog – did i mention tourism – and get the car traffic that must flow flowing.

          Within a few years, the city was ripped open, the tracks were laid, buses can use the same space, and voila public transport fit for the twenty first century.

          Mr. Estrosi then, ever the smart politician, by degree set the price for public transport within the Department 06 – Alpes Maritimes – at 1 Euro per trip. It was a resounding success. Bus tickets that would have cost some 15 euros to Auron, St. Etienee de Tinnee, Isola 2000 etc, now at 1 Euro. Nice – Marseille en bus? 1 Euro. etc etc etc. People let their cars be at home, some even sold them, and used the bus, tram, train. Why? Because it was cheap, they had their own tracks, did not get stuck in grid lock and it was good for the environement. After all le smog et gris, a la Cote d’Azur is supposedly to be blue skies and all that.

          Map of Alpes Maritimes https://www.google.co.nz/maps/place/Alpes-Maritimes,+France/@43.919359,6.6167766,9z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x12cdb42708284d8f:0x30819a5fd8f25d0!8m2!3d43.9466791!4d7.179026

          About the Trams http://www.bestofniceblog.com/transport-in-nice/tramway/

          more trams are a coming

          seriously you can be a conservative and still go with the time.

          edit, the price for the single journey has now increased to a 1.50 Euro. which is still bugger all.

          • Sam C

            So, what’s the business case for that?

            Presumably similar to all the amazing roads and viaducts in Southern Italy ie non-existent.

            If you want the govt to fund public transport in its entirety, then just say so. But $1 a ride, even around Auckland, ain’t going to get you very far.

            • Draco T Bastard

              So, what’s the business case for that?

              It costs less than cars while also making the city more liveable.

              Which is much better than National’s cars which cost more, don’t even stack up on a BCR and make the city far less liveable while also increasing premature death due to pollution.

        • Draco T Bastard

          You should consider yourself honoured that you get to pay for that fine example of 19th century technology. Trams.

          Better than that other 19th century tech – cars.

          That type of transport is completely obsolete with the advent, within the next decade, of autonomous electric cars.

          No it’s not. No amount of autonomous electric cars are going a) get rid of the grid lock of too many cars on the road and b) using too much bloody resources.

          Who on earth wants to travel on a train when door to door transport will be available, much more cheaply, by AVs travelling on the road?

          Cars are always more expensive because they always use more resources. The fact that this isn’t showing up in the pricing system just shows that the pricing system is way out of whack.

          Or I suppose you can spend a few billion dollars for bicycles. I was in Island Bay this afternoon. A couple of million to build about a kilometre and then about 6 million to try and fix it. Were there any cyclists? Not a single one in the twenty or so minutes I was there.

          And here’s some actual research rather than your factless opinion:

          For the nine sites scattered around the region for which AT now have almost six years of data they say April had a combined increase of 19.3% compared to April-2015 and May was even better seeing a 22.6% increase compared to May-2015. The numbers passing in the morning peak saw an even stronger increase at 24.2% for April and 25.8% for May.

          More and more people are switching to using bicycles because they’re a hell of a lot better, cheaper and more fun.

          • alwyn

            “Actual Research”?
            You really are a crazy mixed up kid aren’t you?
            Island Bay is in Wellington not in Auckland. They are, for your information about 650 km apart.
            You consider my observing the actual site as being “fact-less opinion”.
            Then you quote something about Auckland as if it is facts about Wellington. I realise that to a Jafa Auckland is all that matters but if you are talking about Wellington you really should quote information about Wellington.

            I suppose I could demonstrate by “actual research” that 98% of the people in Auckland speak French. After all I have “actual research” that 98% of the people In Paris can do so and according to you something said about one city is “actual research” about another.

            • veutoviper

              LOL. Thanks, alwyn.

              As a “I Bay” girl for many decades (with some absences from time to time), the cycleway has been a disaster IMO – both in safety and looks. It weaves in and out of the car lanes and on and off the pavement, and unless you know it well, it is easy to miss this. The narrower car lanes mean lots more near misses or hits; and the parking between the car lanes and cycle lane is madness, with car doors having to be opened and people/children stepping out straight onto the cycle lane.

              The Island Bay is nothing like the excellent dedicated cycleways that I have seen pictures of in Auckland. I am not anti-cycling, far from it as I am envious of those who can, but for the rest of us locals, it has been a case of the minority getting preference over the majority at massive ongoing cost. And as you say, alwyn, you are lucky if you see more than 2 or 3 cyclists the whole length of the Parade at any one time – often none.

            • Draco T Bastard

              Around the world building bike lanes has increased use of bicycles and resulted in fitter people with better health.

              And, yes, you opinion is still factless. You don’t like the bike lanes – fine. There’s people in Auckland who also don’t like bike lanes and say the same thing about the Auckland bike lanes despite all the evidence to the contrary.

              Just saying that the bike lanes aren’t used because you haven’t seen any one on them is just bollocks.

              I will admit I was unclear on that point, sorry.

              • veutoviper

                There have been many counts of people using the Island Bay cycleway – both by the Council itself, and by the pro and con groups. I don’t have the figures at hand and am not going looking for them. As a resident, I am interacting with the cycleway usually several times a day and have a pretty good idea of usage from seeing it.

                There are some who are totally anti any cycling but I fall in the middle and do appreciate the health benefits – where cycleways can be accommodated in a safe and appropriate manner. Many parts of Wellington with its hills, narrow and winding streets are not ideal or even possible for this.

                The original cycleway in Island Bay was far better than what we have currently. We keep getting asked to vote on various proposals, do so and then they change the proposals yet again. All of which is eating up millions of rate payer monies.

    • The Chairman 5.3

      Labour sticking it to the poor once again.

      Seems Labour’s unwillingness to tax high income earners has resulted in them taxing us all with this regressive tax.

      Not only will people pay more to fill their cars, they’ll pay more for goods and services as businesses pass the cost on.

      • Keepcalmcarryon 5.3.1

        And if we are rural and have no public transport and are already rorted on petrol prices by the cartel more than the city, we travel and stand to pay more. If they lower speed limits, rural people face longer journeys for doctors, food, essentials. It’s even safer to lower the limit to 10kph everywhere by the way.
        I’m going to want to see something big in the plus column to be on board with this.
        I “ somewhat doubt” this is a smart political play.
        Points to the government for ( I think?) showing leadership at least.

          • Keepcalmcarryon

            Global warming eh, that’s why people won’t be able to afford to live in the country? Wow. Who the fuck is going to grow the food? Chardonnay socialists in Auckland are somewhat pressed for space on their quarter acres.

            • Pat

              Fuel prices have varied by more than this over the past year and I havnt noticed my neighbours shutting up their homes and businesses and moving to the big smoke….climate change is going to require/force radical change to the way we live our lives and a small tax increase on fuel is likely to be the least of them.

              • Keepcalmcarryon

                i Can understand labour not getting the rural vote or particularly caring, it’s worth nothing to them politically. But Auckland also gets stung with 2 petrol hikes effectively. This will be… unpopular, considering as chairman states, labour could have chased the wealthy or off shore corporates to pay their share and increased their popularity.
                I shake my head a bit, labour dropped the water tax so as not to spook the horses and we badly need dairy de intensification in some areas, yet we get another petrol tax and possible speed limit changes with which rural voters and no one will be happy.

                • Pat

                  Didnt say it would be popular and agree its inflationary and regressive but to suggest its not necessary within the current paradigm is to continue the short termism of the past 40 years (another Middlemore anyone?)

                  If you have a better suggestion for funding urgently needed public transport that has been grossly neglected in this country and will be needed even more desperately in the near future then kindly make it.

                  • Keepcalmcarryon

                    Perhaps re reading my last post will answer that

                    • Pat

                      cant see any alternatives offered there….unless youre referring to a different thread.

                    • Keepcalmcarryon

                      “could have chased the wealthy or off shore corporates to pay their share and increased their popularity.”
                      Tax the corporates, tax the wealthy.
                      Joe Bloggs kiwi is struggling.

                    • Pat

                      tax the corporates and the wealthy…agree though history shows difficult to achieve in practice…even more so now though I would expect (hope) that that will also be on the agenda..(and also has a time lag element that a fuel tax will not).

                      Although I doubt this will have any noticeable impact on fuel use taxation should be behaviour altering and as stated this is likely to be one of the easiest challenges we will face.

                    • Keepcalmcarryon

                      “Behaviour changing”
                      When you live remotely and don’t have public transport I’ll let you think about how that sounds.

                    • Pat

                      I do…you have no need to tell me

                    • Draco T Bastard

                      You last was bollocks as well.

            • Draco T Bastard


              Has the added benefit of not polluting our waterways.

              • Keepcalmcarryon

                DTB says we should be vertical farming if regressive taxation means everyone has to live in the city.
                Where do the cows stand?
                Idealism, meet reality.

                • Draco T Bastard

                  We can build buildings strong enough for the cows as well and they’d have the benefit of having shade.

                  And we don’t need the anywhere near the number of cows that we have.

                  Or we simply print the meat instead – no need for cows at all.

                  • Keepcalmcarryon

                    I’m sweet with that, you are just a few hundred years ahead of yourself.
                    We kind of have to get there first.

        • Sam C

          Labour doesn’t care about rural NZ – didn’t you realise that?

        • Draco T Bastard

          And if we are rural and have no public transport and are already rorted on petrol prices by the cartel more than the city, we travel and stand to pay more.

          Get real – the city has been subsiding the rural areas since forever.

          • Keepcalmcarryon

            See how it plays out DTB. Drive some South Island roads “it’s different here” because fuck all money gets spent on roads outside natural disasters. But yeah Auckland.
            If the rural urban divide was a National construct for the election, watch what happens and where this goes.
            What’s the petrol price where you are? How far is it to your nearest supermarket or hospital or specialist?

            • Draco T Bastard

              Drive some South Island roads “it’s different here” because fuck all money gets spent on roads outside natural disasters.

              I have – they’re in better condition than Auckland roads.

              What’s the petrol price where you are?

              Dunno – don’t drive.

              How far is it to your nearest supermarket or hospital or specialist?

              Walking distance.

              None of that takes away from the fact that Auckland subsidises you to live the lifestyle you choose.

              And then there’s the fact that I think the supermarket should do free delivery as it’s actually much more efficient. It’s a little harder to justify for the doctor and specialist to come to you but, then, how often do you need to see the doctor?

              • Keepcalmcarryon

                Bullshit on the roads, you should leave the house more often.
                Nicely stilted article there, no breakdown rural vs urban.there are other cities in NZ outside Auckland, who knew?
                Also from your article:
                “They found that Auckland received around 35% of central government’s overall capital expenditures – only a wee bit more than the city’s share of the population. So it’s not like the government’s investing wildly in Auckland and leaving no money for other regions.

                That being said, data on transport expenditures alone paints a slightly different picture. When I looked at NZTA’s regional expenditure analysis, I found that Auckland received almost half of the agency’s spending on new and improved roads over the last decade. ”
                Actually for roads Auckland is “being subsidised by everyone else”

                Sort of the opposite to what you were saying.

      • Bill 5.3.2

        James Shaw recently, and pointedly, stated at a public meeting that he favoured user pays when it comes to carbon. So I wouldn’t go reserving the comments about sticking to the poor to NZ Labour.

        • The Chairman

          Yes, so I’ve heard. However, in his defence, the Greens did plan to help the poor offset that to some extent (with tax cuts, higher core benefits).

    • Draco T Bastard 5.4

      And those ignoramuses still don’t understand that Auckland has been subsidising them for years.

  6. Every time Soimon comes on television trying to defend the complete mess left by National in the Health system, the more of a complete prat he looks!

  7. Pete 7

    You mean the more he comes on looking like a retarded Simple Simon the more simple retards accept him and his simpering and lionise him as The Answer.

    • James 7.1

      Retards ???


    • monty 7.2

      Referring to someone as having a mental illness is not cool and says more about yourself than does about Mr Bridges.

      Debate and disagree what the person is saying and not the actual person, when you resort to name calling and abuse it demeans the content of your argument.

    • mary_a 7.3

      @ Pete (7) … Calling people a retard is not acceptable, just as it is to mock someone with a speech impediment!

      I am surprised this post passed moderation!

  8. Pat 8

    Another good piece from Gordon Campbell (which includes an offshore link re Dot Com)…

    “Since National changed leaders, the same illusion has been perpetuated by Simon Bridges, who cited National’s claim to be “good economic managers” in his first statements as leader. If there is any justice, the decrepit state of Middlemore Hospital should return to haunt Bridges during his tenure, and throughout the election campaign of 2020. As CTU economist Bill Rosenberg recently pointed out in a detailed demolition of National’s claims to economic competence, fiscal management ( which entails managing the government’s finances) is not the same thing as managing the wider economy for the benefit of the general public :”

    Good economic managers?…my arse!

  9. monty 9

    What a great draw and series win for the Black Caps.

    Cant get coverage here so listened to it the old fashion way on the radio, it was riverting stuff. Amazing how doing nothing, not scoring can be so tense and exciting.

    Have to admit it test cricket is the best. In what game can a draw mean so much and be so important and played hard and in the right spirit of a good tight contest.

    Good stuff.

    • ScottGN 9.1

      Totally agree.

    • patricia bremner 9.2

      Our household is proud. Ish Sodi was great. Remember 84 Hadlee and c/o.

      • monty 9.2.1

        Ish Sohdi and Neil Wagner what a fight.

        I grew up watching the late great Martin Crowe and Hadlee. At School and after school or when you caught up with your mates you either wanted to be Hadlee or Crowe in the backyard.

        After school and the weekends wasn’t about TV/playstation or computers for me it was about Saturday morning sport rain, snow or sunshine, riding my bike or playing Rugby or Cricket in the backyard with neighbourhood kids or being forced to play tennis by my mum or caddie for my dad (thankful for that now as quite enjoy it both tennis and golf now).

        The sound of Cricket was always on in the background on the radio so you could pretend to be your heroes and keep up with the game.

        • patricia bremner

          So True Monty. I was teaching in 1984 and our Principal burst in to say “There is a meeting in the staffroom. The classes are on a break”

          Everyone did just that. He had a tv in the staffroom. and one in the hall. It was a great day. Fans everyone.

  10. halfcrown 10

    I see that another parasitical beneficiary is now spending up large on his wedding.

    One can see why the French and Russian revolutions happened.


    • patricia bremner 10.1

      They both do good in the world. His income comes from his great grandmother and mother. Did you see the Invictus Games he started for the injured service staff?
      After the poisoning security will be huge I imagine.
      I agree that is a ridiculous amount of money. That is their world, but they try.

      • Draco T Bastard 10.1.1

        They both do good in the world. His income comes from his great grandmother and mother.

        Not enough to offset the damage of the bludging that they do.