Daily Review 03/10/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, October 3rd, 2018 - 20 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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20 comments on “Daily Review 03/10/2018 ”

  1. Kat 1

    Challenge for Jacinda Ardern, pick up at least another 5% voter support and take it from National. That will shut Hosking up won’t it, and possibly all those “unhappy” CEO’s.

    • BM 1.1

      Hows she going to that?
      From what I’m hearing/seeing her tide definitely is on the way out.

      People are a bit over the kid thing and actually want her to do the job she was elected to do.

      • solkta 1.1.1

        So what’s the climate like on Planet Key these days?

      • WILD KATIPO 1.1.2

        The only tide that’s going out is whats in your cup , BM…

        Here’s a song to cheer you up…

        Hank III – Moonshiner’s Life – YouTube

      • Muttonbird 1.1.3

        Yeah, but you don’t know shit from clay.

        Yesterday you claimed Jami-Lee Ross’ wife was ill and that was the reason he was stepping down.

        Glad to see you finally admit JA was elected though. That’s some progress right there.

      • Charlie 1.1.4

        Hey BM bad news for you cos what I am hearing and seeing she will pick up 10% at least. Bridges is buggered and there is no one else in the Nat camp that can beat her.

      • Pete 1.1.5

        Yeah, she should do the job she was elected to do. I hear there’s still a shortage of teachers, there are still homeless, the P epidemic continues, business confidence is low, housing is still in crisis, road death numbers are high, petrol prices are high and Auckland roads are clogged. If the woman hadn’t been sitting on her hands none of those would be problems.

        I’m really diappointed and disillusioned as I expected that before the end of last summer everything would have been sorted and we’d be living in paradise. It must be even harder for those who thought that John Key and Bill English were gods and now we are burdened with someone who does nothing.

        Two little questions: Exactly why, if Ardern’s predecessors did what they were elected to do, is there so much shit to sort out?
        And if some kid thing is the problem, what was the excuse for the previous two and you not holding them to account daily?

        • Ngungukai

          The problem is Pete she is too busy with that bloody kid and doing the International Show Jumping Circuit on the world stage that’s why the RWNJ’s have nicknamed her the Sparkling Pony. A bit unfair but quite humorous none the less.

          • Ffloyd

            As for you whatever you call yourself “the bloody kid” is a defenceless baby born into exceptional circumstances. Just stfu. As for the rest of your post, totally inferior and adds nothing to anything. Waste of space. I take it you think you are superior in everything you do but you would be wrong.Pick on the mother to her face if you dare. Hope someone is there to pick up the pieces of your shattered ego coward.

      • Ffloyd 1.1.6

        “THE KID”???. Are you an adult. Grow up. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    • Koff 1.2

      Jacinda and the government need to build their support from the base – the marginalised kiwis who election after election don’t see any reason to vote. They need to be shown that their needs are being addressed more than big business. Stuff the CEOs and their ‘unhappiness’. They earn more on average every day than a street cleaner

    • millsy 1.3

      National voters have moved further to the right now, advocating mass poverty, homelessness and privatisation. They also want unions banned.

  2. In Vino 2

    Is this dodgy?
    Herald suddenly prints story of heroic, gung-ho soldier…?
    Just after they have kindly informed us that the investigation into the Stephenson/Hager thing will be held in secret?

  3. AsleepWhileWalking 3


    Jumped 4 cents in twelve hours today. Daughter said she felt mislead by Labour as everything going up in price. Four year supply crunch just beginning for crude increasing prices of all goods and services.

    Then I read this morning thinking of ditching regos and increasing petrol again. Ffs this is NZ. Not like we have much of a choice in transport.