Written By:
- Date published:
5:30 pm, March 7th, 2022 - 29 comments
Categories: Daily review -
Daily review is also your post.
This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.
The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).
Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
Looking forward to the infected Luxon showing how much of a model citizen he is.
This infected person was declaiming all yesterday to Auckland's business elite.
One Team One Dream, people. One Team One Dream.
The State of the Nation is: sick.
All going to bed last night dreaming about their tax cuts and where they will spend their money ?
Dont forget 'The Reset' which means nothing in his or nationals past is open to discussion.
A Russian Prisoner of War tells it like it is:
Its impossible to tell what are Ukrainian or Russian soldiers , ( most Ukrainians can speak Russian too) even most of Ukraines military equipment is the same as Russia.
But go ahead if you want to drink heavily at the fount of war hysteria
AS we all know social media is is soooo reliable
Fount of war hysteria? I merely posted it as it struck me as interesting. You call that hysteria? Hate to think what you might call actual hysteria. Screaming heebie jeebies perhaps.
For your info., it was on the Herald site. Granny might be conservative but they don't usually print junk stuff emanating from some obscure corner of social media.
Most Ukrainians can speak Russian, but with an accent.
The rest of the Orthodox world has called for an end to the war and the encyclical read today in North American Orthodox Churches laid the blame on Poots.
But the gays.
ISTANBUL, Feb 27 (Reuters) – Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, the spiritual head of some 300 million Orthodox Christians worldwide and based in Istanbul, called for an end to war in Ukraine on Sunday.
"We address another plea to end the war now. To immediately stop any act of violence, anything that spreads pain and death." Bartholomew said in a statement.
Bartholomew also called the war abominable and voiced solidarity and support with Ukrainian church, which was granted independence from Moscow, and "seriously suffering" Ukrainian people in his statement.
In 2019, Bartholomew granted autocephaly to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, making it independent, in a historic split strongly opposed by Russia.
March 6, 2022
Unto the Most Reverend and Right Reverend Hierarchs, Pious Priests and Deacons, the Monks and Nuns, Presidents and Members of Parish Councils, Honorable Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Members of Leadership 100, the Day and Afternoon Schools, Philoptochos Societies, the Youth, Greek Orthodox Organizations, and the entirety of the Christ-named Plenitude of the Holy Archdiocese of America.
Πάντες δὲ ὑμεῖς ἀδελφοί ἐστε. (κατὰ Ματθαῖον 23:8)
All of you are brothers and sisters. (Matthew 23:8)
My Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We find ourselves in deep pain and sorrow of soul over the horror that has ensued from the invasion of Ukraine. I do not say, “Russia,” because many thousands of the Russian People are protesting this unprovoked and unreasonable attack at risk to their own lives and freedom. This attack must be squarely set upon the shoulders of Vladimir Putin, who is risking global peace for his own selfish political agenda.
These guys are on another planet or am I out of touch with what is going on in the world.
The 'supreme' patriarch in Istanbul opposed the Invasion
'This attack must be squarely set upon the shoulders of Vladimir Putin, who is risking global peace for his own selfish political agenda.'
But that's the gayest hat I've ever seen.
Even Liberace would say the decor was over the top, too
I guess as a state institution they have access to ear piercing sound weapons for attacking gay activists, liberal human rights NGO workers and other domestic critics of the faith ….
The Ukraine Orthodox Church broke communion with the Russian Orthodox Church in October 2018. It was approved by the Constantinople Patriarchate.
As a result of the split, the Russian Orthodox Church lost much of its territory, believers and, crucially, its spiritual and symbolic authority over Ukraine.
Both Russian President Vladimir Putin and Patriarch Kirill made strong statements condemning the schism.
They’d been together for 300 years.
I think Jesus would have called down hell on Kirill and Putin both.
Always the gays with these guys. There's some serious psychological problem playing out there.
Severely unhinged.
It is unclear to me ( not an uncommon occurrence) but is the Russion embargo legislation specific to this conflict, or, is it transferable to other rogue states at a later date.
I would be really pleased if it was transferable. Then we citizens could apply pressure to the govt of the day to apply it.
The Palestinian genocide comes to mind
Agree +100%
Its targeting named individuals. A lot of people who are representatives in the Russian Douma, I think they needed to vote for the invasion policies to be named.
Shorter: Russian forces are going to target the reactor.
These guys comms are so bad it's like the USSR never fell.
A 21st C review of de Tocquevilles 19th C forecast of the emergence of a 20th C future where Russia and America would be the significant players.
The review notes that India and China were the significant economies before the 19th C.
And notes a connection between religion and population growth/relative power.
We're all living in Kiev now.
National 38% and Labour 32%.
Robertson better have a tax cut ready.
He's now in a similar poll+budget+election cycle position to Minister Cullen in 2007.
Ardern is now a polling millstone and Roberston needs to show he can lighten the ship.
No it's a reprise of 2005 – then Cullen offered WFF tax credits vs their across the board tax cuts and won via South Auckland.
This time it's about major demands on government capacity – public housing/public health/water infrastructure investment etc vs tax cuts for private consumers.
Polling is for now akin to a third term though.
And someone left it at a computer repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware?
It's not good news for those who lost their sense of smell when getting COVID, hopefully it's not the same if infected with the Omicron variant.
"We all know the answer. As all this played out, estate agents, private schools and luxury goods retailers made hay. Shamefully, lawyers took huge fees to go after investigative journalists who were set on revealing the worst aspects of what was going on. Donations to the Conservative party rolled in, and too many peers and MPs luxuriated in yet another connection to wealth and power. Now, many of the same people who allowed everything to happen suddenly tell us that the party has to end. Whether they are even halfway sincere is something that all of us – including ordinary Londoners, people long since priced out of the capital, and the kleptocrats nervously marking time behind their stucco facades and security gates – are about to find out."
Meanwhile in little ol' NZ…
European gas prices go through roof.
Will the UK government have to sell the 1.5 Billion pounds of seized Oligarchs assets to pay tomorrows power bill?