Daily review 12/03/2019

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, March 12th, 2019 - 52 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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52 comments on “Daily review 12/03/2019 ”

  1. WeTheBleeple 1

    So, is Bridges finally going to get his serious fraud orifice shut for him?

    • Cinny 2.1

      Funny, when I read it I thought the same.

      I think he does dodge it because he’s bankrupt Bwaghorn, but am not 100% sure.

      Either way, am happy for Matthew Blomfield. Mind you he probably deserves to be paid $1million rather than $70k for all the shite that whale blubber put him through.

      • Anne 2.1.1

        The case took years to be heard and now there is finally a ruling, Blomfield has been denied what should rightfully be his because the revolting blowhard has declared himself a bankrupt. He has a house which as far as I know he owns – probably in a trust. Force the sale regardless and leave him with nothing but the rags on his back.

        There’s something rotten about a Justice system that allows this to happen.

        • Pat

          You must remember that laws are draughted by those likely to be impacted

          • WILD KATIPO

            Oh, M’Lord… your not seriously suggesting that , are you?

            • Pat

              oh my non specific deity…youre not seriously suggesting otherwise are you?

              • Heaven forbid, my Liege…

                • Pat

                  sorry..dont do medieval recreation nor hierarchy

                  • Oh and neither do I,… I shall promptly go back to my hovel .

                    • Pat

                      lol…thought you were a ‘Landlord’…or am i confusing you with another?

                    • Oh no , not a landlord but I do have a few spare hovels to rent…. at a price, of course…

                    • Pat

                      If they be hovels then I suspect they dont meet WOF standard

                    • Oh but I assure you they do,… they have a cozy open plan single bedroom, exterior plumbing ( bucket ) only some mold , and if ones careful , leaks from the roof can be avoided by shifting ones bed.

                      Spare thatching is supplied at a slight added cost, however…

                      The earthen floor is perfect with those ‘back to nature’ types, and fresh water is nary a block away in the form of a well ( again a bucket is supplied – the rope you will have to procure ) .

                      But apart from that – perfect for the young professional couple.

                      A mansion befitting a Lord and his Lady.

                    • Pat

                      It all sounds very tempting but sadly we are amateurs of longstanding

    • Andre 2.2

      David Fisher in the Herald says “It is possible the award would outlast Slater’s bankruptcy with findings of damages being exempt from creditor settlements in some cases.”

      Doesn’t give any more detail.


    • Sanctuary 2.3

      I read that the “breakdown in health” card wasn’t played until Slater was required to attend the court session which would have been the final denouement of his tattered fantasies. To me it looks like that when finally forced to confront reality, Slater simply shut down and declared he had had a “stroke” – interestingly, one of his nefarious close fellow travellers in his smears for cash business model had also tried to avoid bankruptcy by declaring a personal health crisis.

      Insofar as his requirement to pay damages the ownership of the holding company for his primary asset (his mangy attack blog) seems to have been shuffled around several times and it seems it is now primarily owned by his utterly crackers wife. It won’t save him, but he’ll probably try and avoid the inevitable and drag it out through the courts whilst whining for donations and hoping someone will bail him out.

      All in all, an interesting public study in the mental landscape of a delusional and vicious bully.

      • tc 2.3.1

        Yes but an important tool of DP V1.0 for the right. Aside from Blomfield consider all the other paid hit jobs he performed to people without the means to do something about it.

        I have zero empathy for the oily orca. Karma baby.

      • bwaghorn 2.3.2

        It must burn his guts that his former pay masters all got away Scot free . It’s a shame he doesn’t spill his secrets

  2. James 3

    Yay – dedicated Uber drop off and collection points at Auckland airport.


  3. Muttonbird 4

    Great headline on New Shub:

    Simon Bridges distancing himself from National Party

    🤣 Looks like Todd McClay isn’t out of the woods either. Perhaps they’ll throw him under the bus.


    • marty mars 4.1

      yes LOL I saw that – so much fun with that idiot around.

    • Sacha 4.2

      “I don’t think National MPs have anything to worry about” says Simon.

      Party officials on the other hand ..

      • Muttonbird 4.2.1

        Under the bus they go!

        It can’t be a happy party with Simon in charge, can it?

        Thing is from the texts, the party officials were the ones who were trying to keep Simon on the straight and narrow. But not Simon. He will not be kept on the straight and narrow.

        Simon’s phone call with Jami-Lee Ross raises issues of either outright corruption from the leader of the National Party, or complete incompetence.

        Hard to know which is worse for the Opposition…

  4. Muttonbird 5

    Lol. So were the actions of the Key government responsible for all the rent rises between 2008 and 2017? If not, what was responsible?


    • WeTheBleeple 6.1

      “businesses can get marked unsafe for banning firearms.”

      Funny ol’ world, innit.

    • Spose they better cover all bases and ban all knives then,… and forks.

      Find a few restaurants where the liberals can eat with their fingers instead.

  5. Meanwhile , as Soimons having difficulty’s here , the Russians seem to be having problems of their own…

    2 Russian Bigfoots Ripping Trees Out of Frozen Earth – YouTube

    • Muttonbird 8.1

      Just a regular Kiwiblog commenter. We have literally tens of thousands of Tucker Carlsons in this country and are importing more all the time from Britain and South Africa.

      Yet we are not allowed to call them out…

      • marty mars 8.1.1

        a few here like the “Credited “white men” for “creating civilization”” one – seems popular with certain types.

      • James 8.1.2

        Ironically you are a regular kiwiblog commenter who calls others racist names on there.

        The hypocrisy in muttonbird is strong.

        • Muttonbird

          Oh yes. What racist names do I call Kiwiblog commenters? I wasn’t aware there were any minorities on that forum.

          And since you are here, are you able to reconcile your support for Michael Hosking deliberately playing Michael Jackson songs on his show despite the compounding evidence that he groomed children and their families?

          It’s like Mike Hosking and yourself giving a high five to Cardinal Pell and saying good job with those choir boys.

          James, are you still supportive of Michael Jackson?

          • Formerly Ross

            I’m not sure why you have it in for Michael Jackson’s music. He was only 14 when he sang Ben, a song that is apparently politically incorrect to listen to.

            As for the “compounding evidence that he groomed children and their families”, that’s an unproven allegation. What is a fact is that two men – Wade Robson and James Safechuck – testified under oath (as adults) that Jackson didn’t abuse them. Perjury is a crime in NZ (and elsewhere) with a maximum sentence of 7 years.


            • solkta

              If you watch the documentary you will realise just what a manipulative sick fuck Jackson was. No court would find those men guilty of perjury under the circumstances.

              • Formerly Ross

                A jury might well conclude that as they had testified under oath they were telling the truth when they said Jackson didn’t abuse them. So yes, not guilty of perjury.

  6. soddenleaf 9

    what happened to country of origin labelling on meat, etc.